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费用效益的相关文献在1987年到2022年内共计95篇,主要集中在经济计划与管理、公路运输、建筑科学 等领域,其中期刊论文89篇、会议论文6篇、专利文献2970篇;相关期刊78种,包括法制与社会、河北联合大学学报(社会科学版)、华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)等; 相关会议6种,包括2015年智慧城市与轨道交通学术会议暨智慧城市轨道交通学组年会、第十二届中国科协年会、第二届中国老年健康管理高层论坛等;费用效益的相关文献由180位作者贡献,包括魏国梁、冯炘、吕广忠等。



论文:89 占比:2.90%


论文:6 占比:0.20%


论文:2970 占比:96.90%





  • 魏国梁
  • 冯炘
  • 吕广忠
  • 周晓山
  • 姜小鹰
  • 封晓黎
  • 张天
  • 朱小菊
  • 李玲
  • 杜卓芳
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 陈国卫; 杜祉仪; 周雨菁
    • 摘要: 装备经费使用效益评价包括对经费的投入(即装备寿命周期费用)和装备战斗力的产出(即装备效能)两方面的综合评价。装备寿命周期费用在很早以前就成为人们关注的焦点,而在“冰山理论”被提出后,装备经费使用效益也成为许多专家学者研究的方向,出现了很多有意义的研究成果。研究发现装备寿命周期费用存在质量属性,所以装备的设计是寿命周期费用的主要影响因素。为了激励研制生产单位更多地获得保障效益而花力气来提高装备的通用质量特性,从而真正使装备质量效益得到综合提升。文章在分析当前装备经费效益评价体系特点的基础上,结合我军现有的丰富研制经验、完备的政策体系以及强大的国家实力,参考现行军队会计体系,提出了进一步构建更加具体、量化、可操作性强的装备经费使用效益评价体系的必要性和可行性。通过对收集历史数据、构建有效装备经费使用效益评价体系、确定合适的装备经费使用效益评价指标体系的评价标准过程分析,梳理总结构建评价体系的关键因素。希望能够通过装备经费使用效益评价体系的可操作性,推动装备经费使用效益评价体系的应用,改被动监管为主动激励,克服委托代理理论中甲乙双方之间的矛盾。在装备寿命周期的初期,通过装备的设计大幅提高装备的寿命周期费用,进而提高装备经费的使用效益。
    • 付楚芮; 李振涛
    • 摘要: 采用费用效益评价方法量化煤制烯烃项目运行中对环境所产生的碳排放、大气污染、水污染、固废污染,可定量分析环境经济损益对项目经济性风险的影响,以期为煤制烯烃企业预防环境风险提供支撑.结合我国碳交易市场和新环保税法等政策对典型规模的煤制烯烃项目进行环境经济损益评价,并预设情景对未来煤制烯烃项目的发展进行情景分析评价.结果表明,在综合考虑项目对外部环境造成的环境损失费用时,项目环境经济风险值增加13%,说明煤制烯烃项目对外部环境造成的影响显著,尤其目前环保政策日益趋紧,由此产生的环境经济性风险会更加突出;在不同预设情景分析下,煤制烯烃项目的效益费用比均大于1,说明煤制烯烃项目的经济性效益良好;在进行多因素经济性评价时,项目环境经济性对产品价格的敏感度较为突出.
    • 徐青荣; 沈江; 吴月红; 蒋波; 张蕾
    • 摘要: Objective To compare the cost-effectiveness of non-intubated general anesthesia with conventional general anesthesia for thoracoscopic bulla resection. Methods Sixty patients scheduled for elective thoracoscopic bulla resection, were divided into two groups (30 each) using a random number table: the conventional general anesthesia group (T group) and the non-intubated general anesthesia group (NT group). Patients in group T were induced with conventional general anesthetic, single-lung ventilated after intubation with double-lumen bronchial catheters. Patients in group NT were induced with general anesthesia combined nerve block, and spontaneous breathings were retained. The results of blood gas analysis, anesthesia time, operation time, intraoperative blood loss, time for orientation recovery and modified Aldrete score ≥ 9 minutes were recorded. The intraoperative and postoperative complications, postoperative hospital stay time, VAS and PC A scores 48 h after operation were recorded. Calculate the cost of anesthesia and the total cost of hospitalization. Results Compared with T group, NT group had lower pH value and higher PCO2 at 30 min before and after the thoracic closure, oxygenation index in the NT group increased at 30 min after the thoracic closure (P < 0.05). Compared with T group, anesthesia time, time for orientation recovery and modified Aldrete score ≥ 9 minutes, incidence of postoperative sore throat, postoperative hospital stay time, VAS scores at 6, 12 h and PC A at 48 h after the operation, anesthesia costs, and total hospitalization costs in the NT group were all reduced (P < 0.05). Conclusions Fully considering the safety, compared with the traditional tracheal intubation general anesthesia, non-intubation general anesthesia can not only promote postoperative outcomes but also improve the cost-effectiveness in the patients undergoing thoracoscopic bulla resection.%目的 比较胸腔镜肺大泡切除术保留自主呼吸非气管插管全身麻醉与传统全身麻醉的费效.方法 择期行胸腔镜肺大泡切除术患者60例, 随机分为两组 (n=30) :传统全身麻醉组 (T组) 和非气管插管全身麻醉组 (NT组) .T组常规全麻气管插管术后行单肺通气;NT组全身麻醉联合神经阻滞, 保留自主呼吸.记录两组患者血气分析结果、术中及术后恢复情况、住院时间、术后48 h VAS评分及PCA次数.计算麻醉费用及住院总费用.结果 与T组比较, NT组在关胸前和关胸后30 min时pH值降低, PCO2升高, 关胸后30 min时氧合指数升高 (P <0.05);与T组比较, NT组麻醉时间、定向力恢复时间和改良Aldrete评分≥9分时间、术后咽喉痛发生率、术后住院时间、术后6、12 h VAS评分及术后48 h PCA次数、麻醉费用及住院总费用均降低 (P <0.05) .结论 在充分考虑患者安全的前提下, 与传统气管插管全身麻醉比较, 非气管插管全身麻醉不仅有利于胸腔镜下肺大泡切除术患者术后转归, 还可以改善费效.
    • 何大治; 孙梦如
    • 摘要: 沥青路面预防性养护是公路养护的新理念,可延长公路使用寿命、 降低公路寿命周期成本,提高公路服务水平和资源利用效率,实现全寿命周期公路养护成本最小化和社会效益最大化本文主要探讨沥青路面的预防性养护流程及预防性养护技术.
    • 摘要: 以冶金行业长材生产经营项目为例,研究长材主体设备从项目主体设备筹划、设计、制造、安装、使用、维护、更新改造到报废的整个生命周期内有效简单快捷的投资决策评价方法.利用全寿命周期费用效益法和权衡分析法进行评价时,也可作为项目决策经济分析方法的补充,从而实现"先进适用、经济合理、安全可靠、节能环保"的基本要求,达到寿命周期效益最大化为目的.
    • 胡梦甜; 韩永伟; 尚洪磊; 赵欣月; 高馨婷; 熊向艳
    • 摘要: 为探讨不同种植模式对水稻田氮素污染流失的影响和经济效益差异,于2016年4—10月在盘锦市鼎翔米业幸福农场内布设试验样地,采用对比试验、费用效益分析、情景分析等方法,开展了常规种植、低化学品和有机生态3种水稻种植模式的减氮效应和经济性评估.结果表明:①3种模式中有机生态种植模式的农田排水总氮含量最低,为1.94 kg∕hm2,低化学品种植模式次之,为3.67 kg∕ hm2,常规种植模式最高,为5.87 kg∕ hm2. ②有机生态种植模式单位面积经济净现值及经济净现值率最高,分别为23302.53元∕hm2和1.13;低化学品种植模式次之,分别为15310.42元∕hm2和1.06;常规种植模式最低,分别为14855.92元∕hm2和0.93. ③在水稻价格上浮5%时,有机生态种植模式的经济净现值和净现值率最高,分别为21218.14元∕hm2和0.86,分别比低化学品种植模式及常规种植模式高7425.26元∕hm2和0.07及7972.01元∕hm2和0.17. ④在水稻价格下调5%时,有机生态种植模式的经济净现值和净现值率依然最高,分别为16872.82元∕hm2和0.68,分别比低化学品种植模式和常规种植模式高6030.87元∕hm2、0.06和6715.17元∕hm2、0.15.研究显示,有机生态种植模式的减氮效应和经济效益明显高于低化学品种植模式和常规种植模式.%To understand the difference of nitrogen reduction effects and economy among different cropping patterns, experiments were conducted at Dingxiang rice farm in Panjin from April to October in 2016. Nitrogen reduction effects and economy of cropping patterns of conventional management (CM),organic management(OR) and low chemical management(LC) were evaluated by ways of comparative trial,cost benefits analysis and scenario analysis. The results showed that OR produced the lowest total nitrogen loss, which was 1.94 kg∕hm2,while the total nitrogen loss of LC was higher than OR,which was 3.67 kg∕hm2. The total nitrogen loss of CM was the highest, which was 5.87 kg∕hm2. Moreover,the economic net present value(ENPV) and economic net present value rate(ENPVR) of OR were the highest over the three different cropping patterns. The ENPV and ENPVR of OR were respectively 23,302.53 RMB∕hm2and 1.13. While the ENPV and ENPVR of LC were lower than OR, which were respectively 15,310.42 RMB∕hm2and 1.06. The ENPV and ENPVR of CM were the lowest,which were respectively 14,855.92 RMB∕hm2and 0.93. When the price of rice rose by 5%,the ENPV and ENPVR of OR would be still the highest,which were respectively 21,218.14 RMB∕hm2and 0.86. The ENPV of OR was 7,425.26 RMB∕hm2and 7,972.01 RMB∕hm2higher than ENPV of LC and CM. And the ENPVR of OR was 0.07 and 0.17 higher than ENPVR of LC and CM. When the price of rice declined by 5%, the ENPV and ENPVR of OR would be still the highest, which were respectively 16,872.82 RMB∕hm2and 0.68. The ENPV of OR was 6,030.87 and 6,715.17 RMB∕hm2higher than ENPV of LC and CM. And the ENPVR of OR is 0.06 and 0.15 higher than ENPVR of LC and CM. The study indicated that the nitrogen reduction effects and economic benefits of OR were higher than those of LC and CM.
    • 王凤清
    • 摘要: 分析旧工业厂房节能改造的各项增量费用和增量效益的内容构成,构建功能效益和环境效益的量化模型.建立评价指标体系和DEA数学模型,通过费用效益评价明确增量费用和增量效益之间的关系.以3个旧工业厂房节能改造为例验证DEA模型评价费用效益的可行性.
    • 王钧; 林宇
    • 摘要: 绿色建筑的发展要考虑技术和经济因素的均衡,但是目前绿色建筑评价体系过于侧重技术分析,忽略了经济性评价。绿色建筑的经济性评价能真实反映项目技术方案的经济合理性和有效性,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。在广西绿色建筑发展现状的基础上,根据工程经济学理论和绿色建筑评价标准,设计了一套绿色建筑的经济性评价体系,并通过工程案例进行了分析与验证。最后,根据广西地域及经济现状对绿色建筑技术的选用及其经济性评价提出了一些建议,具有一定的工程实用价值。
    • 王钧; 林宇
    • 摘要: 绿色建筑的发展要考虑技术和经济因素的均衡,但是目前绿色建筑评价体系过于侧重技术分析,忽略了经济性评价.绿色建筑的经济性评价能真实反映项目技术方案的经济合理性和有效性,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义.在广西绿色建筑发展现状的基础上,根据工程经济学理论和绿色建筑评价标准,设计了一套绿色建筑的经济性评价体系,并通过工程案例进行了分析与验证.最后,根据广西地域及经济现状对绿色建筑技术的选用及其经济性评价提出了一些建议,具有一定的工程实用价值.
    • 冯炘; 李玲; 解玉红
    • 摘要: Sustainable development has become the trend of the current development, the principles of any activity and behavior should be followed. Because of its features,such as the large output, strong renewability, straw has become a breakthrough to resolve the current energy crisis. In this paper, from the perspective of the way to use straw to replace energy utilization through three ways in Tianjin: the straw power generation, biogas and cellulosic ethanol, the use of cost-benefit analysis methods were analyzed and compared, in order to get the best use of straw. The study shows that the development of cellulosic ethanol, although not yet been large-scale production, but if the large-scale development and utilization, better than straw and straw biogas generation. Therefore, large-scale development of cellulosic ethanol should be achieved as soon as possible.%可持续发展已经成为当前发展的潮流,是任何活动和行为都应遵循的原则。秸秆由于其产量大、可再生能力强的特点,成为目前解决能源危机的一个突破口。本文从秸秆利用方式角度出发,通过对天津市秸秆能源化利用的3种途径(秸秆发电、沼气和纤维素乙醇)利用费用效益分析方法进行分析比较,得到秸秆的最佳利用方式。研究证明,纤维素乙醇若实现大规模开发利用,优于秸秆发电和秸秆制沼气。
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