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HIV的相关文献在1989年到2023年内共计7595篇,主要集中在内科学、预防医学、卫生学、临床医学 等领域,其中期刊论文5406篇、会议论文41篇、专利文献2148篇;相关期刊1180种,包括国际流行病学传染病学杂志、中华预防医学杂志、中华实验和临床病毒学杂志等; 相关会议21种,包括第五届全国伤害预防与控制学术会议、2008国际粉体技术与应用论坛暨全国粉体产品与设备应用技术交流大会、中华中医药学会2008年药用植物化学与中药有效成分分析研讨会等;HIV的相关文献由16221位作者贡献,包括邵一鸣、张辉、吴昊等。



论文:5406 占比:71.18%


论文:41 占比:0.54%


论文:2148 占比:28.28%





  • 邵一鸣
  • 张辉
  • 吴昊
  • 李敬云
  • 刘新泳
  • 展鹏
  • 尚红
  • 曾毅
  • 潘婷
  • 阮玉华
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献






    • 汪亚萍; 景文展; 吴俣; 曹桂莹; 龙海; 刘利荣; 代丽丽; 曹婉娴; 刘民
    • 摘要: 背景随着抗反转录病毒治疗的推广,HIV/AIDS患者的期望寿命延长,与年龄相关的疾病愈发常见。且患者易发机会性感染、共感染等情况,健康状况不佳,医疗费用较高,经济负担较重。然而,目前有关HIV/AIDS患者家庭经济负担的研究较少。目的了解我国四省份(北京市、河南省、贵州省、安徽省)HIV/AIDS患者因病所致的家庭经济负担现状,并探究其影响因素。方法于2020年12月至2021年5月,采用典型抽样法在北京市、贵州省、安徽省各选择1家医疗机构、在河南省选择1家疾病预防与控制中心作为调查地点,采用方便抽样法在各调查地点选取2020年获取过医疗卫生服务的HIV/AIDS患者作为调查对象。采用课题组自行设计的问卷,收集患者的社会人口学及经济学特征、疾病状况及就医情况指标。根据患者2020年的自付医疗费用和家庭年收入计算费用收入比,以费用收入比>25%为出现了家庭经济负担,否则为未出现家庭经济负担。结果共纳入1446例患者,患者费用收入比以≤1%(400例,27.7%)和>1%~5%(418例,28.9%)为主,出现家庭经济负担的患者为237例(16.4%)。不同地区、性别、年龄、婚姻状况、文化水平、职业、户口性质、流动情况、医疗保险类型、家庭年收入水平、感染途径、CD_(4)^(+)T细胞计数、就医形式的患者出现因病所致家庭经济负担者占比比较,差异有统计学意义(P500个/μl者〔OR(95%CI)分别为2.347(1.237,4.515)和2.365(1.200,4.702)〕,仅住院者、门诊+住院者出现家庭经济负担的风险高于仅门诊者〔OR(95%CI)分别为12.492(5.592,27.818)和23.690(14.519,39.933)〕。结论HIV/AIDS患者费用收入比较低,部分患者出现了家庭经济负担。性别、年龄、婚姻状况、职业、家庭年收入水平等社会人口学和经济相关特征,感染途径、ART、CD_(4)^(+)T细胞计数水平、就医形式等疾病和就医相关特征是影响HIV/AIDS患者家庭经济负担的因素。未来应重点关注女性、老年、重症及家庭年收入较低的HIV/AIDS患者,继续完善和落实相关医疗保障政策,切实、有效地降低HIV/AIDS患者的家庭经济负担。
    • 邓浩辉; 李水凤; 冯倩嫦; 李凌华
    • 摘要: 目的通过对抗病毒治疗前HIV/HCV合并感染者和HCV单纯感染者HCV NS3/4A蛋白酶、NS5A抑制剂相关耐药位点进行检测,探讨上述患者天然耐药变异的差异。方法收集2016年1月—2020年1月在广州医科大学附属市八医院住院或门诊就诊的246例HIV/HCV合并感染者和HCV单纯感染者的血清标本,使用Illumina二代测序平台进行测序,比较已在中国获批准的NS3/4A蛋白酶、NS5A抑制剂相关耐药变异在两组患者的差异,纳入分析的药物包括阿舒瑞韦/达拉他韦(ASV/DCV,基因1b型),艾尔巴韦/格拉瑞韦(EBR/GZR,基因1b型)和格卡瑞韦/哌仑他韦(GLE/PIB,泛基因型)。符合正态分布的计量资料两组间比较采用t检验,不符合正态分布的计量资料两组间比较采用Mann-Whitney U检验。计数资料两组间比较采用χ2检验或Fisher精确检验。结果本研究纳入的246例患者的血清样本中,239例(97.2%)成功进行PCR扩增并测序,包括102例HIV/HCV合并感染者和137例HCV单纯感染者。对ASV/DCV和EBR/GZR相关耐药变异分析结果提示:HCV 1b型的HIV/HCV合并感染者和HCV单纯感染者中存在Y56F、Q80K/L、S122N/R/T等ASV和GZR相关耐药变异,以及L31M、Y93H等DCV和EBR相关耐药变异;2例HIV/HCV合并感染者(均为Y56F+Y93H)和2例HCV单纯感染者(Q80L+L31M和Y56F+Y93H)对EBR/GZR双靶点同时存在耐药变异,两组患者各耐药变异差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05)。对泛基因型的GLE/PIB相关耐药变异分析结果提示,仅在HCV 3a型的患者中,存在3例PIB相关耐药变异,分别为HIV/HCV合并感染者中2例Y93H耐药变异和HCV单纯感染者中1例Y93H耐药变异(P=0.590),所有纳入分析的患者均不存在GLE/PIB双靶点耐药变异。结论HIV/HCV合并感染者和HCV单纯感染者的NS3/4A蛋白酶、NS5A抑制剂相关天然耐药变异无明显差异。
    • Babacar Faye; Serigne A. A. M. Gueye; Jean A. D. Tine; Hameth Sarr; Alioune Dièye
    • 摘要: Background: Different studies have demonstrated high prevalence of HPV infection and dysplastic lesions of the cervix in immunocompromised patient such as women living with HIV. Is this high prevalence due to a greater susceptibility to HPV infection, which is known to be frequent in its latent form in women? Objective: This study aims to identify HPV genotypes in HIV+ and HIV? women to understand HPV molecular epidemiology in Senegal. Material and Method: Endocervical samples from 331 HIV+ and HIV? women, sexually active, were collected. The molecular identification of the 28 genotypes studied (19 HPV-HR and 9 HPV-LR) was carried out after DNA extraction, by multiplex PCR with the Anyplex? II HPV28 detection kit from Seegene on CFX96? Bio-Rad machine. The comparisons were made by calculating the p-value and odds ratio with R Studio software (version 4.1.0). The results were considered significant if p ? women. Conclusion: Our results showed that the prevalence of HPV, HPV-HR and HPV-BR was significantly higher in HIV+ women. Non-vaccine genotypes were among the most found genotypes. Groups of HIV+ women aged between 35 and 50, married and using contraception were significantly more infected with HPV than the same groups of HIV-women.
    • 聂洪婷; 翟长文; 林岚
    • 摘要: 患者女性,46岁。因咽部异物感2周余入院,近期出现关节酸痛,影像学CT示:左侧扁桃体软组织肿块影(图1)。查体:面部皮下呈斑点状凸起;左侧扁桃体上极见一溃疡,Ⅱ度肿大。实验室检查血清肿瘤学相关指标未见异常,未行EB病毒血清学检测,HIV检测呈阳性。病理检查,眼观:完整扁桃体1块,2.5 cm×2.3 cm×1.4 cm,表面见溃疡,切面灰白色,质实。
    • 摘要: 近日,一篇发表在《Nature Communications》上的研究显示,研究人员使用CRISPR-Cas9介导的基因筛选技术在原代CD4^(+)T细胞中靶向敲除了426个与HIV生命周期有关的基因,确定了它们对HIV复制的功能影响,同时进行深度测序,以量化每个扰动的等位基因敲除效率,监测HIV-1病毒激发后7 d内的感染情况。该研究表明,宿主-病原体蛋白质-蛋白质相互作用数据集为功能宿主因子的发现提供了丰富的候选来源,使人们能更好地理解原代T细胞中的HIV复制机制。该研究策略能有效地将高质量的阵列筛选实验用于未来原代细胞类型中的宿主因子鉴定,对继续探索原代人类细胞中的蛋白质相互作用和功能机制及临床治疗至关重要。
    • Edda Russo; Giulia Nannini; Gaetana Sterrantino; Seble Tekle Kiros; Vincenzo Di Pilato; Marco Coppi; Simone Baldi; Elena Niccolai; Federica Ricci; Matteo Ramazzotti; Marco Pallecchi; Filippo Lagi; Gian Maria Rossolini; Alessandro Bartoloni; Gianluca Bartolucci; Amedeo Amedei
    • 摘要: BACKGROUND Human immunodeficiency virus type 1(HIV-1)infection is characterized by persistent systemic inflammation and immune activation,even in patients receiving effective antiretroviral therapy(ART).Converging data from many cross-sectional studies suggest that gut microbiota(GM)changes can occur throughout including human immunodeficiency virus(HIV)infection,treated by ART;however,the results are contrasting.For the first time,we compared the fecal microbial composition,serum and fecal microbial metabolites,and serum cytokine profile of treatment-na?ve patients before starting ART and after reaching virological suppression,after 24 wk of ART therapy.In addition,we compared the microbiota composition,microbial metabolites,and cytokine profile of patients with CD4/CD8 ratio1(immunological responders[IRs]),after 24 wk of ART therapy.AIM To compare for the first time the fecal microbial composition,serum and fecal microbial metabolites,and serum cytokine profile of treatment-na?ve patients before starting ART and after reaching virological suppression(HIV RNA<50 copies/m L)after 24 wk of ART.METHODS We enrolled 12 treatment-na?ve HIV-infected patients receiving ART(mainly based on integrase inhibitors).Fecal microbiota composition was assessed through next generation sequencing.In addition,a comprehensive analysis of a blood broad-spectrum cytokine panel was performed through a multiplex approach.At the same time,serum free fatty acid(FFA)and fecal short chain fatty acid levels were obtained through gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.RESULTS We first compared microbiota signatures,FFA levels,and cytokine profile before starting ART and after reaching virological suppression.Modest alterations were observed in microbiota composition,in particular in the viral suppression condition,we detected an increase of Ruminococcus and Succinivibrio and a decrease of Intestinibacter.Moreover,in the same condition,we also observed augmented levels of serum propionic and butyric acids.Contemporarily,a reduction of serum IP-10 and an increase of IL-8 levels were detected in the viral suppression condition.In addition,the same components were compared between IRs and INRs.Concerning the microflora population,we detected a reduction of Faecalibacterium and an increase of Alistipes in INRs.Simultaneously,fecal isobutyric,isovaleric,and 2-methylbutyric acids were also increased in INRs.CONCLUSION Our results provided an additional perspective about the impact of HIV infection,ART,and immune recovery on the"microbiome-immunity axis"at the metabolism level.These factors can act as indicators of the active processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract.Individuals with HIV-1 infection,before ART and after reaching virological suppression with 24 wk of ART,displayed a microbiota with unchanged overall bacterial diversity;moreover,their systemic inflammatory status seems not to be completely restored.In addition,we confirmed the role of the GM metabolites in immune reconstitution.
    • 王肖萌; 宋德胜; 张甜甜; 常琴雪; 王淳; 王柯云; 刘媛媛; 李长平; 崔壮; 马骏
    • 摘要: 目的评价Boosting算法结合SMOTE技术预测青年男男性行为者(YMSM)HIV感染状况的性能。方法通过网络和现场抽取2018-2019年天津市YMSM 1179名,分别用XGBoost、LightGBM、CatBoost和logistic结合SMOTE技术建立预测模型,通过AUC、F1、Accuracy、Brier score等指标评价其分类性能。结果应用SMOTE合成数据后,logistic、CatBoost、LightGBM和XGBoost的AUC分别提升了23.4%、24.0%、25.4%和26.8%,Boosting算法的分类性能优于logistic模型。结论Boosting算法结合SMOTE技术为类不平衡数据的分类预测提供了新思路。
    • 刘灿; 曾晓艳; 黄欢; 吕爱莲; 夏友
    • 摘要: 总结了本院1例重度ARDS合并HIV感染患者应用体外膜肺氧合(ECMO)技术治疗的护理体会。护理措施包括严格落实防护隔离措施和镇静镇痛护理,密切观察患者在行ECMO治疗中的病情变化和预防并发症的发生。患者于行ECMO治疗8 d后顺利撤机逐步好转出院。
    • Patrícia Furtado; Lismeia Raimundo Soares; Alberto J. S. Duarte; Jorge Casseb
    • 摘要: Currently, with the increase in life expectancy of people living with HIV (PLHIV), it is essential to analyze the biopsychosocial aspects involved in satisfaction with quality of life and its multidimensionality, because although HAART produces hope for the control of HIV, can have important emotional consequences. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of lipodystrophy (LDS) on self-esteem and body image of PLHIV in Brazil. It is a psychoanalytic method by semi-structured interview, a body image scale and two drawings that represent the patients’ body image before and after. The diagnosis of LDS was by self-report. Sixteen patients 8 (eight men and 8 women), with a mean age of 43 years, were invited to the HIV-Out ADEE 3002 outpatient clinic of the Dermatology Clinic of the Central Institute of a University Hospital in São Paulo. It was noted that 50% of patients reported physical problems and 25% consequences in the family and social sphere. There were increased bodily changes, family problems and social prejudices after HAART and the self-esteem of 88% of patients were shown to be “little adjusted” to their condition. For 63%, physical appearance was a concern and 87% of them reported body dissatisfaction. Patients also reported impact on their sexuality (75% felt less attractive and 88% with reduced libido after starting LDS). The interviews, drawings and body image scale showed important changes in the lives of patients with lipodystrophy, where negative changes in appearance and effects on self-image were observed. This diagnosis seems to influence other aspects of social life, which can lead to prejudice in relation to illness and, therefore, isolation.
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