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K2O的相关文献在1976年到2023年内共计420572篇,主要集中在化学工业、农作物、化学 等领域,其中期刊论文79篇、专利文献420493篇;相关期刊59种,包括商情、中国科学技术大学学报、东南大学学报(自然科学版)等; K2O的相关文献由50000位作者贡献,包括不公告发明人、李鹏、张伟等。



论文:79 占比:0.02%


论文:420493 占比:99.98%





  • 不公告发明人
  • 李鹏
  • 张伟
  • 王伟
  • 王鹏
  • 胡加辉
  • 王磊
  • 李伟
  • 张涛
  • 张勇
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • 孙瑞川
    • 摘要: 通过估算农作物的N、P_(2)O_(5)、K_(2)O需要量,农作物秸秆的N、P_(2)O_(5)、K_(2)O还田量,人、畜、禽粪尿的N、P_(2)O_(5)、K_(2)O还田量和化肥的N、P_(2)O_(5)、K_(2)O施用量,研究烟台市农田N、P_(2)O_(5)、K_(2)O供需平衡。结果农作物对N、P_(2)O_(5)、K_(2)O的需要量分别是146977.71、60273.35和130907.02 t;有机肥的N、P_(2)O_(5)、K_(2)O还田量分别是89154.77、45966.96和97214.73 t;化肥的N、P_(2)O_(5)、K_(2)O施用量分别是196262.66、57171.31和83863.03 t。结果表明,化肥、有机肥的N、P_(2)O_(5)、K_(2)O供应量远远大于农作物的需要量;有机肥作为主肥,其养分供应量低于农作物对养分的需要量,但化肥作为辅肥,其养分供应量远远大于有机肥的缺口;有机肥不足和化肥过量,造成土壤板结、肥力下降、农作物品质下降和水、土环境污染;通过政府组建公益性专业公司收集养殖场粪污,生产有机肥还田,并通过精准施肥,大幅削减化肥施用量,来改善土壤环境、水环境质量,提高农产品品质。该研究可为烟台市农田科学施肥提供指导,为农业生态系统可持续发展研究提供思路。
    • 赵晓刚; 任万杰; 龚维; 高岩立; 周彤; 邵鸿飞; 邓卫华; 冀克俭
    • 摘要: 采用高温熔制工艺制得低介电玻璃纤维成分分析标准物质.对标准物质进行均匀性检验、稳定性考察,并采用多家协作定值的方式进行定值.研制的低介电玻璃纤维成分分析标准物质的均匀性、稳定性良好,量值准确可靠,该标准物质中SiO2、Al2O3、B2O3、MgO、CaO、BaO、Na2O、K2O的定值结果分别为49.59%、14.09%、22.52%、3.15%、3.05%、5.61%、0.712%、0.0919%.标准值的扩展不确定度为0.2%~4.4%(k=2).能够用于低介电玻璃纤维组分测试方法的评价及相关分析仪器的校准,保证组分测定的准确、可靠.
    • 张鑫; 姜鑫; 王学斌; 李涛; 丁关根; 沈峰满
    • 摘要: 炼铁原燃料碱金属含量较高时,既会影响铁矿石质量,还会导致高炉透气性差、焦比升高,这是钢铁企业需要重点关注的问题之一.从碱金属化合物K2O入手,经过配料制样、强度测验、扫描电镜等,分析其对赤铁矿强度和铁酸钙强度的影响.结果 表明,K2O质量分数由0增加至4%时,赤铁矿烧结后的抗压强度由5 000降低至2 863 N;铁酸钙的抗压强度由3 066降低至680 N.在此基础上,以烧结配料中添加除尘灰的方式,通过烧结杯试验来探究碱金属对烧结矿强度的影响规律.烧结杯试验结果表明,随着除尘灰配比的增加,烧结矿转鼓强度下降.除尘灰配比由0增加到3.23%,烧结矿碱金属w(K2O+ Na2O)由0.15%增加到0.25%,烧结矿转鼓强度由81.07%降低到75.47%.研究结果可为改善烧结矿强度和合理控制高炉碱负荷提供理论指导和参考依据.
    • 刘思琪; 王玉学; 刘环
    • 摘要: 岩石样品用盐酸、硝酸、氢氟酸和高氯酸消解前处理,通过电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法测定了复杂岩石中的K2 O、CaO、Na2 O、MgO、Al2 O3、Fe2 O3、TiO2、MnO、P2 O5硅酸盐九项的含量,对某复杂岩石样品中的P元素进行干扰校正处理.此方法简便高效、检出限低、准确度高,测量结果较为理想.各元素的线性关系较好,样品的加标回收率在96% ~101%之间,相对误差(RE)在-1.05% ~0.95%之间,对GBW07108测试精密度(RSD,n=11)为0.13% ~1.85%,适用于地质岩石的快速、批量分析.
    • 郅强
    • 摘要: 测量不确定度是“表征合理地赋予被测量之值的分散性,与测量结果相联系的参数”.测量不确定度是一个新的术语,它从根本上改变了将测量误差分为随机误差和系统误差的传统分类方法,它在可修正的系统误差修正以后,将余下的全部误差划分为可以用统计方法计算的(A类分量)和其他方法估算的出类分量(B类分量)两类误差.本文按照JF1059.1-2012《测量不确定度评定与表示》上的方法以石膏中氧化钾检测为实例,对其进行不确定度的评定.
    • 魏强; 曾巍; 史殿君
    • 摘要: 采用微波消解仪对刚玉、莫来石等铝质耐火材料进行高温高压混合酸消解,以ICP-OES法测定材料中的Na2O、K2O、Fe2O3等杂质成分进行测定,优化微波消解参数、建立标准工作曲线,验证精密度、准确度及回收率.相比较于国家标准方法(高温熔融的处理方式),该方法检测准确度和精密度高,检验周期大大缩短.
    • 徐骞
    • 摘要: 据统计,2017年国产钾肥产能达到916万吨K_2O,相当于1526万吨KCl(折纯),比2016年的801万吨K2O增长14.4%;产量达到635万吨K_2O,相当于1059万吨KCl(折纯),比2016年的563万吨K_2O增长12.9%。2017年,中国钾肥维持了50%左右的自给率,迎来又一个可喜的丰收年。2017年的中国钾肥市场于乱流中滑跃起飞,飘飘荡荡,陡升陡降,尽管不乏矛盾,依旧充满希望。
    • 赵护兵; 王朝辉; 高亚军; 张卫峰
    • 摘要: [Objectives] Clarify of farmers’ nutrient input situation in winter wheat is the base for scientific suggestion in winter wheat nutrient resource managements in Shaanxi Province, which is the aim of this survey.[Methods] A five-year consecutive investigation was carried out to define farmers nutrient input status in winter wheat production in two winter wheat production areas, Weibei and Guanzhong of Shaanxi Province. [Results] The obtained results show that the wheat yields in Weibei are low and unstable because of rainfall distribution uneven from year to year, and the average yield of this area is 3473 kg / hm2 , while the wheat yields in Guanzhong are high and stable with an average of 5882 kg / hm2 because of irrigation supplication. Only 29. 7% of farmers apply reasonable amount of nitrogen fertilizer in Weibei area, while 20. 2% is in high amount, 43. 5% is the highest amounts, 4. 6% is low and 2. 0% is the lowest, and the average rate is N 197. 6 kg / hm2 . In Guanzhong area, only 17. 5% of farmers apply reasonable amount of nitrogen fertilizer, while 20. 3% is high, 37. 5% is the highest, 14. 2% is low and 10. 5% is the lowest, and the average rate is N 199. 2 kg / hm2 . The average phosphate fertilizer that farmer applied is rational, but over-applied and inadequate applied coexist. Only 12. 0% of farmers apply reasonable amount of phosphate fertilizer in Weibei area, while 41. 5% is low, 10. 7% is the lowest, 26. 7% is high and 9. 2% is the highest, and the average rate is P2 O5 123. 4 kg / hm2 . In Guanzhong area, only 14. 3% of farmers apply reasonable amount of phosphate fertilizer, while 27. 2% is low, 13. 8% is the lowest, 31. 0% is high and 13. 7% is the highest, and the average rate is P2 O5 141. 6 kg / hm2 . Potassium fertilizer apply amount is K2 O 32. 9 kg / hm2 in Weibei, while K2 O 37. 3 / hm2 in Guanzhong. More than 90% of farmers apply inadequate potassium fertilizer. The base fertilizer is the main nutrients for winter wheat, and the topdressing is supplementary. The average base fertilizer application amounts are N 189. 9 and 185. 4 kg / hm2 in Weibei and Guanzhong respectively which account for 96. 1% and 93. 1% of whole nitrogen nutrient input in the two areas. The topdressing application amounts are N 7. 7 and 13. 8 kg / hm2 in Weibei and Guanzhong respectively which only account for 3. 9% and 6. 9% of whole nitrogen nutrients input. Chemical fertilizers are the main nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients, while organic manure is supplementary. The average nitrogen amounts from organic manure are N 4. 7 and 3. 1 kg / hm2 in Weibei and Guanzhong respectively, only account for 2. 4% and 1. 6% of whole nitrogen nutrient inputs in the two areas, while the average P2 O5 nutrients from organic manure are 2. 4 and 1. 7 kg / hm2 in Weibei and Guanzhong respectively, only account for 1. 9% and 1. 2%. The average nitrogen nutrients from chemical fertilizers are N 192. 9 and 196. 0 kg / hm2 in Weibei and Guanzhong respectively, and the average P2 O5 are 120. 8 and 139. 9 kg / hm2 from chemical fertilizers respectively. The average PFP of N, P2 O5 and K2 O are 20. 0, 33. 3 and 83. 5 kg / kg in Weibei area respectively, and 36. 8, 53. 9 and 131. 8 kg / kg in Guanzhong area respectively. Urea and ammonium bicarbonate are the most favorite nitrogen fertilizer varieties applied for winter wheat which are selected by farmers in Weibei area, there are 55. 7% of farmers selecting urea and 47. 2%selecting ammonium bicarbonate in this area. But in Guanzhong area, the farmers’ favorite nitrogen fertilizer is urea, 42. 8% of farmers select urea for winter wheat. The calcium superphosphate is the most favorite phosphorus fertilizer for wheat in Weibei area, the selecting percentage is 50. 2% . But in Guanzhong area, the favorite phosphorus fertilizer is diammonium phosphate with selecting percentage of 40. 2% . Compound fertilizer application area has been increasing year by year, there are 30. 8% and 40. 2% of farmers applied it in Weibei and Guanzhong areas respectively. Organic manure is not often applied by farmers, and the application percentages of farmers keep decreasing in recent years. The percentage of farmers applying organic manure was 10. 0% and 11. 7% in Weibei and Guanzhong in 2008 -2009, but it was decreased to only 0. 8% and 0. 8% in 2012 -2013. [Conclusion] In the whole province of Shaanxi, the nitrogen fertilizer amounts for winter wheat are much more than necessary; the phosphate fertilizer is averagely reasonable, but the excessive and insufficient coexist; the potassium fertilizer applications are not fully recognized, the organic manure inputs are seriously deficient. The topdressing of fertilizer should be supplementary for higher efficiency.%【目的】明确陕西省小麦施肥现状,对陕西省小麦养分资源管理进行科学指导。【方法】选取2个小麦主产区一年一熟区渭北旱塬和一年两熟区关中平原连续5年进行农户施肥调查。【结果】渭北旱塬小麦产量由于年季间降水不均表现出低而不稳的趋势,年均产量3473 kg/ hm2;关中平原由于补灌小麦产量年季间波动较小,年均5882 kg/ hm2。渭北和关中绝大多数农户施氮过量,渭北20.2%农户施氮偏高,43.5%很高,施氮合理的仅占29.7%,偏低的占4.6%,很低的仅有2.0%,氮肥平均用量为 N 197.6 kg/ hm2;关中20.3%农户施氮偏高,37.5%很高,施氮合理的仅占17.5%,偏低的占14.2%,很低的仅有10.5%,平均施氮量为 N 199.2 kg/ hm2。陕西省农户磷肥投入总量基本合理,但投入偏低和偏高并存,渭北磷肥平均投入量适中的农户占12.0%,偏低的占41.5%,很低的10.7%,偏高的26.7%,很高的9.2%,磷肥投入平均 P2 O5123.4 kg/ hm2;关中磷肥平均投入量适中的农户占14.3%,偏低的占27.2%,很低的13.8%,偏高的31.0%,很高的13.7%,平均为 P2 O5141.6 kg/ hm2。渭北旱塬小麦钾投入平均 K2 O 32.9 kg/ hm2,关中平原为 K2 O 37.3 kg/ hm2,渭北和关中超过90%农户钾肥投入不足。陕西省冬小麦养分投入以基施为主,追施为辅,渭北和关中冬小麦氮素平均基施量为 N 189.9和185.4 kg/ hm2,占氮素总投入的96.1%和93.1%,追施量 N 7.7和13.8 kg/ hm2,仅占3.9%和6.9%。陕西省冬小麦氮磷养分投入以化肥为主,有机肥为辅,渭北和关中有机肥投入的氮素平均仅有 N 4.7和 3.1 kg/ hm2,仅占全部氮素投入的2.4%和1.6%,P2 O5平均2.4和1.7 kg/ hm2,占1.9%和1.2%,而化肥投入的氮、磷相对较大,渭北和关中氮素平均 N 192.9和196.0 kg/ hm2,P2 O5平均120.8和139.9 kg/ hm2来自化肥。渭北 N、 P2 O5和 K2 O 平均 PFP(化肥偏生产力)分别为20.0 kg/ kg、33.3 kg/ kg 和83.5 kg/ kg;关中 PFP 分别为36.8 kg/ kg、53.9 kg/ kg 和131.8 kg/ kg。陕西省渭北旱塬冬小麦基肥中尿素和碳铵是农户较为喜欢的氮肥品种,平均有55.7%和47.2%的农户选用;而关中农户较为喜欢的氮肥品种为尿素,有42.8%农户选用。普钙是渭北农户较为喜欢的磷肥品种,平均有50.2%的农户施用;而关中农户较为喜欢的磷肥品种为磷酸二铵,有40.2%的农户施用。复合肥施肥面积逐年增加,渭北和关中平均有30.8%和40.2%的农户施用。有机肥施肥农户较少且在逐年下降,渭北和关中由20082009年的10.0%和11.7%减少到20122013年的0.8%和0.8%。【结论】陕西省农户小麦施肥存在氮肥过量,磷肥施用过量和不足并存,钾肥重视不足,有机肥投入偏少,追肥偏少等问题。
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