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CRH的相关文献在1991年到2022年内共计304篇,主要集中在铁路运输、妇产科学、中国医学 等领域,其中期刊论文128篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献172篇;相关期刊109种,包括科技风、科技致富向导、包头医学院学报等; 相关会议3种,包括2006西部麻醉学论坛、首届中国中青年神经外科医师论坛、中国通信学会第五届学术年会等;CRH的相关文献由784位作者贡献,包括许超、谈玉琴、张华等。



论文:128 占比:42.11%


论文:4 占比:1.32%


论文:172 占比:56.58%





  • 许超
  • 谈玉琴
  • 张华
  • 张荣
  • 倪鑫
  • 刘陆
  • 周继红
  • 姜斌
  • 宋云超
  • 王英
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • Yang Yang; Wanwan Han; Aijia Zhang; Mindie Zhao; Wei Cong; Yimin Jia; Deyun Wang; Ruqian Zhao
    • 摘要: Background:Corticotropin-releasing hormone(CRH),the major secretagogue of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal(HPA)axis,is intricately intertwined with the clock genes to regulate the circadian rhythm of various body functions.N6-methyladenosine(m^(6)A)RNA methylation is involved in the regulation of circadian rhythm,yet it remains unknown whether CRH expression and m^(6)A modification oscillate with the clock genes in chicken hypothalamus and how the circadian rhythms change under chronic stress.Results:Chronic exposure to corticosterone(CORT)eliminated the diurnal patterns of plasma CORT and melatonin levels in the chicken.The circadian rhythms of clock genes in hippocampus,hypothalamus and pituitary are all disturbed to different extent in CORT-treated chickens.The most striking changes occur in hypothalamus in which the diurnal fluctuation of CRH mRNA is flattened,together with mRNA of other feeding-related neuropeptides.Interestingly,hypothalamic m^(6)A level oscillates in an opposite pattern to CRH mRNA,with lowestm^(6)A level after midnight(ZT18)corresponding to the peak of CRH mRNA before dawn(ZT22).CORT diminished the circadian rhythm of m^(6)A methylation with significantly increased level at night.Further site-specific m^(6)A analysis on 3’UTR of CRH mRNA indicates that higher m^(6)A on 3’UTR of CRH mRNA coincides with lower CRH mRNA at night(ZT18 and ZT22).Conclusions:Our results indicate that chronic stress disrupts the circadian rhythms of CRH expression in hypothalamus,leading to dysfunction of HPA axis in the chicken.RNA m^(6)A modification is involved in the regulation of circadian rhythms in chicken hypothalamus under both basal and chronic stress conditions.
    • Yun-Ying Qiao; Yu-Peng Yang; Shan-Yin Yang
    • 摘要: Objective:In order to explore the neuroendocrine regulation mechanism of acupuncture and moxibustion in the treatment of allergic asthma and to provide theoretical basis for the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion on regulating mind.Methods:Forty SD rats were randomly divided into five groups:blank group,model group,sham-acupuncture group,acupuncture group and moxibustion group.Ovalbumin(OVA)was used to sensitise the rats.Except the blank group,the other groups were established by intraperitoneal injection of ovalbumin(OVA)and atomization excitation.The blank group was injected intraperitoneally and atomized with normal saline instead of OVA.After successful modeling,the rats in blank and the model group have no any treatment;In the sham acupuncture group,non-acupoint tissues were selected for acupuncture treatment every day;Acupuncture group and moxibustion group were treated with acupuncture or moxibustion at selected acupoints.At the end of the experiment,blood samples were collected to determine corticotropin releasing hormone(CRH).Results:After being sensitised by OVA,the symptoms scores of rats were significantly increased.After treatment,the symptoms of each treatment group were significantly reduced.Compared with model group,the CRH in acupuncture and moxibustion groups were significantly reduced(All P<0.01).Compared with the sham acupuncture group,the CRH in acupuncture group were significantly reduced(P<0.05).Conclusion:As a kind of stimulation,acupuncture and moxibustion can regulate the content of CRH in the body by nerve endocrine system.The effect of"regulating mind"of acupuncture and moxibustion plays an important role in the treatment of allergic asthma.
    • 蔡秀岩
    • 摘要: 主持设计的CRH380A高速列车,跑出了世界第一速;国产复兴号列车,以时速350千米傲视全球。高铁''一姐''梁建英,让中国高铁跑出世界速度。是什么驱动中国高铁从''跟随''到''领跑''?是什么让中国高铁一路缔造传奇,跑出世界速度?梁建英和她的设计团队,用一次次突破,给出了答案:自主设计,占领世界技术制高点.
    • 张会甫1
    • 摘要: 唐车公司历史悠久,始建于1881年,至今已跨越三个世纪。在此诞生了中国第一台蒸汽机车''龙号机车''和中国第一辆铁路客车''銮舆客车''。2008年下线的''和谐号''CRH3动车组更被国家领导人誉称为''国家名片''中车唐山机车车辆有限公司(以下简称''唐车公司'')是河北省唯一进入国家103家创新型企业试点的单位,其产品遍及国内18个铁路局(集团公司)及十几个地方铁路公司,出口到土耳其、阿根廷、古巴、埃及、美国等世界五大洲20多个国家和地区。
    • 薛今1
    • 摘要: 在庆祝改革开放40周年大会上,中国中车集团公司总经理孙永才获得了''改革先锋''荣誉称号,大会介绍他是''复兴号''高速列车研制的主持者。实际上,他不仅在中国中车主持了''复兴号''的研制,更参与和见证了中国铁路从绿皮火车到高铁的提速历程。
    • 曹小青; 金晨曦; 耿玉杰; 邢圣杰; 吴明阳; 金杰
    • 摘要: 目的:观察龟鹿益神颗粒对慢性疲劳大鼠行为学及神经内分泌网络中枢下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质轴(HPA轴)表达的影响,探讨其抗疲劳效果及其作用机制。方法:采用力竭游泳、慢性束缚复合方法构建慢性疲劳大鼠模型。60只雄性SD大鼠随机分为空白组、模型组、苁蓉益肾颗粒组、龟鹿益神颗粒低、中、高剂量组,10只/组。造模结束后,空白组与模型组给予生理盐水灌胃,苁蓉益肾颗粒组给予苁蓉益肾颗粒混悬液灌胃,龟鹿益神颗粒低、中、高剂量组分别给予1.625 g·(kg·d)^(-1)、3.25 g·(kg·d)^(-1)、6.5 g·(kg·d)^(-1)灌胃龟鹿益神颗粒混悬液灌胃,每天1次,连续灌胃14 d。造模过程中观察各组大鼠行为学情况的变化。造模结束后采用RT-PCR法测定下丘脑CRH mRNA表达、ELISA法测定大鼠血清CORT、ACTH、CRH含量。结果:实验组、苁蓉益肾颗粒组大鼠行为学指标有明显的改善(P<0.05),下丘脑室旁核CRH mRNA表达、血清CRH、ACTH、CORT的含量显著降低(P<0.05),龟鹿益神颗粒中、高剂量实验组明显低于苁蓉益肾颗粒组(P<0.05)。结论:龟鹿益神颗粒可以改善慢性疲劳大鼠的疲劳状态,下调慢性应激时紊乱的HPA轴,其抗疲劳作用机制可能与下调紊乱的HPA轴有关。
    • 车彦忠; 高松; 王保和; 杨奎
    • 摘要: AIM To observe the effect of Yinao Jieyu Granules (Curcumae Radix,Schisandrae chinensis Fructus,Gardeniae Fructus,etc.) on rats depression induced by olfactory bulbectomy (OB).METHODS The model rats randomly divided into model group,Fluoxetine Hydrochloride Capsules group,Yinao Jieyu Granules groups (7.29,3.65 and 1.82 g crude drug/kg) went on with their corresponding intragastric administration once per day (the same volume of purified water for the model group) for 2 weeks.The weight,food intake,liquid consumption,open field test,killing test,light/dark transition test and step-down test were checked every week before and after the administration.The blood sample and brain tissue were procured within 2 hours after the final administration.The serum CRH,ACTH and CORT concentration and the content of hippocampal monoamine neurotransmitters 5-HT,DA and NE were tested by ELISA method.RESULTS Compared with the model group,rats of Yinao Jieyu Granules groups (7.29-3.65 g crude drug/kg) displayed a better sucrose consumption improvement (P < 0.05);more content increase of hippocampal tissue 5-HT (P < 0.05);longer duration time in the dark and on the platform before the error making (P < 0.05);less horizontal and vertical movement,and more significant content decrease of the serum CRH (P < 0.05).CONCLUSION Yinao Jieyu Granules can relieve the depression behaviors of OB animals,and the mechanism may associate with its efficacy on 5-HT and CRH modulation.%目的 采用抗嗅球损毁抑郁大鼠模型(olfactory bulbectomy,OB)方法 观察颐脑解郁颗粒(郁金、五味子、栀子等)对抑郁症的治疗作用.方法 将大鼠随机分为模型组,盐酸氟西汀胶囊组,颐脑解郁颗粒7.29、3.65、1.82 g生药/kg组,灌胃给药1次/d(模型组给予等量纯化水),连续2周.给药前及给药后每周检测体质量、摄食量,进行液体消耗实验、敞箱实验、残杀实验、避暗被动回避、跳台被动回避.末次给药后2h取血样及脑组织,采用ELISA法检测血清促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)、皮质醇(CORT)、促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(CRH)质量浓度,以及海马单胺类神经递质5-羟色氨(5-HT)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)、多巴胺(DA)含有量.结果 与模型组比较,颐脑解郁颗粒(7.29~3.65 g生药/kg)能明显增加嗅球损毁抑郁大鼠糖水消耗量(P<0.05),明显增加海马组织5-HT含有量(P<O.05),明显延长大鼠避暗犯错误潜伏期和跳台犯错误潜伏期(P<0.05),明显减少大鼠水平、垂直运动次数和跳台被动回避试验错误次数(P<0.05),明显降低血清CRH浓度、降低残杀评分(P<0.05).结论 颐脑解郁颗粒有抗嗅球损毁致抑郁作用,其机制可能与调节5-HT、CRH有关.
    • 刘德东
    • 摘要: 本文将对CRH2及CRH380A(L)系列动车组轴温实时检测系统中可能出现的故障进行分析,并提出相应的对策.
    • 张中杰
    • 摘要: 动车组在运行途中受到不明原因自动降弓,以下本文将主要分析CRH5型动车组自动降弓故障原因分析以及措施.
    • 李端; 壹图
    • 摘要: 加拿大的最新研究发现.压力会传染主要源于大脑中一种叫作CRH的细胞。
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