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反射机制的相关文献在1990年到2022年内共计128篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、基础医学、临床医学 等领域,其中期刊论文94篇、会议论文10篇、专利文献71129篇;相关期刊74种,包括人人健康(医学导刊)、数字技术与应用、电脑编程技巧与维护等; 相关会议10种,包括2015年中国地球科学联合学术年会、第十八届全国网络与数据通信学术会议、2009年湖北省计算机学会年会等;反射机制的相关文献由270位作者贡献,包括陈春华、陈雅莉、于萍等。



论文:94 占比:0.13%


论文:10 占比:0.01%


论文:71129 占比:99.85%





  • 陈春华
  • 陈雅莉
  • 于萍
  • 佘向飞
  • 刘电霆
  • 史殿习
  • 周德俭
  • 孙仁鹏
  • 巩书凯
  • 张元鸣
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 巴志超; 刘学太; 梁镇涛
    • 摘要: [目的/意义]探究技术的知识网络层次结构以及不同层次技术知识的复杂度,对于揭示知识网络的微观形态和分析拥有不同知识结构创新主体的技术竞争优势具有重要研究意义.[方法/过程]以美国USPTO专利数据库中Energy Conservation领域的专利数据为例,构建技术的知识—知识网络(Knowledge-Knowledge Network,KKN)和知识—地理二模网络(Knowledge-Geography Network,KGN),基于K-core分解方法对KKN进行层次解析,获得知识网络的基础层、中间层、细节层三层微观知识结构,利用基于反射机制的知识复杂度测度模型(Knowledge Complexity Model,KCM)探究KKN中各层技术知识的复杂度,并分析不同城市在该领域所表现出的技术竞争优势.[结果/结论]知识复杂度能够反映知识空间分布集聚特征和被复制、模仿的难易程度,且随着该领域技术创新发展而逐渐提高.知识网络基础层代表着一个领域核心知识结构,具有较高空间覆盖率和较低知识复杂度;中间层和细节层代表一个领域微观知识结构,具有相对较低的空间覆盖率和较高的知识复杂度,是挖掘一个领域新兴技术的关键层次.城市拥有更多中间层和细节层知识往往更具有较明显的技术竞争优势.
    • 张伟男; 陈建英; 李秋丽; 唐敬
    • 摘要: 为解决信息采集过程中预设分类与业务规则的紧耦合设计造成的系统不灵活问题,提出一种面向枚举型分类的信息采集框架.从整体设计思路和实现过程出发,结合高校教职工健康体检过程中面临的职工基础数据、体检医院、体检套餐项目及适配年龄、预约时段及人数等信息采集实例,完整描述了反射、模板化、适配等方法和技术在框架中的具体运用和实现,有效支持了单位内部健康体检预约信息采集的全方位流程,极大地提高了信息采集的灵活性.
    • 谢林; 杨扬
    • 摘要: To generate the complete test case of route establishment process, the route establishment state machine model is constructed by analyzing the influence of environment and human factors in combination with the corresponding logical process. The model is parsed to define the relationship between the state and the edge, and the relationship between the state and the edge is abstracted to that between edges and nodes in the graph theory for storage. With the discussion of the pros and cons of the three kinds of coverage criteria, and the model of depth-prioritization search algorithm traversing the entire model, the abstract test cases are obtained. With Java reflection mechanism to reverse the abstract cases, 8 types of test fragments are generated, and each type of fragment is combined to generate test case. Finally, the influence resulted from the input cases required for normal route setup and from the introduced fault cases on the route establishment process is analyzed.%为了生成进路建立过程完备的测试案例,分析设备故障和人环因素的影响并结合对应的逻辑过程,建立了进路建立过程的状态机模型,并对模型解析得到状态与边的关系,将状态和边的关系抽象成图论中边和节点的关系进行存储。通过讨论3种覆盖准则的优劣,设计深度优先搜索算法遍历模型,得到抽象测试案例,采用Java反射机制对抽象案例进行反推,结果生成8种类型的测试片段,每种类型的片段进行组合生成所有的测试案例。最后分析进路正常建立所需的输入案例和引入的故障案例对建立过程的影响。
    • 向桢; 刘述木
    • 摘要: 为了缩短软件开发周期并提升软件扩展性,提出基于反射机制的插件系统软件设计理念。该系统所配置的独立软件,无需编写源程序,从而达到定制、修改、添加软件功能。在反射机制下设计插件系统软件借助观察者模式对插件间的数据关系实施解耦,并借助XML描述与表达插件关系进行配置,这一软件设计思想能提升软件复用性、扩展性。%In order to shorten the software development cycle and improve extensibility of software,some software design ideas of plug⁃in system based on the reflection mechanism is put forward. The independent software configured in the system doesn't need to write the source program,so as to achieve customization,modification,software addition functions. The plug⁃in system software is designed under the reflection mechanism to implement decoupling of the data relationship between the plug⁃ins with the help of the observer pattern. XML is used to describe and express the plug⁃in relationship for configuration. The soft⁃ware design idea can improve the software reusability and extensibility.
    • 王朗齐; 张天文
    • 摘要: 针对目前主流的JDBC开发技术,大量程序开发人员仍然停留在"一表一增删改查"的技术水平阶段,本文提出了一种基于反射思想对数据库进行DDL操作的通用DAO.其中,先介绍了通用DAO的优越性和基本原理;再进行对比分析,阐述它对于数据库操作的优越性:对比操作主要围绕数据库的四大操作中的查询操作;最后,本文预测了这种编程思想的发展方向以及应用领域.
    • 周特军; 邱建; 王春艺; 曾耿晖; 朱林; 石东源
    • 摘要: 随着越来越多的电力自动化系统集成于调度自动化平台,图形系统的标准化与图形共享是电力自动化系统研究的重要方向之一。针对目前继电保护定值在线校核系统图形建模存在的问题,提出了从整定计算系统、故障信息系统中导出图形文件再导入到定值在线校核系统的方案,实现了上述系统图形之间的无缝连接,达到了图形共享的目的。在简要分析继电保护定值校核图形交互、数据可视化需求的基础上,采用.Net 平台反射机制与JavaScript函数之间相互通信,实现了继电保护定值校核结果的动态刷新与良好交互。通过采用多种展示手段,很好地实现了告警功能。目前,所采用的方案在某省级电网公司在线校核系统中得到了成功应用。%As more and more electric power automation system integrated to dispatch automation platform, standardization of power graphics system and graphics sharing technology is one of the most important field of research of power automation system. The problems encountered in graphic modeling of on-line relay settings verification for protective relay are analyzed. A scheme which exports graphic files from protection relay setting coordination system, fault information system with the format of scalable vector graphics then the files are imported into the given value online checking system is presented. The goal seamless link between power automation systems is reached. Based on the requirements analysis of graphical interaction and data visualization in on-line relay settings verification for protective relay, by the way of realizing intercommunication between of .net and JavaScript, the graphics in on-line relay settings verification system can be dynamically refreshed. The proposed method has been successfully applied in multiple provincial-level power dispatch center.
    • 张琼宇; 杨秋辉; 张光渝; 程雪梅; 孙琳
    • 摘要: 软件演化会造成一部分测试用例失效,如果直接将其从测试用例集中移除,会影响测试用例集检测缺陷的能力,降低回归测试的有效性.测试用例修复技术可以减少测试维护的工作量,增强回归测试的有效性.研究了针对方法声明演化的单元测试用例修复方法,首先使用反射机制得到方法声明演化信息,识别演化类型,再针对方法名称改变、方法参数改变和返回参数类型改变,分别提出了相应的修复策略.在修复过程中使用动态符号化执行技术得到测试数据,提高了测试用例修复的范围.实验表明,该方法能有效修复由方法声明演化引起编译错误的测试用例,平均修复率为60%左右,证明了该方法的可行性.%Some of test cases may become obsolete because of software system evolution. Discarding these test cases will weaken fault detection ability, and reduce the effectiveness of regression testing. Automatically repairing test cases can reduce the maintenance workload of developers, and improve the efficiency of regression testing. This paper proposes a method for automatically repairing test cases that become obsolete because of the changes in method declarations. Firstly, the information of method declaration changes is got by using reflection mechanism. Then, the declaration change types, such as method name change, method parameters change and method return type change, are identified. Finally, different repairing strategies are put forward for different declaration change types. When repairing test cases, some of test data are obtained by using dynamic symbolic execution tool, which can expand the range of test case repairing. The experiment shows that the proposed method can repair nearly 60% obsolete test cases because of method declaration change, this proves the feasibility of the proposed method.
    • 周湘超; 贺细平
    • 摘要: 文章针对Java中交换两个对象的方法的实现问题,在深入分析Java对象的内存分配机制的基础上,运用Java反射机制,设计了可以实现Java通用对象的交换的方法.这对于必须利用对象交换方法的Java算法实现(譬如快速排序算法)具有借鉴意义.
    • 朱文君; 黄国权
    • 摘要: With more and more systems on B/S structure being developed by Java, operating Excel by POI is used more widely. Under POI component, applying Java reflection and custom annotation, data interaction between database and Excel files is designed and realized. This method can not only ensure the integrity of data import, but also avoid the complexity of the data export. Flexibility, re-usability and ductility of using POI in importing and exporting Excel files are improved.%随着Java语言越来越多地被选择用于B/S结构系统的开发语言,利用POI解析技术操作Excel文件越来越广泛。在POI组件下,采用Java反射机制及自定义注解原理,设计实现了数据库与Excel文件的数据交互。此方法不仅能保证数据导入的完整性,而且能免去数据导出后重新编辑的复杂性,从而提高POI实现Excel数据导入/导出的灵活性、重用性和易扩展性。
    • 李力
    • 摘要: 徐坤的自述:我叫徐坤,今年18岁,是一名高三男生。我的烦恼是从11岁的时候开始的。那天,父母的冷战终于爆发,我心爱的鱼缸被砸成了碎片,金鱼在地上拼命地挣扎,我疯了一样跑了出去。从那以后,我变成了一个内向忧郁的男孩子。
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