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writing的相关文献在1979年到2022年内共计264篇,主要集中在常用外国语、教育、语言学 等领域,其中期刊论文262篇、会议论文2篇、相关期刊118种,包括山东外语教学、中学生英语(教师版)、海外英语(中)等; 相关会议1种,包括第三届国际信息技术与管理科学学术研讨会等;writing的相关文献由304位作者贡献,包括井卫华、033000 China) (English Dep. Xinzhou Teacher’s College Xizhou 034000. China)、A.C.利特尔顿等。



论文:262 占比:99.24%


论文:2 占比:0.76%





  • 井卫华
  • 033000 China) (English Dep. Xinzhou Teacher’s College Xizhou 034000. China)
  • A.C.利特尔顿
  • Adoo D. Wombo
  • ByStephenCannell
  • B·M·库兹涅佐夫
  • C.R.Schull
  • Chaehyun Lee
  • Chanqin Gao
  • Charles U. Ugwuoke
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文





    • Konstantinos Demirtzidis
    • 摘要: Recently,there has been a growing concern about low literacy performance levels among children and adolescents(Deshler&Hock,2007).According to the latest National Assessment of Educational Progress(NAEP)data released in 2007,34%of fourth-graders are classified as reading below baseline(Lee,Grigg,&Donahue,2007).The rate is even worse for children with learning disabilities(MD).Thus,improving literacy performance for these children was a primary concern for both teachers and researchers.Much of the current research focuses on the role of phonological instruction in improving literacy performance,however this present study explores a different choice.Since researchers have found data on children with dyslexia using morphology as a compensatory strategy in reading(Casalis,Colé,&Sopo,2004),it is important to investigate morphological interventions as a means of improving literacy performance in children with learning/reading difficulties,troubled readers and poor spelling.Although morphological awareness is more related to phonology or syntax than spelling and reading(Siegel,2008),it has received less attention from researchers and educators(Nunes,Bryant,Hurry,&Pretzlik,2006).For example,morphological instruction was not considered in the comprehensive review of the National Reading Panel published in 2000(National Institute of Child Health and Human Development,2000).With increased interest in morphological teaching,two compositions examining morphological teaching have been published in the last two years.However,they summarized the findings of the study more in a narrative rather than a statistical way.A recent synthesis by Reed(2008)examined seven published studies on morphological instruction and examined the effect of morphological instruction on three reading outcomes,including word recognition,spelling,and vocabulary development.
    • QIAO Xiao-hong
    • 摘要: Halliday’s register theory is one of the important theories in the field of functional grammar.Halliday believed that register is a“functional variant of language”,a form of language change resulting from the change of situational context.Register consists of three parts:field,tenor,and mode.Register theory has been proved to be tremendously useful in English teaching and learning.This paper aims to briefly introduce the application of register theory in teaching college English writing.
    • 曹灵美; 朱淑娴
    • 摘要: Emotion is an indispensable factor in English writing.However,product-oriented teaching has paid too much attention to the interior form of writing with ignoring the emotional factors.Based on the analysis of emotional barriers and corresponding drawbacks caused by the traditional teaching method,this study proposes both communicative approach and process-oriented approach to help college students develop positive emotions in English writing.
    • Zhoriél Tapo
    • 摘要: 在这个互联网普及的时代,书信已逐渐被替代,但是它所代表的含义却是无法被取代的。Now more than ever,kids can learn about the importance and historical significance of card and letter writing.The practice helps to improve writing skills and literacy(读写能力).It also draws on a centuries-old tradition of writing,sending,and receiving letters,postcards,and greeting cards.Letter writing can be fun and personal.That''s what Samantha Webre,a third-grade teacher at Woodvale Elementary School in Louisiana,wants her students to experience.
    • 刘海
    • 摘要: Teacher:Why is your homework in your father’s handwriting(笔迹)?Pupil:I used his pen!
    • Marie Yvonne Baiingouma
    • 摘要: Culture and tradition are the soul of a country.When a country loses its culture and tradition,it is difficult for it to make progress.Chinese people protect their culture and traditions.I have learned about Chinese culture and tradition at school.
    • 席哈斯巴特尔
    • 摘要: Opening Report of Masters of Mongolian Education is an im portant step to write a graduation thesis.The supervisor’s guidance is helpful for improving students writing ability and cultivating their habit of identifying and correcting m istakes.It is also the condition for successfully completing their graduation thesis.
    • Chaehyun Lee
    • 摘要: This qualitative study utilizes a heteroglossic perspective and discourse analysis methodology to examine why and for what purposes three Korean-American third-graders engaged in translanguaging practices while writing in a Korean heritage language(HL)classroom in the U.S.translanguaging refers to bilingual speakers’natural strategy when they utilize their full language linguistic repertoires from their two languages.In performing the analysis of translanguaging purposes,I categorize the students’written translanguaging purposes into four categories:sociolinguistic,metalinguistic,sociocultural,and metacognitive.The findings show that the emergent bilingual students utilize their linguistic resources from both their languages through translanguaging,and their translanguaging demonstrates their sociolinguistic competence,metalinguistic awareness,sociocultural understanding,and metacognitive insight.The fluid way that the students translanguaged while writing suggest that they were employing their integrated linguistic resources,rather than utilizing each language separately to write.The findings substantiate the use of heteroglossic perspective to explain bilingual students’utilization of two languages while writing.
    • Zhe Li
    • 摘要: The teaching process of English writing in the colleges can be carried out with more effective and innovative approaches in the network milieu,and the concept of collaborative learning can also become the basic teaching philosophy of English writing.The teaching conditions of English writing in some colleges and universities were analyzed.In general,the overall teaching conditions suffer from many deficiencies,which become the aspects for developing English writing teaching activities based on collaborative learning in the network milieu.Achieving the teaching outcomes of either collaborative English writing or English writing on the basis of collaborative learning is not easy.This paper will analyze the difficulty of college English writing teaching based on collaborative learning in the network milieu,and put forward specific suggestions for teaching.
    • 薛舒
    • 摘要: The aim of this study is to identify the development patterns of subject-verb agreement acquisition by Chinese learners of English across different proficiency levels.Data are drawn from 150 written responses from Chinese Learner English Corpus across three groups:secondary school tests,CET 4,and CET 6.The study establishes clear proficiency influence on the absolute accuracy of subject-verb agreement.However,slight signs of regression are examined in CET 6 writings.Possible theoretical and pedagogical implications are discussed.
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