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静止卫星的相关文献在1982年到2022年内共计185篇,主要集中在大气科学(气象学)、航天(宇宙航行)、无线电电子学、电信技术 等领域,其中期刊论文112篇、会议论文12篇、专利文献38983篇;相关期刊78种,包括继续教育、气象水文装备、大地测量与地球动力学等; 相关会议10种,包括第十二届卫星通信学术年会、中国地球物理学会第二十九届年会、第九届全国灾害性天气预报技术研讨会等;静止卫星的相关文献由439位作者贡献,包括吕旺、张元生、董瑶海等。



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    • 徐小红; 余兴; 刘贵华; 岳治国; 朱延年
    • 摘要: 利用陕西、山东、贵州和新疆等地近十年日间降雹记录和对应的极轨卫星数据,采用卫星云微物理反演技术,定量分析冰雹云微物理特征,比较不同地区间差异,并利用FY-4A静止卫星定量分析一次冰雹过程云微物理特征演变,探讨冰雹云卫星识别预警应用潜力。结果表明:(1)陕西、山东等地冰雹云微物理特征具有一致性,卫星早期识别指标为:晶化温度(T_(g))较冷,均值为−33°C;全部冰晶化时T_(g)对应的云粒子有效半径r_(e) (表征为r_(eg))未饱和(<40μm),均值36.9μm,且r_(eg)越小冰雹云越强;云顶呈现r_(e) 随高度减小带。(2)各地冰雹云早期识别指标在数值上存在一定差异,实际应用时应针对各地进行相应调整。(3)在静止卫星上,冰雹云微物理特征与极轨卫星相一致,将早期识别指标应用于FY-4A静止卫星,跟踪云团发展演变,实现自动预警。(4)经过4次降雹过程中应用,FY-4A卫星自动预警与实况吻合22次,漏报2次,自动预警平均提前约2小时。FY-4A卫星自动预警对及时有效组织实施人工防雹作业具有重要现实意义。
    • 裘奕; 张宝; 陈素晶; 李庆硕; 冯庆玉
    • 摘要: 采用国际电信联盟无线电通信组(ITU-R)提供的雨天衰减预算模型,分析了近十年北京气象卫星地面站所在地区年降雨情况对风云四号静止气象卫星Ka频段数据传输链路的影响,计算了数据接收系统受降雨影响带来的衰减值,并结合我国降雨分布情况,以风云四号B星Ka数传系统为研究对象,对北京气象卫星地面站周边远郊区县、河北怀来及内蒙古乌兰察布地区的雨衰情况进行了统计分析。提出了满足我国静止气象卫星Ka频段数据传输系统性能需求的有针对性的分集接收策略,不仅充分证明了分集接收在应对静止气象卫星Ka频段数据传输中克服雨衰的必要性,也为分集站建设选址和气象卫星事业高质量发展、卫星数据资料接收系统的高可用性设计提供了依据。
    • 崔林丽
    • 摘要: 着眼于强对流天气监测预警服务需求,对标国内外卫星遥感对流初生(CI)识别关键技术,分析探讨了基于卫星多光谱通道信息的CI识别和基于新型卫星探测仪器的CI识别研究进展,并给出了未来提高CI识别时效性及准确性的发展思路。加强卫星多通道、多传感器数据的融合以及与天气雷达的结合,并充分利用机器学习、大数据处理等分析技术,是有效提升CI监测预警服务能力的必要途径。
    • 王智敏; 冯婉悦; 李圆圆; 周亚蔓; 郭帷; 董文宇
    • 摘要: 利用FY-2E静止卫星反演的云参数产品对乌鲁木齐2015年12月11日和2017年12月27日两次暴雪天气过程进行分析,发现在降水发生前2h,云宏观参数的云顶温度、黑体亮温、云顶高度和过冷层厚度都处于不断增强的较高水平,且出现快速增强后又不断减弱,对应后期可能要出现强降水,其中与小时降水量变化具有较好的相关性,降水前期相关参量较降水中后期都要大.在降雪天气中云顶温度普遍在-20~-60°C,云顶高度最大值均超过10 km,过冷层厚度集中在2~9 km.从云微观参量来看,降雪云的光学厚度主要在10~35,绝大多数的有效粒子半径分布在15~35 μm,两场天气的液水路径分别分布在75.49~975.63g/m2和47.41~796.01g/m2,前者降雪天气的云宏微观参量均值都不同程度地大于后者.
    • 陈建栋; 房陈岩; 杨静
    • 摘要: 静止卫星海洋成像辐射计是测量海洋目标辐射特性的被动式遥感器;为了使静止卫星探测器达到对探测区域的全覆盖,需要系统计算机处理器驱动控制精密机械转台带动光学指向镜规律运转;文章利用Visual C++开发工具设计一款成像辐射计指向镜的操控软件,通过串口通讯驱动控制指向镜,使得海洋成像辐射计依靠二维指向镜做东西与南北方向的运动指向,实现覆盖区域的调整和观测;在设计中调用了PI公司六轴转台的库函数,运用多线程技术,控制基于PI转台的指向镜巡扫模式可调、运动速度可调;通过软件的增量化设计和测试,结合整机在海上塔台对水体光谱连续采集的外场试验,验证了该软件的设计实现达到海洋辐射计指向镜精密控制的目标,有效提高了地面光学测试和数据处理的工作效率.
    • 惠雯; 黄富祥; 郭强
    • 摘要: 利用闪电探测资料研究闪电放电特性及其活动特征,对于雷电灾害的监测和预警具有重要意义.卫星闪电探测不受下垫面条件限制,可观测覆盖区域内的总闪电,但无法区分云闪与地闪,地基闪电探测以定位地闪为主,且二者探测原理不同.本文分析了卫星与地基闪电探测在观测目标、定位精度和探测率等方面的差异;在此基础上,利用卫星闪电成像仪TRMM LIS与我国国家雷电监测网资料,提出一种结合星地同步闪电观测数据的闪电活动分析方法,该方法对两种资料中时空特性较为相近的探测单元进行匹配处理,通过聚类算法得到闪电信息;利用该方法分析了我国西南地区2008~2014年的闪电分布特征.结果表明:该方法可有效获得观测区域的闪电信息,且从气候与地形因素等方面可对分析结果给予解释;下一步结合静止卫星闪电探测资料,可从数据匹配误差上获得改进,同时可将多源闪电观测资料结合的方法扩展到更多应用.%Research on the lightning activities by taking advantage of the lighting detection data from satellite and ground-based observations is of great importance for lightning monitoring and early warning for thunderstorm.A satellite-based lightning imager can detect lightning signals over both ocean and land areas,and provide total lightning data including intracloud and cloud-to-ground lightning. However,a ground-based lighting location system usually gets the cloud-to-ground lightning.The two ways detect optical and radiometric emissions from lightning respectively.Firstly, the differences between satellite and ground-based lightning detection were analyzed in the aspects of the observed objective,location accuracy,and detection efficiency.Secondly,based on the data of TRMM LIS and the ground-based lightning detection network over China,a method for combination of satellite and ground-based lightning detection data was proposed.More specifically,by matching the similar units from both kinds of data and clustering the lightning groups,the combined lighting flashes could be extracted.Finally,the method was used in analyzing the lightning activities in southwest China from 2008 to 2014.The results show that the proposed method is feasible from the perspective of climatic and topography factors.In future,by integrating the data of geostationary satellite-based lightning imager,the matching error can be decreased,and the improved method will be applied to more solutions.
    • 孙越君; 汪子豪; 秦其明; 韩谷怀; 任华忠; 黄敬峰
    • 摘要: 地表反照率(Albedo)是描述地表辐射能量平衡的重要参数,为了获得高分四号(GF-4)静止卫星的地表反照率产品,构建了一种基于核驱动双向反射率分布(BRDF)模型的反照率反演方法.首先,探索核驱动BRDF模型对GF-4卫星数据的适用性,加入地表分类信息,为核系数赋初值,并引入鲍威尔迭代算法优化模型结果.然后,对BRDF模型进行角度积分获得各个波段的地表窄波段反照率.在此基础上,结合GF-4卫星光谱响应函数与光谱库,首次建立了将窄波段反照率到宽波段反照率的转换系数,并反演得到0.4-0.7μm和0.3-3.0μm的宽波段反照率.最后,利用Landsat 8卫星数据和MODIS地表反照率产品对基于GF-4卫星数据的地表反照率反演结果进行交叉验证.Landsat 8与GF-4的反照率结果对比表明,GF-4卫星可见光范围内的反照率反演结果精度为85.6%,短波范围内的反照率反演结果精度为93.4%;MODIS与GF-4的反照率结果对比表明,可见光范围的地表反照率精度达到87.7%,短波范围的地表反照率精度达到85.9%.这说明GF-4卫星地表反照率反演结果具有较高精度,GF-4卫星反照率产品具有一定应用潜力.%Land surface albedo is an important surface parameter applied in surface energy balance.GF-4,which is the first geostationary orbit satellite that combines high spatial and temporal resolution in China,has great potential in obtaining regional albedo in the country.The present geostationary orbit satellites are relatively low in spatial resolution,and the observation ranges of most cannot cover all land areas because their orbitals are deviated from China.Multi-frequency observation cannot be easily realized in the country.Therefore,to address the problemsof short time and low spatial resolution of albedo products in China and obtain the albedo images of geostationary orbit satellite data,an albedo inversion method based on kernel-driven bidirectional reflectance distribution (BRDF),taking GF-4 stationary satellite data as data source,is constructed.Earth surface classification is integrated to provide an initial value to kernel factorsto explore the feasibility of semi-empirical kerneldriven BRDF model applied on GF-4 satellite data.Compared with the least squares fitting method,the Powell iterative optimization algorithm has better convergence effect and is thus used to optimize the result of the model.Then,the land surface narrowband albedos of each band can be gained through angle integration using the BRDF model.Therefore,narrowbandalbedo is converted into broadband for the GF-4 satellite data for the first time by using the Santa Barbara DISORT model and combining the spectral library with the spectral response function of the GF-4 satellite.Albedo inversion in visible (0.4-0.7 μm) and shortwave bands (0.3-3 μm) are acquired.Finally,a cross-validation experiment using Landsat8 reflectivity and MODIS albedo productsis conducted.The albedo comparison results retrieved by Landsat8 and GF-4 data shows that the accuracy of albedo in the visible band retrieved by GF-4 data is 85.6%,and that in the shortwave band retrieved by GF-4 is 93.4%.The albedo comparison results retrieved by MODIS and GF-4 data shows that the accuracy of albedo in the visible band retrieved by GF-4 data is 87.7%,and that in shortwave band retrieved by GF-4 data is 85.9%.The experiment indicates that albedo retrieved by GF-4 data has high accuracy,and GF-4 satellite albedo products have considerable potential applications.The algebraic inversion method that uses GF-4 satellite data successfully obtains high-resolution albedo imagesfrom a geosynchronous orbit satellite.If this method is further verified,then it can be used for the mass production of albedo products and address the problemsof short time and low spatial resolution.However,relevant verification work should be conducted due to the current lack of ground test data.
    • 赵文化; 单海滨
    • 摘要: 推导出利用风云静止卫星双星视云坐标计算云下点坐标和云顶高度的理论算法,对静止双星86.5E/104.5E和86.5E/112E两种组合观测条件下视云位移分布特征以及视云位移与云高关系进行分析计算,在此基础上,提出一种可以实现全区域高精度立体云高反演的非线性视云位移云高反演模型.结果显示,观测数据空间分辨率0.01°条件下,两种双星组合云高分辨率平均值分别为1.28 km和0.93 km,表明86.5E/112E组合反演精度优于86.5E/104.5E组合.最后,利用FY2D和FY2F双星数据在西北太平洋进行立体云高反演实验,并将反演结果与Cloudsat卫星微波雷达云高测量数据进行对比分析.%We firstly derive the algorithm to retrieve the true cloud location and cloud top height by use of the FY2 stereoscopic observation,and the algorithm to compute the apparent cloud parallax from the true cloud location and its cloud top height.Based on the geostationary satellite stereoscopic algorithm,a simulation is performed on the distribution feature of the apparent cloud parallax and the relationship between the apparent cloud parallax and the cloud top height under two cases of FY2 stereoscopic observation.The analysis shows that the linear model may cause larger errors that cannot be ignored near the conjugate region edge.We accordingly propose a nonlinear cloud height retrieval algorithm which could be used on the full region of stereoscopic observation.The average height resolution is about 1.28 km for 86.5E/104.5E and 0.93 km for 86.5E/112E,when the spatial resolution of the applied data are both 0.01 degree.The combination of 86.5E/112E has better height resolution than 86.5E/104.5E.A stereo cloud height retrieval test is performed to a case from the northwest Pacific and the test results are compared with the CTH observed by Cloudsat CPR microwave radar.
    • 张玉环; 毛慧琴; 厉青; 王中挺; 张丽娟; 马鹏飞; 周春艳; 陈辉; 陈翠红
    • 摘要: 针对北京及周边地区2017年11月2~8日的一次污染过程,利用韩国静止卫星COMs1GOCI数据,对北京地区进行AOD监测.AOD反演采用时间序列迭代算法,根据地表反射率随时间慢变而大气气溶胶随时间快变的理论,采取最小值拟合的方式,获取气溶胶光学厚度数据.反演结果与地基AERONET监测结果具有很好的一致性,两者的相关系数R2大于0.89.AOD监测结果表明,GOCI传感器1次/h的监测频率,可以很好地展现北京地区大气污染过程的开始,发展及消散过程,可以展示出一天之内AOD的变化,为大气污染监测以及气候变化研究提供依据.
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