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三峡水利工程的相关文献在1989年到2019年内共计89篇,主要集中在水利工程、工业经济、中国文学 等领域,其中期刊论文84篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献655341篇;相关期刊73种,包括重庆行政(公共论坛)、重庆与世界、党政论坛等; 相关会议5种,包括华中三省(湖南、湖北、河南)昆虫学会2010年学术年会、纪念'98抗洪十周年学术研讨会、水电·2006国际研讨会等;三峡水利工程的相关文献由124位作者贡献,包括遥远、刘翠善、周厚贵等。



论文:84 占比:0.01%


论文:5 占比:0.00%


论文:655341 占比:99.99%





  • 遥远
  • 刘翠善
  • 周厚贵
  • 张建云
  • 王国庆
  • 王小军
  • 贺瑞敏
  • 乔建平
  • 何家昶
  • 何昌浩
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 盛昭翰; 薛小龙; 安实
    • 摘要: 一、重大工程管理与管理理论(一)重大工程管理工程是人类造物和用物的实践,其中一类规模巨大、环境复杂、技术先进、建设与生命期长、对国家或区域政治、经济、社会、国防安全等具有重大作用的工程称为重大工程。重大工程类中,除了导弹、卫星、载人航天及重离子加速器等重大国防工程与重大科学技术工程以外,还有一类主要为社会、民生、环境提供长久性基础构筑物的重大基础设施工程(以下简称重大工程),如三峡水利工程、南水北调工程、全国高速公路网工程等(盛昭瀚,2017)。
    • 郭涛
    • 摘要: 简单梳理了开发三峡水力资源这段历史,探讨孙中山提出开发三峡的伟大构想,研讨后人为把孙中山已激发的梦想变成现实所做的工作,总结近百年来,团结开发三峡水力资源对中国水利事业,乃至中国社会经济的促进作用.
    • 张世清; 汪天平; 何家昶; 李华忠; 田学根; 高风华
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the changes of water level and the distribution of snails in Anhui province before and after runs of the Three Gorges Reservoir Project, and to determine the relationship between the two factors and schistosomiasis transmission. Methods The hydrologic data of Datong hydrologic station and the data of snail status and schistosomiasis morbidity in Anhui Province were collected. The data from 1991 to 2002 and 2003 to 2012 were considered as before and after the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir Project. Based on the prevalence of schistosomiasis, the cases of people and cattle were speculated, and the average infection rate of people and cattle were calculated. The t⁃test was used to compare the difference of snail area and the density of living snails before and after the impoundment of the Three Gorges Project. The pearson method was used to analyze the relationship between water level and snail area. The spearman method was used to analyze the relationship between the water level and the distribution of snails. Results From 1991 to 2012, the range of the highest water level, the lowest water level, the difference between the highest and lowest water level, the mean in the abundant water seasons, the mean in the dry water seasons, and the difference between the abundant water seasons and the dry water seasons was 11.40-16.30,3.68-5.20,6.70-12.12,9.92-14.40,4.77-7.64 and 4.13-8.93 m, respectively. The snail areas was(28 613±362)hm2 and (29 477±918) hm2(t=-3.00,P=0.007), the density of living snails was 1.51(1.15-2.43)and 0.43(0.29-1.10)snails/0.11 m2(H=4.28,P<0.001)before and after the impoundment of the Three Gorges Project, respectively. The average infection rate of people and cattle was 1.68%(99 482/5 935 147)and 4.62%(13 923/3 011 33), and the average number of acute schistosomiasis cases was 328, before the impoundment of the Three Gorges Project; 0.60%(39 747/6 649 380), 1.65%(1 291/783 224)and 71 after the impoundment of the Three Gorges Reservoir Project, respectively. The snail areas had negative correlation with the highest water level, the difference between the highest and lowest water level, the mean in the abundant water seasons(r value was-0.514,-0.509 and-0.477; P value was 0.014,0.015 and 0.025, respectively). The infection rate of people had positive correlation with the highest water level, the difference between the highest and lowest water level, the mean in the abundant water seasons(r value was 0.532, 0.587 and 0.446; P value was 0.011,0.004 and 0.038, respectively).The infection rate of cattle had positive correlation with the highest water level, the difference between the highest and lowest water level(r value was 0.507 and 0.553; P value was 0.016 and 0.008, respectively).The number of acute schistosomiasis cases had positive correlation with the highest water level, the difference between the highest and lowest water level(r value was 0.481 and 0.486;P value was 0.023 and 0.022,respectively). Conclusion Following the runs of the Three Gorges Reservoir Project, the change of water level in the section of Anhui Province affected the distribution of snails and the infection of people and cattle to some extent. The snail areas showed an upward trend, and the density of living snails, the infection rate of people and cattle showed a downward trend. The runs of Three Gorges Reservoir Project has certain role to reduce flood and helpful for schistosomiasis control.%目的:分析三峡水利枢纽工程(三峡工程)蓄水前后安徽省钉螺分布和长江安徽段水位变化情况,以及二者与血吸虫病传播的相关性。方法收集1991—2012年长江安徽段大通水文站相关水文信息资料,以及同期安徽省血吸虫病病情和螺情资料。根据血吸虫病病情,分别推算全省血吸虫病病例数和病畜数,计算全省人群和家畜血吸虫平均感染率。比较三峡工程蓄水前(1991—2002年)后(2003—2012年)钉螺面积及钉螺密度的差异,分析长江安徽段水位与钉螺面积及血吸虫感染率的相关性。结果1991—2012年最高水位、最低水位、最高最低水位差、丰水期水位均值、枯水期水位均值和丰枯水位差值变化幅度分别为11.40~16.30、3.68~5.20、6.70~12.12、9.92~14.40、4.77~7.64和4.13~8.93 m。蓄水前、后全省钉螺面积分别为(28613±362)、(29477±918)hm2(t=-3.00,P=0.007),钉螺密度的P50(P25~P75)分别为1.51(1.15~2.43)、0.43(0.29~1.10)只/0.11 m2(H=4.28,P<0.001)。蓄水前全省人群和家畜的血吸虫平均感染率分别为1.68%(99482/5935147)和4.62%(13923/301133),人群平均急性感染例数为328例,蓄水后分别为0.60%(39747/6649380)和1.65%(1291/783224),人群平均急性感染例数为71例。钉螺面积与最高水位、最高和最低水位差值、丰水期水位均值均呈负相关(r值分别为-0.514、-0.509和-0.477,P值分别为0.014、0.015和0.025);人群血吸虫感染率与最高水位、最高最低水位差值、丰水期水位均值均呈正相关(r值分别为0.532、0.587和0.446,P值分别为0.011、0.004和0.038);家畜血吸虫感染率与最高水位、最高最低水位差值均呈正相关(r值分别为0.507和0.553,P值分别为0.016和0.008);急性血吸虫感染例数与最高水位、最高最低水位均呈正相关(r值分别为0.481和0.486,P值分别为0.023和0.022)。结论三峡工程运行后,长江安徽段水位的变化对钉螺的分布以及人畜血吸虫感染产生一定影响,钉螺分布面积呈现上升趋势,钉螺密度、人群和家畜血吸虫感染率呈现下降趋势。三峡工程运行对长江安徽段具有一定的削洪作用,对控制血吸虫病流行起到积极作用。
    • 林庆煌; 赵建方
    • 摘要: 1概述三峡水利工程升船机采用齿轮齿条爬升平衡重式垂直升船机,其过船规模为3 000 t级,最大提升高度113 m,上游通航水位变幅30 m,下游通航水位变幅11.8 m,下游水位变率约±0.50 m/h。具有提升高度大、提升重量大、上游通航水位变幅大和下游水位变化速率快的特点,是目前世界上技术难度和规模最大的升船机。升船机齿条是三峡升船机的关键构件之一,是船厢驱动机构向混凝土塔柱的传力构件。
    • 英晓明; 杨宇; 贾后磊; 谢健
    • 摘要: 长江葛洲坝和三峡水利枢纽兴建后,中华鲟无法洄游到金沙江产卵栖息地,其繁殖受到较大影响.实地调查发现,中华鲟在葛洲坝下游建立了两个新的产卵繁殖地.为了研究适于中华鲟产卵繁殖的水深、流速、底质等条件,利用中华鲟繁殖期上下游水文站的实测水文和河道地形资料建立了河道水力模拟模型,并利用所建立的模型分析了中华鲟产卵地的水力条件,确定了产卵繁殖地水力条件与上游水利工程下泄流量之间的量化关系.中华鲟的产卵繁殖时间正好与三峡工程汛末蓄水时间一致,因此,研究成果为三峡水库蓄水和中华鲟的保护提供了科学依据.
    • 张绪鹏
    • 摘要: 本文通过综合分析目前关于世界大库高坝对所在区域气候影响的现有成果,结合三峡库区气候要素的历史变化规律,采用相似类比的方式,简要分析了三峡水利工程可能产生的区域气候效应.
    • 摘要: 云安古镇感怀云阳县云安镇,古名汤溪,因盐而兴衰的千年盐都古镇,由于三峡水利工程而淹没永沉水中,河岸留下一片断壁残垣。
    • 魏玲
    • 摘要: 他对自己的反对者同样致以感谢:"反对者是对三峡工程贡献最大的人。"WHO IS IT潘家铮(1927年—2012年7月13日),两院院士,科幻作家,曾任三峡工程技术总负责人。"虽然目前讲这个有点不合时宜……"2010年,83岁的潘家铮先生给水利部上书,建议从长江调水帮助黄河冲沙。他知道设想太大胆可能会碰钉子,斟酌之后,在正式建议前加了上面那句话。潘家铮享有"三峡之子"与"科幻大牛"的双重荣耀,至死都没有离开争议的风口浪尖。这种人并不多见。有两院院士身份的中国科幻作家,在7月13日之
    • 郑国光
    • 摘要: 三峡工程对周边气候影响有多大?rn今年长江中下游发生了特大干旱,人们对三峡工程是否是引发长江中下游干旱的原因,提出了很多看法。我想,三峡水利工程是我们国家最大的水利工程,肯定会受到国内外的关注。但是,任何观点必须持之有据。
    • 摘要: 国家气候中心组织专家对三峡水利工程气候效应进行了分析和评估,分析结果表明,近50年来,三峡库区气温和降水的演变特征与我国西南地区、长江上游乃至整个长江流域的变化趋势基本一致,即气温呈上升趋势降水偏允这说明了三峡水利工程建设并未导致库区附近地区气候条件出现明显变化,只是对库区附近20公里范围内气温、降水有一定影响。
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