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先天性无虹膜的相关文献在1990年到2022年内共计75篇,主要集中在眼科学、基础医学、内科学 等领域,其中期刊论文68篇、专利文献3885篇;相关期刊34种,包括中华医学遗传学杂志、罕少疾病杂志、国际眼科纵览等; 先天性无虹膜的相关文献由210位作者贡献,包括原慧萍、康杨、刘旭阳等。



论文:68 占比:1.72%


论文:3885 占比:98.28%





  • 原慧萍
  • 康杨
  • 刘旭阳
  • 向浩天
  • 李娟娟
  • 李雪
  • 胡竹林
  • 蔡素萍
  • 邢怡桥
  • 刘小琦
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 陈靖; 朱思泉
    • 摘要: 目的:对先天性无虹膜合并先天性白内障家系进行PAX6基因突变位点筛查,丰富该致病基因的突变谱.方法:选取就诊于北京同仁医院眼科门诊的1个先天性无虹膜合并先天性白内障家系和100名健康志愿者,采集外周静脉血,提取基因组DNA,采用直接测序法进行PAX6基因突变位点的筛查.结果:该家系中先证者和其他患者均表现为无虹膜合并白内障,PAX6基因测序结果显示,该致病基因第11外显子无义突变c.991 C>T,造成PAX6基因编码的蛋白截短(R331X),从而使该蛋白失去功能,且该突变在家系内与疾病表型共分离,不存在于家系内及家系外健康样本的基因中.结论:PAX6 R331X突变与先天性无虹膜合并先天性白内障的发生有关.
    • 张钏; 郝胜菊; 张庆华; 周秉博; 刘芙蓉; 林晓娟; 闫有圣
    • 摘要: 目的 确定1例先天性无虹膜症患者的PAX6基因突变位点.方法 采集患者及其父母外周血提取DNA,对患者进行PAX6基因全部外显子及侧翼序列PCR-Sanger测序,发现致病位点后,对其父母及150名正常对照进行该位点PCR-Sanger测序以排除多态性.结果 患者的PAX6基因第6外显子检测到杂合突变c.239T>A(p.Ile80Asn),该突变造成第80位氨基酸改变,患者父母及正常对照均未检测到相同突变.结论 患者PAX6基因检测到的杂合突变c.239T>A是新发突变,在国内未见报道,扩大了PAX6基因突变谱.%Objective To identify mutation of the PAX6 gene in a case with congenital aniridia.Methods DNA was extracted from peripheral blood sample of the patient and analyzed by direct PCR-Sanger sequencing.Results The proband was found to harbor a heterozygous c.239T> A (p.Ile80Asn)mutation of the PAX6 gene.The same mutation was not found in his parents and 150 healthy controls.Conclusion A novel mutation of the PAX6 gene has been identified in a sporadic case with congenital aniridia.
    • 肖紫云; 邢怡桥
    • 摘要: 目的:确认土家族中一个先天性无虹膜家系的PAX6基因致病突变并分析其临床特点。方法:实验研究。详细询问家族病史并对该家系中所有7 例成员(4 例患者,3 例正常人)进行详细的眼部检查,采集家系成员及100例(50例土家族人和50例汉族人)正常对照者的外周静脉血,提取DNA;对先证者PAX6基因的全部外显子进行PCR扩增及测序;对家系中所有成员和正常对照者进行PAX6基因突变位点的验证检测。结果:该家系中患者主要以虹膜缺损、白内障、眼球震颤、黄斑中心凹发育不良和角膜病变为主要临床表现,虹膜缺损轻重不一,角膜病变和白内障情况随年龄增加而加重。该家系的4 例患者均在第3 外显子与内含子3 交界处出现一个杂合突变(c.357+1G 〉 A),正常家系成员及正常对照者均无此突变。结论:该先天性无虹膜家系患者虹膜缺损程度不一。PAX6是该家系的致病基因,该家系患者PAX6基因的突变位点是杂合突变(c.357+1G 〉 A)。
    • 肖紫云; 邢怡桥
    • 摘要: Objective:To observe the clinical characteristics and identify a potential mutation of the PAX6 gene responsible for congenital aniridia in a Chinese Tujia family in central China.Methods:In this experimental study,data from a detailed family history and ophthalmologic examinations were collected.Genomic DNA was extracted from the peripheral blood of seven family members and 100 healthy individuals (50 Tujia and 50 Han nationalities).The coding regions and flanking sequence of the PAX6 gene of the propositus members were amplified by PCR and subjected to DNA sequencing.The genetic sequence of the mutant site of the unaffected family members and control group's individuals were verified.Results:The clinical characteristics of the affected family members with iris hypoplasia with or without cataract,nystagmus,foveal dysplasia or keratopathy were analyzed.Cataract and keratopathy were aggravated with age.A heterozygous mutation (c.357+ 1G > A) was identified at the junction of exon 3 and intron 3 in four patients but not in the unaffected family members or 100 healthy individuals.Conclusions:The degree of iris hypoplasia is variable.The c.357+1G > A heterozygous mutation of PAX6 is found to underlie the aniridia in an autosomal dominant inheritance manner.%目的:确认土家族中一个先天性无虹膜家系的PAX6基因致病突变并分析其临床特点.方法:实验研究.详细询问家族病史并对该家系中所有7例成员(4例患者,3例正常人)进行详细的眼部检查,采集家系成员及100例(50例土家族人和50例汉族人)正常对照者的外周静脉血,提取DNA;对先证者PAX6基因的全部外显子进行PCR扩增及测序;对家系中所有成员和正常对照者进行PAX6基因突变位点的验证检测.结果:该家系中患者主要以虹膜缺损、白内障、眼球震颤、黄斑中心凹发育不良和角膜病变为主要临床表现,虹膜缺损轻重不一,角膜病变和白内障情况随年龄增加而加重.该家系的4例患者均在第3外显子与内含子3交界处出现一个杂合突变(c.357+1G>A),正常家系成员及正常对照者均无此突变.结论:该先天性无虹膜家系患者虹膜缺损程度不一.PAX6是该家系的致病基因,该家系患者PAX6基因的突变位点是杂合突变(c.357+1G>A).
    • 邢怡桥; 李印; 李拓; 李家璋; 杨琳
    • 摘要: Objective To identify the pathogenic cause of familial congenital aniridia by mutation screening of the paired box 6 (PAX6) gene. Methods All participants in this experimental study, including the available family members of the recruited family and 100 unrelated healthy controls, received comprehensive ophthalmic examinations. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral blood. Mutation screening of 11 coding exons (exon 4 through exon 14) of PAX6 and the adjacent splicing junctions was performed by Sanger sequencing. Co-segregation analysis for the available family members and the normal controls were conducted later. Results A novel heterozygous deletion/insertion mutation c.569_570delinsACGG (p.Ile190Asnfs*18) in exon 8 of PAX6 was identified in the congenital aniridia family. This mutation consistently co-segregated with the affected family members and was not detected in the normal family members or in the 100 normal controls. Three in eight family members were diagnosed with congenital aniridia by comprehensive eye examinations. The patients with aniridia also had complications with heterogenic ocular manifestations, including keratopathy, different types of cataracts, macular dysplasia, mild ptosis, and mild horizontal nystagmus. Conclusion A novel PAX6 deletion/insertion mutation c.569_570delinsACGG (p.Ile190Asnfs*18) in exon 8 was the pathogenic mutation of the family and was associated with congenital aniridia. The finding expands the mutation spectrum of PAX6 in congenital aniridia.%目的 对中国一先天性无虹膜家系进行PAX6基因突变检测,以确定其突变位点.方法实验研究.收集一先天性无虹膜家系,采集该家系患者及健康成员的外周静脉血,收集100名健康人外周血作为正常对照,采用Sanger测序的方法对PAX6基因的11个外显子(外显子4-14)以及外显子-内含子连接区域进行测序,随后进行家系共分离分析以及正常样本的对照分析.结果该家系8名成员经全面眼科检查,3名确诊为先天性无虹膜,且合并有复杂的眼部表型,包括不同程度的角膜病变、不同类型的白内障、黄斑发育不良、轻度上睑下垂和轻度眼球水平震颤等.在该家系患者中发现一个新杂合突变[c.569_570delinsACGG(p.Ile190Asnfs*18)],该突变可致PAX6基因编码的蛋白截短,该突变符合共分离且在100名正常对照者中未检测到.结论PAX6基因第8外显子上一个新的杂合突变[c.569_570delinsACGG(p.Ile190Asnfs*18)]为本研究中先天性无虹膜家系的致病突变,该突变与先天性无虹膜有关,本研究扩大了PAX6基因的突变频谱.
    • 石海红; 管怀进; 吴坚
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨囊袋内虹膜型囊袋张力环联合人工晶状体植入治疗先天性无虹膜的安全性和疗效.方法:对3例(6眼)先天性无虹膜眼行超声乳化晶状体摘除,联合囊袋内植入虹膜型张力环和人工晶状体,观察术中、术后并发症、视力和畏光改善情况.结果:术后随访3~18月,4眼术后视力较术前提高,2眼与术前相同,所有病例畏光较术前减轻,除术后轻度的前房炎症反应外,未出现严重的术中、术后并发症.结论:囊袋内虹膜型张力环联合人工晶状体植入是治疗先天性无虹膜的安全、有效的方法.
    • 康杨; 李雪; 吴琼; 周文艳; 李庆军; 胡琦
    • 摘要: 目的:确定东北地区一个先天性无虹膜家系 PAX6基因的突变位点。方法对先天性无虹膜家系中2例患者进行详尽的眼部检查,采集该家系所有成员和100名正常对照者的外周静脉血,提取基因组 DNA,PCR 扩增 PAX6基因的11个编码外显子及其邻近的部分内含子,对所有扩增基因进行直接测序确定致病的基因突变。结果该家系2例患者在第9外显子出现一个无义突变(c.718 C>T),家系患者的眼表型差异较大,其中一患者表现为罕见的角膜不规则形态。结论PAX6是该家系的致病基因, c.718C>T突变虽然是先天性无虹膜患者的热点突变,但在中国东北地区汉族人中未见报道。%Objective To identify potential mutation of the PAX6 gene in a family affected with congenital aniridia from northeastern China.Methods Two patients were collected from the family and underwent full ophthalmologic examinations.Genomic DNA was extracted from all family numbers and 100 healthy controls.The coding regions and flanking sequence of the PAX6 gene were amplified by PCR amplification and subjected to bidirectional DNA sequencing.Results A nonsense mutation (c.718 C>T) was identified in exon 9 in both patients but not in other unaffected families or the 100 healthy controls. However,obvious difference was noted in the phenotype between the two patients.One of the patient has presented irregular cornea,which was infrequently reported.Conclusion A c.718C > T transitional mutation has been found to underlie the aniridia,which showed an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern in this northeastern Chinese family.
    • 郝朋; 应铭; 韩瑞芳; 王犁明; 李宁东
    • 摘要: Background Congenital aniridia is a rare congenital autosomal dominant disease,which is shown as aniridia of double eyes,and the paired box gene 6 (Pax6) gene mutation is now known to be associated with congenital aniridia.Objective This study was to screen the Pax6 gene mutation in patients with congenital aniridia.Methods Eleven patients with congenital aniridia were enrolled in Tianjin Eye Hospital from August 2012 to October 2015,including 6 patients from 3 congenital aniridia family and 5 sporadic patients.All patients received routine ophthalmic examination.Peripheral venous blood of 3 ml was collected from the patients for DNA extraction according to the standard process of DNA isolation instructions,and all the exons of Pax6 gene,Elp4 gene,exon 5 ' and 3',intron splice sequence and SIMO sequence were amplified by PCR.Pax6 genes of the patients were sequenced using Sanger direct sequencing and multiplex ligation dependent probe amplification (MLPA) and compared with those of 500 ocular trauma patients.This study complied with Helsinki declaration,and written informed consent was obtained from each patient prior to any medical examination.Results Iris absence was found in all the patients,and the visions acuity was hand motion to 0.2.Lens dislocation was seen in 1 patient.Direct sequencing results found that three patients in AN-O1 family were c.688g>t (p.E230X) mutation of Pax6 gene,and 3 of 5 sporadic patients carried c.468g>a (p.W156X),c.613c>t (p.Q205X) and c.141 +2t>c mutant of Pax6 gene,and the c.688g>t (pE230X) mutation was a novel-discovered mutation.No any mutation in Pax6,Elp4 gene and SIMO fragment was detected in 1 patient from AN-02 family,2 patients from AN-03 family and 2 sporadic patients by both direct sequencing and MLPA validation.No above-mentioned mutation was found in 500 normal individuals.Conclusions The mutation of Pax6 gene is a pathogenic mutation in congenital aniridia patients,and c.688g>t (p.E230X) is a novel Pax6 mutant,which expanded the mutation spectrum of Pax6 gene.%背景 先天性无虹膜是一种罕见的先天性常染色体显性遗传疾病,表现为双眼无虹膜,目前已知配对盒基因6(Pax6)突变与先天性无虹膜相关. 目的 对先天性无虹膜患者进行Pax6基因突变筛查.方法 纳入2012年8月至2015年10月在天津市眼科医院就诊的先天性无虹膜患者11例,包括来自3个先天性无虹膜家系的6例患者及5例散发病例,所有患者均接受常规眼科检查.采集所有患者的外周静脉血各3 ml,按照DNA分离试剂盒说明书描述的标准流程提取DNA,对Pax6和Elp4基因全部外显子、外显子5'和3'端与内含子拼接部序列、SIMO序列进行PCR扩增,采用Sanger直接测序法以及多重连接探针扩增技术(MLPA)对患者的Pax6基因进行序列分析,并与500例无眼前节异常的眼外伤患者的测序结果进行比对.结果 所有患者均虹膜缺如,视力为手动/眼前,1例患者存在晶状体脱位.直接测序结果发现,AN-01家系中的3例患者均携带Pax6基因c.688g>t(p.E230X)突变,5例散发病例中3例携有Pax6基因突变,分别为c.468g>a(p.W156X)、c.613c>t(p.Q205X)和c.141+2t>c突变,其中c.688g>t (pE230X)为新发现的突变.AN-02家系的1例患者、AN-03家系的2例患者及另2例散发病例经直接测序和MLPA验证,均未发现Pax6、Elp4基因以及SIMO片段的突变.500名正常个体均未发现上述突变.结论 先天性无虹膜可由Pax6基因突变引起,c.688g>t(p.E230X)为新发现的Pax6突变体,扩大了Pax6基因突变谱.
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