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眼睑疾病的相关文献在1991年到2021年内共计103篇,主要集中在眼科学、中国医学、临床医学 等领域,其中期刊论文98篇、专利文献33017篇;相关期刊64种,包括双足与保健、中国针灸、国际眼科纵览等; 眼睑疾病的相关文献由250位作者贡献,包括李冬梅、刘辉、梁庆丰等。



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论文:33017 占比:99.70%





  • 李冬梅
  • 刘辉
  • 梁庆丰
  • 王宁利
  • LABBE Antoine
  • 丁静文
  • 冯晓玲
  • 剑持千寻
  • 宋文静
  • 小河贵裕
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 曹珊珊; 周欢粉; 魏世辉
    • 摘要: 1例主诉为左眼视力下降1周;1例主诉为右眼视力减退2个月、结膜水肿10余天;1例主诉为双眼红肿1年,纳差、乏力4个月患者分别就诊眼科.3例患者均为男性,眼部检查均为双眼受累,2例表现为双眼泪腺肿大伴有球结膜水肿,1例为双眼眼睑肿胀,3例均伴有眶外组织受累,均诊断为IgG4相关眼病.经糖皮质激素冲击治疗后患者症状均好转,分别随访58、54、60个月,其中2例患者复发1次,1例患者复发3次.
    • 罗丽华; 高立新; 王薇; 苗慧; 马秀梅; 李冬梅
    • 摘要: 目的 评价曲安奈德结膜上方穹隆部深层注射治疗甲状腺相关眼病上睑退缩的效果.方法 病例对照研究.选取2015年10月至2018年12月首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院眼科就诊的53例(64只眼)甲状腺相关眼病所致上睑退缩患者的病历及随访资料,其中33例(39只眼)患者采用结膜上方穹隆部深层曲安奈德注射治疗(治疗组);20例(25只眼)仅观察随访(观察组).治疗组曲安奈德每次20 mg结膜上方穹隆部深层注射,每月1次,治疗效果稳定后停药并随访.对两组患者治疗或随访前、后上睑缘距瞳孔距离(MRD1)、甲状腺眼病生活质量(TED-QOL)评分、临床活动度评分(CAS)、眼球突出度等指标进行比较.采用配对t检验及独立样本t检验等进行统计学分析.结果 治疗组男性6例,女性27例,年龄(43±12)岁;观察组男性5例,女性15例,年龄(40±13)岁,两组性别、年龄、眼睑退缩病程及首次就诊时MRD1,TED-QOL评分,CAS,眼球突出度,眼压,B超测量的上、下、内、外直肌直径比较差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05).治疗组曲安奈德注射次数为(2.18±0.94)次(范围1~5次);治疗后随访(6.74±3.89)个月,MRD1由(6.85±0.88) mm降低至(4.38±1.04) mm、TED-QOL评分由(22.03±4.33)分降低至(7.91±3.25)分,CAS由(2.82±0.39)分降低至(0.97±0.39)分,差异均有统计学意义(t=14.68,21.36,20.92;均P<0.01);眼球突出度、眼压、B超测量的各直肌直径治疗前、后差异均无统计学意义(均P>0.05).观察组随访(8.65±5.15)个月后眼睑退缩亦有好转,但治疗组改善更明显,治疗组治疗前后的MRD1、TED-QOL评分、CAS差值分别为(2.46±1.05) mm、(14.06±3.80)分、(1.85±0.51)分,均高于观察组随访前后的差值[(0.32±0.75) mm、(3.24±2.86)分、(0.56±0.58)分],差异均有统计学意义(t=8.86,11.90,8.98;均P<O.01).两组患者在随访期间上睑退缩均无复发.治疗组中出现短暂性眼压升高5例(6只眼),经降眼压治疗后恢复正常;3例女性患者有月经改变.结论 结膜上方穹隆部深层注射曲安奈德治疗甲状腺相关眼病所致上睑退缩是一种简单、有效的治疗方法,能够显著减轻上睑退缩症状,改善患者生活质量.
    • 章征; 顼晓琳; 李栋军; 侯志嘉; 丁静文; 李洋; 李冬梅
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨线状皮脂腺痣综合征(LNSS)的临床病理学特征及手术整复效果.方法 回顾性系列病例研究.收集2009年4月至2018年2月在首都医科大学附属北京同仁医院北京同仁眼科中心就诊的11例(14只眼)LNSS患者的临床资料,分析总结性别、年龄、临床表现、受累部位、组织病理学特点、手术方式和整复效果.结果 11例患者中男性6例,女性5例;就诊年龄6个月至7岁,平均年龄为2.8岁.皮脂腺痣累及头部9例,累及面部5例,累及颈部3例.最常见的眼部表现为眼睑缺损(13只眼)和眼表肿物(9只眼).手术整复患者9例(11只眼),均行眼睑缺损修复重建术,其中4例(4只眼)联合角结膜病灶切除术,5例(5只眼)联合眼睑肿物切除眼睑重建术,3例(5只眼)联合睑球粘连分离结膜囊重建术.6例(6只眼)眼睑及角结膜肿物行组织病理学检查,结果均为复合迷芽瘤.9例手术整复患者均取得满意的眼部外观.结论 线状皮脂腺痣综合征有典型的皮肤病变特点和眼部表现,其眼表肿物均属复合迷芽瘤,切除肿物并矫治眼睑畸形,可达到较好的外观整复效果.
    • 史精; 陆瑾; 李静; 陶腊梅; 杨美凤
    • 摘要: 目的:比较微针针刺眼睑局部联合常规针刺与常规针刺治疗面瘫恢复期眼睑闭合不全的临床疗效.方法:将100例面瘫恢复期眼睑闭合不全患者随机分为观察组和对照组,每组50例.对照组采用常规针刺方法,穴取患侧攒竹、阳白、瞳子髎、四白等.观察组在对照组基础上加用眼睑局部微针针刺.两组均每日治疗1次,留针30 min,每周5次,治疗4周后评定疗效.结果:治疗后,观察组总有效率为94.0%(47/50),高于对照组的78.0%(39/50,P<0.05).结论:眼睑针联合常规针刺能促进面瘫恢复期眼睑闭合功能的恢复,疗效优于常规针刺.
    • 黎冬平; 吕航; 王育红
    • 摘要: 目的 观察曲安奈德球旁注射与A型肉毒素局部注射治疗甲状腺相关眼病单眼轻度上睑退缩的疗效.方法 前瞻性研究.汉口爱尔眼科医院2015年6月至2018年6月稳定期甲状腺相关眼病伴单眼轻度上睑退缩55例(55只眼).按随机数字表法分为两组:A组,26例,曲安奈德球旁注射,3周1次,共3次.B组,29例,A型肉毒素上睑提肌注射1次.观察两组治疗效果.结果 有效率:两组治疗后1周、1个月均达100.0%,治疗后3个月A组仍为100.0%,B组为89.6%(P=0.139).退缩矫正量:治疗后1周,B组大于A组(t=3.380,P=0.001);治疗后1个月,两组相近(t=0.200,P=0.839);治疗后3个月,B组小于A组(t=-8.110,P<0.001).并发症:A组出现一过性黑朦、眶周出血及眶周凹陷各1例;B组患者复发3例.结论 曲安奈德球旁注射及A型肉毒素局部注射对甲状腺相关眼病轻度上睑退缩疗效确切,前者治疗周期长,操作风险较大,但疗效较稳定;后者操作简单,治疗周期短,但易复发.
    • 阮方; 接英
    • 摘要: 睑板腺功能障碍(MGD)是一种临床常见的慢性、弥漫性睑板腺病变.轻者引起眼部不适症状,重者可导致眼表组织损伤,影响患者视功能,且可使眼表手术出现严重术后并发症.物理治疗是MGD最主要的临床治疗方法,近年不断出现的新方法也取得了良好的治疗效果.本文就MGD及其相关眼表损伤的物理治疗,对最新研究进展进行综述,以期为临床工作提供参考.%Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD),as a chronic,diffuse Meibomian gland disease,is one of the most common ophthalmological clinical diseases.Symptoms can be mild,such as ocular discomfort,but severe cases resulting in ocular surface damage could affect patients' visual function.Moreover,with the absence of a thorough examination of eyelid status and Meibomian gland prior to ocular surface surgery,it could cause severe postoperative complications.As a usual but easily overlooked disease,MGD and its associated ocular surface diseases have drawn greater attention,on the other hand,some emerging therapies,in addition to the clinically recognized treatments,provided doctors with more effective treatments at their disposal,and plenty of research achievements have been published.This article emphasizes on new physical approaches in the treatments of MGD and its associated ocular surface diseases.
    • 宋文静; 晏晓明
    • 摘要: 强脉冲光是指高输出功率氙灯产生的宽谱非相关光.自1994年第一代强脉冲光技术推出后,该技术迅速发展,推广至皮肤科多个领域.2004年优化脉冲技术被推出后,强脉冲光更是在全世界美容领域得到广泛应用.2002年Toyos发现经过强脉冲光治疗后的酒糟鼻患者的睑板腺功能障碍及干眼症状得到了明显改善,开始将强脉冲光应用于眼科领域.近年来临床研究显示,强脉冲光可以明显改善睑板腺功能障碍及其相关干眼患者的眼部症状及体征.但相关研究较少,且作用机制尚不完全清楚,仍需更加深入的研究.本文阐述了强脉冲光的临床应用历程、一般作用原理以及治疗睑板腺功能障碍及蒸发过强型干眼的相关应用.%Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a broad spectrum incoherent light which is produced by high-output xenon lamp.Since the invention of the first-generation IPL in 1994,IPL technology has been developing rapidly and extensively utilized in multiple fields relevant to dermatology across the world.In 2004,the fourth-generation IPL system was introduced with the optimal pulse technology (OPT) and has soon been used for cosmetic purposes all over the world.In 2002,Dr.Toyos found that the meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) and dye eye disease (DED)symptoms of the rosacea patients who received IPL treatment have been improving significantly,therefore he started to explore the application of IPL system to treatment of dry eye disease.Several recent clinical studies have demonstrated the therapeutic potential of IPL for improving the symptoms and signs of MGD and DED.However,the published data of IPL treatment for MGD and DED is limited,the mechanism of IPL treatment for MGD and DED remained unclear and more relevant researches needed to be done in the future.This article discusses the clinical application history and general mechanism of IPL,and introduces the treatment of IPL for MGD and DED.
    • 张亚辉; 高丽; 曾晓明
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the occurrence of meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) in flight attendants. Methods The case-control analysis was used.The analysis was conducted on 2 385 flight attendants who were in physical examination and medical qualification in the Medical Center of Aviation Hygiene Management Division of China Southern Airlines Ltd.from January 2016 to December 2017.Six hundred and sixty-nine flight attendants who were diagnosed as MGD were defined to MGD group ,including 76 males and 593 females and the average age was (31.5 ± 7.8) years old.Six hundred and eleven gender and age matched healthy people were selected as control group ,including 72 males and 539 females with the average age of (30.8 ± 8.1) years old.Subjects were also divided into wearing group and non-wearing group by contact lenses wearing history.The wearing group was further divided into short-term wearing group (wearing time<1 year) ,medium-term wearing group (wearing time 1-3 years) and long-term wearing group (wearing time>3 years). The detection rate of MGD in each group was statistically analyzed.Following examinations were performed in MGD group : the ocular surface disease index (OSDI ) questionnaire , the slit lamp examination of eyelid margin ,the tear film break-up time (BU T ) measurement ,and the tear secretion test (Schirmer Ⅰ test ,SIT) ,and corneal fluorescein staining (CFS).The values of OSDI ,scores of BUT and SIT ,and CFS were all follow a normal distribution and expressed as mean ± standard deviation.The differences of above indexes were compared between MGD group and control group , and between wearing group and non-wearing group.Chi-square test was used to compare the detection rate of MGD in each group.The independent samples t-test was used to compare the measurement indexes between MGD group and control group ,and between wearing group and non-wearing group. Results The detection rate of MGD in flight attendants was 28.05%,and the detection rate in wearing group was 32.75%,which was significantly higher than that of non-wearing group (16.07%). The difference was statistically significant (χ2= 66.52 , P= 0.000).The detection rate of MGD in short-term wearing group ,medium-term wearing group and long-term wearing group was 21.71%, 32.07%,42.62% respectively.The difference was statistically significant (χ2=56.02 ,P=0.000).The OSDI ,eyelid margin ,CFS of MGD group was 29.85 ± 4.36 ,3.26 ± 0.87 ,and 3.84 ± 1.88 respectively , which was higher than that of the control group (7.12 ± 2.20 ,0.41 ± 0.04 ,1.22 ± 0.44) ,and the differences were statistically significant (t=17.82-26.82 ,P=0.000).The BUT of MGD group was (3.53 ± 2.16) s ,which was significantly lower than that of control group (10.08 ± 2.15) s (t=13.57 , P=0.000).There was no significant difference on SIT between two groups (t=1.61 ,P=0.114).The statistical differences of above indexes between MGD group and control group were basically same as the differences between wearing group and non-wearing group. Conclusions The detection rate of MGD is high in flight attendants.Wearing contact lenses is an important reason.The longer wearing time the higher MGD detection rate.%目的 调查分析空中乘务员睑板腺功能障碍(meibomian gland dysfunction ,MGD)的状况. 方法 采用病例对照研究.对象为2016年1月至2017年12月在南方航空有限公司航空卫生管理部医学鉴定中心行体检鉴定的2 385名空中乘务员.受检者中诊断为M GD者669例作为M GD组,其中男性76例、女性593例,年龄(31 .5 ± 7 .8)岁.选取性别、年龄相匹配的健康人611例作为对照组,其中男性72例、女性539例,年龄(30 .8 ± 8 .1)岁.根据角膜接触镜配戴史,分为配戴组和未配戴组;根据配戴时间配戴组进一步分为短期配戴组(配戴时间<1年) 、中期配戴组(配戴时间1~3年)、长期配戴组(配戴时间>3年).统计分析各组MGD的检出率.对MGD组分别进行眼表疾病指数(ocular surface disease index ,OSDI)问卷调查、睑缘裂隙灯检查、泪膜破裂时间(tear film break-up time ,BUT )测定、泪液分泌试验(Schirmer Ⅰ test ,SIT )、角膜荧光素染色(corneal fluorescein staining ,CFS)评分. OSDI 、睑缘评分、BUT 、SIT和CFS的数值均符合正态分布,以均值±标准差表示.比较分析M GD组与对照组、配戴组与未配戴组以上各指标的差异.各组M GD检出率的比较采用卡方检验,M GD组与对照组、配戴组与未配戴组的各项计量指标比较采用独立样本 t检验. 结果 空中乘务员M GD的检出率为28 .05%,其中配戴组的检出率为32 .75%,明显高于未配戴组的16.07%,且差异有统计学意义(χ2=66 .52 , P=0 .000) ;短期配戴组、中期配戴组、长期配戴组的检出率分别是21 .71%、32 .07%、42 .62%,且组间差异有统计学意义(χ2=56 .02 , P=0 .000 ) . M GD组OSDI为(29 .85 ± 4 .36)、睑缘评分(3 .26 ± 0 .87)、CFS(3 .84 ± 1.88) ,均高于对照组的(7.12 ± 2.20 、0.41 ± 0 .04、1 .22±0 .44),且差异均具有统计学意(t=7 .50~26 .82,P<0 .01).MGD组BUT 为(3 .53± 2 .16)s ,较对照组(10 .08 ± 2 .15)s明显降低(t= 13 .57 , P= 0 .000).两组 SIT 差异无统计学意义(t=1 .61 ,P=0 .114).配戴组与未配戴组上述各指标比较的统计学差异同MGD组与对照组比较结果基本一致. 结论 空中乘务员M GD检出率较高,配戴角膜接触镜是重要的影响因素;配戴时间越长,M GD的检出率越高.
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