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珠江三角洲经济区的相关文献在1983年到2017年内共计454篇,主要集中在世界各国经济概况、经济史、经济地理、经济计划与管理、农业经济 等领域,其中期刊论文448篇、会议论文6篇、专利文献500087篇;相关期刊172种,包括现代哲学、广东社会科学、开放时代等; 相关会议4种,包括2006年粤港珠江口地区地质研讨会、第二届城市轨道交通中青年专家论坛暨第十六届地下铁道学术交流会、2004年海岸带地质环境与城市发展研讨会等;珠江三角洲经济区的相关文献由412位作者贡献,包括支兵发、曾牧野、梁家海等。



论文:448 占比:0.09%


论文:6 占比:0.00%


论文:500087 占比:99.91%





  • 支兵发
  • 曾牧野
  • 梁家海
  • 匡耀求
  • 卢耀东
  • 向进
  • 宋子和
  • 左正
  • 戈晓宇
  • 梁向阳
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 王齐鑫; 王泽宇
    • 摘要: 基于"短板效应"改进相对资源承载力模型,计算2005—2014年珠江三角洲经济区相对资源承载力,并对珠江三角洲经济区9个行政区的相对资源承载力进行空间差异分析.研究表明:(1)以广东省为参照区,在研究时段内,珠江三角洲经济区的人口与经济承载状态一直处于超载状态,且随着时间超载程度愈发严重.(2)珠江三角洲经济区9个行政区的相对资源人口承载力和相对资源经济承载力的空间差异显著.
    • 窦磊; 杜海燕; 黄宇辉; 赖启宏; 游远航
    • 摘要: Soil heavy metal pollution is one of the main environmental problems in Pearl River Delta Economic Zone.It directly threatens the stability of regional ecosystem and food safety,and has profound influences on eco-nomic sustainability,especially for sustainable agriculture and people′s health.Consequently,soil environment quality and food safety in this region have received extensive attention from all around China.Based on multi-pur-pose regional geochemical survey,regional eco-geochemical assessment,local eco-geochemical assessment and comprehensive appraisal,the eco-geochemical survey and assessment in Pearl River Delta Economic Zone of 47 954 km2 (including the area of 10 m depth in shallow inshore waters)was completed.Samples of soil,sedi-ments of intertidal and major rivers in the region were collected in accordance with the two-layer grid method.It is the first time to study the geochemical characteristics of the Pearl River Delta region,and totally 7 1 elements and indicators for soils and sediments were determined.On the basis of the regional survey,the samples of rock,soil, sediment,dust,water,biology,human hair and other types of media samples in significant zone were systemic collected.The composition,distribution characteristics,sources,impact mechanisms and ecological security,mi-gration and transformation process of toxic elements and nutrition elements in significant zone were investigated through case research and general analysis.According to the characteristics of the area,we firstly carried out the study of geochemical character of delta formation evolution and formulation of environmental quality standards for soils in the Pearl River Delta Area.%2005年中国地质调查局与广东省人民政府联合开展珠江三角洲经济区农业地质与生态地球化学调查项目。通过开展多目标区域地球化学调查、区域生态地球化学评价、局部生态地球化学评价和总体综合评价,系统完成了珠江三角洲经济区47954 km2(包括10 m水深以浅的近岸海域)的生态地球化学调查与评价。按照双层网格化方法系统采集了陆域土壤、近岸海域和珠江水系主要河流沉积物表层和深层样品,测试了71项元素和指标,建立了珠江三角洲经济区土壤、沉积物地球化学背景值和基准值,全面查明了珠江三角洲经济区土壤环境质量状况。定量计算了镉、铅、汞等主要异常元素经河流、成土过程等自然来源和大气干湿沉降、施肥、灌溉、使用农药等人为来源贡献量,阐明了其迁移转化途径及生态安全性。项目紧密结合本地区特点,在国内首次开展了三角洲形成演化过程地球化学研究、区域辐射环境质量评价、酸雨对土壤质量影响的模拟实验、土壤环境质量地方标准研究与制订等工作。
    • 窦磊1; 杜海燕12; 黄宇辉1; 赖启宏13; 游远航1
    • 摘要: 2005年中国地质调查局与广东省人民政府联合开展珠江三角洲经济区农业地质与生态地球化学调查项目。通过开展多目标区域地球化学调查、区域生态地球化学评价、局部生态地球化学评价和总体综合评价,系统完成了珠江三角洲经济区47954km2(包括10m水深以浅的近岸海域)的生态地球化学调查与评价。按照双层网格化方法系统采集了陆域土壤、近岸海域和珠江水系主要河流沉积物表层和深层样品,测试了71项元素和指标,建立了珠江三角洲经济区土壤、沉积物地球化学背景值和基准值,全面查明了珠江三角洲经济区土壤环境质量状况。定量计算了镉、铅、汞等主要异常元素经河流、成土过程等自然来源和大气干湿沉降、施肥、灌溉、使用农药等人为来源贡献量,阐明了其迁移转化途径及生态安全性。项目紧密结合本地区特点,在国内首次开展了三角洲形成演化过程地球化学研究、区域辐射环境质量评价、酸雨对土壤质量影响的模拟实验、土壤环境质量地方标准研究与制订等工作。
    • 吴丹; 黄宁生; 匡耀求; 朱照宇
    • 摘要: Based on the conceptual model concerning the relative carrying capacity of resources proposed by HUANG Ning -sheng and KUANG Yao-qiu in 2000, this paper put forward a new model in light of the quality of resources and environment by re -placing the economic resource index “traditional GDP” with“green GDP”.This model was applied to conduct an empirical analysis of the relative carrying capacity of resources in the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone of Guangdong province , and the results obtained by new method were compared with those did by the traditional method .It was concluded that Jiangmen , Zhaoqing and Huizhou in the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone ranked the top 3 in both traditional synthetic carrying capacity and green synthetic carrying ca-pacity among nine cities except in 2005.The main reasons for this conclusion were analyzed , and the related advices were purpose-fully put forward .%以黄宁生等提出的相对资源承载力概念模型为基础,通过改变经济资源指标即引入“绿色GDP”替代“传统GDP”,提出了考量资源与环境质量的新模型。选取广东省珠江三角洲经济区为研究对象,应用该模型对该地区的相对资源承载力情况进行了实证分析,对新方法计算出的结果与传统方法进行了对比,得出珠三角经济区的江门、肇庆、惠州3市的传统综合承载力和绿色综合承载力排名除2005年外均为前三位等结论;然后对上述排名的主要原因进行了分析,并针对性地提出了相关建议。
    • 窦磊; 杜海燕; 游远航; 赖启宏
    • 摘要: Soil heavy metal pollution is one of the main environmental problems in Pearl River Delta Economic Zone,which directly threatens the stability of regional ecosystem and food safety,and has profound influences on economic sustainability,especially for sustainable agriculture and people’s health.Consequently,soil envi-ronment quality and food safety in this region have receiving extensive attention from all around China.Based on multi-purpose regional geochemical survey,regional eco-geochemical assessment,local eco-geochemical assess-ment and comprehensive appraisal,the eco-geochemical survey and assessment in Pearl River Delta Economic Zone of 47,954 km2 (including the area of 10 m depth in shallow inshore waters)was completed.Samples of soil,sediments of intertidal and major rivers in the region were collected in accordance with the two-layer grid method.Totally 71 elements and indicators for soils and sediments were determined and it is the first time to study the geochemical characteristics of the Pearl River Delta region.On the basis of the regional survey,the samples of rock,soil,sediment,dust,water,biology,human hair and other types of media samples in signifi-cant zone were systemic collected.The composition,distribution characteristics,sources,impact mechanisms and ecological security,migration and transformation process of toxic elements and nutrition elements in signifi-cant zone were investigated through case research and general analysis.According to the characteristics of the area,we firstly carried out the study of geochemical character of delta formation evolution and formulation of en-vironmental quality standards for soils in the Pearl River Delta region.%土壤重金属污染是珠江三角洲地区主要的生态环境问题之一,直接影响到区域生态系统的稳定和食品安全。通过开展多目标区域地球化学调查、区域生态地球化学评价、局部生态地球化学评价和总体综合评价,系统完成了珠江三角洲经济区47954 km2(包括10 m 水深以浅的近岸海域)的生态地球化学调查与评价。按照双层网格化方法系统采集了陆域土壤、近岸海域和珠江水系的主要河流沉积物表层和深层样品,测试了71项元素和指标,建立了珠江三角洲经济区土壤、沉积物地球化学背景值和基准值,首次对珠江三角洲地区区域地球化学特征进行了系统全面的调查,全面查明了珠江三角洲经济区土壤环境质量状况,区内一级和二级土壤分别占总面积的19.9%和57.3%,三级和三级以上土壤占22.8%。定量计算了镉、铅、汞等主要异常元素经河流、成土过程等自然来源和大气干湿沉降、施肥、灌溉、使用农药等人为来源贡献量,阐明了其迁移转化途径及生态安全性。结合研究区特点,系统开展了三角洲形成演化过程的地球化学研究,并在国内首次制定了符合地区特点的珠江三角洲经济区土壤环境质量地方标准。
    • 朱鑫
    • 摘要: 土壤碳库是陆地碳库生态系统的主体,在全球碳平衡中具有重要的作用。通过开展珠江三角洲经济区多目标区域地球化学调查,获得了土壤全碳及有机碳数据,采用“单位土壤碳量”方法计算土壤碳储量,显示珠江三角洲经济区土壤有机碳总体分布:表层(0~0.2 m)土壤有机碳为9.71×107 t,碳密度为2271.34 t/km2;中层(0~1.0 m)土壤有机碳为3.71×108 t,碳密度为8666.05 t/km2;深层(0~1.8m)土壤有机碳为5.87×108 t,碳密度为13722.73 t/km2。对比其他地区,珠江三角洲土壤碳密度处于较低水平。分析了土壤、土地利用、地貌类型与成土母质对区域土壤碳库的影响程度,不同土壤单元有机碳储量分布特征。与第二次土壤普查比较,20年期间珠江三角洲表层土壤有机碳总体减少0.22×108 t,损失幅度达19.20%,仅惠州等地区有所增加。不同生态系统土壤有机碳减少程度不同。%Soil carbon stocks are the main terrestrial ecosystem carbon pool, it has an important role in the global carbon balance. We have got the whole soil carbon and organic carbon data of the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone by conducting multi-target regional geochemical survey. Using the USCA (Unit Soil Carbon Amount) method, soil carbon storage in Pearl River Delta Economic Zone was calculated. Results show that topsoil (0~20 cm) organic carbon storage is 9.71×107 t with carbon density of 2271.34t/km2;subsoil (0~100 cm) organic car-bon storage is 3.71×108 t, with carbon density of 8 666.05t/km2;and deep soil ( 0~180 cm) organic carbon stor-age is 5.87 ×108 t,with carbon density of 13 722.73t/km2. Compared to other regions, the Pearl River Delta soil carbon density at is a low level. Analyzing of factors of soils, land use, landforms and soil parent material impact on soil carbon pool area, the different soil organic carbon storage unit distribution. Compared with the second na-tional soil survey, surface soil organic carbon in the Pearl River Delta during 20 years overall reduction of 0.22 × 108 t, a rate of 19.20 percent loss, only Huizhou and other regions increased. There have also been different de-creases in soil carbon density under various ecosystems and land use types.
    • 汤宇英
    • 摘要: 州州市南沙区地处珠江三角洲经济区的几何中心,辐射范围广阔,具有推动粤港澳全面合作的独特优势。当下,作为新型城市化典范的南沙区,正在朝着建设国家级新区的总目标而努力奋斗着。这既是经济社会发展的新任务,也是科学发展、安全发展的新课题。
    • 刘如春; 刘文祥
    • 摘要: 近日从广东省地质局获悉,广东省近年来往珠江三角洲经济区、韩江三角洲经济区、梅州等地开展了6万多平方公里的农业地质调查,接连发现富硒土壤,面积达3万多平方公里。
    • 摘要: 正江门谦信化工发展有限公司位于著名侨乡首府-中国江门,它地处珠江三角洲黄金地域,美丽的西江下游,水、陆交通发达,扼西江以及粤西交通之门户,是连接香港、澳门、珠海与粤西地区和西南各省的桥梁,资源丰富、信息发达、环境优越、坐拥四通八达,是珠江三角洲经济区的中心城市之一。江门是中国近代历史开篇地、改革开放前沿地,经济实力显著,是"中国优秀旅游城市"、"国家园林城市"、"国家
    • 李国旗; 刘思婧
    • 摘要: 珠江三角洲经济区是我国最早重点建设的经济区之一,具有人口和经济要素高度聚集,城镇化水平高,物流、交通、通信设施等基础设施较为完备的优越条件,具备实现物流一体化的基础.通过对比分析珠三角经济区与相关经济区在物流业发展关键指标、物流管理机制的差异,揭示出球三角地区物流发展存在的辐射能力不强、物流管理机制不健全的问题.在珠三角地区物流一体化驱动力研究的基础上,构建了物流一体化发展战略框架,并提出了3种可供选择的合作模式.
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