摘要:In this paper, a new DOA estimation algorithm for wideband sources called TOFS is introduced. Like TOPS(Test of Orthogonality of Projected Subspaces) method, this new technique estimates DOAs by measuring the orthogonal relation between the searching steering vectors and the noise subspaces of multiple frequency components of the sources. As contrast, an improved incoherent MUSIC algorithm called I-MUISC is introduced. Unlike other coherent wideband methods, TOFS does not require any preprocessing for initial values. The performance of the I-MUSIC, CSSM and TOPS are compared with the new method through computer simulations. The simulations show that this new technique performs better than others when SNR is mid to high. At the same time, TOFS can avoid fake peaks that often appear in TOPS technique.%介绍了一种新的宽带源DOA估计方法:TOFS.与TOPS(投影子空间正交性测试)方法类似,该方法通过同时测试频域各频段噪声子空间与阵列搜索流型之间的正交性来进行DOA估计.作为对比,根据非相关MUSIC方法,提出了一种新的适用于宽带的非相关MUSIC方法,称为I-MUSIC方法.与宽带相关方法不同,TOFS方法不需要任何初始值的预估.与宽带非相关方法也不相同,TOFS方法同时测试各频段噪声子空间与阵列搜索流型之间的正交性.仿真了TOFS与I-MUSIC、CSSM、TOPS的性能比较.仿真结果表明,CSSM方法在低信噪比时有较好的性能,TOFS方法在中等信噪比以上时,有较好的性能.同时,TOFS方法避免了TOPS方法中常常出现的伪峰.