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Orexin的相关文献在2002年到2022年内共计78篇,主要集中在基础医学、神经病学与精神病学、医学研究方法 等领域,其中期刊论文67篇、专利文献11篇;相关期刊47种,包括动物学研究、中国学术期刊文摘、科技新时代等; Orexin的相关文献由226位作者贡献,包括徐珞、孙向荣、郭菲菲等。



论文:67 占比:85.90%


论文:11 占比:14.10%





  • 徐珞
  • 孙向荣
  • 郭菲菲
  • 董海龙
  • 公衍玲
  • 胡志安
  • 吴畏
  • 唐吉友
  • 张孟玲
  • 杨丹丹
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 李子恒; 陶正恒; 杨元喜; 汪宏章; 吴威; 游秋云; 王平
    • 摘要: 目的研究脑宁糖浆的镇静催眠作用及其对睡眠剥夺小鼠脑组织睡眠相关神经递质的影响。方法将144只小鼠随机分为正常组,舒乐安定组,脑宁糖浆低、高剂量组,连续灌胃给药14 d后,各组小鼠进行戊巴比妥钠阈下、阈上睡眠实验和自主活动实验等行为学测试。将75只小鼠随机分为正常组,模型组,舒乐安定组,脑宁糖浆低、高剂量组,连续灌胃给药14 d后,采用多平台水环境睡眠剥夺72 h进行造模,造模期间继续给药;采用LC-MS法检测皮层中GABA与5-HT含量,ELISA法检测下丘脑中orexin水平,免疫组化法检测皮层中GABA_(A)R表达,RT-qPCR法检测皮层中GABA_(A)R、5-HT_(1A)R和下丘脑中orexin mRNA表达。结果与正常组比较,舒乐安定组和脑宁糖浆各剂量组睡眠潜伏期、自主活动时间、活动路程、活动速度均缩短(P<0.01),睡眠时间、入睡率均增加(P<0.01)。与正常组比较,模型组小鼠皮层中GABA、5-HT含量和皮层中GABA_(A)R阳性表达、GABA_(A)R及5-HT_(1A)R mRNA表达均降低(P<0.01),下丘脑中orexin水平及mRNA表达均升高(P<0.01);与模型组比较,各用药组以上指标均有改善(P<0.05,P<0.01)。结论脑宁糖浆对睡眠剥夺小鼠具有镇静、催眠作用,其机制可能是通过上调神经递质GABA和5-HT含量,上调GABA_(A)R和5-HT 1A R表达,下调orexin表达实现的。
    • 赵梦珂; 唐吉友
    • 摘要: 近年来,Orexin能神经元系统作为维持觉醒的关键性神经递质引起了人们的重视,CSF中Orex-in-A水平对发作性睡病的诊断具有重要价值,并且Orexin双受体拮抗剂对失眠有显著疗效.嗜睡是临床上常见的症状,发生率为10%~25%,可严重影响人的身心健康.引起嗜睡的病因多且复杂,但目前尚无评估嗜睡的特异、客观的生物指标.因此,本文就目前国内外关于Orexin系统与嗜睡相关疾病的研究进展进行综述,通过对Orexin及其受体的研究,探索Orexin与嗜睡相关性疾病的关系、诊断价值及应用前景.
    • Alain Couvineau; Thierry Voisin; Pascal Nicole; Valerie Gratio; Anne Blais
    • 摘要: Hypothalamic neuropeptides named hypocretin/orexins which were identified in 1998 regulate critical functions such as wakefulness in the central nervous system.These past 20 years had revealed that orexins/receptors system was also present in the peripheral nervous system where they participated to the regulation of multiple functions including blood pressure regulation,intestinal motility,hormone secretion,lipolyze and reproduction functions.Associated to these peripheral functions,it was found that orexins and their receptors were involved in various diseases such as acute/chronic inflammation,metabolic syndrome and cancers.The present review suggests that orexins or the orexin neural circuitry represent potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of multiple pathologies related to inflammation including intestinal bowel disease,multiple sclerosis and septic shock,obesity and digestive cancers.
    • 张丽娜; 武婷; 潘旭; 范栓琴; 王智
    • 摘要: 目的:探索orexin能神经系统是否参与调节老年大鼠异氟醚麻醉觉醒延迟及其具体机制.方法:选择雄性SD大鼠,将其分为老年大鼠组(n=6,20月龄,体重600~800g)和青年大鼠组(n=6,3~4月龄,体重230~250g).采用翻正反射恢复时间作为麻醉觉醒时间,记录异氟醚麻醉下老年大鼠和青年大鼠各自的麻醉觉醒时间;通过免疫荧光染色和细胞计数确定老年大鼠和青年大鼠神经元数目,放射免疫法检测两组大鼠血浆orexin-A含量;Western blot检测老年大鼠和青年大鼠orexin-1和-2受体含量.结果:老年大鼠异氟醚麻醉觉醒时间明显长于青年大鼠(P<0.05);老年大鼠orexin能神经元的数目与青年大鼠相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但其血浆orexin-A含量显著高于青年大鼠(P<0.05);老年大鼠orexin-1受体在蛋白质表达中明显低于青年大鼠(P<0.05),而orexin-2受体的表达与青年大鼠相比差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论:在老龄化过程中,虽然血浆中orexin-A含量代偿性增加,但是由于全脑中orexin-1受体含量的减少,使其并不能充分发挥促觉醒作用,这可能是导致老年人麻醉苏醒延迟的原因之一.
    • 张丽娜; 肖东方; 董海龙; 武婷; 王智
    • 摘要: 目的:观察orexin能神经元在依托咪脂麻醉中的促觉醒作用.方法:选择雄性SD大鼠36只,体重230~250g.将18只SD大鼠随机分为脂肪乳剂组(60 mg.kg-1·h-1),依托咪脂麻醉(50 mg·kg-1·h-1)30 min组和60 min组(每组n=6),用放射免疫法检测3组大鼠血浆中orexin含量;3天后,将脂肪乳剂组大鼠颈椎脱臼处死后灌注取脑,另外两组在依托咪脂麻醉下灌注取脑,采用免疫荧光双标染色,分别观察3组大鼠orexin神经元活性.另取18只SD大鼠随机分为乳酸林格氏液组,orexin-A 30 pmol组和100pmol组(每组n=6),记录大鼠翻正反射消失时间为麻醉诱导时间及翻正反射恢复时间为觉醒时间.结果:与脂肪乳剂组相比,依托咪脂麻醉30 min和60 min后,血浆orexin-A含量下降(P<0.05),有活性的orexin神经元数目减少(P<0.01);与依托咪脂麻醉30min组相比,60 min组有活性的orexin神经元数目减少(P<0.05),但血浆orexin-A含量与30 min组无差异(P>0.05);与乳酸林格氏溶液组相比,基底前脑区微注射orexin-A 30 pmol或100 pmol对麻醉诱导无影响,但能显著缩短依托咪脂麻醉觉醒时间(P<0.05,P<0.01);但orexin-A 30 pmol组和100 pmol组诱导和觉醒时间比较均无统计学差异(P>0.05).结论:依托咪脂麻醉抑制大鼠下丘脑orexin神经元的活性,orexin-A对依托咪脂麻醉具有促觉醒作用.
    • 王晓; 张博闻; 和祯泉; 赵奇; 顾金海; 何仲义; 牛建国
    • 摘要: Objective:To investigate the organization of projections from different subdivisions of the periaqueductal gray (PAG) to orexin-containing neurons in the hypothalamus and to reveal the morphological basis for the modulatory effects of the PAG innervations on orexin-containing neurons in rats.Methods:Cholera toxin B subunit (CTb) injections were made into the orexin-containing neurons field in the hypothalamus of rats and the distributions of CTb-immunoreactive (ir) neurons in the PAG were observed under a light microscope.An combination of biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) injection into different subdivisions of PAG and immunostaining for orexin-containing neurons was implemented,the distribution of BDA-labeled fibers and the orexin-ir neurons was observed in the hypothalamus.Results:After an unilateral CTb injection into suprafornical area or lateral hypothlamus,numerous CTb-ir neurons were observed bilaterally with a ipsilateral predominance in the PAG.The lateral PAG (lPAG) and ventrolateral PAG (vlPAG) contained a large number of CTb-ir neurons,while dorsolateral PAG (dlPAG) and dorsomedial PAG (dmPAG) contained a few labeled neurons.A small number of CTb-ir neurons were seen in the contralateral portions of PAG.After BDA injection into dlPAG,lPAG and vlPAG respectively and immunostaining of orexin-containing neurons,BDA-labeled fibers were observed bilaterally with a clear-cut ipsilateral predominance in the hypothalamus.The prominent overlap of the distribution field of the BDA-labeled fibers and that of the orexin-ir neurons were found in the suprafornical area.In this area,bouton-like varicosities labeled with BDA from lPAG and vlPAG were often closely apposed to cell bodies and dendrites of the orexin-ir neurons.Very sparse apposition of those BDA labeled fibers from dlPAG and orexin-ir neurons were found.Conclusion:Fibers from lPAG and vlPAG and orexin-ir neurons in the suprafornical area of the hypothalamus are overlapping and are closely connected,which may directly affect the functions of orexin-containing neurons.%目的:观察大鼠中脑水管周围灰质(PAG)不同分区神经元发出的投射纤维与下丘脑orexin阳性神经元之间的联系,阐明PAG不同分区神经元支配下丘脑orexin阳性神经元的形态学基础.方法:首先将逆行示踪剂霍乱毒素B(CTb)注射到下丘脑orexin阳性神经元胞体分布区域,免疫组织化学显色观察PAG内CTb逆行标记神经元的分布特点;再将顺行示踪剂生物素化葡聚糖胺(BDA)注射到PAG不同分区,采用免疫组织化学双标记的方法,在下丘脑内观察BDA标记神经纤维及其终末与orexin阳性神经元的重叠分布特点和它们之间的联系.结果:将CTb注射到单侧下丘脑穹窿上区或外侧区后,在注射点同侧PAG的外侧区(lPAG)和腹外侧区(vlPAG)可见大量CTb逆标神经元,背外侧区(dlPAG)及背内侧区(dmPAG)仅见少量标记神经元.注射点对侧PAG区域也可观察到少量CTb标记神经元.将BDA分别注射到单侧dlPAG、lPAG和vlPAG后,在下丘脑双侧均可观察到BDA顺标纤维及其终末,但注射点同侧BDA标记纤维和终末的数量明显多于对侧.源自lPAG和vlPAG的BDA标记纤维及其终末与orexin神经元胞体在穹窿上区形成明确的重叠分布和密切接触,而源自dlPAG的纤维少见与orexin神经元接触.结论:lPAG及vlPAG来源的纤维及其终末与下丘脑内的orexin阳性神经元的分布区域重叠并形成密切接触,可能直接影响orexin神经元的功能.
    • 潘炳灿; 王咪; 孙向荣; 徐珞
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨结节乳头体在小鼠运动和摄食中的作用及机制.方法:选择雄性ddy小鼠, 180-200 g, 通过单侧植入电极损毁TMN-E2区.采用荧光金逆行追踪方法检测小鼠Me5与TMN之间的神经纤维联系;采用免疫组化方法检测小鼠TMN中组氨酸脱羧酶 (HDC) 免疫反应阳性细胞数;采用旷场试验箱记录小鼠全天、夜间以及白天的自主活动和摄食摄水;采用PCR检测小鼠穹窿周和下丘脑外侧区的orexin m RNA的表达.结果:荧光金逆行追踪实验显示小鼠Me5可向TMN-E2发出神经纤维投射.单侧TMN损毁, 两侧TMN中HDC反应阳性细胞显著减少 (P<0.05), 且损毁侧比未损毁侧HDC免疫反应阳性细胞数减少 (P<0.05).TMN损毁对小鼠24 h自主活动和摄食摄水无明显影响.单侧TMN损毁, 小鼠从暗期到光期的自主活动和摄食摄水显著减少 (P<0.05).单侧TMN损毁, 小鼠正常昼夜活动摄食节律无显著改变.单侧TMN损毁, 小鼠穹隆周和下丘脑外侧区白天的orexin m RNA表达显著减少 (P<0.05).结论:Me5与TMN之间存在神经通路, 该通路可能通过调节穹隆周区或下丘脑外侧区的orexin神经元的激活从而调控摄食及相关行为的昼夜节律.%Objective: Study on the role and mechanism of tuberomammillary nucleus in the locomotor activity and feeding of mice. Methods: The male ddy mice, 180-200 g, and implantation electrode was used to destroy the unilateral TMN-E2 area. Using Fluorogold retrograde tracing method, the neural connection between Me5 and TMN mice were detected; Immunohistochemistry method was used to record the histidine decarboxylase (HDC) immunoreactive cell number in TMN; The open field system was used to record the locomotor activitiey and food intake and water intake in 24 h, light and dark phases. PCR was used to record the expression of orexin m RNA in the peripheral fornix and the lateral hypothalamus of mice. Results: The fluorogold retrograde tracing experiment showed that the Me5 could send nerve fiber projection to TMN-E2 in mice.In unilateral lesioned TMN, the HDC response positive cells in both sides of TMN were significantly reduced (P<0.05), and the number of HDC immunoreactive cells in the lesioned side was lower than that on the undamaged side (P <0.05). Unilateral TMN lesion had no significant effect on the locomotor activitiey and food intake and water intake in 24 h. The locomotor activitiey and food intake and water intake of miceduring the dark phase before the onset of the light phasedecreased significantly after unilateral TMN lesion (P<0.05). There was no significant change in the normal circadian rhythms of day and night activity in mice with unilateral TMN lesion. The expression of orexin m RNA in the PFA and the lateral hypothalamus in the daytime of the unilateral TMN was significantly reduced (P<0.05). Conclusions: There is a neural pathway between Me5 and TMN.This pathway may regulate the circadian rhythm of feeding and related behaviors by regulating the activation of orexin neuron in the PFA and hypothalamus lateral area.
    • ZHANG Jiuxiang; WANG Qiao; WU Ting; PAN Xu; ZHANG Lina
    • 摘要: 目的 观察orexin对急性酒精中毒昏迷大鼠是否有促觉醒作用.方法 30只大鼠随机分为对照组和生理盐水组,orexin-A和orexin-B组(2 nmol),SB334867和TCS-OX2-29组(10 nmol) (n=5),观察腹腔注射各种药物对大鼠昏迷时间的影响.另取30只大鼠随机分为对照组,生理盐水组,orexin-A和orexin-B组(2 nmol和4 nmol)(n=5),观察腹腔注射不同剂量的orexins对昏迷大鼠8脑电波的影响.结果 与对照组觉醒时间(3.49±0.08)h相比,腹腔注射orexin-A和orexin-B使大鼠昏迷时间缩短为(2.20±0.13)h和(2.47±0.07)h(P <0.01);SB334867和TCS-OX2-29延长大鼠昏迷时间为(4.30±0.12)h和(3.79±0.10)h(P<O.01).脑电结果显示:与对照组96.0%±3.2%相比,2 nmol和4 nmol orexin-A使δ波百分比分别下降为80.8%±3.3%和76.5%±2.9%(P<0.01);2 nmol和4 nmol orexin-B使δ波百分比分别下降为85.0%±3.2%和80.3%±3.1%(P<0.01).结论 Orexin可促进急性酒精中毒昏迷大鼠的觉醒.
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