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嫖客的相关文献在1985年到2021年内共计95篇,主要集中在中国政治、预防医学、卫生学、内科学 等领域,其中期刊论文94篇、会议论文1篇、相关期刊67种,包括法律与生活、犯罪与改造研究、政府法制等; 相关会议1种,包括宁波市第五届学术大会等;嫖客的相关文献由229位作者贡献,包括靳征、吴庆戎、岳潇等。



论文:94 占比:98.95%


论文:1 占比:1.05%





  • 靳征
  • 吴庆戎
  • 岳潇
  • 左群
  • 张孔来
  • 张志坤
  • 徐俊杰
  • 林昭春
  • 汪宁
  • 丁国伟



  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文




    • 莫水土(文/图); 刘晓颖(文/图)
    • 摘要: 12年前,妻子卖淫因嫖资问题与嫖客发生纠纷,结果“护场”的丈夫倒毙在嫖客刀下。案发12年后,警方再次全力攻坚,广泛摸排并利用新技术手段找到凶手,让已经盖棺入土的犯罪嫌疑人现出原形。嫖客杀人后仓皇逃走2009年9月21日下午4时许,租住在广西壮族自治区柳州市太平西街南一巷某出租房的卖淫女钟某在门前招揽到一单“生意”,嫖客为一名四十多岁的中年男子。
    • 许泽册; 魏然; 焦珂笛; 任慈; 马伟
    • 摘要: 目的 分析饮酒与HIV阴性嫖客高危性行为的相关性,为预防性传播HIV提供参考依据.方法 2018年12月至2019年5月分别在济南市与海口市开展横断面调查,采用方便抽样方法招募HIV阴性嫖客为研究对象,估算样本量337人,收集研究对象人口学特征、艾滋病知识知晓、性行为和饮酒等情况.采用SPSS 24.0软件进行统计学分析.结果 38 1名研究对象中,≤40岁者占89.2%(340/381);文化程度为高中及以上者占85.3%(325/381);婚姻状况为恋爱/同居/已婚者占53.2%(202/380).艾滋病知识知晓率为83.7%(318/380).最近1年内,80.8%(308/381)的嫖客发生过商业性行为,79.8%(304/381)有非商业临时性伴,62.7%(239/381)存在高危性行为.多因素logistic回归分析结果显示,调整年龄、居住城市、户籍、在本地居住时间、文化程度、月收入、职业和婚姻状况、艾滋病知识知晓与HIV相关服务、最近1年商业与非商业临时性伴数、商业性行为花费以及HIV检测频率协变量后,与近1年饮酒频率≤2次/月相比,饮酒频率≥1次/周(aOR=3.22,95%CI: 1.25~8.27)者更有可能发生高危性行为.结论 饮酒与HIV阴性嫖客高危性行为的发生密切相关,会增加HIV传播风险.在艾滋病防治中,应将饮酒行为干预与预防工作结合起来,提高安全套的正确使用率.
    • LI Yi; LIAO Bing; LI Jie; LIANG Jun; LEI Hong-tao; TANG Song-yuan; GAN Yuan
    • 摘要: 目的 为昆明市艾滋病/性病防治综合干预制定提供科学指导依据.方法 对昆明市收容教育所监测哨点828名嫖客进行问卷调查,分析该人群对艾滋病知识的知晓程度和影响因素,并对其采集血液样本进行HIV、梅毒、HCV等病毒血清学检测.结果 目标人群艾滋病知识知晓率为73.0%,艾滋病知识知晓率的平均得分为6.18分.该人群20.2%近1 a以及22.7%近1次发生商业性行时从未或者有时使用安全套.Logistic分析显示,嫖客年龄低于50岁,是不安全性行为的危险因素;与配偶发生关系时每次使用安全套(OR=0.255,CI:0.134~0.485,P<0.001)是不安全性行为的保护因素.HIV、梅毒、HCV的检测阳性率分别为1.1%、2.7%、1.57%.结论 嫖客人群的不安全性行为是造成艾滋病、性病传播的主要因素,随着嫖客人群的不断扩大,针对嫖客的不安全性行为应进行持续教育以期控制艾滋病、性病的传播途径.
    • 朱靖; 连大帅; 殷玥琪; 胡丹; 汪宁; 陈璐斯; 王蓓
    • 摘要: 目的 了解2014-2015年云南省红河哈尼族彝族自治州河口瑶族自治县(河口县)嫖客HIV感染、相关危险行为及相关因素.方法 2014年6月至2015年11月在云南省河口县开展4次连续横断面调查,采用方便抽样方式招募嫖客作为研究对象.调查问卷收集嫖客人口学特征、性行为及吸毒行为等信息;采集血液和尿液样本检测HIV/STD及毒品使用.多因素logistic回归与Exhaustive CHAID分类树模型分析嫖客HIV感染相关因素.采用SPSS 22.0和Clementine 12.0软件进行统计学分析.结果 4次调查共有776名嫖客,HIV感染率为2.06%(16/776),与商业性性伴发生性行为时坚持使用安全套的嫖客占68.81%(534/776).相比中国籍嫖客,越南籍嫖客吗啡阳性率较高且最近1个商业性性伴均为越南籍暗娼.多因素logistic同归分析结果表明,年龄≥50岁(与<30岁者相比,OR=8.11,95%CI:1.26 ~ 52.16)和吗啡尿检阳性(与吗啡尿检阴性者相比,OR=7.35,95%CI:1.42 ~ 38.06)是嫖客HIV感染风险的危险因素.分类树模型判断年龄≥50岁是男性嫖客HIV感染的首要相关因素.结论 云南省河口县嫖客的HIV感染风险受到毒品与商业性性行为的双重影响;≥50岁嫖客HIV感染率较高,干预工作需关注嫖客年龄较大者.%Objective To assess the prevalence and related factors of HIV infection among male clients of the female sex workers in Hekou Yao autonomous county of Honghe Hani Yi autonomous prefecture (Hekou county) in Yunnan province in China,2014-2015.Methods Serial cross-sectional survey was conducted during June 2014 to November 2015.Convenience sampling methods were used to recruit the male clients for this study.Self-reported information on social-demographic characteristics,with sexual and drug behavior patterns,was gathered.Both blood and urine samples were collected for HIV,with for opiate testing.Multivariate logistic regression and Exhaustive CHAID method were used to determine the correlated factors associated with HIV infection.Statistical analysis was used by SPSS 22.0 software and Clementine 12.0 software.Results The overall HIV prevalence of male clients was 2.06% (16/776).Male clients who keep using condom with female sex worker was estimated as 68.81% (534/776).The last commercial sexual partner of Vietnamese male clients was all Vietnamese female sex workers.Compared with Chinese male clients,Vietnamese male clients have a higher rate of morphine positive.Factors as:age ≥ 50 years vs.age <30 years (OR=8.11,95%CI:1.26-52.16) and testing for morphine positive vs.morphine negative (OR=7.35,95% CI:1.42-38.06) were significantly associated with HIV infection through multiple logistic regression analysis.Through Exhaustive CHAID,it confirmed that age was the primary factor that associated with HIV infection of male clients.Conclusions Relationship between morphine and HIV infection indicated that HIV prevalence of male clients in Hekou county was influenced by the combined effect of both illegal drug use and commercial sexual behavior.Special attention should be paid to male clients over 50 years of age,on HIV intervention.
    • 李怡1; 廖斌1; 李婕1; 梁军1; 雷红涛2; 唐松源2; 甘源2
    • 摘要: 目的 为昆明市艾滋病/性病防治综合干预制定提供科学指导依据。方法 对昆明市收容教育所监测哨点828名嫖客进行问卷调查,分析该人群对艾滋病知识的知晓程度和影响因素,并对其采集血液样本进行HIV、梅毒、HCV等病毒血清学检测。结果 目标人群艾滋病知识知晓率为73.0%,艾滋病知识知晓率的平均得分为6.18分。该人群20.2%近1 a以及22.7%近1次发生商业性行时从未或者有时使用安全套。Logistic分析显示,嫖客年龄低于50岁,是不安全性行为的危险因素;与配偶发生关系时每次使用安全套(OR=0.255,CI:0.134~0.485,P<0.001)是不安全性行为的保护因素。HIV、梅毒、HCV的检测阳性率分别为1.1%、 2.7%、1.57%。结论 嫖客人群的不安全性行为是造成艾滋病、性病传播的主要因素,随着嫖客人群的不断扩大,针对嫖客的不安全性行为应进行持续教育以期控制艾滋病、性病的传播途径。
    • 李培龙; 李东民; 葛琳; 岳潇; 梁莉; 郭巍; 崔岩
    • 摘要: 目的 了解四川省雅安市嫖客人群HIV和梅毒感染状况及相关危险行为.方法 2014年4月至2015年12月,在雅安市开展横断面调查,滚雪球法招募708例嫖客作为调查对象,通过面对面问卷调查收集嫖客基本人口学、艾滋病有关知识和行为学等信息,抽取调查对象5 ml静脉血进行HIV和梅毒抗体检测,利用SPSS 18.0统计学软件进行数据整理和分析.结果 708名嫖客中,≥50岁年龄组人数占51.27% (363/708);汉族占99.72%(706/708);初中及以下文化程度占90.11% (638/708);在婚/同居占74.15%(525/708);每次均使用安全套占27.40%(194/708).HIV抗体阳性7例,其中4例年龄≥50岁;检出梅毒抗体阳性病例7例,年龄均≥50岁;HIV和梅毒抗体阳性率均为0.99%(95%CI:0.30%~1.70%);未发现HIV和梅毒合并感染病例.多因素logistic回归分析显示,首次发生商业异性性行为年龄<30岁(OR=6.61,95%CI:1.09 ~ 40.18)的嫖客其HIV抗体阳性率较高.结论 雅安市嫖客人群安全套使用率较低,自我保护意识较弱,尤其是≥50岁的嫖客文化程度较低,其经商业性行为感染HIV和梅毒的风险较高,应给予足够的重视.%Objective To understand the prevalence of HIV infection and syphilis in clients in Ya'an of Sichuan province.Methods A survey was conducted in clients recruited through snowball method in Ya'an of Sichuan from April 2014 to December 2015.The information of the clients,including basic demography characteristics,AIDS knowledge awareness,high-risk behaviors and others,were collected through face-to-face interviews.Blood sample (5 ml) was taken from each client to test antibodies against HIV and syphilis.Statistical software SPSS 18.0 was used for data analysis.Results Among the 708 clients,the constituent ratio of those aged ≥50 years was 51.27% (363/708),those in Han ethnic group was 99.72% (706/708),those with junior high school educational level or below was 90.11% (638/708),those who got married or cohabitated with others was 74.15% (525/708),and those who used condoms at each sex was 27.40% (194/708).Seven HIV positive cases were detected and 4 cases were aged ≥50 years.Seven syphilis cases were detected and all the cases were aged ≥ 50 year.No HIV-syphilis co-infection case was detected.The prevalence of HIV infection and syphilis were all 0.99% (95%CI:0.30%-1.70%).Results from the multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the clients who had their first commercial sex behavior at age <30 years (OR=6.61,95%CI:1.09-40.18) would have higher HIV positive rate.Conclusion The rate of condom use was low in the clients in Ya'an and they didn't pay enough attention to their self-protection in sexual activities.Especially the clients aged ≥50 years were with low educational level and had high risk commercial sexual behaviors for HIV infection and syphilis.Close attention needs to be paid to them.
    • 邓月琴; 吴兴华; 陆华湘; 葛宪民; 李剑军; 方宁烨; 王斌; 王江伟; 梁淑家; 沈智勇; 蓝光华; 张鸿满
    • 摘要: 目的 了解广西壮族自治区低档场所中老年嫖客与暗娼的HIV-1感染者病毒基因亚型特征及传播规律.方法 采用方便抽样的方法,于2012年对广西壮族自治区4个城市和9个县(区)低档场所的嫖客(年龄≥50岁)与暗娼开展分子流行病学调查,进行HIV-1抗体筛查,对HIV-1抗体阳性者血浆进行pol区基因片段扩增和序列测定,对获得的基因序列进行系统进化树构建并鉴定毒株的基因亚型,分析毒株亚型分布特征及传播规律.结果 共招募4048例中老年嫖客和784例低档暗娼,共发现116例HIV-1抗体阳性,中老年嫖客与暗娼的HIV-1抗体阳性检出率分别为2.5%(103/4048)、1.7%(13/784),对其中84例HIV-1抗体阳性者进行基因扩增和序列测定,53例获得基因序列(中老年嫖客48例、暗娼5例).发现3种基因亚型,均为重组株,CRF0 I_AE占90.6% (48/53),CRF08_BC占7.5%(4/53),CRF07_ BC占1.9%(1/53).经系统进化树分析发现,48例CRF0I_AE流行毒株聚集成2个传播簇Cluster 1和2;4例CRF08 BC聚集成1个传播簇.在CRF01_AE Cluster 1中又形成4个亚簇C1-SC1、2、3、4,各亚簇对象来源于同一处或相邻低档场所、或与同一省道毗邻乡镇的低档场所.结论 广西壮族自治区低档场所中老年嫖客与暗娼HIV-1感染者流行毒株仍以CRF01_AE为主,以同一处或相邻低档场所或毗邻乡镇呈小范围聚集,当地HIV-1阳性的中老年嫖客与暗娼可能是该人群易感者毒株快速传播的重要传染源.%Objective To understand HIV-1 subtype characteristics and transmission clusters in elderly male clients and female sex workers (FSWs) of low-cost commercial sex venues in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,China.Methods A cross sectional survey was conducted in FSWs and elderly male clients (≥50 years) of low-cost commercial sex venues in 4 cities and 9 counties in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region by convenient sampling in 2012.The blood sample was collected from each case for HIV-1 antibody detection.The pol gene fragments were amplified and sequenced from viral RNA template extracted from plasma samples.The phylogenetic tree was constructed and the subtypes were identified.Results A total of 4 048 elderly male clients and 784 FSWs were surveyed,and 116 HIV-1 infections were detected,the positive rate was 2.5%(103/4 048) in the clients and 1.7%(13/784) in FSWs.The gene amplification and sequencing of HIV-1 detected in 84 blood samples indicated that 53 pol gene sequences were successfully determined (48 blood samples from elderly male clients and 5 blood samples from FSWs).Among 53 pol sequences,48 (90.6%),4(7.5%),and 1(1.9%) sequences were identified as CRF01_AE,CRF08_BC,and CRF07_BC,respectively.Two transmission clusters were identified among CRF01_AE,including 4 sub-clusters.One transmission cluster was identified among CRF08_BC.The transmission cluster or sub-cluster were from the infected individuals at same low-cost commercial sex venue,or different low-cost commercial sex venues in the same town,or same place,or adjacent villages and towns.Conclusions CRF01_AE was the predominant HIV-1 subtype among elderly male clients and FSWs of low-cost commercial sex venues in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,circulating in same venue or adjacent villages and towns.The HIV-1 positive male clients and FSWs might play an important role in the spread of the strains.
    • 胡婷; 常文辉; 张梦妍
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the current status of HIV infection and the related factors in HIV antibody positive clients of female sex workers (FSWs) recently reported in Shaanxi province.Methods The HIV/AIDS cases newly diagnosed in males living in Shaanxi from January 1th of 2013 to June 30th of 2014 were selected and those infected through "commercial heterosexual behavior" were identified.The information about their demographic characteristics,previous unprotected heterosexual sex and the sample sources were collected,and serum or plasma samples were collected from them and tested with BED-CEIA.The proportion of recent HIV infections and associated factors were investigated.Results The proportion of recent HIV infection and HIV-antibody detection rate in 212 HIV antibody positive male clients of FSWs were 25.5% and 6.6% respectively.The cases who had the educational level of junior middle school or high middle school were wore likely to have long term HIV infections than those with lower educational level (aOR=0.28,95% CI:0.08-0.93).Compared with patients identified by hospitals or sexually transmitted diseases clinics,recent HIV infections were more likely to be found through preoperative test or blood transfusion test (aOR=3.14,95% CI:1.06-9.30) and blood donation test (aOR=4.19,95% CI:1.01-17.42).Compared with the cases who had commercial sex only in Xi'an or other province or both in Xi'an and other province,the cases who had commercial sex in other cities in Shaanxi were more likely to be infected recently (aOR=0.19,95%CI:0.07-0.57).Compared with the cases had temporary heterosexual sex partner,those who had no temporary sex partners were more likely to be infected recently (aOR=9.03,95%CI:3.00-27.18)(P<0.05).Conclusions The proportion of recent HIV infections among HIV antibody positive clients of FSWs was high and the HIV-antibody detection rate among them was low.The educational level,sample source,geographic area and temporary heterosexual partner were related factors for recent HIV infection.The HIV infection in the clients of FSWs,especially those with lower educational level,was serious in Shaanxi.It is necessary to strengthen behavior intervention and improve HIV defection according to the characteristics of this population%目的 了解陕西省新报告HIV抗体阳性嫖客新发感染状况及相关因素.方法 选择2013年1月1日至2014年6月30日期间新发现报告的现住址为陕西省且经核查后明确感染途径为“商业异性性传播”的男性HIV/AIDS病例,收集其一般人口学资料、确证前高危异性性行为和样本来源等相关信息以及血液样本,应用HIV-1捕获酶联免疫法(BED-CEIA)进行检测,计算新发感染比例并研究新发感染的相关因素.结果 陕西省新报告212名HIV抗体阳性嫖客,新发感染比例为25.5%(42/165),确诊前HIV抗体检测率为6.6%(14/212).HIV抗体阳性嫖客中,初中以上文化程度者比初中以下文化程度者更可能是长期感染(aOR=0.28,95%CI:0.08 ~ 0.93);与其他就诊者/性病门诊就诊者检测相比,术前/受血前检测(aOR=3.14,95%CI:1.06~9.30)和无偿献血人员检测(aOR=4.19,95%CI:1.01 ~ 17.42)更容易发现HIV新发感染者;与确证前仅在西安和/或外省发生商业异性性行为相比,在省内其他城市发生商业异性性行为的更可能是长期感染(aOR=0.19,95%CI:0.07~ 0.57);与确证前有临时异性性伴的相比,无临时异性性伴的更可能是新发感染(aOR=9.03,95%CI:3.00~27.18),P值均<0.05.结论 陕西省HIV抗体阳性嫖客新发感染比例处于较高水平,确诊前HIV抗体检测率低,文化程度、样本来源、确证前商业异性性行为发生地点、确证前有无临时性伴是HIV阳性嫖客新发感染的相关影响因素.提示陕西省嫖客尤其是初中以下文化程度者艾滋病疫情不容乐观,针对该人群特征应加大行为干预及检测发现力度.
    • 岳潇; 彭苏霞; 凌莉; 周启富
    • 摘要: 目的:了解雅安市嫖客人群艾滋病病毒(HIV)和梅毒(TP)新发感染、随访情况及其影响因素.方法 2014年5月以滚雪球的方式招募调查对象,对符合纳入标准的398名HIV阴性嫖客进行间隔6个月和12个月的随访,进行HIV及梅毒检测,并分析嫖客人群的人口学特征、高危行为特征与12个月时随访到位率的关系.结果 调查的嫖客人群,12个月HIV抗体阳转率为0/100人年,梅毒阳转率为1.72/100人年,12个月随访到位29.65%.多因素Logistic回归分析显示,与嫖客人群随访到位率有统计学意义的变量为六个月随访到位(OR=14.080,95%CI=8.075~24.552)、知晓艾滋病相关知识(OR=2.343,95%CI=1.282~4.282).结论 雅安市嫖客人群处于HIV低流行状态,但感染梅毒风险较高,6个月有效随访及知晓艾滋病防治知识者更容易在12个月随访到位.
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