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Reading的相关文献在1981年到2022年内共计353篇,主要集中在常用外国语、教育、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文352篇、会议论文1篇、相关期刊165种,包括中国大学教学、山东外语教学、校园英语等; 相关会议1种,包括第三届国际信息技术与管理科学学术研讨会等;Reading的相关文献由380位作者贡献,包括多米米、陈洁、张素萍等。



论文:352 占比:99.72%


论文:1 占比:0.28%





  • 多米米
  • 陈洁
  • 张素萍
  • 张莉
  • 强琴
  • 李远征
  • 杨俊峰
  • 杨娥
  • 杨德息
  • 王妍
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文




    • ZHOU Shuang
    • 摘要: Inferencing new words’meanings from context is identified as a key vocabulary learning skill and one of the three principal strategies for handling low-frequency words(Nation,1990).It is also considered an effective reading skill.This paper tends to discuss its positive pedagogical implication to Chinese university students.By discussing the two different teaching Procedures of Clarke and Nation’s(1980)and Bruton and Samuda’s(1981),a practical instruction of the strategy is proposed.Nevertheless,the strategy’s limitations are taken into account as well in the final part.
    • 李全忠
    • 摘要: 书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过去和未来文化生活的源泉。让阅读成为我们的生活方式。1Enjoying novels is not always easy.Reading requires you to put effort into the novel.Otherwise you end up lost,bored,and confused.Though reading a novel takes work,it is enjoyable,low-stress work.With a little practice,reading even difficult books will become second nature.
    • Konstantinos Demirtzidis
    • 摘要: Recently,there has been a growing concern about low literacy performance levels among children and adolescents(Deshler&Hock,2007).According to the latest National Assessment of Educational Progress(NAEP)data released in 2007,34%of fourth-graders are classified as reading below baseline(Lee,Grigg,&Donahue,2007).The rate is even worse for children with learning disabilities(MD).Thus,improving literacy performance for these children was a primary concern for both teachers and researchers.Much of the current research focuses on the role of phonological instruction in improving literacy performance,however this present study explores a different choice.Since researchers have found data on children with dyslexia using morphology as a compensatory strategy in reading(Casalis,Colé,&Sopo,2004),it is important to investigate morphological interventions as a means of improving literacy performance in children with learning/reading difficulties,troubled readers and poor spelling.Although morphological awareness is more related to phonology or syntax than spelling and reading(Siegel,2008),it has received less attention from researchers and educators(Nunes,Bryant,Hurry,&Pretzlik,2006).For example,morphological instruction was not considered in the comprehensive review of the National Reading Panel published in 2000(National Institute of Child Health and Human Development,2000).With increased interest in morphological teaching,two compositions examining morphological teaching have been published in the last two years.However,they summarized the findings of the study more in a narrative rather than a statistical way.A recent synthesis by Reed(2008)examined seven published studies on morphological instruction and examined the effect of morphological instruction on three reading outcomes,including word recognition,spelling,and vocabulary development.
    • 刘峻瑜
    • 摘要: 随着当前教育改革的不断深入,对于学生的教学方式也发生了非常大的改变,Jigsaw Reading作为一种全新的教学方式,通过拼图式阅读,提升学生对于知识的掌握,促进学生对文本的理解,因此本文主要从Jigsaw Reading的内涵、意义以及在实际教学过程中的应用等多个方面进行分析,希望对相关从业者有一定的参考作用.
    • 徐冰
    • 摘要: 朗读在英语教学中的作用不言而喻.朗读能帮助学生正确理解课文内容,能培养学生敏锐的语感,使学生在朗读中感受到语音、语调、节奏的变化,提高学生的语言综合运用能力,为英语的综合运用奠定基础.但由于种种原因,英语朗读教学一直没有得到重视,导致学生阅读能力的缺乏,同时也影响了学生英语学习质量.
    • 许婕
    • 摘要: 结合《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》英语学科核心素养提出的背景和《普通高中教科书·英语》(2020)在单元各板块的结构与内容上作出的调整,对译林版高一英语(上)新、旧教材进行对比分析,探究两版教材的Reading部分在语篇篇幅、主题语境、语篇类型、文化知识方面的异同,分析新教材Extended Reading的特点,探索更符合学生发展的阅读教学方法,帮助其树立正确的价值观和文化自信,提高其跨文化交际能力.
    • 吴其尧
    • 摘要: 英国人可以在任何时间、任何地方阅读任何文字,阅读是英国人所有休闲娱乐活动中排在最前列的。在很多英国人的家里,厕所里整齐地摆放着大堆书籍和报刊,供如厕时阅读之用,他们称之为“测上阅读”(Bogside Reading),Bogside这个词显然是“炉边”(Fireside)和“枕边”(Pillowside)的戏仿。虽然“厕上阅读”在世界上其他国家也流行,但在英国可以说是一种传统,是英国人的积习。
    • 许婕
    • 摘要: 结合《普通高中英语课程标准(2017年版)》英语学科核心素养提出的背景和《普通高中教科书·英语》(2020)在单元各板块的结构与内容上作出的调整,对译林版高一英语(上)新、旧教材进行对比分析,探究两版教材的Reading部分在语篇篇幅、主题语境、语篇类型、文化知识方面的异同,分析新教材Extended Reading的特点,探索更符合学生发展的阅读教学方法,帮助其树立正确的价值观和文化自信,提高其跨文化交际能力。
    • 詹妮弗
    • 摘要: 艺术家Mariah Reading热爱徒步,在徒步时,她发现无论是在山间、海边,还是森林里,总是能见到各种各样的垃圾。于是她灵机一动,将垃圾变成和景色融为一体的画,以艺术创造来引起人们对于环境保护的重视。Have you ever come across discarded objects on your otherwise scenic hike?Well,outdoor educator and artist Mariah Reading has found a new purpose for those unwanted items.
    • 龙毅敏
    • 摘要: 在信息化的当今世界,良好的阅读素养是21世纪核心素养的必要构成部分.而外语阅读是对母语阅读的重要补充,它对儿童学习外语词汇和语法知识,锻炼语言能力,形成良好的阅读习惯和积极的阅读体验有促进作用.本文将实际分析小学高年级英语阅读教学,并试着将拼图阅读运用到英语课外阅读教学,探索拼图阅读对克服学生的阅读畏难情绪,激发学生的阅读兴趣,提升英语语言运用能力的积极作用.
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