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枝梗的相关文献在1955年到2022年内共计103篇,主要集中在农作物、中国文学、植物保护 等领域,其中期刊论文91篇、专利文献12篇;相关期刊69种,包括诗刊、种子世界、中国植保导刊等; 枝梗的相关文献由205位作者贡献,包括朱波、任万军、侯红乾等。



论文:91 占比:88.35%


论文:12 占比:11.65%





  • 朱波
  • 任万军
  • 侯红乾
  • 刘光荣
  • 周学标
  • 唐先干
  • 姚友礼
  • 姚悦梅
  • 姜明松
  • 张士永
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 华立平
    • 摘要: 在日前举办的"2020中国农业机械年度TOP50+颁奖盛典"上,洋马农机荣获两项殊荣,洋马农机YH6118自走式半喂入联合收割机荣获技术金奖,洋马农机技术部荣获技术创新团队。洋马YH6118是一款主打6行的新一代半喂入收割机,整车配置洋马118马力高压共轨发动机、1800升大粮箱、120升大油箱、FDS全时驱动变速箱以及UFO底盘自动水平装置。收割机脱粒部配备三滚筒(主滚筒、副滚筒和枝梗处理筒)及四风扇(前风扇、主风扇、二次风扇和吸引风扇)。
    • 李晓萌
    • 摘要: 水稻进入拔节孕穗期后,花粉母细胞处于减数分裂阶段,如营养不良就会引起枝梗及颖花退化,造成穗子小、籽粒少、产量不高。因此,在减数分裂前施保花肥,对提高结实率、增加千粒重有较好效果。在施保花肥时,要注意以下五点:1.注意施用田块凡是基肥不足、前期有机肥施用少,叶色浓且落黄的田块可以施用;而前期施肥量足,叶色浓绿且退淡的不施。
    • 唐先干; 秦文婧; 谢金水; 王萍; 侯红乾; 李祖章; 刘光荣; 刘增兵
    • 摘要: 为了综合评价中国南方施用猪粪肥对稻穗不同部位籽粒磷素积累的影响,本研究在水稻施肥量N 180 kg/hm2,N:P2O5:K2O=3:1:2.5情况下,比较施用化肥(NPK)、70%化肥配施30%猪粪(F7M3)、50%化肥配施50%猪粪(F5M5)、30%化肥配施70%猪粪(F3M7)的稻穗不同部位籽粒含磷量.结果发现,化肥配施猪粪肥能有效促进水稻产量的增加与稻穗含磷量的下降,但猪粪肥配施与NPK处理的水稻籽粒吸磷量无明显差异;与NPK处理相比,猪粪肥配施可以显著降低一次枝梗与穗上部二次枝梗含磷量,并能有效降低不同穗位的籽粒含磷量.故猪粪肥能有效影响稻穗不同部位的磷含量,猪粪肥资源的合理利用有利于水稻的高产 稳产.
    • 王志翔
    • 摘要: 玉兰花开早,农历正月、二月开始长出花骨朵,看似带毛的小桃子。此时的玉兰,除去枝梗、阴干,便成了中药——辛夷。辛夷既是一味中药,也是文人墨客的"宠儿"。屈原的《九歌·湘夫人》记载:"桂栋兮兰橑,辛夷楣兮药房。"唐代诗人王维晚年隐居在辋川的辛夷坞(今陕西省蓝田县境内),此地因盛产辛夷而得名,那里还有一种紫粉色的辛夷,含苞待放的颜色和芙蓉很像,它傲立在高高的树梢,俯临深涧,欲绽光华。
    • 田青兰; 刘波; 钟晓媛; 赵敏; 孙红; 任万军
    • 摘要: [目的]研究播栽方式对杂交籼稻非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)积累与分配及对枝梗和颖花分化与退化的影响,并探明穗分化期NSC代谢与枝梗及颖花分化与退化的关系及抽穗后NSC积累与产量构成的关系.[方法]在前2年试验的基础上,于201 4年采用两因素裂区试验设计,研究了3种播栽方式(机直播、机插和手插)下2个杂交籼稻组合(宜香优211 5和F优498)抽穗前和抽穗后植株NSC积累与分配、稻穗不同部位枝梗和颖花分化与退化的规律及差异.[结果](1)穗分化期NSC的竞争茎鞘较幼穗有明显优势;机插在抽穗期茎鞘贮藏了较多NSC,在籽粒灌浆结实期茎鞘向籽粒高效输送较多的NSC,使其成熟期穗部获得较高的NSC积累量.(2)各播栽方式的枝梗分化及退化差异主要是二次枝梗现存数及退化率、三次枝梗分化数;机插的二次枝梗分化数及现存数、二次颖花分化数及现存数较高,从而有较高的总枝梗数和总颖花数;二次枝梗和一次颖花的退化主要分别发生在穗的下部和上部;二次技梗分化数和二次颖花退化数均为下部>中部>上部;二次颖花分化数为中部>下部>上部;机插的下部、中部、上部二次颖花现存数均高于手插和机直播;(3)抽穗前12d和抽穗前4d及抽穗期茎鞘较高的NSC贮藏量不利于幼穗枝梗和颖花的分化与退化,而抽穗前16d至抽穗前8d幼穗NSC积累量与大多数颖花性状呈显著或极显著正相关,是决定大穗形成的关键时期;抽穗后NSC分配主要是通过影响叶片和穗部NSC分配从而影响产量;枝梗及颖花性状与产量关系密切,千粒重和单位面积有效穗均与枝梗及颖花性状呈显著或极显著负相关,而每穗粒数、结实率及产量与枝梗及颖花性状呈显著或极显著正相关;(4)F优498较宜香优2115有更高的茎鞘NSC转运率及对穗部的贡献率,且其大多数枝梗及颖花性状显著或极显著高于宜香优2115,F优498的每穗粒数和结实率极显著高于宜香优2115,相应产量也较高.[结论]不同播栽方式下NSC积累与分配及枝梗和颖花分化与退化有较大差异,且品种间差异较大,机插配合大穗型品种有更高的增产潜力.
    • 摘要: 葡萄进行果穗拉长处理,就是为了得到一个好的穗型。还有欧美葡萄品种,进行保果处理后,往往是坐果太多,要花费很多人工进行修穗,费用很大,一亩地花费千元是平常事。所以在开花前进行拉穗处理就比较重要,它不是一项可有可无的工作。
    • 李松; 郭淑珍; 王建松
    • 摘要: 四季青,《本草纲目》释名冻青,为冬青科植物冬青的干燥叶,分布于我国长江流域以南各省、区的疏林中,其中以四川省、江西省、浙江省所产为佳。四季青呈椭圆形或披针形,长6-12cm,先端急尖或渐尖,基部楔形,边缘具疏浅锯齿,革质,上表面棕褐色或灰绿色,有光泽,下表面色较浅。气微、味苦,涩。以身干、色绿、无枝梗者为佳。四季青秋、冬季采收,晒干。
    • 李翠英
    • 摘要: 晚稻生长后期,由于受到某些病虫危害,往往出现白穗现象,而水稻上的白穗是比较复杂和容易混淆的病虫危害症状之一。正确区分因不同原因造成的白穗,是指导病虫防治和测报的重要环节。现将几种晚稻白穗识别方法介绍如下:稻瘟病危害造成的白穗。在稻瘟病特别是穗颈瘟发生严重的年份,由于穗颈瘟和枝梗稻瘟病菌的侵入,
    • 曾研华; 张玉屏; 王亚梁; 向镜; 陈惠哲; 朱德峰
    • 摘要: 【目的】探讨播期对不同籼粳杂交稻穗粒数形成规律的影响。【方法】以杂交稻偏粳型中熟中粳甬优8号、偏籼型迟熟中粳甬优15号、中熟晚籼钱优2号和常规品种迟熟中粳浙粳88为材料,通过分期播种研究不同类型水稻枝梗和颖花分化与退化的特性及其与籼粳性成分的关系。【结果】籼粳杂交稻甬优8号及甬优15号每穗总颖花分化数均显著高于籼稻钱优2号和粳稻浙粳88;甬优品种的一次枝梗及颖花分化数显著高于籼、粳稻,二次枝梗和颖花分化数以偏籼型品种甬优15号和钱优2号较高,而甬优8号二次颖花分化数与钱优2号的基本持平。随播期推迟,每穗总颖花分化数显著降低,尤为二次颖花分化数,而一次颖花分化数以适期播种最高。甬优8号和钱优2号总颖花分化数以早播显著高于适期播种和迟期播种,甬优15号则以适期播种最高,适期播种能显著提高籼粳杂交稻品种甬优8号和甬优15号的一次颖花现存数,主要体现在稻穗中上部与穗基部、顶部,这与其较高的一次枝梗分化能力有关。不同播期间,各类型品种稻穗不同部位一次枝梗上的二次枝梗分化数从穗基部到穗顶部总体呈下降趋势,而二次枝梗和颖花现存数、二次颖花分化数总体呈现“先升后降”的趋势。其中甬优8号不同部位一次枝梗上二次枝梗和颖花现存数的早播优势主要体现在穗中上部位,钱优2号早播的优势为稻穗中下部,甬优15号适期播种的优势主要体现在穗顶部,而浙粳88迟播的影响主要体现在稻穗基部。相关分析表明,各类型品种粳性成分与稻穗总颖花分化数及一次、二次枝梗和颖花分化数均呈极显著抛物线关系,相关系数分别为0.8172、0.9416、0.9004、0.8718和0.7988。【结论】与籼、粳稻相比,籼粳杂交稻具有较多的枝梗数和颖花数。推迟播期,降低每穗颖花分化数和二次枝梗分化数;早播有利于中熟品种颖花和二次枝梗的形成,而适期播种对迟熟品种的效应较好。不同播期下各类型品种粳性成分与稻穗枝梗和颖花呈极显著相关。%[Objective]The objective of the study is to elucidate the effects of sowing date on characteristics of spikelets formation of hybrid rice with different compositions of indica and japanica.[Method]The inbred and hybrid varieties with different compositions of indica and japanica, Yongyou8 and Yongyou15, Qianyou2 and Zhejing88 were used in this study. The characteristics of differentiation and degradation of branches and spikelets were investigated, and the relationship between the composition of indica & japonica and the character of rice panicle was analyzed.[Result]The total number of differentiated spikelets per panicle of hybrid rice Yongyou 8 and Yongyou15 with indica-japonca blood were significantly higher than the indica rice Qianyou2 and japonica rice Zhejing88. The numbers of differentiated primary branches and spikelets on primary branches of Yongyou 8 and Yongyou15 were also significantly higher than the indica and japonica rice. The number of secondary branches, and spikelets on secondary branches of Yongyou15 and Qianyou2 was more than two others rice varieties. The number of differentiated spikelets decreased significantly with the sowing date delaying (ie. 28, June), especially the number of differentiated spikelets on secondary branches, but differentiated spikelets on primary branches on suitable sowing date (ie. 21, June) was more than other sowing date. More number of differentiated spikelets of Yongyou8 and Qianyou2 was found when the sowing date was ahead (ie.14, June). Degradation spikelets on primary branches of Yongyou varieties decreased significantly at suitable sowing date, and low spikelets degradation was observed for Yongyou8 in the middle-upper part of panicle and the base part or top part for Yongyou15, respectively, and that caused by higher primary branches differentiation. In all sowing date treatments, the number of differentiated secondary branches decreased from base panicle to top panicle in all varieties, and the secondary branches, spikelets on secondary branches showed an increased and then decreased tendency. The advantage was that low degradation of secondary branches, spikelets on secondary branches in the middle-top of panicle of Yongyou8 when the sowing date was ahead, and that was the base-middle of panicle for Qianyou2. The low degradation of spikelets was found in the top of panicle of Yongyou15 at suitable sowing date, and the advantage of sowing date delaying was that low degradation of spikelets happened in the base of panicle of Zhejing88. There was a significantly parabolic correlation between the japonica consanguinity component and the number of differentiated spikelets, primary, secondary branches and its spikelets, and the correlation coefficient was 0.8172, 0.9416, 0.9004, 0.8718 and 0.7988, respectively.[Conclusion]There were more branches and spikelets of indica-japonica hybrid rice than indica and japonica rice. Differentiated spikelets and secondary branches per panicle were reduced significantly with sowing date delaying, and it promoted the formation of spikelets and secondary branches when the sowing date was ahead for medium-maturing varieties, while there was a positive effect for late-maturing varieties by selecting suitable sowing date. There was a significantly correlation between the japonica consanguinity component and the branches, spikelets of panicle in all sowing date treatments.
    • 唐先干; 刘光荣; 徐昌旭; 袁福生; 秦文婧; 王萍; 李祖章; 倪康; 侯红乾
    • 摘要: 【目的】通过定位试验,综合评价中国南方双季稻地区有机无机肥配施对水稻粒重与结实率的影响。【方法】从江西连续30年的定位试验稻田采样,比较施用化肥(NPK)、等养分条件下70%化肥配施30%有机肥(70F+30M)、50%化肥配施50%有机肥(50F+50M)、30%化肥配施70%有机肥(30F+70M)的稻穗不同部位粒重与结实率。有机肥早稻用紫云英,晚稻用腐熟猪粪;无机肥用尿素、过磷酸钙与氯化钾。采集的水稻品种为赣晚籼37号(926),把稻穗分为上、中、下三个部位,然后分别截取一次枝梗和二次枝梗上的籽粒测定粒重与结实率。【结果】1)与单施化肥相比,三个有机无机肥配施处理水稻的结实率均有提高,特别是稻穗中、下部的结实率均高于NPK处理,虽未达显著水平,但稻穗中、下部结实率的变异性远低于全施化肥处理;2)有机无机肥不同比例对粒重影响不同,50F+50M处理的粒重与NPK相比,显著增加了3.1%,而70F+30M和30F+70M处理差异不显著;3)将稻穗分为上、中、下三个部位,70F+30M和30F+70M处理不同穗位的粒重与NPK处理相比差异均不明显,但50F+50M处理穗上部与穗中部粒重分别增加了4.7%与3.8%,由于粒重变异系数较大,粒重增加不显著;4)与NPK处理相比,50F+50M处理稻穗上部的一次、二次枝梗粒重分别增加了4.8%与4.7%,稻穗中部的分别增加了3.0%与4.6%,但70F+30M和30F+70M处理稻穗上、中部不同枝梗的粒重与NPK处理相比无明显差异;5)有机无机肥配施处理稻穗上部各枝梗结实率与NPK处理无明显差异,但稻穗中、下部的一、二次枝梗结实率都大于NPK处理,其中二次枝梗结实率增加的幅度较大;有机无机配施穗中部与穗下部一次枝梗结实率变异系数小,但二次枝梗结实率的增加呈现不稳定状态。【结论】有机肥化肥的配施比例影响着水稻稻穗不同部位枝梗的实粒数和粒重。本试验条件下,50%化肥与50%有机肥配合最有利于增加稻穗中、上部一、二次枝梗的粒重,但对稻穗各部位粒重的增加不稳定;50%化肥配施50%有机肥配合还有利于增加稻穗中、下部二次枝梗的结实率。有机肥配施比例高于或低于50%时,养分供应滞后或超前,均未显现出优于单施化肥的效果,但是其结实率和粒重的稳定性,也在一定程度上体现了有机无机配施对水稻稻穗结实率和实粒重的良好作用。%[Objectives]The effects of long-term organic-inorganic fertilization on rice grain weight and seed-setting rate at different positions of rice spike were evaluated through the analysis of the samples from a long-term field experiment.[Methods]A field experiment with indica rice cultivar 926 as test material was conducted in Jiangxi Province, and the spike samples were collected from different parts after harvest. Four treatments i. e. mineral N, P and K (NPK), 70% chemical fertilizers plus 30% organic manure (70F+30M), 50% chemical fertilizers plus 50% organic manure ( 50 F+50 M ) , and 30% chemical fertilizers plus 70% organic manure ( 30 F+70 M ) were selected for the investigation from the 30-year long-term field experiment. All 4 treatments had the same rates of N, P , and K nutrients. The organic fertilizers were milk vetch and composted pig manure for early and late rice respectively, while the chemical fertilizers sources of N, P and K were urea, super-phosphate and potassium chloride respectively.[Results]1) The seed-setting rates in the three combination ratios of organic and chemical fertilizer treatments were increased, especially those in the middle and lower parts of an spike. Although the increments were not statistically significant, the coefficient of variation in the seed-setting rates was far lower than that in NPK treatment. 2) Different ratios of organic manure and the chemical fertilizers had different effects on the grain weight. The 50F+50M treatment significantly increased rice grain weight by 3. 1% compared with NPK treatment, but the 70F+30M treatment and 30F+70M treatment did not. 3) Dividing a spike into upper, middle and lower parts, the grain weights in the three parts of spike were not significantly increased in treatments of 70F+30M and 30F+70M, but was increased by 4. 7% and 3. 8% in the primary and secondary branch of rice spike in the treatment of 50F+50M, although not significant due to the high coefficient of variation. 4 ) Compared with treatment NPK, 50F+50M increased the rice grain weight by 4. 8% and 4. 7% in the primary and secondary branch of the upper parts, respectively, for the middle parts of spike by 3. 0% and 4. 6% respectively. However, treatments 70F+30M and 30F+70M had no significant difference with treatment NPK in rice grain weight in any branches of upper and middle parts of spike. 5 ) Organic-inorganic combined fertilization had no difference with NPK in seed-setting rate of different branches from upper parts of rice spike, but increased the set-setting rate in primary and secondary branches from middle and basal parts of rice spike, especially secondary branch of middle and basal parts of rice spike, but the use of organic fertilizer can’t improve the stability of the seed-setting rate in secondary branch of middle and basal parts of rice spike.[Conclusions]The ratio of organic and inorganic fertilizer has different effect on the seed weight and seed-setting rate in different parts and branches of a spike. In this experimental condition, 50% chemical fertilizer and 50% organic fertilizer shows significant increase in the seed weight in the primary and secondary branches of the middle and upper parts of a spike, which could be the main reason for the high yield. The 50% chemical fertilizer plus 50% organic fertilizer treatment is also good for the seed setting rate in the middle and basal parts of the secondary branches. So, 50 to 50 in organic and chemical nutrients should be recommended as a reasonable ratio.
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