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裂缝性油气藏的相关文献在1990年到2022年内共计167篇,主要集中在石油、天然气工业、工业经济、自动化技术、计算机技术 等领域,其中期刊论文143篇、会议论文22篇、专利文献476565篇;相关期刊48种,包括海相油气地质、石油天然气学报、世界石油工业等; 相关会议20种,包括中国石油学会第九届青年学术年会、第十二届全国渗流力学学术大会、2012年钻井基础理论研究与前沿技术开发新进展学术研讨会等;裂缝性油气藏的相关文献由448位作者贡献,包括张振华、戴弹申、赵金洲等。



论文:143 占比:0.03%


论文:22 占比:0.00%


论文:476565 占比:99.97%





  • 张振华
  • 戴弹申
  • 赵金洲
  • 刘德胜
  • 李元奎
  • 李皋
  • 杜志敏
  • 王兰生
  • 鄢捷年
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 王晓辉
    • 摘要: 裂缝性油气藏是近年来世界各国油气勘探开发的主要目标,储层裂缝预测是油气勘探开发从业者关注的热点和难点。本文主要对地震曲率属性在裂缝预测中的应用进行了分析与研究,取得了较好的应用效果。相比于常规方法,地震曲率属性能够有效预测微断层、裂缝,预测的精度更高,值得应用推广。
    • 温柔; 张彬; 杨学武; 郑小敏; 王小刚; 姜龙
    • 摘要: 近年来,随着油藏开采进一步深入,开发难度越来越大.裂缝性油藏在注水开发过程中,注入水沿储层微裂缝方向快速突进,油井暴性水淹,导致开发效果变差.常规井间地震解释中,解释结果受到多种因素的影响,很多细小的不连续反射轴会被平滑掉,出现小断层、微裂缝遗漏等现象.结合相干体解释技术,减少解释人员的主观判断干预和经验因素,更客观、合理地对微裂缝及小断层位置进行刻画.以中国长庆油田某地区井间地震勘探实例为基础,结合常规地震反射剖面和地震相干技术,进行小断层、微裂缝综合解释,提高断层的解释精度,并结合吸水剖面验证其真实性与可靠性.
    • 盖靖安; 王震宇; 王多夏; 吕晓平; 惠嵛赦; 赵晨
    • 摘要: Through the application of leak-proof and plugging technology in Ming 15 well,the formula of leak-proof and plugging agent and technology suitable for fractured reservoirs in this area are summarized.%本文通过防漏堵漏技术在明15井的应用,总结出了适合该区块裂缝性油气藏的防漏堵漏剂配方和堵漏工艺技术.
    • 朱志强; 李云鹏; 吕坐彬; 孟智强; 杨志成
    • 摘要: 潜山裂缝性油藏的裂缝分布随机性强,非均质性差别大,导致开发过程中油井水淹规律复杂,但目前还没有识别地下储层裂缝分布的有效方法.为此,以渤海JZS潜山油藏为例,利用其丰富的动态资料,分析了不同油井的见水特征,总结得出了该潜山裂缝性油藏"台阶形"见水特征及由局部裂缝见水逐渐发展为整体见水的含水率上升规律;基于该潜山裂缝性油藏的见水规律,选取剖面压力均等模型作为裂缝性油藏见水预测模型,通过拟合实际油井的见水特征反算了地下裂缝的分布情况,分析得出潜山裂缝性油藏具有较强的非均质性以及其裂缝具有对数正态分布的特征.研究认为,将裂缝对数正态分布这一特征作为约束条件应用到潜山裂缝性油藏的地质建模中,可在很大程度上提高该类油藏含水率拟合结果的准确性,这对类似裂缝性油藏的数值模拟和有效开发具有借鉴意义.%T he fracture distribution in a buried-hill reservoir characterized by strong randomness and high degress of heterogeneity,resulted in complex water flooding regularity in the development of oil wells.There was no effective method to identify the distribution of underground reservoir fractures in the last few years.In order to solve the problem,the Bohai JZS buried-hill reservoir was taken as an example to analyze the features of water production in different oil wells by using abundant dynamic data,together with obtained water cut rising regularity,i.e.water produced in footstep style gradually from local frac-tures to all fractures.Based on the water production regularity in the buried-hill reservoir,a homogeneous pressure profile model was selected to predict the water production in fracture reservoir,and calculated in-versely to the distribution of underground cracks by fitting the water production characteristics of actual oil wells.After that,the investigations arrived at a conclusion,considering the buried-hill reservoirs having strong anisotropy,with the characteristics of log-normal distribution of fractures.Research results showed that the log-normal distribution of fractures could be taken as a constraint in the geologic modeling of bur-ied-hill fracture reservoirs and could be used to improve the accuracy of history matching the water cut in these reservoirs,providing valuable references for numerical simulation and high-efficiency development of similar fracture reservoirs.
    • 聂妍; 范廷恩; 张雨晴; 刘向南
    • 摘要: 裂缝性油气藏的储量约占已探明总储量的一半,因此对储层裂缝的预测研究有非常重要的意义.本文通过对地震资料数据处理,分析研究了不同的裂缝预测方法,利用叠前或叠后地震数据对储层裂缝进行预测.本文对基于叠前或叠后地震数据处理的裂缝预测进行了综合分析对比,为后期裂缝性油田储量品质评价,地质建模及储层不确定性分析提供有力支撑.
    • 康毅力; 张敬逸; 许成元; 游利军; 林冲
    • 摘要: 为了更合理地选择堵漏材料、设计高性能堵漏浆配方,研究了不同几何形态堵漏材料在裂缝中的滞留行为.采用理论分析和室内试验相结合的方法,考虑堵漏材料粒级、几何形状和裂缝面粗糙度等因素,设计并进行了粗糙缝面裂缝内固相滞留试验,考察了堵漏材料的几何形态对其在裂缝中滞留行为的影响.试验发现:粒级对球状和片状堵漏材料在裂缝中的滞留行为均有影响,但对球状堵漏材料滞留行为的影响更显著;相同粒级条件下,片状堵漏材料在裂缝中的滞留概率高于球状堵漏材料.研究结果表明:球状堵漏材料的优点是封堵迅速、封堵效率高,但其封堵质量受粒级影响显著,对缝宽变化适应性较差;片状堵漏材料的优点是对缝宽变化适应性强、滞留概率高;将球状与片状堵漏材料复配,可有效提高其滞留概率,又好又快地封堵裂缝.
    • 毛严
    • 摘要: 裂缝性储层中天然裂缝形成期次的确定对于裂缝发育与油气产出之间关系评价来讲十分重要。形成期较早的裂缝,在较长的地质历史中可能因地层水中矿物质的结晶析出而充填而对目前的油气产出无效,形成较晚的裂缝充填程度较低,有效性较高。本文在调研国内外大量文献基础上,简要阐述了储层裂缝期次研究的目的、意义和存在的问题;分析总结了裂缝期次研究的主要方法,及裂缝期次研究在裂缝性油气藏勘探开发中的重要作用。
    • 魏开鹏; 杨欢; 斯容; 方群; 刘学全
    • 摘要: 针对红河油田长8油藏储层致密、裂缝发育导致水平井注水井组水窜严重的问题,进行了水平井置胶成坝技术研究及现场试验.在模拟长8油藏的条件下,以堵剂成胶后的黏度为指标,优化了聚合物冻胶堵水剂的配方,评价了其抗老化性、耐盐性、抗剪切性、封堵性和抗冲刷性.结果表明,聚合物冻胶堵水剂的成胶时间4~10 d可调,耐盐能力达1×105 mg/L,耐Ca2+能力达8 000 mg/L,抗剪切及抗冲刷性能较好,封堵率大于95%.2井次的现场试验结果表明,红河油田水平井注水井组应用水平井置胶成坝技术后,受效井产油量升高,含水率降低,累计增油102 t,含水率由99.0%降至92.3%,有效期超过了217 d.研究与试验表明,采用水平井置胶成坝技术能满足封堵深部注水优势通道的要求,可以解决红河油田水平井注水井组水窜的问题.%Reservoirs in the Chang-8 Reservoir in the Honghe Oilfield are characterized by tight formations and well-developed natural fractures that give rise to water channeling during water injection.Under such circumstances study and field tests have been conducted to ameliorate the situation by using gelation technologies in horizontal water injectors with severe water channeling.Taking viscosities of plugging gel as evaluation criteria,the formula of polymer gel water-plugging agents was optimized and their aging,salt-resistance,shear resistance,plugging and anti-flushing performances were evaluated under simulated conditions of the formation.Test results showed that polymer gel water-plugging agents have adjustable gelation time of 4-10 days with salt resistance of 1×105 mg/L,Ca2+ mass concentration of 8 000 mg/L,high shearing and flushing resistance and resulting plugging efficiencies over 95%.Field tests were performed in 2 wells and they demonstrated that productivities were enhanced and the watercut reduced in the oil producers.In 217 days,incremental oil production was 102 t,while the watercut fell from 99.0% to 92.3% and effectively maintained that rate.Study and test results showed that the application of gelation technologies in horizontal wells can effectively plug prevailing water channels,and remove water channeling among horizontal water injectors in Honghe Oilfield.
    • 李博南; 刘财; 郭智奇
    • 摘要: 由于裂缝性油气藏具有突出的资源潜力和经济效益,利用地震方法对裂缝储层进行精细的定量描述逐渐成为勘探地球物理的关键任务之一.为了克服以往数据驱动类反演方法无法直接获得裂缝参数、而基于静态等效介质模型驱动的反演方法无法描述孔隙内部结构和流体信息的缺点,笔者提出一种基于动态等效介质模型的储层定量描述新方法.该方法通过频变AVO(amplitude variation with offset)理论建立目标函数并使用全局最优化算法反演裂缝参数.一维和二维模型测试证实,由于充分利用了反射系数频变响应对裂缝密度和时间尺度因子的敏感性,反演方法可以对裂缝储层实现有效描述.%Because the fractured reservoirs have outstanding resource potential and economic benefits,fine quantitative characterization on fractured reservoirs using seismic methods is becoming one of the key tasks of exploration geophysics.To overcome the disadvantages of the conventional methods of data driven inversion which cannot acquire fracture parameters directly,and of the model driven inversion method based on the static equivalent medium theory which cannot characterize the internal pore structure and fluid information,we propose a quantitative reservoir characterization method based on a dynamic equivalent media model.The method establishes the objective function using frequencydependent AVO theory and uses a global optimization algorithm to estimate fracture parameters.Through applying our method to 1D and 2D models,we can confirm that,by taking full advantage of the sensitivity of frequency-dependent response of the reflection coefficient to the fracture density and time scale factor,the inversion algorithm can effectively characterize the fractured reservoir.
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