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AMP的相关文献在1983年到2022年内共计517篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、无线电电子学、电信技术、生物化学 等领域,其中期刊论文283篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献231篇;相关期刊224种,包括证据科学、天文和天体物理学研究、中药药理与临床等; 相关会议3种,包括第十届中国科协年会第18分会场——二氧化碳减排和绿色化利用与发展研讨会、第十三届全国分子光谱学学术会议、第十届全国中西医结合大肠肛门病学术会议等;AMP的相关文献由1135位作者贡献,包括吴闽华、孟庆晓、秦金昆等。



论文:283 占比:54.74%


论文:3 占比:0.58%


论文:231 占比:44.68%





  • 吴闽华
  • 孟庆晓
  • 秦金昆
  • 张梁
  • 杨超
  • 特伦斯·W·多伊尔
  • 李小军
  • 邹长军
  • 丁重阳
  • 单保卿
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 陈伟
    • 摘要: 一台SANDY POWER AMP LIFIE RP6500S功放,用户称:该机在正常使用中,左、右声道突然无声。检查发现机壳后侧AC220V进线保险管熔断,换上同规格保险管后开机,保险管再次熔断。
    • 龚行梁; 孙浩; 周强; 王浩; 刘伟
    • 摘要: 本文针对Zynq UltraScale+MPSoC硬件平台,通过分析对比现有的非对称多处理架构方案,提出一种简洁的AMP运行方案,实现1个Cortex-A53核运行Linux系统,其他3个Cortex-A53核运行裸核系统功能。本文从分析多核启动机制入手,实现一种Linux用户态动态加载启动多核方案,设计多核监督模块解决多核异常问题,提高系统应用稳定性。测试结果表明,本方案实现的多核动态加载启动功能运行可靠,能够满足电力二次设备性能、实时控制的应用需求,有效提升系统设计的灵活性,具有较好的工程应用价值。
    • 孙诗昂; 李冰; 邓亚飞; 李静; 熊永洁; 贺绍君
    • 摘要: 目的:研究肉鸡发生热应激时胸肌、腿肌糖原、AMPAMPK含量的影响。方法:选用42日龄AA肉鸡40羽,分为4个重复。肉鸡42日龄08:00鸡舍稳定温度31°C,16:00降温至22°C,43日龄选择同样升温程序。0 h(T_(1))、8 h(T_(2))、24 h(T_(3))、32 h(T_(4))四个时间点各抽取8只采集胸肌腿肌测量相关指标。结果:糖原含量胸肌各组无显著差异(P>0.05),腿肌T_(2)相比T_(1)极显著降低(P<0.01),T_(3)与T_(1)相比极显著升高(P<0.01)。AMP含量胸肌T_(2)相比T_(1)极显著升高(P<0.01),T_(3)与T_(1)相比显著升高(P<0.05);腿肌T_(2)相比T_(1)极显著降低(P<0.01),T_(4)相比T_(3)差异显著(P<0.05),T_(3)与T_(1)相比差异极显著(P<0.01)。AMPK含量胸肌T_(4)相比T_(1)显著降低(P<0.05);腿肌T_(4)相比T_(3)显著升高(P<0.05),T_(4)相比T_(2)极显著升高(P<0.01)。结论:热应激会影响能量平衡,增加机体能量消耗,促进糖原酵解产生ATP对机体供能,使体内AMP含量上升,激活AMPK通路,对肉鸡危害较大。
    • 摘要: 全球两大权威机构——NACE(美国腐蚀工程师协会)与SSPC(美国防腐涂装协会)合并成立新的机构AMPP(美国材料性能与防护协会),致力于为腐蚀防护与材料行业保驾护航,为行业和会员创造更多新的价值,AMPP将提供统一的行业标准和权威认证、更专业的行业知识、更丰富的专家智库、更广阔的人脉资源,结合两大机构多年积累的力量专注于腐蚀防护与材料行业的未来发展。
    • Mahira Amirova; Samira Bagirova; Ulviyya Azizova; Sabina Guliyeva
    • 摘要: In this review, various classes of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) were collected. Majority of these peptides are an integral part of the innate immunity of living systems;most of them are non-toxic to the human body, but have a detrimental effect on viruses, bacteria, parasites, tumors and fungi, which makes them indispensable in the fight against infections, while pathogenic strains have already acquired resistance to a wide range of antibiotics. Urgent need to develop new AMPs, many laboratories around the world are now developing AMPs. For this, first, a classification of AMPs has been drawn up;secondly, the main mechanisms of AMP action on the cells of the human body and their destructive action on pathogens are being studied. According to the new classification, AMPs are sorted into antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic, antineoplastic, etc. classes. The main factor ensuring the attachment of AMP to the membrane of a normal cell is its charge, and the hydrophobicity of AMP contributes to the formation of pores in the membrane of the microorganism;for this reason, the activity of AMP is related to its amphiphilicity. Thus, the placement of histidine with buffering properties into AMPs provides damage to microorganisms without hemolysis of host cells;the same purpose is served by obtaining hydrophobic sites in the newly synthesized AMP. The material presented in this work helps the synthesis of new effective AMPs capable of stopping the development of severe infectious processes, with Allah Support.
    • Daniel Marfil; Fernando Boronat; F.Javier Pastor; Anna Vidal
    • 摘要: In this paper, a scalable hardware and software architecture for tiled display systems (a.k.a. videowalls), which can be implemented by using low-cost devices, together with a dynamic web-based management and configuration service are proposed. It has been designed to support both stored and live broadcast/broadband content, in mosaic or warp distributions. The displays and devices can be dynamically configured via web in different ways: the displays can create a single display of a larger size;or they can be configured in a customized way in order to playout different media contents in different display combinations. As display renderers, low-cost devices are proposed as the main hardware element to obtain affordable videowall systems. As a proof of concept, two prototypes have been implemented, including an accurate synchronization mechanism based on a Master/Slave control scheme and aggressive and smooth playout adjustment techniques. To evidence the good performance of the prototypes and configuration service, both objective and subjective evaluations have been conducted regarding synchronization accuracy and usability. On the one hand, the mean values of the asynchronies between the video playout processes in each display are kept below 25ms (i.e., frame accuracy). On the other hand, the obtained usability score in the System Usability Scale (SUS) test has been 88.65, which is considered as excellent.
    • 李天雷; 汪丹; 王雅熙
    • 摘要: 2021年1月7日,中国石油工程建设有限公司西南分公司(以下简称西南分公司)申报的"SP21508 Specification for batch treatment and continuous injection of corrosion inhibitor for oil and gas gathering pipelines《石油与天然气集输系统缓蚀剂预膜和连续加注规范》"获得The Association for Materials Protection and Performance(以下简称AMPP)的批准。AMPP为原美国腐蚀工程师协会(NACE International)和美国防护涂料协会(SSPC)合并而成。AMPP成立于美国德克萨斯州,是目前国际上公认的极具权威的全球腐蚀防护协会。
    • 陈贵豪; 叶进; 李琳
    • 摘要: 网页的加载速度与用户体验紧密相关,决定着用户的去留.本研究以Google AMP网页加速技术为例,对网页加速技术展开研究,并借助其关键技术,对腾讯新闻、CNBC新闻和VOX等网站进行改造,提出基于流行度分布和链路带宽的网页加载时间(Page Load Time,PLT)分析模型.结果表明,Google AMP能有效降低网页加载时间,相对于原版网页,最高可降低4.17%,即使在总体网络环境为最小往返时间(Minimum Round Trip Time,min_RTT)和丢包率较高、网络带宽较低的情况下,网页加载时间最高仍能降低92.46%;同时在启用流行度缓存机制的情况下,最高可再降低44%.本研究对进一步研究其他网页加速技术具有参考价值.
    • 千佳琦
    • 摘要: AMP(模拟监测保护装置)是电力机车上保护网侧电流的设备,其可靠性直接关乎列车整体运行的安全.主要介绍了基于μC/OS-Ⅲ系统的A肝板卡的设计思路和实现过程.
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