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消化管的相关文献在1983年到2023年内共计232篇,主要集中在动物学、畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、基础医学 等领域,其中期刊论文130篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献16967篇;相关期刊111种,包括四川动物、中国组织化学与细胞化学杂志、知识就是力量等; 相关会议3种,包括中国畜牧兽医学会动物解剖及组织胚胎学分会第十八次学术研讨会、第十届家(柞)蚕遗传育种及良种繁育学术研讨会、第三届全国基层中医药学术交流会等;消化管的相关文献由421位作者贡献,包括何松庆、楚德昌、王黎明等。



论文:130 占比:0.76%


论文:4 占比:0.02%


论文:16967 占比:99.22%





  • 何松庆
  • 楚德昌
  • 王黎明
  • 覃远生
  • 王昱
  • 王珏
  • 令狐恩强
  • 任永丽
  • 何苗
  • 刘再群
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 李琴; 杨子江; 林成海
    • 摘要: 家禽的蛔虫病常见于没有定期驱虫的养殖家禽群体,多见于散养。由于散养家禽常吃蚯蚓和携带蛔虫虫卵的昆虫,蛔虫寄生于家禽的小肠段吸取营养,引起家禽消化障碍,严重的会造成家禽消瘦、疾病甚至死亡等。感染家禽的蛔虫属于线虫类,线虫一般呈圆柱形,细长或粗短,头端偏钝,虫体左右对称,颜色白色偏黄,吸血的线虫则呈粉色,有体壁和假体腔可以附着、感觉、辅助交配和分泌有液体等。假体腔里面有各种组织、器官,包括神经系统、消化管、腺体等。
    • 王昱
    • 摘要: 为了搞清楚短耳鹗(Asio flammeus)组织器官的结构特征,利用组织学方法对短耳鹗的消化管进行了观察.结果 表明:短耳鹗消化管包括食管、胃(腺胃和肌胃)、小肠(十二指肠、空肠和回肠)、大肠(盲肠和直肠).除了空肠和盲肠的粘膜下层缺无外,消化管其他各部管壁由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和外膜组成.管壁粘膜上皮、腺体分布情况、肌层排列方式、肠绒毛分支及长短变化等在消化道各部存在差异.表明短耳鹗消化管组织结构特征可能与其食性相适应.
    • 蒋宇凡; 俞京; 徐保明; 陆苗苗; 王栋; 侯者; 周艳; 李晓平; 姚政
    • 摘要: 为提高流动分析法测量烟草及烟草制品中总氮消化的效率,根据消化时压力越大,效率越高及蒸汽冷凝回流原理,改进消化管,使样品在较高压力下消化,酸性蒸汽能够得到及时有效的回流.结果表明:同等情况下,改进后的消化管里面的消化液量增加了8.2%,消化液稀释到50 mL时的pH由0.94降低到0.88;使用改进后的消化管,H2SO4、K2SO4和CuSO4的使用量降低10%时,经150 °C下0.5 h,250 °C下1 h,350 °C下1.5 h的消化,比原来消化程序减少2 h,对检测结果无显著性差异,加标回收率在96.92%到103.51%之间.因此,该改进起到了节能、减排、提高工作效率的作用.%In order to improve the digestion efficiency to determinate the total nitrogen in tobacco and tobacco products by continuous flow analyzer, the digestive tube was improved by the theory of "the higher the digestive pressure, the higher the efficiency" and "the reflux condensation principle",which made the samples to be digested under high pressure,and the acid steam return timely and effectively. The results showed that the volume of digestive fluid increased 8.2% in the digestive tube after the improvement; the pH decreased from 0.94 to 0.88 when the digestive liquid was diluted to 50 mL under the same condition; when using the improved digestive tube, reducing 10% of the amount of H2SO4, K2SO4and CuSO4, and under the digestion procedure of "150 °C for 0.5 h, 250 °C for 1 h, 350 °C for 1.5 h", there was no significant difference on the determination results, the recovery of standard addition ranged from 96.92% to 103.51%. Therefore, the improvement of the digestion tube could play the role of energy saving, emission reduction and high efficiency .
    • 包花尔
    • 摘要: 为了丰富灰鹤的形态学资料,对灰鹤的消化管进行了解剖和形态学观察.结果发现:灰鹤具有发达的舌,能防止食物从口中滑出;食管内壁具有发达的纵向皱襞,是一个易于扩张的肌性管道;无明显嗉囊;腺胃内壁黏膜上均匀分布小而多的圆形乳突;肌胃发达,内壁具有黄色的类角质层;小肠发达,为消化道最长的一段;盲肠发达,具有杂食鸟类消化系统特点.
    • 程醉1
    • 摘要: 家蚕和蜘蛛是离我们人类的“朋友圈”最近的两种会吐丝的小动物。不过,在神奇的大自然中,已知会吐丝的动物至少有10万种以上。膜翅目、双翅目、鞘翅目、纺足目……都有很多会吐丝的小伙伴,它们能够利用口器、前脚、消化管、皮肤分泌腺等器官来吐丝。
    • 王秋华; 莫德桂; 黄宏业; 秦津; 宋小白
    • 摘要: 为了解竹鼠消化管的特征,通过解剖、常规组织切片、HE染色方法对中华竹鼠进行消化管解剖及组织学观察.结果表明:中华竹鼠的胃为单室胃,呈U形;肠道较长,十二指肠、空肠、回肠、结肠、直肠较细小,盲肠较粗大;消化管壁为4层结构,分为黏膜层、黏膜下层、肌层、浆膜层;食道黏膜上皮为复层扁平上皮,胃、小肠、大肠黏膜上皮为单层柱状上皮;食道黏膜肌层较厚,胃、小肠、盲肠、结肠的黏膜肌层较薄.
    • 曹艳玲; 吴小平; 欧阳珊
    • 摘要: The scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used for the first time to study the digestive tract,mantle and gill of Solenaia carinatus.The digestive tract was composed of labial palp,esophagus,stomach,intestine,rectum and anus.The inner surface of digestive tract was mostly ciliate,and the cilia were dense and slender.In addition,the mantle,intestine and rectum also had microvilli.There were mucous cells in theepithelial of esophagus,stomach and intestine,especially in the stomach,there had many rod-shaped protrusions between ciliated columnar cells.The inner epidermis of mantle presented irregular plate structure,which was divided into groove and ridge,with cilia and microvilli distributed on the groove and ridge,and a large number of mucous cells interspersed between the ciliated columnar cells;the outer epidermis was relatively smooth,without obvious groove and ridge,and the surface was only distributed with microvilli,and there was no large amount of mucous cells and globular granules in the surface of microvilli.Gill was mainly composed of frontal cilia,laterofrontal cirri and lateral cilia,all of these structures played an important role in the selection and transportation of food.This study provided a theoretical basis for further understanding of the feeding mechanism of Solenaia carinatus.%利用扫描电镜首次对龙骨蛏蚌的消化管、外套膜和鳃进行了观察研究,消化管包括唇瓣、食道、胃、盘旋肠、直肠以及肛门.消化管各段内表面均具有纤毛,纤毛密集细长;盘旋肠和直肠内表面还具有微绒毛;在食道、胃和盘旋肠内表面可见分泌细胞;分泌细胞夹杂在纤毛柱状细胞之间,呈棒状突起.外套膜内表皮呈不规则的板块状结构,具沟和嵴,沟嵴上分布有纤毛和微绒毛,纤毛柱状细胞间夹杂较多的分泌细胞;外表皮表面相对平滑,无明显的沟嵴,表面仅分布有微绒毛,未见大量分泌细胞和球状颗粒.鳃表面布满纤毛,每条鳃丝由前纤毛、前侧纤毛和侧纤毛组成,这些结构在食物的选择与运输方面具有重要的意义.该研究对进一步了解龙骨蛏蚌的摄食机制提供理论依据.
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