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大穗的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计161篇,主要集中在农作物、园艺、农学(农艺学) 等领域,其中期刊论文130篇、专利文献90110篇;相关期刊71种,包括中国种业、现代农业科技、河南农业等; 大穗的相关文献由419位作者贡献,包括元慕田、庞红喜、杨红军等。



论文:130 占比:0.14%


论文:90110 占比:99.86%





  • 元慕田
  • 庞红喜
  • 杨红军
  • 王星玉
  • 王纶
  • 那郅烨
  • 刘洋
  • 宋哲民
  • 张彩霞
  • 曲刚
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 文守云
    • 摘要: 劲单9号是重庆中一种业有限公司自主选育的大穗红轴高产型玉米新品种,该品种于2020年通过重庆市农作物品种审定委员会审定(渝审玉20200031),在重庆中高海拔地区种植,表现出植株矮、株型好、穗子大、轴芯细、齿粒深、满尖、产量高、抗性好、适应性强等优势,深受广大种植农户欢迎。
    • 摘要: 阳光玫瑰葡萄因具有香味浓郁、香甜可口、色泽鲜艳、极耐贮藏、营养丰富等特点而驰名中外。同时,具有丰产、稳产、大粒、抗病、耐贮性好、栽培简单的性质,果穗圆锥形,穗重600克左右,大穗可达1.8公斤左右,平均果粒重8-12克。果粒着生紧密,椭圆形,黄绿色,果面有光泽,果粉少。
    • 王淑荣; 费德友; 李小雨
    • 摘要: 南麦660是南充市农业科学院选育的大穗弱筋小麦新品种,于2019年1月通过四川省农作物品种审定委员会审定(审定编号为川审麦20180002).该品种春性中早熟,株型紧凑,株高87cm左右,抗倒伏力强,穗层整齐.长芒白壳白粒,籽粒粉质-半角质,穗粒数45粒左右,千粒重48克.中抗条锈病,中抗白粉病.品质迭弱筋标准.
    • 摘要: 劲单3号是重庆中一种业有限公司自主选育的大穗高产多抗.型玉米新品种,该品种于2020年通过重庆市农作物品种审定委员会审定(渝审玉20200017),在重庆中低海拔丘陵及平坝地区种植,表现出植株矮、品质优、穗子大、产量高、抗性好、适应性强等优势,深受广大试种农户欢迎。
    • 张采波
    • 摘要: 劲单6号是重庆中一种业有限公司自主选育的大穗高产多抗型玉米新品种,该品种于2019年通过重庆市农作物品种审定委员会审定(渝审玉20190028),在海拔800米以上山区种植,表现出果穗长、品质优、产量高、抗性好、适应性强等优点,适合重庆市山区农户种植。
    • 刘刚
    • 摘要: 大穗看麦娘为一年生草本,产自中国台湾,在欧亚两洲的温带均有分布。从20世纪60年代,该杂草开始在欧洲西北部及中部发生发展,目前已成为农田危害最重的杂草之一,也是欧洲抗药性最为严重的杂草之一,至少在10多个国家被报道为抗性杂草。据报道,大穗看麦娘种子繁殖能力强、适生范围广、易传播,且根系能够产生非常强的化感物质影响小麦根系生长。
    • 王纶; 王星玉; 杨红军; 那郅烨; 杜建民; 赵和平; 元慕田
    • 摘要: 为了进一步验证GPIT那氏大穗玉米的耐盐性,对那氏大穗玉米在重度盐碱地进行了种植试验.结果表明,与对照正大12比较,那氏大穗玉米植株在叶片特征、根系特征上均发生了明显的变化,其茎秆的产量和品质、籽粒产量因子和产量也明显得到了提升,说明那氏大穗玉米在高光效特性的前提下,也使其耐土壤盐碱的能力得到了提高;如果再辅以相应配套的栽培技术,那氏大穗玉米在重度盐碱地上的增产潜力将会得到更加明显的体现.%To further verify with salt resistance of GPIT big ear corn,the planting experiment of big ear corn in severe saline alkali soil was carried out.The results show that compared with Zhengda 12,the leaves,root system characteristics have taken place obvious changes,and also lead to the stem yield and quality,grain yield and yield factor improve significantly,which explains the big ear corn on the premise of high photosynthetic efficiency features,soil salinity resistance ability is also improved.If the technique of cultivation is supplemented by the corresponding technology,the potential of the yield increase on the high salt alkali land will be more evident.
    • 王纶; 王星玉; 杨红军; 那郅烨; 元改香; 王树红; 元慕田
    • 摘要: 高光效那氏大穗玉米在娄烦试点引种成功后,2016年又在山西北部及吕梁的文水等地进行了多点试验,通过在山西北部的阳高、怀仁和原平3个试点,对GPIT那氏大穗玉米与对照先玉335的籽粒和茎秆含糖量、单位面积产量、穗和茎叶的农艺性状进行了比较分析.结果表明,GPIT那氏大穗玉米在高光效的作用下,不仅提高了籽粒和茎秆的品质,而且也大幅提高了产量及抗寒性,同时也表明了该品种广泛的适应性.可为今后其在山西大面积推广种植提供理论依据.%After the big ear maize with high photosynthetic efficiency was introduced success in Loufan,a number of experiments were carried out in northern Shanxi and Wenshui of Ltiliang,and other places in 2016.The grain and stalk sugar content,per unit area yield,panicle,leaf and stem agronomic traits of GPIT's big ear maize and Xianyu 335 were analyzed in Huairen,Yuanping and Yanggao of northern Shanxi.The result showed that under high efficiency effect,GPIT's big ear maize not only improved the quality of the grain and stem,but also greatly increased the production and also improved the resistance to cold.At the same time,it showed that the variety had a wide range of adaptability,which will provide a theoretical basis for the promotion of planting in Shanxi in the future.
    • 王纶; 王星玉; 杨红军; 那郅烨; 杜建民; 赵和平; 元慕田
    • 摘要: 沙化土地是我国的重要土地资源.对GPIT那氏大穗玉米在沙化土地的种植进行试验,结果表明,GPIT那氏大穗玉米单株鲜根质量、干根质量、根密度分别比对照高59.59,39.66 g,0.50 mg/cm3;全株叶面积、穗3叶叶面积、鲜叶质量、干叶质量分别比对照高209.71,335.50 cm,25.98,6.68 g.其强大的根系和繁茂的茎叶,对防风固沙、改善生态环境会起到明显的作用.与此同时,GPIT那氏大穗玉米高光效的特性,又会使茎叶青贮饲料的单位面积产量比对照提高45.88%,籽粒产量比对照提高37.54%;品质也得到明显的改善,茎秆可溶性糖含量比对照提高7.86百分点,籽粒粗蛋白含量提高0.48百分点、淀粉含量提高2.55百分点、可溶性糖含量提高0.10百分点.GPIT那氏大穗玉米在沙化地区的推广应用,对于沙化地区畜牧业的发展,减轻草场因过载引发的自然退化,以及当地人民的脱贫致富和国民经济的发展具有重要意义.%Desertification land is an important land resource in China.The experiment was conducted on the cultivation of GPIT big ear corn in desertification land.The result showed that the per fresh root quality,dry root quality and root density of GPIT big ear corn were higher than the control 59.59 g,39.66 g,0.50 mg/cm3,its whole plant leaf area,ear 3 foliage area,quality of fresh leaf and dry leaf were higher than the control 209.71 cm,209.71 cm,25.98 g and 6.68 g.Its stronger roots and lush stems and leaves could produce obvious effect for windbreak,sand stabilization and improvement of the ecological environment.At the same time,the characteristics of high efficiency effect of CPIT big ear corn would increase the yield per unit area of the silage of the stalk leaves by 45.88%.The yield of seeds was significantly increased by 37.54%.The content of the soluble sugar in the stem was increased by 7.86 percentage points than that of the control group.The crude protein content of seeds increased by 0.48 percentage point,starch content increased by 2.55 percentage points,and the soluble sugar content increased by 0.10 percentage points.The planting of GPIT big ear corn in desertification land will contribute to weaken the natural degeneration of the overloaded grassland,promote the development of animal husbandry in desertification area,help local people overcome poverty and achieve prosperity,and promote the development of national economy.
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