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食管重建的相关文献在1989年到2021年内共计111篇,主要集中在外科学、肿瘤学、基础医学 等领域,其中期刊论文105篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献17727篇;相关期刊73种,包括河南外科学杂志、中华胃肠外科杂志、中国现代手术学杂志等; 相关会议3种,包括北京医学会胸外科专业委员会2009年学术年会、全国食管癌诊断与治疗新技术研讨会、首届全国食管外科并发症防治研讨会等;食管重建的相关文献由302位作者贡献,包括石文君、陈刚、蒋耀光等。



论文:105 占比:0.59%


论文:5 占比:0.03%


论文:17727 占比:99.38%





  • 石文君
  • 陈刚
  • 蒋耀光
  • 王如文
  • 孙强
  • 徐志飞
  • 段振泉
  • 程国良
  • 赵学维
  • 马春山
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 李志刚
    • 摘要: 食管外科近年在微创技术普及和围手术期综合治疗方面发展迅猛,但对于传统的食管良性疾病和危重症处理却鲜见报道。本文系统地将食管外科技术划分为修复、切除、重建、淋巴结清扫4个部分,全面阐述每一领域的外科治疗进展,希望对从事食管外科临床工作的医生有所帮助。
    • 李志刚
    • 摘要: 食管外科近年在微创技术普及和围手术期综合治疗方面发展迅猛,但对于传统的食管良性疾病和危重症处理却鲜见报道.本文系统地将食管外科技术划分为修复、切除、重建、淋巴结清扫4个部分,全面阐述每一领域的外科治疗进展,希望对从事食管外科临床工作的医生有所帮助.
    • 王志维; 李宗荣; 林辉
    • 摘要: 目的 比较管状胃代食管及全胃代食管的食管重建方式对食管癌患者术后并发症和生活质量的影响.方法 回顾性分析152例接受食管癌根治术的食管癌患者临床资料,其中96例行管状胃代食管重建(管状胃组),56例行全胃代食管重建(全胃组).比较两组的术后并发症发生率,以及术前、术后1个月、6个月、12个月及36个月患者的生活质量.结果 管状胃组胃排空延迟及反流发生率、并发症总发生率均低于全胃组(均P<0.05).术后6个月、12个月及36个月,管状胃组的躯体、角色、社会功能及总体症状得分均优于全胃组(均P<0.05).结论 与全胃代食管重建比较,管状胃代食管重建能有效地减少患者术后胃排空障碍及反流的发生,一定程度上改善患者术后生存质量.%Objective To compare the influence on postoperative complications and quality of life in the patients with esophageal carcinoma between esophageal reconstruction using gastric tube and whole stomach.Methods The clinical data of 152 esophageal carcinoma patients receiving the radical resection of esophageal carcinoma were retrospectively analyzed. Of 152 patients,96 underwent esophageal reconstruction with gastric tube(gastric tube group) and 56 with whole stomach(whole stomach group).The incidence rate of postoperative complications,and the preoperative,postoperative 1-month,6-month,12-month and 36-month quality of life were compared between the two groups.Results The incidence rates of gastroesophageal reflux disease and delayed gastric emptying and the total incidence rate of complications were significantly higher in the whole stomach group compared to the gastric tube group(all P<0.05).After 6,12 and 36 months of operation,the scores of physical function,role function,social function and overall symptomatic dimensions in the gastric tube group were superior to those in the whole stomach group(all P<0.05).Conclusion Compared to the esophageal reconstruction with whole stomach,the esophageal reconstruction with gastric tube can effectively reduce the incidence of gastroesophageal reflux disease and delayed gastric emptying,and improve the postoperative quality of life of the patients to some extent.
    • 黄磊; 陈和忠
    • 摘要: Stomach is currently the most frequently used organ for replacement of the esophagus .The jejunum would be an option when stomach is removed or diseased .Esophageal reconstruction with jejunum has been a surgical approach of esophageal reconstruction for more than 70 years.The study found that the anatomical characteristics of jejunum can meet the needs of esophageal reconstruction ,and jejunum as the organ that replaces the esophagus also has a unique advantage . Esophageal reconstruction with jejunum mainly has three procedures:free jejunum flap for esophageal reconstruction ,esoph-ageal reconstruction with jejunum without vascular anastomosis and microvascular anastomosis to supercharged pedicled jejunal interposition for esophageal replacement .The three surgical procedures adapt to different situations .Esophageal reconstruction with jejunum is not complicated , and the long-term and short-term effect of this surgery ,regardless of vascu-lar anasto mosis success rate, is good.Therefore, esophageal reconstruction with jejunum is an indispensable surgical approach to esophageal reconstruction .%目前临床上最常采用的代食管脏器是胃,但当胃已被切除或有病变时,则可选择空肠代食管.空肠代食管是一种有七十余年历史的食管重建手术方式,空肠的解剖特点能很好地满足代食管的需要,同时空肠作为代食管脏器还具有独特的优势.目前,空肠代食管主要有3种术式:游离空肠代食管、不吻血管带蒂空肠代食管和小血管吻合增强灌注带蒂空肠代食管,这3种术式分别适用于不同情况.空肠代食管手术操作并不复杂,不管是否吻合血管手术成功率均较高,术后近远期效果良好.因此,空肠代食管是食管重建不可或缺的手术方式.
    • 陈克能
    • 摘要: Stomach is the first choice for esophageal reconstruction following esophagectomy. In the earlier days , however, whole stomach pulling-up was the major surgery, which had some shortcomings. Recently, gastric tube has gained wide acceptance for esophageal reconstruction. This paper summarized the anatomical and physiological advantage of stomach, the disadvantage of whole stomach, and benefits of gastric tube for esophageal reconstrction.%胃是食管切除后重建的首选替代器官,但早期的全胃代食管有许多缺点。近年来,“管状胃”代食管被广大学者所接受。本文就胃代食管的解剖生理优势,全胃代食管的缺点,以及“管状胃”的改进作一总结,供大家参考。
    • 程邦昌
    • 摘要: 虽然食管切除后胃是首选的替代器官,但当胃已被切除或有病变时,则结肠代食管通常为第一选择。因而,结肠代食管是食管重建不可或缺的手术方式。本文就结肠代食管的历史、解剖、技术要点及应用前景作一阐述,供大家参考。%Although the stomach is the first choice for esophageal reconstruction following esophagectomy , the colon interposition would be the best one when stomach removed or diseased. The colon reconstruction for esophagus, therefore, is the inevitable procedure in esophageal surgery. This paper focused on the colon interposition in terms of histroy , anatomy point, critical skills, and future prospect.
    • 刘家宝; 郑志敏; 褚伟伟; 张亚肖; 赵晓建; 王仁峰; 陈刚
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the feasibility of muscle flap repairing partal cervical esophagus defect with inner chitosan tubular scaffolds.Methods A totoal of 21 rabbits were made partial cervical esophagus defect models, with inner chitosan tubular scaffolds set in breakage, extrinsic muscle flap repaired.Postoperative animal body weight change was ob-served.Three rabbits were sacrificed at 4,8 and 12 weeks later, respectively.Esophagus defect was observed under the na-ked eye and optical microscopy.Esophagus stenosis and peristalsis were observed by esophageal barium at 16 weeks later. Results There were 18 animals survived after operation.At the first four weeks, muscle flap tissues healed well, chitosan tube unabsorbed, with no inflammatory response was observed under light microscope.At eight weeks later, chitosan tube partially absorbed, muscle flap blood supply good, no fibrous tissue hyperplasia.At 12 weeks later, chitosan tube was com-pletely absorbed, inside muscle flap surface mucosal regeneration with no stenosis.At 16 weeks later, esophagus barium was found smooth without stenosis, and peristalsis was weak.Conclusions It was feasible that muscle flap repairing partal cervical esophagus defect with inner chitosan tubular scaffolds.%目的:探讨肌瓣内置壳聚糖管状支架补颈段食管部分缺损的可行性。方法取21只大耳白兔,制成颈段食管部分缺损模型,破损处内置壳聚糖管状支架,外附肌瓣修补。观察术后动物体质量变化;分别于术后第4、8、12周各处死动物3只,肉眼及光学显微镜下观察食管缺损修复情况;术后第16周行食管钡透,观察食管狭窄及蠕动情况。结果术后动物存活18只,第4周肌瓣组织愈合良好,壳聚糖管未吸收,光镜下见炎性反应;第8周聚糖管部分吸收,肌瓣血运良好,无纤维组织增生;第12周壳聚糖管完全吸收,肌瓣内表面黏膜再生,无管腔狭窄。术后第16周,钡透见食管通畅、无狭窄,蠕动弱。结论肌瓣内置壳聚糖管状支架修补颈段食管部分缺损具有可行性。
    • 陈刚; 刘汉云; 王斌; 张自正; 王治平
    • 摘要: 背景:多年来使用肌肉、皮肤、骨骼肌瓣及胃、肠等管腔组织等作为人工食管修补食管缺损,但效果都不甚理想。目的:探讨壳聚糖管状支架联合肌瓣修补颈段食管部分缺损的可行性。方法:取30只大耳白兔,制作颈段食管部分缺损动物模型,实验组20只破损处植入壳聚糖管状支架,外覆自体颈部肌瓣修补;对照组10只直接覆盖自体颈部肌瓣修补。于植入后第2,4,8周观察支架吸收及破损处组织学变化;植入后第10周行食管钡透,观察有无狭窄发生及食管蠕动。结果与结论:植入后2周,实验组及对照组均见肌肉组织结构,细胞肿大,炎性细胞浸润,表现为急性炎症反应。植入后4周,实验组替代物肌瓣组织结构清晰,炎性反应减弱,无明显纤维组织增生;对照组缺损处肌组织结构可见,肌肉组织表面可见纤维组织细胞生长,伴有少许炎性细胞。植入后8周,实验组肌肉组织瓣表面大部分鳞状上皮化,可见食管黏膜组织,黏膜下伴有慢性炎性反应,较4周时明显减轻;对照组为慢性炎症反应,伴有明显纤维组织增生,表面无鳞状上皮化生及黏膜再生。钡餐透视显示实验组食管通畅无狭窄,蠕动减弱;对照组食管部分狭窄,无蠕动。表明壳聚糖管状支架联合肌瓣可较好修补颈段食管部分缺损。
    • 陈刚; 刘汉云; 王斌; 张自正; 王治平
    • 摘要: 背景:多年来使用肌肉、皮肤、骨骼肌瓣及胃、肠等管腔组织等作为人工食管修补食管缺损,但效果都不甚理想。  目的:探讨壳聚糖管状支架联合肌瓣修补颈段食管部分缺损的可行性。  方法:取30只大耳白兔,制作颈段食管部分缺损动物模型,实验组20只破损处植入壳聚糖管状支架,外覆自体颈部肌瓣修补;对照组10只直接覆盖自体颈部肌瓣修补。于植入后第2,4,8周观察支架吸收及破损处组织学变化;植入后第10周行食管钡透,观察有无狭窄发生及食管蠕动。  结果与结论:植入后2周,实验组及对照组均见肌肉组织结构,细胞肿大,炎性细胞浸润,表现为急性炎症反应。植入后4周,实验组替代物肌瓣组织结构清晰,炎性反应减弱,无明显纤维组织增生;对照组缺损处肌组织结构可见,肌肉组织表面可见纤维组织细胞生长,伴有少许炎性细胞。植入后8周,实验组肌肉组织瓣表面大部分鳞状上皮化,可见食管黏膜组织,黏膜下伴有慢性炎性反应,较4周时明显减轻;对照组为慢性炎症反应,伴有明显纤维组织增生,表面无鳞状上皮化生及黏膜再生。钡餐透视显示实验组食管通畅无狭窄,蠕动减弱;对照组食管部分狭窄,无蠕动。表明壳聚糖管状支架联合肌瓣可较好修补颈段食管部分缺损。%BACKGROUND:Over the years, muscle, skin, skeletal muscle flaps and luminal tissues, such as stomach and intestines, are used as an artificial esophagus to repair esophagus defects, but the results are not good. OBJECTIVE:To investigate the feasibility of chitosan tube stent combined with muscle flaps to repair partial defects of the cervical esophagus. METHODS:Thirty white rabbits were used to make animal models of partial cervical esophageal defects, and randomly divided into experimental group (n=20) and control group (n=10). Esophagus defect in rabbits of experimental group was repaired using autologous muscle flap with a chitosan tube stent, and esophagus defect in the control group was repaired only with muscle flap. Gross and histological appearance was observed at weeks 2, 4 and 8 after operation, and barium sulphate X-ray screen was performed at week 10 after operation. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:After 2 weeks, muscle tissue structure, cellswel ing, and inflammatory cellinfiltration could be seen in the experiment and control groups, exhibiting an acute inflammatory reaction. After 4 weeks, the experimental group showed clear muscle flaps, reduced inflammatory reaction, and no obvious fibrosis;while in the control group, muscle tissue could be seen at defect site, with growth of fibrous tissue cells and a few of inflammatory cells. After 8 weeks, in the experimental group, squamous metaplasia could be seen on the gross surface of the muscle flaps,esophageal mucosa could be seen, accompanied by chronic inflammatory reaction under the mucosas that had a clear abate than that at 4 weeks after implantation;in the control group, chronic inflammatory reaction could be found, accompanied by clear fibrosis but no squamous metaplasia and mucosal regeneration. Barium sulphate examination found that the esophagus was smooth with a slight motility in the experimental group, but there was a part of stricture in the esophagus without motility. These findings suggest that the chitosan tube stent combined with muscle flaps could better repair partial defects of the cervical esophagus.
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