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节长的相关文献在1966年到2022年内共计124篇,主要集中在轻工业、手工业、数学、农作物 等领域,其中期刊论文105篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献71455篇;相关期刊85种,包括四川党的建设(城市版)、致富天地、职业技术(下半月)等; 相关会议2种,包括2017第十九届中国科协年会、第三届准备和织造技术暨新产品开发研讨会等;节长的相关文献由184位作者贡献,包括徐郡儡、白羽聪、谢亚丽等。



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  • 徐郡儡
  • 白羽聪
  • 谢亚丽
  • 高健
  • 刘国强
  • 卢雨正
  • 吴正树
  • 姜举堂
  • 孙时彬
  • 孟秋娜
  • 期刊论文
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  • 专利文献




    • 盛庆石
    • 摘要: 为了在环锭细纱机上使用加长上销纺制节粗倍数较大、节长较长的竹节纱品种,以精梳棉27.12 tex竹节纱为例,通过介绍配棉情况和工艺流程,分析其清梳、棉预并、条并卷、精梳、并条、粗纱、细纱各工序主要工艺参数设置及调整措施。指出:在配置竹节纱装置的FA502型细纱机上,使用加长上销、肇东下销和V型牵伸装置纺制环锭纺精梳棉27.12 tex竹节纱,应确保牵伸顺畅,防止出“硬头”和节中“大肚纱”;在细纱工序应采取稍大的后区罗拉隔距和后区牵伸倍数、适当的钳口隔距块、适度偏大的罗拉加压力、合适的钢丝圈以及适宜偏低的前罗拉转速等,在自络工序需采取较低的络筒速度和合适的电清工艺。
    • 周团
    • 摘要: 为使布面显现不同的视觉效果与风格,介绍由普通竹节纱演变的新型节中节竹节纱,图解其纱线结构形态;以利用ZY503型节中节竹节纱生产系统纺制T 19.7 tex节中节竹节纱为例,详述其参数的设定方法和纺制技术要点.指出:纺制节中节竹节纱时,节长、节距、节粗要素可创意变化组合,从而展示与众不同的布面风格;节中节长度宜偏大设计、节距宜偏小设定,车速不宜过快,捻系数宜偏大掌握.
    • 李雪; 侯亚红; 张华国; 谢永春; 马瑞萍; 高雪; 刘国一
    • 摘要: 为探明影响青稞倒伏的相关生物学性状.采用大田生产对比法,根据地力水平、管理水平选择代表不同产量水平的10个地块,通过方差分析和相关性分析探讨不同产量水平青稞田的倒伏与株高、节间长度、整株鲜重、植株鲜重、植株干重、根鲜重、根干重的关系.方差分析结果表明倒伏青稞的株高、节1~4、生物量、产量等均表现优势,相关分析结果表明倒伏与节2~4显著相关,青稞每667 m2产量与各因素的相关均不显著.倒伏青稞的株高、节1~4、生物量、产量性状较未倒伏青稞高,青稞是否会发生倒伏与节2~4显著相关,青稞的每667m2产量与青稞是否倒伏不相关.
    • 蔡建1
    • 摘要: 竹石钟灵,遐迩闻名。为孤例、溢趣扬馨。分峰叠石,四季鲜明。似临玄圃,入图画,返龆龄。筛光漏月,傲雪披星。万竿竹、枝叶关情。谦谦君子,磊磊平生。羡怀长虚,节长固,气长清。
    • 晓风1
    • 摘要: 在人类历史上,很早就有痛风的记载。古人曾把它当成“富贵病”,有一定财富地位才有资格疼。可到了今天,痛风怎么变得亲民起来,人人可“得”了呢?
    • 孟秋娜; 张伟; 巴塔
    • 摘要: 探讨转杯纱竹节排列组合对竹节效果的影响.转杯纺纺制短竹节纱时,实际节粗小于设计节粗,竹节效果不明显.先后尝试直接增加设计节粗和两种竹节排列结合两种方式,增加实测节粗.但是直接增加设计节粗的方式会导致纺制困难,竹节风格无法保证,相比两种竹节排列结合的方式实测节粗增加明显,竹节风格较好.认为:转杯纺竹节纱实际纺制过程中,宜采用两种竹节排列组合的方式增加实测节粗.%The influence of slub permutation and combination for rotor slub yarn on slub effect was dis-cussed.When rotor spinning was used for short slub yarn spinning,the practical slub multiple was smaller than designed slub multiple.The slub effect was not obvious.Two methods including direct increasing designed slub multiple and two slub permutation and combination were tried one after another to increase the practical slub mul-tiple.However,the spinning was difficult with the method of direct increasing designed slub multiple and the slub style could not be guaranteed.By the comparison,with the method of two slub permutation and combination,the practical slub multiple was increased obviously and the slub style was better.It is considered that the method of two slub permutation and combination should be adopted to increase practical slub multiple during the practical spinning of rotor slub yarn.
    • 韩毅强; 石英; 高亚梅; 郑殿峰; 杜吉到; 张玉先; 冯乃杰
    • 摘要: 为了解赤霉素GA3和烯效唑的壮苗效果,采用GA3和烯效唑浸种处理大豆种子,调查大豆茎秆、节长、叶柄、叶片光合特性及产量的变化.两年结果显示,GA3和烯效唑对大豆株高有调控作用,但具有时效性.苗期,GA3处理增加株高,烯效唑抑制株高;盛花期、结荚期和鼓粒期处理与对照之间株高无显著差异;收获期GA3处理降低了第1、3、10、12、13、14节节长,从而显著降低大豆株高,烯效唑降低第1节节长,不影响株高.GA3和烯效唑浸种处理均增加大豆茎粗,增强大豆抗倒伏性.GA3处理降低了8~10节叶柄长度、增加了14~18节叶柄长度;烯效唑增加7~12节叶柄长度.两种调节剂从节长和叶柄两个方面改变了大豆冠层结构,叶柄长度的变化量与同节位的产量贡献率的变化量显著相关,相关系数为0.622和0.585,P <0.05.烯效唑浸种处理能够增加7d、14d叶绿素含量,14d光合速率,显著提高单株粒数、单株荚数和产量,两年平均增产15.14%.说明烯效唑处理可能通过改变大豆冠层结构和光合性质影响大豆产量.%To explore the effects of seed treatment with gibberellins (GAs) and uniconazole on emergence of seedling, stalk traits, length of node, petiole, leaf photosynthetic characteristics and yield of soybean were measured after GA3 and uniconazole treatments by seed soaking. Two years results showed that regulation of GA3 and uniconazole on plant height had varied effectiveness with different application time, and it was more effective in the seedling stage. GA3 increased plant height, and uniconazole decreased plant height. In the full flowering, podding, and filling stages, the plant height did not show significant difference between treatments and control. GA3 treatment significantly decreased the plant height for the 1 st, 3 rd, 10 th, 12 th, 13 th, 14 thshorter internode in the harvesting stage. Uniconazole treatments decreased the length of the 1 stinternode, but did not affect the height of plant. GA3 and uniconazole treatments could have contributed to the lodging resistance by producing thicker and stronger stem.GA3 treatment decreased the petiole length on the 8 th-10 thnode, and increased the petiole length on the 14 th-18 th node, and uniconazole treatment could increase the petiole length on the 7 th-12 thnode. Two growth regulators changed the canopy structure by regulating the node length and the petiole. The petiole length change was correlated with the change of its contribution rate to yield in the same node, and the correlation coefficient were 0.622 and 0.585, P < 0.05. Uniconazole treatments significantly increased the chlorophyll content at 7 d, 14 d, and increased transpiration rate (Tr) at 14 d, and significantly increased the grain number per plant, the pods number per plant and yield. The mean production in these two years increased 15.5%. These results indicated that uniconazole treatments affected the soybean yield by changing the canopy structure and photosynthetic characteristics.
    • 赵洋洋; 薛元; 徐志武; 曾德军
    • 摘要: 分析竹节纱节粗与节长调控机理,并验证调控效果.介绍了JW F1551型三通道数码细纱机纺制竹节纱的原理,分析了节长和节距的控制方式,提出了节长及节距的修正方法,试验验证了修正方法的可行性.结果表明:修正后的节长、节距与理论长度偏差均减小到0.2cm以内,1.5倍~2.5倍的实际节粗与理论节粗偏差控制在0.2倍内.认为:合理及时地修正节长、节距、节粗,可有效保证竹节纱设计风格的稳定性.
    • 摘要: 2018年2月22日讯:从市物价部门获悉,随着春节长假结束,常州农贸市场出摊率已恢复70%。据22日监测数据显示,肉禽蛋、水产品、蔬菜价格纷纷回落,后期仍有下跌空间。每500克的价格,鳊鱼、鲫鱼、草鱼均下跌2%以上,河虾下跌7%以上。
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