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抗生育的相关文献在1975年到2020年内共计189篇,主要集中在中国医学、药学、预防医学、卫生学 等领域,其中期刊论文147篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献7568篇;相关期刊101种,包括长春大学学报(自然科学版)、四川动物、中国计划生育学杂志等; 相关会议1种,包括中华中医药学会2003年中医妇科学术年会等;抗生育的相关文献由445位作者贡献,包括赵日良、吕加国、王慧萍等。



论文:147 占比:1.91%


论文:1 占比:0.01%


论文:7568 占比:98.08%





  • 赵日良
  • 吕加国
  • 王慧萍
  • 佟振合
  • 周有骏
  • 朱驹
  • 钱越英
  • 刘淑清
  • 张春美
  • 李悦
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 李玉珍
    • 摘要: 利用0.2%莪术醇成品饵剂和0.25mg/kg雷公藤甲素颗粒剂2种鼠用不育剂在林间饱和投放高原鼢鼠有效洞道,通过高原鼢鼠对2种药剂的适口性取食及取食后抗生育情况进行了研究,结果表明2种药剂均对高原鼢鼠有很好的适口性,抗生育效果显著,0.25mg/kg雷公藤甲素颗粒剂比0.2%莪术醇成品饵剂适口性更好,防治效果更佳.
    • 刘泓金; 魏微; 唐俊玲; 马露; 枉季秋; 余庭
    • 摘要: 目的 研究四物紫草方对SD雌性大鼠的抗生育作用及停药后生育恢复能力.方法 将112只生育期SD雌性大鼠随机分为四组,分别给予生理盐水、紫草水浸剂、四物紫草方水浸剂和四物汤水浸剂灌胃,于连续灌胃21天后和停药21天后,取大鼠血清检测大鼠血清卵泡雌激素(FSH)和促黄体生成素(LH)水平,并观察妊娠情况.结果 与空白组比较,在连续灌胃21天后,单药紫草组、四物紫草方组和四物汤组大鼠血清FSH和LH水平均降低,空白组、单药紫草组、四物紫草方组和四物汤组妊娠率分别为60%、0%、0%、70%;停药21天后,四物紫草方组和四物汤组大鼠血清FSH和LH水平恢复正常,单药紫草组大鼠血清FSH水平偏低,单药紫草组和四物紫草方组妊娠率分别为60%、70%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 四物紫草方能够具有抗生育作用,停药21天后可恢复生育能力.
    • 李梁; 刘育晨; 杨占君; 苗茂华; 周朋; 石岩
    • 摘要: Objective: To study the optimized regimen and antifertility effect of oral administration of low-dose gossypol acetic acid (GA) combined with testosterone undecanoate (TU), desogestral (DSG) and ethinyl estradiol (EE) for contraception in males. Methods: Adult male Wistar rats were randomly divided into 6 groups. Rats in the combined treatment group (LGAH-GA) were administered daily with low-dose of GA (15 mg · kg-1 · d-1 ) plus TU, DSG and EE as loading dose for 7 weeks, followed by a single low-dose GA of 12.5 mg · kg-1 · d-1 from week 8 of treatment for another 17 weeks as a maintenance dose to sustain the infertility. Rat in the combined treatment group (LGAH) were treated with lower-dose of GA (12.5 mg · kg-1 · d-1 ) plus TU, DSG and EE for 7 weeks. Rats in the low-dose gossypol group (LGA) were treated with GA (15 mg · kg-1 · d-1 ) for 24 weeks. Rats in the high-dose gossypol group were treated with GA (30 mg · kg-1 · d-1 ) for 7 weeks. Rats in the hormone group were treated with TU (100 mg · kg-1 · day-1 ,EE and DSG for 14 weeks. Rats in the control group were treated daily with an equal volume of 1% methylcellulose for 24 weeks. Fertility test was used for determining infertility or restoration of fertility in treated rats. Histology examinations were used to examine the alteration on morphology of sperm, testis, epididymides of treated rats. Results: The rats from LGA-A group were completely infertile at week 6 after treatment, and the fulfilled infertility was maintained with single GA (12. 5 mg/kg) only daily after one more week of consolidation treatment with simultaneous administration of low-dose of GA and TU, DSG and EE. Eight weeks after cessation of treatment, all of the treated male rats regained their fertility. The low-dose of GA and TU combined dosage regimen could damage morphology, motility and density of mature sperm, induce infertility within 6 weeks in rats, and rendered treated male rats with spermiation failure within a period of 6-24 weeks of treatment. Conclusion : Oral administration of low dose GA (15 mg · kg-1 · d-1 ) combined with TU, DSG and micro-dose of EE as loading dose could successfully induce infertility in the short term (within 6 weeks). The efficacy could be maintained by a lower dose of GA (12.5 mg · kg 1 · d-1 ) alone in the long term after one extra week of consolidation treatment, and the fertility could recover within a short term after cessation of treatment. The optimized combined regimen provides a promising approach to the development of an effective, reversible, safe and rapid oral male contraceptive.%目的:探索低剂量醋酸棉酚(GA)联合十一酸睾丸酮(TU)、去氧孕烯( DSG)和微量炔雌醇(EE)可逆抗雄性生育作用效果和优化组方.方法:成年雄性Wistar大鼠分为联合用药7周+GA组、联合用药7周组、低剂量GA组、高剂量GA组、激素组和对照组.采用交配试验、组织学形态测定分析法、病理学等方法检测服药雄性大鼠生育能力、附睾精子和睾丸的组织学改变.结果:雄性大鼠联合用药7周+GA组服药6周,不育率达100%,大鼠附睾内长形精子数量减少,90%精子头尾断裂、活力丧失;第8周开始停用激素单独以低剂量GA(12.5 mg·kg-1·d-1)可继续维持抗生育效果17周;停药第8周雄鼠全部恢复生育.结论:口服低剂量GA(15mg· kg-1·d-1为起效剂量,12. 5mg· kg-1·d-1为维持剂量)联合TU (100 mg· kg-1·d-1)、DSG(0.125mg· kg-1·d-1)和微量EE(0. 025 mg·kg-1·d-1),通过严重损伤成熟精子、影响精子形成过程和诱导精子延迟释放发挥避孕效应,抗雄性生育作用起效时间短、效果好、可逆、安全,是优化的低剂量GA联合甾体激素男用避孕药实验用药方案.
    • 张爱东; 张美华; 陈峰; 仕治达; 于建春; 邱毅; 刘以训
    • 摘要: 目的 观察成年男性阴囊局部热压后精液参数、精子顶体酶活性及精液表皮生长因子(EGF)的改变.方法 30例已育成年健康男性志愿者阴囊外部放置恒温加热带(睾丸热压,THT),热压温度40~43°C,每周2次,每次50 min,连续3个月.分别在试验开始前和试验1、2、3个月后采用化学发光免疫分析法测定血清生殖激素T、FSH、LH,精液常规分析、精子低渗肿胀实验(HOS)、精子染色质扩散(SCD)实验及精子顶体酶活性和EGF的含量.对THT试验前后进行自身对照.结果 试验1、2、3个月和停止THT试验1个月后的精子浓度、活动率、正常形态精子及正常HOS与THT试验前比较,差异均有统计学意义;停止THT试验2、3个月后的精子浓度、活动率与THT试验前比较,差异均有统计学意义.停止THT试验2个月后正常形态精子及SCD均恢复到试验前水平,差异均无统计学意义.THT试验1个月后血清LH及FSH较实验前无变化;血清睾酮(T)水平比试验前明显升高,差异有统计学意义.THT试验3个月后精液量、T水平明显低于试验前,LH和FSH高于试验前.停止THT试验3个月后,精液量、T、FSH、LH均恢复到试验前水平.试验1个月、2个月和3个月后,精子DNA完整比率较试验前下降明显,停止试验1个月后精子DNA完整比率下降仍然非常明显;停止试验2、3个月后精子DNA完整比率与试验前无差异.THT试验1、2、3个月及停试验1、2个月后精子顶体酶活性比试验前下降;停止试验2个月后上述各项指标又恢复到试验前水平.试验前后EGF含量无差异.结论 短期恒温睾丸热压可以使精子密度、活动率、精子顶体酶活性和精子DNA完整性比率较快下降,精子畸形率升高,抗生育效果明显,THT停止后可较快恢复,THT可能作为男性的一种避孕方法而应用.
    • 张兴利; 谢晨文; 刘筱雪; 方帷; 李晓; 张杰
    • 摘要: 我国草地鼠害发生面积呈逐年扩增的趋势.布氏田鼠Lasiopodomys brandtii是内蒙古草原主要害鼠之一,为找到有效控制鼠类数量的方法,本文研究了薄荷油对布氏田鼠的抗生育效果.以性成熟的非越冬布氏田鼠为实验对象,将备用的雌、雄布氏田鼠按2∶1合笼,将妊娠布氏田鼠分为3个不同药物处理组和1个空白对照组,将薄荷油用0.5%羧甲基纤维素钠配置成不同浓度的溶液(750 mg·kg-、1 000 mg·kg-、1 500 mg · kg-1),灌胃7d后剖检,统计其子宫胚胎着床数,对子宫进行组织病理学分析.实验结果表明,薄荷油能有效降低布氏田鼠胚胎着床数(P<0.01).扫描电子显微镜结果表明,薄荷油使布氏田鼠子宫内膜表面容受性发生了改变;组织病理学结果表明,经薄荷油处理的布氏田鼠子宫形态发生了改变,产生病变;免疫组织化学实验结果显示,药物处理组子宫内的雌激素受体(ERα)、孕激素受体(PR)、基质金属蛋白水解酶(MMP2)及E-钙粘附蛋白(E-cadherin)等相关蛋白的表达水平都出现了异常.这些研究结果表明,薄荷油对布氏田鼠的抗生育作用主要是通过影响调节子宫内ERα、PR、MMP2及E-cadherin等相关蛋白的表达水平来影响其子宫内膜容受性及胚胎着床过程,进而导致胚胎着床失败.因此,薄荷油可作为一种潜在的植物源性不育剂应用于鼠类不育控制.%The occurrence area of grassland rodents in China has been increasing year by year.Brandt's vole (Lasiopodomys brandtii) is a major rodent grassland pest found in Inner Mongolia with high breeding rate.In order to find a more effective way to control the number of rodents,the anti-fertility effect of peppermint oil on Brandt's voles was investigated.The non-overwintering mature female and male Brandt's voles were mated in a 2∶1 ratio.Then the pregnant voles were randomly divided into 3 treatment groups (the concentrations of peppermint oil were:750 mg· kg-1,1 000 mg · kg-1 and 1 500 mg · kg-1,respectively) and 1 control group.After intragastric administration for 7 days,the voles were then killed for further autopsy.The number of implanted uterus was counted,and the histopathological study of uterus was carried out.The results showed that peppermint oil could reduce the number of implanted embryos in Brandt's voles.The result of scanning electron microscopy showed that the endometrial receptivity of Brandt's voles administrated by peppermint oil was changed.Histopathological results showed that the uterus morphology of Brandt's voles treated with peppermint oil was also changed.Moreover,the immunohistochemical results showed that the expression levels of estrogen receptor α (ERα),progesterone receptor (PR),matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP2),and E-cadherin were all abnormal.These findings showed that the anti-fertility effect of peppermint oil on Brandt's voles was mainly through regulating the expression level of ERα,PR,MMP2 and E-cadherin to affect endometrial receptivity and embryo implantation,and finally led to implantation failure.Therefore,the peppermint oil can be used as a potential plant-derived infertility in rodent sterility control.
    • 包达尔罕; 满都呼; 袁帅; 武晓东; 付和平
    • 摘要: 为明确植物提取物紫草素的抗生育作用,以昆明小白鼠为实验对象,进行繁殖器官检测和雌、雄处理实验。结果表明:50 mg/kg 浓度紫草素实验组的雌性子宫脏器系数极显著低于对照组和其他两个浓度实验组(F=6.29,P<0.01),子宫出现明显萎缩,雄性精囊腺脏器系数、精子密度均显著低于对照组(F=6.49,P<0.01;F=4.60,P<0.05),50mg/kg 浓度紫草素具有抗生育的预期效果;50mg/kg 浓度紫草素显著降低了雌性处理组和雌、雄处理组的出生率,而对雄性处理组的作用不显著,但雌性和雄性的繁殖启动期均显著延迟,有效降低了小鼠整个繁殖期的繁殖率。因此,紫草素可作为一种潜在的鼠类不育控制剂应用于小型鼠类不育控制。%The study was to observe the anti-fertility effects of plant extract shikonin.Kunming mice were used as the test subjects in the experiment.The reproductive organs of the mice treated with 5mg/kg, 20mg/kg,and 50mg/kg of shikonin were detected.The female uterus,male seminal vesicle,testicle and sperm density were anatomized and measured in viscera coefficients.And an ideal shikonin concentration of 50 mg/kg was selected for breeding experiments.The results showed that the female uterus viscera co-efficient of the mice from the group treated with a shikonin concentration of 50 mg/kg was significantly lower than that of the control group and the other two concentration groups (F=6.29,P < 0.01 ),and the female uterus showed obvious atrophy.The male seminal vesicle viscera coefficients and sperm density of the mice from the group treated with a shikonin of 50 mg/kg was significantly lower than the control group (F=6.49,P < 0.01;F=4.60,P < 0.05).A shikonin concentration of 50 mg/kg had the expec-ted anti-fertility effects.Results of mice reproduction experiments showed that a shikonin concentration of 50 mg/kg significantly reduced the birth rate of the female treatment and the male-female treatment groups,however,the effects on the male treatment group was not significant.Nevertheless,the repro-ductive start-up period of female and male mice was significantly delayed,which would effectively reduce the reproduction rate during mice breeding periods.Therefore,shikonin can be used as a potential fertility control agent for small rodents.
    • 何凤琴; 魏芝艳
    • 摘要: 比较含有一定浓度的苍耳子粉对小白鼠生殖功能的影响,为配制植物源灭鼠剂提供理论基础.根据所食饵料的不同将实验鼠分对照组,实验组1(苍耳组),实验组2(溴敌隆组).计算适口性,睾丸、卵巢脏器系数.制作睾丸、卵巢组织学切片,统计合笼后的产仔情况.实验组1小鼠的日摄食量与对照组相比没有显著差异,实验组2小鼠的日摄食量明显比对照组少;实验组1小鼠的生精小管的管壁厚度明显比对照组薄,管腔直径大.实验组2小鼠的生精小管管壁管,管腔与对照组相比明显变小.配对以后实验组1小鼠的幼仔个数小于对照组.这些结果表明苍耳对小鼠精巢有影响,影响生精小管管壁直径,精子数量,并且降低了雌鼠所怀幼仔个数.说明苍耳能起到降低了雄性小鼠的生育能力的作用.
    • 许雄伟; 范强; 许韩波; 叶雁波; 林培英
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨刘峰祖传秘方口服避孕药急性毒性和抗生育作用。方法通过小鼠急性毒性试验、抗着床试验、抗早孕试验及对生育力影响的试验,研究其急性毒性和抗生育作用。结果小鼠急性毒性试验均未有动物死亡及病理解剖未发现异常。抗着床试验中剂量和高剂量生育抑制率分别为60%、80%,胎儿数明显减少。抗早孕试验生育抑制率分别为60%、80%,胎儿数也明显减少。对生育力影响试验,生育抑制率分别为70%、80%,胎儿数明显减少。结论刘峰祖传秘方口服避孕药小鼠急性毒性试验LD50>5000 mg/kg BW,有明显的抗生育作用。
    • 邵金辉; 冯桂花
    • 摘要: 激素类避孕药易致内分泌紊乱,而某些非激素类男性抗生育化合物具有良好的抗生育作用及不干扰激素分泌水平的优点.本文对口服非激素类物质发挥雄性抗生育作用的研究现状进行综述,许多种抗生育化合物有明确的成分,如羽扇醇乙酸酯、双-三氯甲基砜和奥硝唑等.而更多的论文报道是合成分较多的植物包括中药的提取物,经口服后具有雄性抗生育作用,如决明子、穿心莲、康查蒂悬铃花等.一些具有抗肿瘤作用的化合物同时具有抗生育的作用,检测更多有抗肿瘤作用的化合物是否也具有抗生育作用,应该是一条发现抗生育药物的新途径.
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