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of的相关文献在1981年到2023年内共计39145728篇,主要集中在肿瘤学、数学、化学 等领域,其中期刊论文7532篇、专利文献39138196篇;相关期刊1190种,包括中国科学、中国科学、中国稀土学报:英文版等; of的相关文献由50000位作者贡献,包括不公告发明人、王伟、张伟等。



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  • 王勇
  • 张涛
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  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献







    • Razanamirindra Verohanitra; Le Bourgeois Thomas; Andrianaivo Alain Paul; Rakotozandriny Jean de Neupomuscène; Rafalimanana Halitiana
    • 摘要: Weeds cause significant production losses estimated at 25%in tropical countries and constitute main factor limiting rice production in Madagascar.This research,which was conducted at Anosibe-Ifanja(Antananarivo,Madagascar),aims to propose the most cost-effective weed management strategies for both irrigated and rainfed rice system to improve rice production.To make the management of these potential rice weeds effective,two cultural practices were tested as good agricultural and farmers’practices on two rice systems.A phytoecological study and a floristic inventory were carried out on test plots,followed by an economic profitability analysis of management strategies.In rainfed rice,a greater number of species were inventoried(42 species in 14 families)than in irrigated rice(37 species in 9 families).The most important families found in both systems were Poaceae and Cyperaceae.But in rainfed rice,two other families are also dominant:Fabaceae and Asteraceae.The study on weed management strategy showed that adoption of in-season and out-of-season tillage combined with regular weeding is effective for weed control in irrigated rice.As far as rainfed rice is concerned,improved farming practice by integrating in-season tillage with aerial ploughing combined with the use of pre-emergence herbicide pendimethalin is more cost-effective.This research has resulted in an in-depth knowledge of rice weeds and weed control strategies that are only feasible with mechanization or animal traction.
    • 魏珏; 小路(图)
    • 摘要: 德国Blumenhofer Acoustics由热爱音乐的Thomas Blumenhofer创立于1977年,旗下的音箱多数采用双单元双分频设计。厂方认为两分频优点在于分频器设计较为简单直接,因此信号损耗小,失真较低,效率也更高。而使用多个单元的话,虽然相位失真问题并不容易解决,但却是理想的音箱方式,因此,Blumenhofer Acoustics也有些产品采用三分频设计,以供更多用户选择。此外,Blumenhofer Acoustics的产品还有一个显著的特点,就是大部分的音箱都采用号角中高音。
    • Budnik Svetlana Vasilivna
    • 摘要: In work features of a hydrological regime of catchments of the river of the Pripyat in climate change are considered.Researches of meteorological characteristics of the given territory show the tendency to growth,both tem­peratures of air,and precipitation,evaporation from a surface of water and ground also show the tendency to increase.That is not unequivocally re­flected in change of a course of hydrological characteristics waters objects of territory.On a part of pools of the rivers the mid-annual runoff of water in the rivers in time tends to growth,and Change of levels of subsoil waters decreases for parts-on a turn-here,as a rule,tends a course in time oppo­site to a mid-annual runoff of water in the rivers.Change of the maximal temperature of water in the rivers in time repeats the tendency of a course of a runoff of water in them,i.e.at increase in a runoff of water in the riv­ers-the maximal temperature increases,and at reduction-decreases.The increase in temperature of a superficial component of a runoff of the rivers occurs because of the general increase in temperature of air in considered territory.Silt charge waters in all territory decreases,despite of increase in quantity of atmospheric precipitation and increases or reduction of a runoff of water in the rivers.The relationship between the water runoff layer and precipitation and soil moisture has a certain time delay.The average annual water temperature over time shows a tendency to increase at almost all stations,while the change in the maximum water temperature in rivers over time has a multidirectional tendency and to a greater extent depends on the change in water depth in the river,a decrease in high water maximums and frequent thaws,etc.The studies carried out show that the preservation of moisture in thick layers of soil(0 cm-100 cm)contributes to an increase in water flow in rivers and in the modern conditions of Polesie of Ukraine this will solve a number of problems with the provision of high-quality water resources for various industries and the population.
    • 摘要: 小朋友,你知道我们平时学的数学知识如何用英语表达吗?下面和小灵通一起来学习一下吧!English:There were 5 Tuesdays and 4 Wednesdays in October in a year.It was()of the week on 20 October of the year.中文:某年的10月有5个星期二,4个星期三,这年的10月20日是()。
    • 摘要: 小朋友,你知道我们平时学的数学知识如何用英语表达吗?下面和小灵通一起来学习一下吧!English:There is 3/8 of a pizza in one box and 1/4 of a pizza in another box.How much do you have altogether?中文:一个盒子里有3/8个比萨,另一个盒子里有1/4个比萨,一共有多少比萨?
    • Karas Slawomir; Gnyp Krzysztof
    • 摘要: The paper presents the construction of a steel footbridge in the People’s Park in Lublin.The initiation and development of the architectural design of an interesting and,as it eventually turned out,aesthetically pleasing footbridge is discussed.Two teams of architects and bridge engineers worked in parallel on the design.The design process of the footbridge structure is discussed along with its trial installation and on-site construction.The span of the footbridge is short,but its structure is innovative.For this reason its numerical model was developed used as a basis for an analysis of the dynamic response of the designed structure.The basic element of the acceptance procedure was constituted by a dynamic test load and an analysis of the pedestrian footbridge user comfort.Last but not least,the final section reviews the aesthetic canons of bridges and focuses on the footbridge in question in this context.A statistical measure of the aesthetic impression induced by a visit to the footbridge was applied resulting in a predictable and obvious final aesthetical assessment.
    • 周春江
    • 摘要: 由杨培增教授独自完成的大型英文葡萄膜炎专著《Atlas of Uveitis:Diagnosis and Treatment》已于2020年12月由Springer出版社和人民卫生出版社联合出版。此书是目前国际上单人完成的最大葡萄膜炎专著,共860页、3000余张患者图片,约合中文l70万字。此书分为Overview、Diagnosis of Uveitis、Treatment of Uveitis.Uveitisentities,Scleritis and Episcleritis四大部分。
    • 李伟; 孙学会; 徐萍; 陈兴栋; 王玥; 许丽
    • 摘要: 大型队列已经成为生物医学研究重要的科研基础设施和卫生决策支撑平台,其意义不断凸显,多国已布局大型队列建设。本文以美国All of Us队列项目为例,从建设与管理视角出发,深入剖析其前期规划设计、组织模式、管理方案、运行机制以及资源采集、共享方案等要素,总结了其建设经验与特点,以期为大型队列建设与管理提供借鉴。美国All of Us队列项目建设与管理的主要经验和启示包括:1)顶层设计完善,前期经过充分磋商与科学规划,制定了科学可行的大型队列建设实施方案;2)政府主导建设,全国一体化组织和管理,充分调动全国优势力量共同推动队列建设和运行;3)采用统一的规范和标准进行队列建设和资源管理,保证队列资源的标准化、规范化和系统化;4)采用多元化招募方式确保全民覆盖,并鼓励参与者参与队列建设与监督工作,保证队列研究人群的多样性和高随访率;5)对数据资源进行集中存储与管理,并依据可开放程度进行分层级存储和访问,在保障参与者数据安全的前提下实现开放共享。
    • 郭莹莹
    • 摘要: 1.Two squares with a side length of 5 cm form a rectangle.What is the perimeter of the rectangle?2.When a 45 cm long wire is enclosed into a square with a side length of 9 cm,what is the length of the wire left?
    • 顾卿璇(编译)
    • 摘要: Do you want to be a good member of your group?Your answer must be"Yes",I believe.But how can you be a good member of your group?你想做好团队中的一员吗?我相信你的回答一定是"是的"。但是,如何才能做好团队中的一员呢?
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