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下颌前突的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计118篇,主要集中在口腔科学、临床医学、基础医学 等领域,其中期刊论文112篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献1713篇;相关期刊62种,包括中国美容整形外科杂志、中国美容医学、中华烧伤杂志等; 相关会议1种,包括中国医师协会第七届睡眠医学学术年会等;下颌前突的相关文献由292位作者贡献,包括滕利、归来、杨斌等。



论文:112 占比:6.13%


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论文:1713 占比:93.81%





  • 滕利
  • 归来
  • 杨斌
  • 丁榆德
  • 卢建建
  • 孙晓梅
  • 张智勇
  • 张林
  • 张震康
  • 胡静
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 汪瑞芳; 伍宗辉; 冯国维; 李亚奇; 宋佳凝; 杨相笛
    • 摘要: 目的分析陕西地区下颌前突患儿的相关基因及生长激素受体(growth hormone receptor,GHR)基因多态性的相关分析。方法选取2018年5月~2020年5月西安市儿童医院口腔科收治的112例陕西地区下颌前突患儿为观察组,另选取同期112例健康儿童为对照组。在基因表达数据库(gene expression omnibus,GEO)下载下颌前突基因患儿相关基因,再以R软件和Bioconductor筛选差异表达基因,采用STRING 10.0软件对差异表达基因进行蛋白-蛋白互作分析(protein-protein interaction,PPI)和基因本体论(gene ontology,GO)富集分析,筛选核心基因,分析核心基因的基因多态性和血清GH水平。结果通过GSE38494数据集共获得328个差异基因,其中上调102个,下调226个。差异表达基因中最大团中心性(maximal clique centrality,MCC)评分前10位的基因依次为GHR,JAK3,STAT3,INS,IRS1,IGF1R,PRL,PTPN11,GH1和SOCS3且均为上调。PPI分析显示GHR是下颌前突患儿致病的关键核心基因。GO富集和KEGG分析显示差异表达基因参与信号通路、内分泌失调、炎性反应、免疫反应及细胞因子活性。两组GHR单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphisms,SNP)位点rs1673的基因型频率和等位基因频率比较,差异具有统计学意义(χ^(2)=11.185,14.674,均P0.05)。观察组患儿血清GH水平为7.18±2.26 ng/ml,显著高于对照组4.50±1.17 ng/ml,差异具有统计学意义(t=11.145,P<0.001)。结论陕西地区下颌前突患儿发病与多个基因差异表达有关,其中以GHR基因为核心基因,GHR基因SNP位点rs1673突变与患儿下颌前突发病关系密切。
    • 蒙歌; 杨斌; 尼娜; 马贲
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨骨性Ⅲ类颌面畸形的手术治疗后面部软组织改善情况。方法 选择2011年1月—2017年6月在本院就诊的骨性Ⅲ类颌面畸形患者20例(男8例、女12例)作为治疗组,应用“手术优先”模式进行治疗;非颌面畸形的常规患者20例(男10例,女10例)作为对照组,通过X线头颅侧位片进行比较,观察治疗组的治疗效果。结果 于术前、术后一周、术后半年,经测量两组病例有代表性的相关数据进行统计分析无统计学差异。结论 骨性Ⅲ类颌面畸形的手术治疗表现出了较快地改善面部软组织畸形的特点,在治疗初期美观方面表现出不错的效果。
    • 徐海龙; 王鑫; 杨爽; 张辉; 丁越; 毛晗; 袁继龙
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨应用双颌手术联合正畸治疗矫治骨性Ⅲ类下颌前突畸形的临床效果.方法 自2015年7月至2020年6月,辽宁省人民医院口腔科对7例骨性Ⅲ类下颌前突畸形患者,实施规范的术前X线头影测量分析、诊断,以及术前正畸、正颌外科手术、术后正畸和随访疗效评估的诊治程序进行双颌手术正颌外科联合正畸治疗.采用基本术式为LefortⅠ型切开截骨术(LefortⅠostotomy)整体前移上颌骨、双侧下颌升支矢状劈开截骨术后退下颌.结果 所有患者术后伤口均一期愈合,无感染及骨坏死发生;随访1~3年,所有患者的上下颌骨关系正常,牙弓形态及牙颌曲线正常,牙排列整齐,咬关系及咀嚼效能良好,面部改善较明显,均达到了患者的期望.结论 按照标准规范的正畸正颌联合诊治程序,应用双颌手术联合正畸治疗矫治骨性Ⅲ类下颌前突畸形患者,在临床上可取得一定的诊疗效果,不仅恢复了患者的咬关系和咀嚼功能,更改善了颜面外形和提高了生活质量.
    • 杨智杰; 刘书昊; 刘强; 张斌; 王舒泽; 张子奇; 李静; 白晓峰
    • 摘要: 目的 通过对下颌前突患者在接受双侧下颌支矢状劈开截骨术(bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy,BSSRO)前后下颌角形态变化的分析,研究BSSRO对患者面形轮廓的影响.方法 回顾分析自2018年6月至2020年6月于中国医科大学附属口腔医院口腔颌面外科接受BSSRO手术诊疗的骨性Ⅲ类错(牙合)畸形35例患者的临床资料,术前1周(T1)及术后8~12个月(T2)分别进行三维CT的拍摄,并使用Adobe Photoshop CS6与MaterialiseProPlan CMF 3.0进行图像处理和测量研究.结果 BSSRO术后下颌前突患者的下颌骨宽度较术前增加约2.47 mm,且其术前与术后的t检验结果差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01);全面高有所减小,下颌角角度整体减小,下颌平面角与下颌支坡度(下颌支平面与眶耳平面夹角)增大.结论 对于骨性Ⅲ类错(牙合)畸形的患者,BSSRO术后面下1/3宽度存在增大趋势.
    • 王秀婧; 张怡美; 周彦恒
    • 摘要: 目的:测量骨性Ⅲ类错(牙合)畸形患者经过正畸-正颌联合治疗后及治疗结束3~12年软、硬组织的变化,探讨正畸-正颌联合治疗后颌面部组织的长期稳定性.方法:回顾2000年1月1日至2009年1月1日就诊于北京大学口腔医院行正畸-正颌联合治疗的骨性Ⅲ类患者22例,收集正畸-正颌联合治疗结束时及3~12年随访复诊的头颅侧位片,测量各牙性硬组织、骨性硬组织及软组织变化的项目.利用SPSS 17.0软件进行配对t检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义.结果:比较联合治疗术后3~ 12年和治疗结束时的牙性硬组织变化如下:上中切牙-SN角由110.98°±6.77°减少为109.21°±5.80°(P=0.005),上中切牙-NA角由28.31°±6.80°减少为26.49°±6.18°(P=0.002),上下切牙角由123.51°±8.14°增大为125.7°±10.01°(P=0.035),其余牙性硬组织项目变化均差异无统计学意义,说明联合治疗后3~12年相比联合治疗结束时,患者的上前牙有直立趋势.骨性硬组织变化中全面高由124.98°±11.98°减少为122.4°±11.05°(P=0.024),其余骨性硬组织项目变化均差异无统计学意义,提示联合治疗后3 ~12年骨性硬组织具有相对稳定性.比较联合治疗术后3~12年和治疗结束时的软组织测量值,上唇凸点至EP平面距离由(-2.78±2.20)mm减少为(-3.29 ±2.44)mm (P=0.02),H角由8.27°±3.71°减少为7.32°±3.83°(P=0.006),其余软组织项目变化均差异无统计学意义,上唇和颏部软组织变化表现为上唇少量回缩和颏部形态的少量改变.结论:骨性Ⅲ类错(牙合)畸形正畸-正颌联合治疗后3 ~12年牙性硬组织、骨性硬组织及软组织改变基本稳定.
    • 董祥翔
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨精益护理对下颌前突畸形患者矫正术后疼痛的影响.方法:收集2016年1月-2017年12月在本院接受下颌前突畸形矫正术的患者60例,按照双盲随机对照法分为对照组和观察组,每组30例.对照组进行一般护理,观察组在对照组基础上进行精益护理,包括高效化术前护理、舒适化术中护理及精细化术后护理.术后第1天,采用视觉模拟量表(Visual analogue scale,VAS)、语言评价量表(Verbal rating scales,VRS)评估两组患者的疼痛感受.结果:术后第1天,观察组患者的VAS评分值显著低于对照组患者,VRS评定对照组平均秩次高于观察组,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:精益护理可以减轻患者术后疼痛感受,缓解不适,具有良好的临床效果,值得推广应用.%Objective To study the influence of lean nursing on pain in patients who underwent mandibular protrusion plastic surgery. Methods Sixty patients who underwent mandibular protrusion plastic surgery in our hospital from January 2016 to December 2017 were selected as research subject. All patients were divided into the control group and the observation group according to double-blind randomized method, each group had thirty cases. The patients in the control group were treated with routine care, the observation group were treated with lean nursing on the basis of the control group, including efficient preoperative nursing, comfortable intraoperative nursing and intensive postoperative nursing. One day after surgery, pain perception was assessed by using visual analogue scale (VAS) and verbal rating scales (VRS). Results One day after surgery, the VAS score of the observation group was significantly lower than that of the control group, the mean rank of the control group in VRS score was higher than that of the observation group, the difference between the two groups were statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion Lean nursing can relieve postoperative pain and discomfort in patients, which is worth promoting for good clinical results.
    • 蒙歌
    • 摘要: 目前,下颌前突主要采用正畸正颌联合治疗,为了达到患者满意的效果,常规治疗模式的主要过程需要先进行牙齿矫正治疗,再用外科方式矫正颌骨畸形,术后再进行牙齿矫正治疗.与之相比,以外科手术治疗颌骨畸形作为治疗的第一步,再通过牙齿矫正将咬牙合关系调整到最佳状态,是一种治疗下颌前突畸形新的方式,表现出了治疗时间的缩短并能较快地改善面部美观,对于成人的社交工作活动方面是有利的.现就其形成、治疗步骤及优缺点综述如下.%At present,mandibular protrusion is mainly treated by orthodontic-orthognathic surgery. In order to achieve satisfactory results, the main process of conventional orthognathic surgery treatment mode is: Advanced orthodontic treatment, surgical correction of jaw deformity, and postoperative orthodontic treatment. Compared with conventional treatment mode, Surgery-First Approach mode uses surgical treatment of jaw deformity as the first step of treatment, then adjusts the occlusion relation to the best state by orthodontics, which has advantageous for adult social work activities by is shorting the treatment time and improving facial appearance quickly.We will discuss it's formation,treatment steps, advantages and disadvantages in this paper.
    • 杨斌; 张智勇; 滕利; 归来; 孙晓梅; 祁佐良; 王怀良; 丁榆德; 李秉航; 倪健; 陈丽丹; 席理; 黄庆华; 双琨
    • 摘要: 目的 探索手术优先模式正颌正畸联合序列治疗AngleⅢ类牙颌畸形的临床效果.方法 收集2010年1月至2017年6月期间就诊的185例AngleⅢ类牙颌畸形病例,根据X线头影测量结果及面型特征分为3种类型.①Ⅰ型:下颌前突或偏突畸形;②Ⅱ型:上颌后缩并下颌前突畸形;③Ⅲ型:磨牙轻度近中错 、前牙対刃或轻度反 、或前牙覆 覆盖正常但面中部轻度凹陷.全部采用先正颌、后正畸的治疗模式,术前应用数字化技术进行模拟设计,针对不同类型选择手术方式.Ⅰ型采用下颌升支矢状劈开截骨术式;Ⅱ型采用Le Fort Ⅰ上颌截骨同期下颌升支矢状劈开截骨术式;Ⅲ型采用下颌根尖下截骨术式配合上颌前牙正畸或同期行梨状孔四周生物材料植入充填术.术后2周所有患者均行术后快速正畸治疗6~12个月.分析患者术前、术后7 d、正畸完成后的X线片标记点测量数据.结果 所有患者整体疗程时间缩短,容貌面型显著改善,咬合关系恢复正常,咀嚼功能及颞颌关节功能良好.未出现重度感染、骨质不愈合等严重并发症.术中骨折6例(3.24%),即刻钛板固定;下牙槽血管神经束损伤2例(1.1%);术后暂时性开颌19例(10%),经术后颌间牵引1个月消除.其X线头影测量结果显示:经正颌正畸联合治疗,硬、软组织测量指标恢复到正常范围内.手术优先模式治疗后的颌骨、牙齿咬合关系的稳定性与传统常规正颌外科模式相近,在术后6个月以上的随访中,SNB角、ANB角平均复发率约为22%、19.8%,复发角度小于2°.结论 先手术后正畸的手术优先治疗模式可以作为多数Angle Ⅲ 类牙颌畸形的治疗方法,但要注意适应证和手术术式的选择.%Objective The purpose of this study was to explore the surgery-first approach in sequential combined orthodontic-orthognathic treatment to shorten total treatment duration and improve the clinical outcome.Methods This study included 185 patients with Angle classⅢ malocclusion.The patients were divided into 3 different types according to cephalometry analyses and facial features .①TypeⅠ: mandibular prognathism or asymmetry mandibular prognathism ;②Type Ⅱ: mandibular prognathism and maxillary retrusion;③Type Ⅲ: mild Angle's Class Ⅲmalocclusion, cross bite in anterior teeth, or normal overlap and overbite relation with midfacial hypoplasia .All of patients received surgery first approach therapy.The surgical procedures were chosen according to different malformation types .TypeⅠ was treated with the sagittal split ramus osteotomy (SSRO).Type Ⅱ was treated by Le Fort Ⅰmaxillary osteotomy combined with SSRO.Type Ⅲ underwent anterior subapical osteotomy combined pyriform aperture augmentation with biomaterials as well as maxillary anterior orthodontics .All patients received postoperative rapid orthodontic treatment for 6 -12 month after 2 weeks of operation.Using the straight arch wire techniques and the class Ⅲintermaxillary traction, we removed the overcrowding upper and lower teeth, the compensatory axial tilt of teeth , and the deviation of the dental arch and maintained the neutral relationship of the molar.The mandible Hawley retaining devices were used during the maintaining stage . Results The cases in study acquired satisfactory clinical outcome , which included the shortened overall treatment duration, the significantly improved facial features , the corrected occlusion relationship , and the restored function of mastication and temporomandibular joint .There were some complications as follows :intraoperative fracture (6 cases,3.24%), the inferior alveolar nerve bundle injury (2 cases,1.1%), and temporary open-bite that diminished by inter-maxillary elastic distraction one month after operation (19 cases, 10%).All cases in this study accepted postoperative orthodontic treatment .Follow-up time ranged from 6 months to 5 years.The cephalometric analysis results of 126 cases who had complete image data and over 6 months of follow-up showed that hard and soft tissue indexes were restored to normal range after combined orthognathic-orthodontic treatment.The stability of the maxillary and occlusive relationship of SFA( surgery-first approach ) was similar to that of the COS ( conventional orthodontics-first system) [relapse ratio=(T2-T1)/(T1-T0) ×100%].Over six months of follow-up , SNB and ANB showed that the average relapse ratio were 22% and 19.8%, whereas the relapse angle are less than 2°. Conclusions The Surgery-first approach could be used to treat most patients with Angle skeletal Class Ⅲmalocclusion, but the indications and the surgical procedures should be noticed and chosen .
    • 吴国涛
    • 摘要: 目的 :研究下颌前突患者下颌磨牙后区可用间隙.方法 :测量80位安氏 Ⅰ 类或 Ⅲ 类患者根分叉水平及根分叉下2mm,4mm,6mm水平上右侧下颌第二磨牙到下颌骨皮质内侧面的最短线性距离,比较组间距离并作混合线性模型分析.结果 :安氏 Ⅲ 类患者在根分叉下P0和P2深度上测量的磨牙后区距离明显大于安氏 Ⅰ 类患者.结论 :在下颌磨牙远中移动时,安氏 Ⅲ 类患者在下颌第二磨牙根分叉水平具有更大的磨牙后区可用间隙.
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