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WRF的相关文献在2003年到2022年内共计368篇,主要集中在大气科学(气象学)、海洋学、环境污染及其防治 等领域,其中期刊论文292篇、会议论文9篇、专利文献67篇;相关期刊147种,包括浙江气象、干旱气象、气象与环境科学等; 相关会议8种,包括第七届长三角科技论坛能源分论坛--长三角气象科技论坛、2007年全国高性能计算学术年会、2006年全国高性能计算学术会议(HPC 2006)等;WRF的相关文献由1241位作者贡献,包括冯双磊、胡菊、宋宗朋等。



论文:292 占比:79.35%


论文:9 占比:2.45%


论文:67 占比:18.21%





  • 冯双磊
  • 胡菊
  • 宋宗朋
  • 王勃
  • 靳双龙
  • 张华
  • 杨明祥
  • 沈桐立
  • 潘晓滨
  • 王浩
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 江颖; 邹小松
    • 摘要: 为研究福建地形对台风暴雨的影响,利用地面降水资料、NCEP再分析资料和WRF模式,分析鹫峰山脉对201710“海棠”台风暴雨的影响。对比分析控制试验和实况得出,WRF模式虽然对降雨落区有偏差,但大体能较好地模拟出此次降雨过程量级和形态分布特征,模拟出因为鹫峰山脉的存在导致福建北部沿海和内陆降雨的差别;将鹫峰山脉位势高度降低0.3倍和升高2倍作为敏感试验,对比敏感试验和控制试验可以看出,鹫峰山脉对台风的路径和强度有很大影响,位势高度降低0.3倍后,鹫峰山脉西侧的降雨较控制试验多,山脉东侧的降雨较控制试验少;位势高度升高2倍后,鹫峰山脉西侧的降雨较控制试验少。由此可见,地形强迫抬升导致鹫峰山脉东侧降雨增强,地形阻挡作用使得鹫峰山脉西侧受台风暴雨影响较弱。
    • 高玉芳; 吴雨晴; 陈耀登; 喻伟; 顾天威; 武雅珍
    • 摘要: Meteo-hydrological forecasting models are an effective way to generate high-resolution gridded rainfall data for water source research and flood forecast.The quality of rainfall data in terms of both intensity and distribution is very important for establishing a reliable meteo-hydrological forecasting model.To improve the accuracy of rainfall data,the successive correction method is introduced to correct the bias of rainfall,and a meteo-hydrological forecasting model based on WRF and WRF-Hydro is applied for streamflow forecast over the Zhanghe River catchment in China.The performance of WRF rainfall is compared with the China Meteorological Administration Multi-source Precipitation Analysis System(CMPAS),and the simulated streamflow from the model is further studied.It shows that the corrected WRF rainfall is more similar to the CMPAS in both temporal and spatial distribution than the original WRF rainfall.By contrast,the statistical metrics of the corrected WRF rainfall are better.When the corrected WRF rainfall is used to drive the WRF-Hydro model,the simulated streamflow of most events is significantly improved in both hydrographs and volume than that of using the original WRF rainfall.Among the studied events,the largest improvement of the NSE is from-0.68 to 0.67.It proves that correcting the bias of WRF rainfall with the successive correction method can greatly improve the performance of streamflow forecast.In general,the WRF/WRF-Hydro meteo-hydrological forecasting model based on the successive correction method has the potential to provide better streamflow forecast in the Zhanghe River catchment.
    • 吴捷
    • 摘要: 2020年9月22日傍晚18时,兰州发生了弱天气尺度背景的午后局地短时热对流降水天气,此次降水是由祁连山移过来的局地干冷平流与兰州近地层的暖气团交汇触发。针对此次降水过程,本论述采用WRF模式耦合不同复杂程度陆面模式NOAH和CLM4,从温度场、垂直风场和水平水汽通量三方面来诊断分析对流系统的发展和维持机理。结果表明:CLM4能合理地再现此次降水过程,尤其是18:30后续降水和降水落区,这可能是由于CLM4模拟的近地层温度场和垂直风场更接近实况,结合地表的水汽输送和近地层空气的加热作用促进局地辐合上升运动,加强对流系统发展,有利于边界层内对流系统的维持和持续发展,所以合理复现此次局地强降水过程。因此,陆面过程参数化方案的选择对此次局地强对流降水模拟的影响很大。
    • 袁时金; 施博; 赵紫君; 穆斌; 周菲凡; 段晚锁
    • 摘要: In this paper,we set out to study the ensemble forecast for tropical cyclones.The case study is based on the Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation related to Parameter(CNOP-P)method and the WRF model to improve the prediction accuracy for track and intensity,and two different typhoons are selected as cases for analysis.We first select perturbed parameters in the YSU and WSM6 schemes,and then solve CNOP-Ps with simulated annealing algorithm for single parameters as well as the combination of multiple parameters.Finally,perturbations are imposed on default parameter values to generate the ensemble members.The whole proposed procedures are referred to as the PerturbedParameter Ensemble(PPE).We also conduct two experiments,which are control forecast and ensemble forecast,termed Ctrl and perturbed-physics ensemble(PPhyE)respectively,to demonstrate the performance for contrast.In the article,we compare the effects of three experiments on tropical cyclones in aspects of track and intensity,respectively.For track,the prediction errors of PPE are smaller.The ensemble mean of PPE filters the unpredictable situation and retains the reasonably predictable components of the ensemble members.As for intensity,ensemble mean values of the central minimum sea-level pressure and the central maximum wind speed are closer to CMA data during most of the simulation time.The predicted values of the PPE ensemble members included the intensity of CMA data when the typhoon made landfall.The PPE also shows uncertainty in the forecast.Moreover,we also analyze the track and intensity from physical variable fields of PPE.Experiment results show PPE outperforms the other two benchmarks in track and intensity prediction.
    • 王晨; 赵坤; 朱科锋; 傅佩玲; 陈炳洪; 杨正玮
    • 摘要: 针对2018年9月17日发生在广东省佛山市的一次台风龙卷过程,对比分析了EnKF和变分方法同化X波段相控阵雷达得到的风场结构。结果表明,EnKF方法和变分方法在同化了X波段相控阵雷达资料之后,都可以得到龙卷母体风暴的涡旋特征。相比之下,EnKF同化分析的涡旋强度更强,台风龙卷母体风暴及其周边三维风场的结构更加完整,与回波结构匹配更好。变分方法同化得到的流场不够连续,台风龙卷母体风暴的涡旋强度偏弱,弱回波区入流也明显偏弱,并不符合概念模型。而两种方法在没有同化相控阵雷达数据时,都无法产生龙卷母体风暴的流场特征。总体而言,相对于变分方法,EnKF同化系统在同化X波段相控阵雷达数据后可以产生更为合理的涡旋结构,台风龙卷母体风暴及其周边动力场结构更合理,这为以后X波段相控阵雷达的业务应用提供了思路。
    • 孙川永; 彭友兵; 刘志亮; 郝赢玺; 吴怡; 东琦; 郑永恒
    • 摘要: 为了对地形和气候条件复杂的陕北风电场短期风电功率进行准确预测,通过将(weather research and forecasting,WRF)模式输出结果和同期实测风电功率资料相结合,利用梯度提升树算法进行预报气象场和实测风电功率之间的统计关系分析,从而建立了一套陕北风电场短期风电功率预测模型。以陕北靖边某风电场为例,预测结果表明:所提模型年平均预测准确率伟15.7%;月平均归一化均方根误差在20%以下。模型对风电场风电功率预测精度较好。
    • 张展硕; 段炼
    • 摘要: 为了保证风电发动机经济的运行,在建设前对该地区进行风资源评估是必要的。本文采用WRF模式中16中不同边界场与近地面层组合方案对我国西南地区进行了动力降尺度模拟,主要对比分析了不同边界场参数对西南地区近地面风风速的影响,评估较优参数方案对西南地区风资源模拟的效果,为今后风电场建设决策提供依据与建设后能否持续发电提供参考。结果表明:西南地区整体风资源位于西部山区盆地边缘,东部平原盆地中心风资源较少;WRF模式整体低风速模式值偏大、高风速模式值偏小,更高的分辨率对于西南地区地面风速模拟并无较大优化,但高分辨率下风速模拟值也有所增大;地理空间上四川盆地内风速模拟效果较好,平均偏差-0.4m/s,盆地边缘与山区表现较差;ACM2和YSU方案对川渝地区近地面风速有更好的描述效果。
    • 杨宗甄; 鲍昕杰; 陶乃贵; 张晓峰
    • 摘要: 利用WRF数值模式和CALPUFF扩散模式相结合的技术手段分析研究某沿海厂址大气扩散参数,并通过现场示踪试验验证了数值模式模拟结果的可靠性和模拟方法的适用性。结果表明,CALPUFF扩散模式无论从扩散因子数量值还是分布范围上,与现场示踪试验结果均能保持较好的一致性,CALPUFF扩散模拟结果能较好地反映当地大气扩散实际特征。通过与P-G和IAEA扩散参数比对得出,CALPUFF数值模式结果确定的厂址大气扩散参数符合大气扩散特征的一般规律;在考虑厂址实际下垫面和流场特征情况下,CALPUFF数值模式确定的扩散参数整体较P-G扩散参数偏大,其扩散参数值能较真实地反映该地区气载污染物的扩散能力。
    • 古玉; 彭定志; 邓陈宁; 赵珂珂
    • 摘要: 以北京副中心北运河生态带、城北、河西和两河片区为研究区,选取典型强降水过程,基于新一代中尺度天气研究和预报模式(weather research and forecasting model,WRF),通过对物理参数化方案的优选,构建适用于北京副中心的数值天气模型。通过区域大气模式可以实现定量降水模拟与预报,为缺乏降水资料地区的相关研究提供数据支撑。研究结果表明:不同参数化方案的模拟结果差异较大,积云参数化方案对研究区强降水模拟效果的影响最大;当云微物理过程取WRF Single-Moment 5-class方案,积云对流过程取Grell-Freitas方案,行星边界层过程取Yonsei University方案,长、短波辐射过程取newer version of the Rapid Radiative Transfer Model方案,表层取Revised MM5 Monin-Obukhov方案,陆地表面取Noah land surface model方案,城市表面取Urban canopy model方案时,模拟结果最优。
    • Lian LIU; Massimo MENENTI; Yaoming MA; Weiqiang MA
    • 摘要: Snowfall and the subsequent evolution of the snowpack have a large effect on the surface energy balance and water cycle of the Tibetan Plateau(TP).The effects of snow cover can be represented by the WRF coupled with a land surface scheme.The widely used Noah scheme is computationally efficient,but its poor representation of albedo needs considerable improvement.In this study,an improved albedo scheme is developed using a satellite-retrieved albedo that takes snow depth and age into account.Numerical experiments were then conducted to simulate a severe snow event in March 2017.The performance of the coupled WRF/Noah model,which implemented the improved albedo scheme,is compared against the model’s performance using the default Noah albedo scheme and against the coupled WRF/CLM that applied CLM albedo scheme.When the improved albedo scheme is implemented,the albedo overestimation in the southeastern TP is reduced,reducing the RMSE of the air temperature by 0.7°C.The improved albedo scheme also attains the highest correlation between the satellite-derived and the model-estimated albedo,which provides for a realistic representation of both the snow water equivalent(SWE)spatial distribution in the heavy snowbelt(SWE>6 mm)and the maximum SWE in the eastern TP.The underestimated albedo in the coupled WRF/CLM leads to underestimating the regional maximum SWE and a consequent failure to estimate SWE in the heavy snowbelt accurately.Our study demonstrates the feasibility of improving the Noah albedo scheme and provides a theoretical reference for researchers aiming to improve albedo schemes further.
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