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奇静脉的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计89篇,主要集中在外科学、内科学、基础医学 等领域,其中期刊论文85篇、专利文献20858篇;相关期刊73种,包括解剖学杂志、医学影像学杂志、心肺血管病杂志等; 奇静脉的相关文献由276位作者贡献,包括凌雁、刘学刚、单兆亮等。



论文:85 占比:0.41%


论文:20858 占比:99.59%





  • 凌雁
  • 刘学刚
  • 单兆亮
  • 时向民
  • 李健
  • 沈远仲
  • 王华伟
  • 石秀彩
  • 秦登友
  • 葛酉新
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 唐小雅; 李晨阳; 王行琪; 彭会明
    • 摘要: 笔者在局部解剖学学习过程中发现1例奇静脉起源异常伴半奇静脉缺如的变异。女性,身高157 cm,年龄63岁,全身多处骨折,其余部位无异常。该例奇静脉于左膈脚处起自左腰升静脉,管径约9.0 mm,先沿脊椎的左前方上行,至第6胸椎下缘,斜向右上越过第6胸椎体后向前钩绕右肺根上方形成奇静脉弓,于第4胸椎平面处注入上腔静脉。副半奇静脉基本正常,由左侧第1至第8肋间后静脉于第8胸椎下缘水平汇合而成。但脊柱两侧未见半奇静脉
    • 杨正广; 周艳玲; 郑同同; 李彩英; 陈怡橙; 寇晨光
    • 摘要: 目的 采用MSCT后处理技术定量测量奇静脉的径线,探讨CT扫描定量测量影响因素及临床价值.方法 应用MSCT对100例正常成人行胸部CT增强扫描,分别测量奇静脉弓中点直径、奇静脉弓最大直径、奇静脉干横断面管腔短径及长径;记录CT增强扫描奇静脉反流情况及注药侧信息;应用统计软件SPSS 13.0分析不同性别、年龄奇静脉定量差异.结果 奇静脉弓中点直径、奇静脉弓最大直径、奇静脉干横截面短径、奇静脉干横截面面积在不同性别、不同年龄段分组中差异无统计学意义(P值均>0.05).强化扫描奇静脉弓上述值的95%可信区间分别为(7.15~7.81)mm、(9.97~10.58)mm、(6.20~6.65)mm、(1.54~1.74)cm2.CT增强扫描时,经右上臂注入造影剂较左上臂容易发生反流.结论 MSCT可对奇静脉进行定量分析,正常参考值的提出对于判定奇静脉异常扩张具有非常重要的临床价值.
    • 周振堰; 沈海林; 杜红娣; 王莺; 王一超; 徐长贺; 于乐林; 尚海龙
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨2例特发性奇静脉瘤的影像学特征和临床资料并文献复习,以提高对该病的影像诊断水平及临床指导价值.方法 回顾性分析分别于2017年5月和2020年3月在上海交通大学医学院附属苏州九龙医院收治的2例特发性奇静脉瘤的影像学及临床资料,结合相关的文献,总结特发性奇静脉瘤的病因、临床症状及影像学特点.结果 2例特发性奇静脉瘤行CT多期增强检查,动脉期瘤内未见强化或少许不均匀高密度造影剂返流,平衡期呈均匀中度强化,瘤内均未见明显充盈缺损,一例病人术后3个月未见异常,另一例病人保守治疗,3年后无明显变化.结论 CT多期增强及血管成像对特发性奇静脉瘤的诊断及鉴别诊断有重要意义.
    • 王雅萍; 赵林芳; 曹秀珠
    • 摘要: 总结25例PICC继发奇静脉异位的护理经验.当左侧PICC置管出现导管功能障碍,在排除其他原因后,怀疑异位至奇静脉时,通过胸部侧位片或胸部CT来确诊.及时处理继发奇静脉异位,复位成功后关注后续有无再次异位,使用腐蚀性药物前使用腔内心电图定位技术确认导管尖端位置.导管退出奇静脉后继续输液,严格控制输注药物的性质和浓度,关注堵管及再次异位等并发症.本组患者经处理均未发生感染、血栓、外渗等严重并发症.
    • Xie Hong; Yang Fan; Zhou Shi; Zhang Yan; Jiao Jun; Deng Chaonan
    • 摘要: 本文报道奇静脉囊状海绵状血管瘤一例.患者无明显诱因胸痛行胸部CT检查,发现中后纵隔奇静脉走行区软组织占位,边缘清晰.胸部CT增强肿块瘤体与奇静脉相通,明显强化,内见对比剂分层,延迟期强化与奇静脉一致,术前诊断纵隔良性肿瘤.全身麻醉下行"胸腔镜辅助右侧中纵隔奇静脉瘤切除术",病理诊断:(奇静脉弓)海绵状血管瘤.
    • 李晓桐; 张清; 张庆伟; 王凤琴; 江伟; 魏书国; 李鹏泰; 李京
    • 摘要: 目的 观察奇静脉系的形态特征,对非典型奇静脉系进行解剖学分类,为纵隔、胸腔大血管疾患的诊治提供参考依据.方法 解剖30具人体标本,分别测量奇静脉、半奇静脉、副半奇静脉起点及终点的直径,观察其终点与胸椎序数的对应关系.结果 经典型奇静脉系24例,即该系具有完整的奇静脉、半奇静脉、副半奇静脉.非典型奇静脉系6例,根据其形态进一步分为:a型2例,即倒"Y"字型奇静脉系,奇静脉由左、右腰升静脉及下4位肋间静脉在脊柱前方合成;b型2例,即单柱型奇静脉系,半奇、副半奇静脉发育缺如,仅有1条奇静脉在脊柱前方上行;c型1例,即半奇静脉缺如,副半奇静脉注入左头臂静脉;d型1例,即奇静脉伴双上腔静脉变异.奇静脉终点直径(10.39 ±1.98)mm,主要平对T4(83.3%);半奇静脉终点直径(8.51 ±2.28)mm,主要位于T7~T10水平;副半奇静脉终点直径(6.29 ±1.56)mm,位于T4~T8水平.结论 对非典型奇静脉系的研究,是对该系既往分型的补充,不仅为临床检查过程中识别该系变异提供参考,也为纵隔手术、纵隔镜检查、胸椎外伤的诊治等提供数据支持.%Objective To investigate the morphology and classification of the atypical azygos venous system,and to provide reference for diagnosis and treatment of mediastinal and thoracic vascular diseases.Methods Thirty cadavers were perfused with 10%formalin solution, and immersed in the solution for one month before dissection.The vertebral levels of termination and diameters of the azygos,hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos veins were examined.Results There were 24 cases of classical azygos venous system,which contained the azygos, hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos veins.And there were 6 cases of atypical azygos venous system,which were further divided into 4 sub-groups.Namely,type a(2 cases)which showed an inverted"Y"shape;type b(2 cases)which was single column with hemiazygos and ac-cessory hemiazygos veins absent;type c(1 case)which showed an accessory hemiazygos vein draining into the left brachiocephalic vein;and type d(1 case)with azygos vein and double superior vena cava variation.Diameters of termination of the azygos,hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos veins were(10.39 ±1.98)mm,(8.51 ±2.28)mm,and(6.29 ±1.56)mm,respectively.The vertebral levels of termination of the azygos,hemiazygos and accessory hemiazygos veins were T 4(83.3%),T7to T10,T4to T8respectively.Conclusion All morphometrical diameters and their termination levels can be used during preoperative CT evaluations before planning invasive mediastinal procedures.The re-sults of this study could be helpful in mediastinal surgery,mediastinoscopy and the surgery of the deformations of the vertebral column in the thoracic cavity.
    • 陈学颖; 宿燕岗
    • 摘要: Objective To summarize the recognition and treatment of the pacemaker leads misplacing into azygos vein.Methods and Results Transvenous implantation of pacemaker leads was via the cephalic vein,axillary vein and subclavian vein or directly via subclavian vein into superior vena cava,right atrium and right ventricle.When the opening of azygos vein was suitable to the angle of left brachiocephalic vein draining into superior vena cava,the pacemaker leads could be misplaced into azygos vein.We had found 5 cases of pacemaker leads misplacing into azygos vein in the recent 5 years,accounting for 0.1 % of all the pacemaker recipients.The clinical characteristics listed were as follows:①The leads were inserted unsmoothly,especially in the place where the left brachiocephalic vein draining into superior vena cava;②the patient felt sore and bursting in the chest when inserting the leads;③the leads were straight and could not be put into the right atrial appendage or right ventricle;④high output voltage could not capture the atrium;⑤the leads were found to be outside the cardiac shadow in multiple positions under X-ray;⑥there were some tissures at the tip of the lead when pulling out of it.Pulling back the lead into the left bra chiocephalic vein,adjusting the direction of the lead,re puncturing the vein or shaping the styler could probably solve the problem.Conclusions Misplacing pacemaker leads into azygos vein had its own characteristics,and could be recognized and treated immediately.%目的 分析总结心脏起搏导线误入奇静脉的识别和处理经验.方法及结果 通过静脉系统植入心脏起搏导线时,正常途径为从头静脉、腋静脉、锁骨下静脉或直接自锁骨下静脉进入上腔静脉,然后进入右房、右室.当奇静脉的开口与左头臂静脉汇入上腔静脉的角度合适时,起搏导线可误入奇静脉.本中心近5年来共有5例起搏导线误入奇静脉,占同期新植入患者的0.1%.表现为:①导线推送不顺畅,特别是在左头臂静脉汇入上腔静脉处;②导线在推送过程中,患者出现胸部酸胀不适;③导线直上直下,反复操作不能进入右室或右心耳;④高输出起搏不能夺获心房;⑤多个体位透视发现导线走形在心影外;⑥撤出误入的导线后观察到导线头端有组织嵌顿.处理上将导线撤离奇静脉至头臂静脉内、经过调整导线方向、必要时重新穿刺以及导引钢丝塑形等均能解决问题.结论 心脏起搏导线误入奇静脉有其识别要点和处理原则,掌握其特点能及时发现和处理.
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