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摩擦传动的相关文献在1980年到2022年内共计436篇,主要集中在机械、仪表工业、轻工业、手工业、矿业工程 等领域,其中期刊论文135篇、会议论文8篇、专利文献153922篇;相关期刊103种,包括国防科技大学学报、设备管理与维修、煤炭学报等; 相关会议8种,包括2009年全国几何量精密测量技术学术交流会、2009'中国纱线质量暨新产品开发技术论坛、第十三届全国机械设计年会等;摩擦传动的相关文献由777位作者贡献,包括周黔、文博、梁品权等。



论文:135 占比:0.09%


论文:8 占比:0.01%


论文:153922 占比:99.91%





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  • 邓云帆
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  • 期刊论文
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  • 专利文献




    • 洪曼; 王志; 田甜; 刘学文
    • 摘要: 摩擦传动主要是指靠带与轮、轮与轮之间的摩擦作用实现动力传递的机械传动方式,摩擦传动在行走机械中所实现的功能尤具特色.针对应用于自动挡轿车、联合收割机、飞机牵引车和公铁两用车的摩擦传动实例,说明了摩擦传动在行走驱动环节的作用与实现方式,揭示了带轮摩擦实现连续变比传动及无级变速装置的结构形式,同时阐述了轮轮摩擦在行走驱动中的使用方式.
    • 郭召
    • 摘要: 主要探讨精密重载摩擦轮传动在卧式回转运动中的应用,摩擦轮副在接触区域沿法向承受高接触应力,在待进入接触和待脱离接触的区域承受高的交变压缩及拉伸应力,其失效形式以疲劳点蚀为主.借助有限元分析软件,对比静态和制动状态下接触区及两侧影响区的应力分布状态,摩擦轮副传动过程中接触区域受力恶劣,存在应力集中,摩擦轮副应具有足够高的强度和硬度,并且主动轮的硬度应高于从动轮,通过试验对比,推荐的硬度差为100~120H B W.摩擦轮传动的轴向窜动力主要由摩擦轮副的几何误差和接触应力不均造成,通过摩擦轮廓形优化及安装姿态调整可以有效抑制窜动.
    • 陈刚
    • 摘要: 摩擦传动在机械设计中较为常见,其工作原理是利用主动件与从动件之间的摩擦力,进而实现主动件带动从动件工作的一种传动形式。本文介绍了一种利用摩擦传动原理的电位器传动装置,文中简要描述了该装置的工作原理和设计过程,并对相关设计参数进行了计算,对类似传动装置的设计具有一定的参考意义和借鉴价值。
    • 殷昊; 叶佩青
    • 摘要: 为提高便携式绳轨提升装置的实用性,对基于摩擦的该类装置的提升能力展开研究.利用控制变量法分别研究末端拉力、包角与轮盘-绳索相对尺寸对两者之间摩擦提升力的影响,结果表明该提升力均随三种因素的增加而增加但趋势变缓;轮盘-绳索之间的静摩擦系数随绳索末端拉力与包角的增加而减小并趋于稳定,随轮盘-绳索相对尺寸的增加而增加并收敛.论证了包角与末端拉力对摩擦提升力的影响相互等效,发现了轮盘-绳索摩擦的尺寸效应,构建了以上因素共同作用下的轮盘-绳索摩擦提升力模型.该模型是对欧拉公式的扬弃,深化了对轮盘-绳索摩擦规律的认识,对便携式绳轨提升装置的小型化、轻量化设计具有重要意义.%In order to improve the usability of PRTH(portable rope-track hoist), the friction-based PRTH lifting capacity was studied.The influence of tension at the end of the rope, wrap angle and relative size on the friction between the wheel and the rope was experimentally studied by using the control variant method.The results show that: the friction increases with the increase of the three factors, but the trend is slowed down; the coefficient of static friction decreases with the increase of the end tension and the wrap angle and tends to be stable,and it increases with the relative size of the wheel to the rope and converges to a constant.The effects of wrap angle and end tension on the friction were demonstrated to be identical to each other, the size effect of wheel-rope friction was found, and a new lifting capacity model on wheel-rope friction was established with the three factors.The model is the sublation of Euler formula, deepens the understanding of the friction law between the wheel and the rope, and is of great significance to the miniaturization and lightweight design of PRTH.
    • 严刚峰; 方红; 谭健敏; 罗浚溢
    • 摘要: 针对选用的摩擦传动的压电定位台控制系统,首先根据其物理机理建立了近似的时域数学模型,通过开环实验,采用最小二乘法进行了参数辨识,所得模型与实际系统对输入的脉宽信号与三角波信号具有较为一致的输出;然后根据该模型的形式,采用其逆系统补偿加滑模变结构控制的方案,并讨论了该控制算法的稳定性及其参数的选择依据;最后进行了信号跟踪的实验测试,得到了微米级(最大跟踪误差为0.010 95 mm)的控制精度.作为对比,采用PI控制方法跟踪同一信号,结果表明,本文所用控制算法的控制精度远优于常规的PI控制方法.%With the development of science and technology,there is an urgent need to develop micrometer positioning technology in the fields of the precision manufacturing.The traditional electromagnetic motors are difficult to meet this demand as they are characterized by high speed and low torque.Piezoelectric actuator uses piezoelectric ceramics as transducers,and utilizes the inverse piezoelectric effect of piezoelectric ceramics to convert the electrical energy to the mechanical energy,which can masterly utilize certain structural forms to transfer motions and motive forces.In addition,due to the compact structure of piezoelectric actuator,the rotor inertia is small,and fast in response to braking,the load can be directly driven,and has good controllability for positioning and speed,therefore,piezoelectric actuator is widely used in equipment drive and control with high performance for precision manufacturing.For the selected piezoelectric positioning stage system using friction drive,an approximate time-domain mathematical model was established according to its physical mechanism.The parameters were identified by the open-loop experiment with the least squares method.The model output of the pulse width signal and the triangular wave signal were consistent with that of the actual system.Then,according to the form of the model,inverse system compensation plus sliding mode variable structure control scheme was designed.The stability of the control algorithm and its control parameters were discussed.The PI control method and the control algorithm proposed were used to track the same signal.The results showed that the control precision of the control algorithm used was much better than that of the PI control method,the maximum tracking error by using the proposed control algorithm was 0.010 95 mm.So it had good practical value in the drive and control of precision instruments and equipment.
    • 付永生; 金惠昌
    • 摘要: 使用α型卷绳机构的提升机驱动盘与压绳机构进行受力分析,推导出了提升力计算方法和提升力影响因素,进而根据压绳机构的实际工况计算所需压绳弹簧提供的压力.对卷绳机构内钢丝绳进行了应力分析,提出了改善提升机使用寿命的方法,为提升机高质量、开发设计与制造,提供指导性意义.
    • 贾思棋; 杜冬梅; 何青
    • 摘要: 通过对有轨导引小车国内外现状进行研究,发现对有轨导引小车现有研究缺少系统性设计的问题.为进一步完善对有轨导引小车的研究,首先从外形、构成、车轮、轨道等方面对小车进行结构设计,并针对输送小车的电动机、加压装置2个方面进行了传动系统的设计,最终确定了小车的最大载荷为30 t,并选取单轮缘车轮DL-170×90作为小车车轮,采用9 kg/m的方钢作为钢轨,选取40 cm(12寸)45号钢包聚氨酯橡胶摩擦轮以及YCJ系列斜齿轮减速电机,采用型材框架结构,利用摩擦传动方式提供动力进行有轨运输,有利于减少生产周期的同时提高产量,并且降低了人力劳动强度,确保流程的正常运行.
    • 郑雪雅
    • 摘要: 本文结合多年来电梯现场检验经验,分析电梯曳引结构、电梯曳引能力及影响曳引能力的因素.
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