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不定芽分化的相关文献在1995年到2022年内共计92篇,主要集中在园艺、农作物、林业 等领域,其中期刊论文81篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献8217篇;相关期刊58种,包括科技致富向导、北方园艺、长江蔬菜等; 相关会议4种,包括中国园艺学会创建80周年暨第11次全国会员代表大会、中国园艺学会2007年设施园艺学术会议、中国园艺学会干果分会第五届会员代表大会暨第十届干果生产与科研进展学术研讨会等;不定芽分化的相关文献由342位作者贡献,包括谈建中、周金妹、张明方等。



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论文:8217 占比:98.98%





  • 谈建中
  • 周金妹
  • 张明方
  • 杨国志
  • 楼程富
  • 缑艳霞
  • 钟名其
  • 顾掌根
  • 付成华
  • 何小三
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 韩素菊; 张定珍
    • 摘要: 本研究以‘班纳利音符’矾根的嫩叶为外植体,探究了外植体的最适消毒处理方式以及不同激素浓度组合对愈伤组织诱导、丛芽分化、增殖及生根的影响.研究结果表明:75%乙醇消毒45 s后再用2%次氯酸钠消毒7 min为最适消毒方法,外植体的成活率可达80.7%;叶片诱导愈伤组织的最适培养基是MS+6-BA0.5 mg·L^(-1)+NAA0.5 mg·L^(-1),诱导愈伤组织分化不定芽的最适培养基是MS+6-BA 2.5 mg·L^(-1)+IAA0.1 mg·L^(-1),最适增殖壮苗培养基是MS+6-BA 1.0 mg·L^(-1)+NAA 0.10 mg·L^(-1);最佳生根培养基是1/2MS+IBA 1.0 mg·L^(-1),生根率100%,且植株健壮、根系发达,由此建立了以矾根嫩叶为外植体的高效再生体系.
    • 张冬梅; 修志君; 冯亚艳; 杨春芳; 王丽玮; 刘洁; 张笑宇
    • 摘要: 为建立最佳马铃薯茎段和叶片再生体系,以大西洋(Atlantic)脱毒苗为试验材料,筛选最佳激素浓度配比的培养基,构建马铃薯茎段和叶片再生体系.结果表明,茎段和叶片均可在不同浓度激素6-BA、NAA及GA3配比培养基上形成愈伤组织并能产生不定芽.茎段和叶片愈伤组织最佳诱导培养基分别为MS+0.25 mg·L-16-BA+0.40 mg·L-1 NAA和MS+5.00 mg·L-16-BA+0.30 mg·L-1 NAA,诱导率分别为96.67%和77.04%,生长状态较好,淡绿色,米粒状.茎段和叶片愈伤组织不定芽分化的最佳培养基均为MS+5.00 mg·L-16-BA+0.10 mg·L-1 NAA+10.00 mg·L-1 GA3,不定芽分化率均可达40%以上,分化出的芽多且较壮.
    • 陆锦明
    • 摘要: 为给矾根优良种苗规模化繁育提供技术支撑,以矾根“红贝露”幼嫩叶片的叶柄为外植体,经流水冲洗0.5~1 h,然后用70%酒精处理20 s,再用8%NaC1O3消毒10 min,外植体的成活率达81.3%;外植体培养于MS+BA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 0.5 mg/L培养基上,暗培养2周后开始形成愈伤组织,4周后愈伤组织逐渐长大,35 d后愈伤组织诱导率达82.5%;在光照条件下,继续培养2周后愈伤组织开始逐渐分化形成不定芽,光照培养30 d时,愈伤组织分化不定芽达高峰,不定芽分化率达69.70%;芽增殖的最适宜培养基是MS+6-BA 0.2 mg/L +IAA 0.1 mg/L;试管苗生根的适宜培养基是1/2 MS+IBA 1.0 mg/L.
    • 孙涛; 鲁仪增; 韩义; 王艳; 解孝满; 吴丹; 刘立江; 咸洋
    • 摘要: 为建立北京花楸组织培养高效繁殖技术体系,本试验以新抽生枝条的顶部带芽茎段为材料,探索了基于MS培养基的不同外源激素配比对北京花楸不定芽分化及生根的影响.结果表明,6-苄氨基腺嘌呤(6-BA)、萘乙酸(NAA)和吲哚丁酸(IBA)是影响北京花楸不定芽增殖的主要因素,吲哚丁酸(IBA)是影响根分化的主要因素.北京花楸的最佳芽增殖培养基为MS+ 1.25 mg/L 6-BA+ 0.25 mg/L NAA+0.25 mg/LIBA+ 30.0 g/L蔗糖+7.0 g/L琼脂粉(pH值为5.8),可使平均出芽数和平均有效出芽数(芽高≥0.7cm)达到26.50个和5.0个以上.北京花楸的最佳生根培养基为MS+ 1.25 mg/L IBA+ 30.0 g/L蔗糖+7.0 g/L琼脂粉(pH值为5.8),可使生根率达93.33%.建立的炼苗方式可使移栽成活率达100%.
    • 伍国强; 刘海龙; 李智强
    • 摘要: 本研究以甜菜品种“甘糖7号”叶柄为外植体,通过诱导愈伤组织、愈伤组织分化不定芽、芽生根和移栽等步骤建立一套甜菜组织培养与植株再生体系.结果表明,诱导甜菜叶柄愈伤组织的最佳培养基为MS+4 mg/L 6-BA+0.5 mg/L NAA,诱导率达88.2%;诱导愈伤组织分化不定芽的最佳培养基为MS+4 mg/L 6-BA+0.5 mg/L NAA,分化率仅为9.4%;生根培养基为MS+0.1 mg/L NAA,生根率达33.3%.甜菜再生苗移栽至蛭石中,保温保湿7~10 d后,成活率可达90%以上.本研究结果将对糖料作物甜菜抗逆遗传改良及其基因工程育种具有推动作用.
    • 侯丁一; 张之为; 田再民; 康立茹; 赵君
    • 摘要: 为建立最佳的马铃薯块茎再生体系,本研究分别以‘夏坡蒂’、‘费乌瑞它’以及‘克新1号’的试管薯和大田薯为试验材料,采用控制变量法对马铃薯块茎再生体系进行筛选,以获得其培养基最佳激素浓度配比,并对不同来源马铃薯块茎不定芽分化率进行对比。结果表明,‘夏坡蒂’、‘费乌瑞它’和‘克新1号’愈伤组织的最佳诱导培养基组合分别为MS+1 mg/L IAA+1 mg/L 6-BA+0.2 mg/L GA_3+1 mg/L ZT、MS+1 mg/L IAA+1 mg/L 6-BA+0.2 mg/L GA_3+2 mg/L ZT和MS+1 mg/L IAA+1 mg/L 6-BA+0.5 mg/L GA_3+2 mg/L ZT。‘夏坡蒂’与‘费乌瑞它’的不定芽最佳分化培养基组合为MS+1 mg/L IAA+1 mg/L 6-BA+0.5 mg/L GA_3+2 mg/L ZT;‘克新1号’的最佳分化培养基组合为MS+1 mg/L IAA+1 mg/L 6-BA+0.2 mg/L GA_3+2 mg/L ZT。试管薯的块茎不定芽分化率显著高于大田薯。
    • 张太奎; 郭腾; 刘峥; 刘惠民; 刘小珍; 张汉尧
    • 摘要: 对引进的‘Hort16A’猕猴桃进行组培再生体系建立,其中愈伤组织诱导、不定芽分化、不定芽增殖及生根培养分别采用L9(34)试验设计、单因素随机区组试验设计及L9(34)试验设计。结果表明:外植体在MS+0.05 mg/L NAA+0.3 mg/L ZT中培养20 d后诱导愈伤组织效果最好,诱导率达(97.78%±1.92%);继续培养14 d后,不定芽分化效果最佳,不定芽分化率达(84.44%±1.92%),不定芽芽高达(1.52±0.29) cm。猕猴桃不定芽在MS+1.5 mg/L ZT中培养30 d后,不定芽增殖旺盛效果最佳,增殖倍数达(3.67±0.33)倍,芽高达(2.93±0.12) cm。猕猴桃无菌苗在1/2 MS+0.7 mg/L IBA+0.1 g/L活性炭培养基中生根最佳,生根率、根长、根粗和平均每株生根数分别达(98.9%±1.9%)、(7.60±0.44) cm、(0.47±0.07) cm和(7.67±2.19)根。%The tissue culture regeneration system of kiwifruit ‘Hort16A’ ( Actinidia chinensis ‘Hort16A’ ) in-troduced from abroad was established. The callus formation rate and adventitious bud differentiation rate were investi-gated using the L9(34) orthogonal experiment, proliferation of adventitious buds were further studied using single fac-tor randomized block design of experiment, and the rooting of kiwifruit was researched using the L9(34) orthogonal experiment. The result indicated that the highest callus formation rate (97. 78%± 1. 92%) was investigated from the explants in the MS medium contained 0. 05 mg/L NAA and 0. 3 mg/L ZT after culturing 20 d. That the differentiation rate and height of adventitious buds were (84. 44%± 1. 92%) and (1. 52 ± 0. 29) cm respectively were the best dif-ferentiation effect surveyed on the explants in this medium after another 14 d culturing. The biggest proliferation rate (3. 67 ± 0. 33) and height (2. 93 ± 0. 12) cm of adventitious buds were surveyed on the buds in the MS medium con-tained 1. 5 mg/L ZT after culturing 30 d. The best rooting that rooting ratio, root length, root width and number of roots generated per shoot were (98. 9%± 1. 9%), (7. 60 ± 0. 44) cm, (0. 47 ± 0. 07) cm and (7. 67 ± 2. 19) respec-tively was investigated from the shoots in the 1/2 MS medium contained 0. 7 mg/L IBA and 0. 1 g/L activated carbon.
    • 陈菲; 沈光; 曲彦婷; 李黎; 韩辉; 熊燕
    • 摘要: 以橡胶草为试材,研究不同植物生长调节剂(6-苄氨基腺嘌呤,简称6-BA;萘乙酸,简称NAA)对橡胶草组培苗不定芽分化和生根的影响.结果表明:不同6-BA和NAA激素配比对橡胶草组培苗不定芽分化影响差异显著,诱导不定芽分化的最佳培养基为MS+6-BA 2.0 mg·L-1 +NAA 0.1 mg·L-1;NAA对橡胶草组培苗生根有明显促进作用,最佳生根培养基为1/2MS+NAA 0.2 mg·L-1.
    • 胡海英; 张芮; 段艳慧; 谢应忠
    • 摘要: A study has been undertaken to investigate the system of receptor regeneration and genetic transfor-mation of Glycyrrhiza uralensis in vitro ,in order to provide a preliminary experimental basis for breeding G. uralensis via genetic engineering.Using stem segments as explants,tests were done to select the most appro-priate medium formula for adventitious bud differentiation,propagation and elongation.Furthermore,GUS and GFP genes were transferred into G.uralensis through Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation methods.The results showed that the optimum formula for bud differentiation and proliferation was a Murash-ing and Skoog (MS)medium supplemented with 0.1 mg/L thidiaxuron,0.1 mg/L 6-benzyladenine and 0.1 mg/L indole-3butyric acid.Using this formula,the differentiation rate of adventitious buds was 38.8% and the rate of multiplication 3.67.The most suitable formula for bud elongation was a MS medium containing 0.5 mg/L α-naphthalene acetic acid.Compared to stems without axillary buds,the differentiation rate of adventi-tious buds reached 100%.Moreover,these buds can survive in antibiotic containers and so become the optimal transformation explants.Stems with axillary buds were pre-cultured for 7 days in the differentiation medium, then infected by an Agrobacterium tumefaciens solution (OD600 =0.6)for 10 min and co-cultured for 3 days, following which the explants were transferred to a selective medium based on the differentiation medium and supplemented with 50 mg/L kanamycin and 250 mg/L carbenicillin.After 20 days,the GFP transient expres-sion rate reached 78.88% and GFP expressed strongly by GFP detection.5 transformed plants were selected randomly for testing and the presence of GUS and GFP genes in the genome were confirmed by polymerase chain reaction,indicating that 5 transformed plantlets had been successfully produced.%研究乌拉尔甘草离体再生受体系统和遗传转化技术方法,为甘草基因工程育种提供前期实验基础。以乌拉尔甘草茎段为外植体,试验筛选最适不定芽分化培养基和增殖壮苗培养基;以乌拉尔甘草茎段为受体,利用农杆菌介导法对乌拉尔甘草进行 GUS 和GFP 基因的遗传转化研究。结果表明,以乌拉尔甘草去腋芽茎段为外植体,其不定芽最适分化和增殖培养基配方为 MS+0.1 mg/L TDZ+0.1 mg/L 6BA+0.1 mg/L IBA,不定芽分化率达38.8%,增殖倍数3.67,适宜的壮苗培养基为 MS+0.5 mg/L NAA。与去腋芽茎段相比,带腋芽茎段的不定芽分化率达100%,能够在含抗生素的选择培养基 MS+0.1 mg/L TDZ+0.1 mg/L 6BA+0.1 mg/L IBA+50 mg/L Kan+250 mg/L Car 上存活,确定为最适转化受体;带腋芽茎段在分化培养基上预培养7 d 后,经 OD600=0.6的菌液侵染10 min,共培养3 d,在选择培养基上培养20 d,其不定芽分化率为43.75%,经 GFP 荧光检测可得到78.88%的 GFP 基因瞬时表达率;随机选取5株再生转化植株,经 PCR 检测,均有 GFP 和 GUS 基因的目的条带, GFP 基因表达较强烈,初步获得了5个株系的阳性转化植株。
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