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speaking的相关文献在1980年到2022年内共计184篇,主要集中在常用外国语、语言学、教育 等领域,其中期刊论文184篇、相关期刊92种,包括南都学坛、思想战线、五邑大学学报(社会科学版)等; speaking的相关文献由211位作者贡献,包括井卫华、刘剑、张燕子等。



论文:184 占比:100.00%





  • 井卫华
  • 刘剑
  • 张燕子
  • 本刊编辑部
  • 李士芗
  • 邹冀颖
  • A
  • Bond
  • Boyle
  • Charles
  • 期刊论文





    • Yuxiao Du; Fangzheng Zhang
    • 摘要: With technological advancement and the COVID pandemic,online speaking assessment is increasingly used in language teaching.Two modes are developed:online synchronous testing(direct human-to-human interview)and online asynchronous testing(semi-direct human-to-machine interview).Ample literature has explored how each of the two online modes differs from traditional face-to-face speaking assessments.However,few studies have investigated the differences between the two modes,especially in terms of examinees’affective preferences.This study,therefore,compares the extent to which each mode is accepted and favored by test takers and explores why such an affective preference emerges.The participants are 46 college students enrolled in an Elementary Chinese course.They completed a survey that investigates their level of motivation,self-confidence,and anxiety in the two types of online speaking tests.An open-ended question item solicited further explanations from test-takers.Results showed a strong affective preference for synchronous assessment,as manifested by a higher level of motivation and self-confidence and a lower level of anxiety.Possible reasons are discussed based on students’written responses.The study is theoretically significant as it identifies factors on student experience and performance in online speaking assessments.It also provides practical guidance for language teachers in optimizing online oral tests.
    • 刘婉晴
    • 摘要: 1.Introduction.Language is a tool for human interaction,which begins with speaking.It can be seen that oral language plays a very crucial role in communication.Naturally,the ultimate goal of learning a language is to acquire the ability of communicating.To be more specific,language is used to achieve a certain communicative purpose,such as request,suggestion,advice,invitation,order,hope,complaint,consent,rejection and so on.All of these are communicative functions of a language,which are all related to speaking.However,for English classes of junior high school in China,speaking is usually considered to be a difficult skill to be taught in a second language because of its complexity.
    • 张建忠
    • 摘要: Hello! Today we’re going to learn how to talk on the phone in English. Speaking on the phone can be difficult for a person learning a new language, especially as you are not able to see the person you are speaking to and are not able to read their lips in order to better understand what they are saying.大家好!今天我们要学习怎么用英语打电话。
    • 苏远西
    • 摘要: 高中生不爱开口回答问题、说英语,尤其是普通班及农村学校的班级,speaking课对老师是个挑战。本文从几个方面对speaking课的教学法进行了探索,即分析教材、选取合适的话题;灵活安排时间,专门上一整节口语课,甚至是户外口语课;采取多种形式;复述课文。教师的思想要不断更新,创造机会让学生开口说英语。
    • 刘妍君
    • 摘要: 随着世界各国之间的交往日益密切,我国对于英语教学提出了更高的要求.而高中英语教学无疑是举足轻重的一环,其中听说教学的重要性日益凸显.在高中英语课堂教学中,作为语言信息输入过程的"听"和运用思维对所输入信息进行吸收、理解再输出的"说",两者相辅相成,相得益彰.可惜的是在实践教学中,听与说并未得到广大教师和学生们足够的重视,从而导致高中生普遍听力薄弱,口语不清.因此,笔者借一节英语观摩课,提炼出一些可供同仁们借鉴的经验和教训.
    • 杨文佳1
    • 摘要: THE NECKLACE is a drama script written by Maupassant,which is about Mathilde,who borrowed a diamond necklace from her friend to attend a party.Unexpectedly,the necklace was lost so she had to borrow money to buy a similar necklace and gave it back to her friend.She and her husband went through ten-years hard work.Finally,she was told the necklace was a fake one,which meant the ten years''''suffering was in vain.Dell Hymes developed the SPEAKING Model to promote the analysis of discourse as a series of speech events and acts.The first letters of SPEAKING are used for speech contents and categories.In this paper,the SPEAKING Model is applied to the analysis of this drama script from the8main aspects.
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