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OWC的相关文献在1999年到2022年内共计70篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、海洋学、能源与动力工程 等领域,其中期刊论文62篇、专利文献8篇;相关期刊48种,包括军民两用技术与产品、教育信息技术、中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)等; OWC的相关文献由151位作者贡献,包括刘臻、史宏达、徐姗等。



论文:62 占比:88.57%


论文:8 占比:11.43%





  • 刘臻
  • 史宏达
  • 徐姗
  • 斯红路
  • 游同生
  • 王清心
  • 罗林
  • 胡建华
  • 胡成帅
  • 赵秋林
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • Robert MAYON; NING De-zhi; ZHANG Chong-wei; Lars JOHANNING
    • 摘要: A hybrid, porous breakwater-Oscillating Water Column(OWC) Wave Energy Converter(WEC) system is put forward and its hydrodynamic performance is investigated using the fully nonlinear, open-source computational fluid dynamics(CFD) model, OpenFOAM. The permeable structure is positioned at the weather side of the OWC device and adjoined to its front wall. A numerical modelling approach is employed in which the interstices within the porous structure are explicitly defined. This permits the flow field development within the porous structure and at the OWC front wall to be observed. The WEC device is defined as a land-fixed, semi-submerged OWC chamber. A range of regular incident waves are generated at the inlet within the numerical tank. The OWC efficiency and the forces on the structure are examined. Results are compared for the simulation cases in which the porous component is present or absent in front of the OWC chamber. It is found that the incorporation of the porous component has minimal effect on the hydrodynamic efficiency of the OWC, reducing the efficiency by less than 5%. Nevertheless,the forces on the front wall of the OWC can be reduced by up to 20% at the higher wave steepness investigated,through inclusion of the porous structure at the OWC front wall. These findings have considerable implications for the design of hybrid OWC-breakwater systems, most importantly in terms of enhancing the durability and survivability of OWC WECs without significant loss of operational efficiency.
    • Hend Ibrahim; Abeer D.Algarni; Mahmoud Abdalla; Walid El-Shafai; Fathi E.Abd El-Samie; Naglaa F.Soliman
    • 摘要: Optical Wireless Communication(OWC)is a new trend in communication systems to achieve large bandwidth,high bit rate,high security,fast deployment,and low cost.The basic idea of the OWC is to transmit data on unguided media with light.This system requires multi-carrier modulation such as Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(OFDM).This paper studies optical OFDM performance based on Intensity Modulation with Direct Detection(IM/DD)system.This system requires a non-negativity constraint.The paper presents a framework for wireless optical OFDM system that comprises(IM/DD)with different forms,Direct Current biased Optical OFDM(DCO-OFDM),Asymmetrically Clipped Optical OFDM(ACO-OFDM),Asymmetrically DC-biased Optical OFDM(ADO-OFDM),and Flip-OFDM.It also considers channel coding as a tool for error control,channel equalization for reducing deterioration due to channel effects,and investigation of the turbulence effects.The evaluation results of the proposed framework reveal enhancement of performance.The performance of the IM/DD-OFDM system is investigated over different channel models such as AWGN,log-normal turbulence channel model,and ceiling bounce channel model.The simulation results show that the BER performance of the IM/DD-OFDM communication system is enhanced while the fading strength is decreased.The results reveal also that Hamming codes,BCH codes,and convolutional codes achieve better BER performance.Also,two algorithms of channel estimation and equalization are considered and compared.These algorithms include the Least Squares(LS)and the Minimum Mean Square Error(MMSE).The simulation results show that the MMSE algorithm gives better BER performance than the LS algorithm.
    • 张莹; 秦丽涵; 刘臻
    • 摘要: OWC装置空气透平物理模型试验系统由前端造流装置、透平、数据采集及控制系统组成,透平定常性能试验系统前端造流装置为定常风洞,产生定常气流;非定常性能试验系统的造流装置为活塞往复造流装置,可产生正弦往复气流.数据采集及控制系统包括:皮托管、电磁离合器、转矩转速传感器、伺服系统、压力变送器、数据采集及处理系统.通过此试验系统,可获取转速、转矩、风速、压力等参数,对透平的工作及自启动性能开展研究.
    • Manabu Takao; Kohei Yamada; Shinya Okuhara; M. M. Ashraful Alam; Yoichi Kinoue; Toshiaki Setoguchi
    • 摘要: Wave energy can be converted to the electrical energy by using a wave energy converter. The wave energy converter with oscillating water column (OWC) is one of the most promising devices because of its simple structure and easy maintenance. In this device, an oscillating water column due to the wave motion is used to drive an air column. An air turbine is used to convert the pneumatic energy of this bi-directional airflow into the mechanical energy. The counter-rotating impulse turbine for wave energy conversion has been proposed and tested so far, and the average efficiency has been shown to about 0.3. On the contrary, in another offshore experiment, it has been reported that the power generation efficiency of this turbine is larger than Wells turbine in case of small waves. However, there is a scarcity of the detailed characteristics data of counter-rotating impulse turbine. In a previous study, the authors investigated the effect of rotor blade solidity and setting angle of guide vane on the performance of this turbine, and they clarified that the efficiency of this turbine is higher than impulse turbine with single rotor in the range of high flow coefficients. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of rotor blade profile on the turbine performance by using the computation fluid dynamic (CFD) analysis. The inner and outer angles of turbine rotor blade are changed in the range of 50° to 70°. The commercial CFD software of SCRYU/Tetra of Cradle Co. Ltd. was used in the present work. The Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations were used as the governing equations and the low Reynold’s number SST k-ω model was used to predict the turbulent stresses. As a result, it was found that the inner angle of γ = 70° and the outer angle of γ = 60° of the turbine rotor blades can give the best turbine efficiency and it shows the efficiency close to the impulse turbine with single rotor, even in the range of low flow coefficients.
    • Pavas Goswami; Manoj Kumar Shukla
    • 摘要: The latest uproar in this era is about a technology termed as Light Fidelity or more commonly known as Li-Fi. There are currently two trends being seen: First, the extension or enrichment of wireless services and other being increased in user demand for these services, but the available RF spectrum for usage is very limited. So the new technology of Li-Fi came into picture, which uses visible light as a source of communication. Li-Fi is the most recent development which is resourceful. In this technology, LEDs are used to transmit data in the visible light spectrum. This technology can be compared with that of Wi-Fi and offers advantages like increased accessible spectrum, efficiency, security, low latency and much higher speed. This research paper aims at designing a Li-Fi transceiver using Arduino that is able to transmit digital data. The hardware has been designed using Eagle CAD (version 7.1.0) tool and Proteus design tool (version 8). The software coding is done by using Java (version 8). Successful transmission and reception of text, image and video signals is carried out on the transceiver. Hence this research work gives an innovative way of designing a transceiver which works by using off the shelf low cost components and using visible light spectrum.
    • 陈帆
    • 摘要: 本文以可兼作振荡水柱式(Oscillating Water Column,简称OwC)波能发电装置的双圆筒沉箱为研究对象,采用物理模型试验的方法对不同隔墙夹角、内筒外直径、下部开口张角及下部开口高度等多个双圆筒沉箱模型进行了波能转换效率的研究.通过同步测量气室内波高和气室顶部输气口处气体压强等试验数据计算其波能转换效率,讨论了在规则波作用下气室尺寸参数,气室下部开口参数对气室换能效率的影响.
    • 宋广科; 何文华
    • 摘要: 在Web应用开发中,常需从数据库中提取数据并表示成各种图表.在实际开发中,要想将数据库中的数据在Web页面中以图表的形式呈现,必须通过复杂的代码才能实现.本文设计了基于OWC的Web通用图表分析控件,可以通过ASP.NET直接调用,实现了人们对数据的查询需要以图表方式呈现的要求,并使开发难度和工作量大大减少.
    • Hsien Hua Lee; Y.-F. Chiu; C.-Y. Lin; C.-H. Chen; M.-H. Huang
    • 摘要: This study uses a numerical method to analyze the proposed model structure. Before the parametric analysis, a pre-analysis to make sure the analytical results are accountable, a verification analysis was performed. The results found are compared well with the limited experimental findings of Goda et al. and it is very encouraging to find that for the proposed method as an alternative for green energy developments, as long as an appropriate design is performed, an OWC combined with breakwater structure may provide an alternative for green energy system utilized in a harbor area. From the results of the first stage of parameter analysis that the size of the openings of the cell of converting system is variable, a traditional full opened cell is not necessary the most efficient design for the wave power conversion in terms of the variations of air pressure inside the cell and air speed through the outlet orifice that will drive the electricity power generator.
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