首页> 中文期刊>科教文汇 >新时代背景下高职院校班主任工作微探




The new era of education has proposed new require-ments and ideas for head teachers.Higher vocational education, as an important stage of a person's growth,directly influences the person's future development in the society.Therefore,com-pare with traditional education,education in the new situation pays more attention to each student's learning,life and emotion, proposing higher requirements for higher vocational college head teachers who should not only educate students but also pay attention to their emotional life,emotional experience,moral life and personality cultivation.An educator once said that the head teacher is the educator and organizer of a class as well as the right-hand assistant for school leaders in their education and guidance work.Not only that,the head teacher is also the link tying the school,family and society.Today,more attention has been given to higher vocational colleges,so it is of great realistic significance to be a comprehensive and qualified head teacher.%新的教育时代对班主任提出了新的要求、新的理念,大专是一个人成长的重要阶段,直接影响到学生以后在社会的发展。因此相对于过去的传统教育,新形势下的教育更关注每一个学生的学习、生活和情感等等,这就对大专班主任提出了更高的要求、不仅仅是“传道、授业、解惑”,还要关注学生的情绪生活、情感体验、道德生活、人格培养等等。曾有教育学家说过:班主任是班级的教育者和组织者,是学校领导进行教导工作的得力助手。不仅如此,班主任还是学校、家庭和社会的纽带。在社会给予大专院校更大关注的今天,做好一个全面的合格的班主任有着十分重要的现实意义。



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