您现在的位置: 首页> 研究主题> AVM


AVM的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计170篇,主要集中在神经病学与精神病学、外科学、无线电电子学、电信技术 等领域,其中期刊论文130篇、专利文献40篇;相关期刊97种,包括中华外科杂志、临床神经外科杂志、中风与神经疾病杂志等; AVM的相关文献由414位作者贡献,包括刘作勤、张光霁、白如林等。



论文:130 占比:76.47%


论文:40 占比:23.53%





  • 刘作勤
  • 张光霁
  • 白如林
  • 陈燕
  • Manjunath Ramachandra
  • W·张
  • Z·胡
  • 凌锋
  • 刘俊东
  • 刘震
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 张小建; 张军毅; 冯嵩; 李丹
    • 摘要: 目的探讨联合心肌肌钙蛋白T(cTnT)、肌红蛋白(Mb)、微小核糖核酸-133(miR-133)检测在急性病毒性心肌炎(AVM)患儿诊断及预后中的作用。方法选取2017年5月至2020年4月期间郑州大学第一附属医院收治的136例AVM患儿为研究组,另选取同期健康体检的108例健康儿童为对照组。比较两组cTnI、Mb、miR-133水平。根据AVM患儿诊断后1年内预后情况将研究组分为预后不良组和预后良好组。绘制ROC曲线图,分析cTnI、Mb、miR-133联合检测对AVM的诊断价值,探究影响AVM患儿预后的独立危险因素。结果研究组cTnI、Mb表达水平高于对照组,miR-133表达水平低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P0.09μg/L、Mb>80 ng/mL、miR-133<3.1是影响AVM患儿预后的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。结论cTnI、Mb、miR-133在AVM患儿中呈异常表达,联合检测三者可作为AVM临床诊断及预后观察的有效手段。
    • 陈黎明; 周旭; 吴月浩; 马二领
    • 摘要: 重型设备广泛使用于各类施工现场,由于重型设备车体庞大,导致驾驶员存在视觉盲区,且施工现场环境复杂,施工人员与重型设备交叉作业发生冲突而导致的事故时有发生。安装重型设备接近预警系统,在人员接近设备时进行预警,成为降低类似事故发生概率的有效途径。对重型设备接近预警系统工作原理进行介绍,对比不同传感器类型的技术特性,结合施工项目现场需求构建基于RFID和AVM技术的重型设备接近预警系统,并对现场实际应用结果进行分析。研究结果表明该系统功能简便可靠,能够有效预防施工现场重型设备安全事故的发生,为各类施工现场重型设备安全管理提供了参考。
    • 李思潼
    • 摘要: 目的:分析伽马刀治疗AVM前后的循证护理方式.方法:以2018年6月-2019年5月来我院接受伽玛刀治疗的76例脑动静脉畸形患者为研究对象,运用随机数表法将76例脑动静脉畸形患者分为对照组与实验组两个组别,每个组别各38例患者.对对照组患者在伽玛刀治疗前后实施常规护理,对实验组患者在伽玛刀治疗前后实施询证护理,以护理满意度为指标对比两种护理方式的应用价值,其中护理满意度包括十分满意、满意、不满意三个分支指标.结果:在护理完成后发现,实验组患者的护理满意度高于对照组,差距较大且具备统计学价值.结论:在伽玛刀治疗AVM的前后时期实施询证护理能较好的提升患者的满意度,改善患者预后,促进患者康复,因此应在临床实践中对循证护理进行合理的普及与推广.
    • 周俊锋; 茅卫东; 袁浩; 王成文; 奚新文
    • 摘要: 汽车360°全景泊车主要依靠整车前后左右的4个甚至更多广角摄像头,对鱼眼镜头采集的扭曲画面进行修正处理,通过图像畸变还原、拉伸和裁剪,将前后左右的画面处理成平面可视画面;所采集的图像为曲面画面,图像会出现重影、盲区、图像拼接处有明显的拼接痕迹、色差、画面图像整体比例不协调等问题.需要一套鱼眼图像矫正装置,在图像拉伸和裁剪时,需要通过地面的标定区,识别图像处理各个拉升和还原的边界.现有的标定方法操作繁琐,成本高.使用简易的方法对3D全景泊车图像进行处理,该装置具有快速、稳定、廉价、免维护等特点,能完成多点图形拼接标定工作.
    • Debnarayan Dutta; Sathiya Krishnamoorthy; Ganapathy Krishnan; Harikrishnaperumal Sudahar
    • 摘要: Purpose: Dosimetric study to evaluate impact of “beam” reduction in AVM radiosurgery on normal brain dose parameters and it’s clinical implications. Materials and Methods: Five small volume AVMs (nidus volume 0.31 - 1.94 cc) planned for single fraction SRS with robotic radiosurgery system. Planning scans done with CT scan brain, CT & MR angiography, then nidus volume and organ at risk (OARs) were contoured. Planning was done with multiplan planning system. Plan evaluated as per Flickenger model parameters of 12 Gy nomal brain vol & marginal dose. 7.5 mm and 10 mm cons used, optimization done with seqential algorithm. 20 Gy was prescribed to isodose with appropriate nidus coverage (>98%). Total beams of five plans were 85 - 250, monitor unit 17,259 - 24,602 MU. 12 Gy normal brain volume is 0.9 - 7.6 cc. Then beam reduction is done by reducing beams with minimum MU in steps of 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 MU and after beam reduction, re-optimization done. Prescription isodose was changed to keep the nidus coverage > 98%. Impacts of beam reduction on 12 Gy normal brain vol and conformity/homogeniety index were analyzed. Results: Optimal plans of five patients with 20 Gy prescribed to 88% - 90% isodose, nidus coverage more than 98%. In dosimetric parameters, mean CI was 1.36 - 1.51, nCI 1.41 - 1.51, HI 1.1 - 1.4 and mean 12 Gy normal brain volume 0.17, 1.44, 5.3, 5.5 and 7.6cc respectively. After beam reduction of less than 50 MU contribution (in case#1), prescibing at suitable isodose (85%) beam reduces to 79 and 12 Gy volume marginally increases to 26.4 cc. Beam reduction of less than 100 MU reduces to 53 - 92 beamlets. Reduction of beams with less than 150 MU contribution did not significantly change the 12Gy normal brain volume. However, reduction of beamlets with more than 200 MU, 250 MU, 300 MU, 450 MU and 550 MU significantly affects the 12 Gy normal brain volume. Prescription-isodose modified from 83% to 50% to have >98% coverage. CI and HI increased from 1.36 - 1.51 to 2.51 - 2.63 and 1.1 - 1.4 to 1.52 - 1.54 respectively. There was exponential increase in 12 Gy volume with reduction of beams with higher proportion in larger nidus. Conclusions: In robotic radiosurgery system, beam reduction even after re-optimization impairs the conformity index and increase 12 Gy normal brain volume, hence long-term toxicity. Optimal beam numbers are required for optimal plan generation.
    • Wayne Yakes1; Alexis Yakes1; Fiona Rohlffs2; Krasnodar Ivancev2
    • 摘要: Vascular anomalies constitute some of the most difficult diagnostic and therapeutic enigmas that can be encountered in the practice of medicine. The clinical presentations are extremely protean and can range from an asymptomatic birthmark to fulminant。
    • 戴朝典
    • 摘要: 位于洛杉矶的先进车辆制造公司(AVM)已与以色列Afifi集团的商业运输和物流部门UBSI公司签署了一份购买58辆AVM的商用电动汽车的谅解备忘录(MOU),UBSI是以色列和巴勒斯坦地区最大的私营交通、旅游和房地产集团。本周,在加州长滩举行的2018年高级清洁博览会(ACT)上。
    • 孟俊君
    • 摘要: 目的 探究CT、MRI联合诊断脑动静脉畸形(AVM)的临床价值.方法 对我院2016年1月至2017年7月收治的AVM患者64例的资料进行分析,所有患者均先后予以CT、MRI检查,分析诊断结果.结果 CT、MRI诊断符合率分别为85.94%、89.06%,CT联合MRI诊断符合率为98.44%,CT检查联合MRI检查诊断符合率明显高于单独CT、MRI检查,差异有统计学意义(F=12.368,P<0.05).结论 CT、MRI联合诊断AVM的诊断符合率更高,可以将AVM的征象清晰显示,为临床治疗方案的制定提供了参考,具有重要的临床应用价值.
    • Seidu A. Richard; Saurav S. Shrestha; Changwei Zhang; Wei Fu; Ting Wang; Wu Cong; Xiaodong Xie
    • 摘要: Introduction: Arteriovenous Malformations (AVMs) arising deep in the basal ganglia and thalamus encompass a very small fraction of total cerebral AVMs and are rarely encountered in neurosurgery. The rate of rupture of these AVMs is very uncommon making our case more thought-provoking. Case presentation: We present a case of 8-year-old boy with 3 days’ history of an intermittent headache with nausea and vomiting. Computer tomographic angiography (CTA) confirmed right basal ganglia and dorsal thalamic hematoma with numerous tortuous blood vessels around the hematoma. Conclusion: We successfully treated this child with ruptured deep seated cerebral AVMs using Onyx embolization with no further neurological deficits.
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