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NSAID的相关文献在1985年到2022年内共计250篇,主要集中在药学、内科学、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文189篇、专利文献61篇;相关期刊114种,包括临床消化病杂志、中华消化杂志、世界核心医学期刊文摘:胃肠病学分册等; NSAID的相关文献由445位作者贡献,包括K·希恩、P·布洛姆斯-芬克、佐佐木伸雄等。



论文:189 占比:75.60%


论文:61 占比:24.40%





  • K·希恩
  • P·布洛姆斯-芬克
  • 佐佐木伸雄
  • 郑雄一
  • 铃木茂树
  • 刘昕(编译)
  • 孙庆伟
  • 张孝仁
  • 胡品津
  • 金伟秋(摘)
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • Ishtiaque Anwar; Sharah Rahman; Sofia Akhter; Shah Noor Hassan; Md. Sanwar Hossain; Siddiqur Rahman; Anisur Rahman
    • 摘要: The case studies are about atypical bilateral, postoperative Cystoid Macular Edema (CME) in two patients who underwent bilateral uncomplicated pha- coemulsification surgery with a trifocal Intraocular Lens (IOL). In postoperative follow-up, both the cases presented with complaints of bilateral blurring of vision. Irvine-Gass syndrome has been diagnosed after evaluation of the retina by fundoscopy and OCT macula. Posterior subtenon steroid injection has been prescribed and given. Regular OCT examinations indicated substantial ede- ma improvement. Subsequent improvement in visual acuity was also noted in both cases. Cystoid macular edema can happen in any case irrespective of the quality of IOL. The visual outcome is satisfactorily responsive towards steroid medication.
    • 刘莹
    • 摘要: cqvip:非类固醇类消炎药(NSAID)是世界各国人们最常用的一类药物。由于该类药物使用广泛,因而经常发生犬摄入人用NSAID后的急性中毒。布洛芬、阿司匹林和萘普生也是犬最常用的一类非类固醇类消炎药。NSAID能阻断前列腺素的生成,目前认为多数NSAID都通过抑制环氧化酶发挥作用。本文阐述了布洛芬、阿司匹林和萘普生引起犬中毒的机制、症状、诊断和疗法。
    • Qiangyou Wan; Deping Kong; Qian Liu; Shumin Guo; Chenchen Wang; Yan Zhao; Zun-Ji Ke; Ying Yu
    • 摘要: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs)inhibit prostaglandin(PG)formation by targeting cyclooxygenase(COX)1 and 2.Long-term use of NSAIDs that selectively inhibit COX2 increases the risk for thrombotic events,cardiac failure,and hypertension.However,the underlying mechanisms remain unclear.In this study,COX1-and COX2-deficient rats were created via Cas9/RNA-mediated gene targeting.DNA genotyping and Western blot analysis confirmed successful generation of COX1^(-/-) and COX2^(-/-) rats.Adult COX1^(-/-) rats grew normally,while more than 70%of COX2^(-/-) rats after wean died within 2 months.Echocardiography showed markedly reduced left ventricular ejection fraction and fractional shortening in adult COX2^(-/-) rats compared to those in wildtype(WT)controls.Histological analysis revealed accumulation of inflammatory cells and severe interstitial and perivascular fibrosis in COX2^(-/-)cardiac tissues.Moreover,cardiac ATP and acetyl-Co A production was dramatically decreased in COX2^(-/-) rats.Consistently,the expression of genes related to mitochondrial oxidation,such as those that encode for subunits of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and acyl Co A dehydrogenases,were downregulated,while glycolytic hexokinase 1(HK1)was upregulated in COX2^(-/-) heart tissues.These observations indicate that COX2-deficient rats developed spontaneously heart failure,likely as a result of dysregulated cardiac energy metabolism.
    • 摘要: 来自美国加州大学旧金山分校的科学家,刷新了人们对阿司匹林的新认知。研究显示,阿司匹林、布诺芬等常见止痛药可有效地将携带PIK3CA变异基因的头颈癌存活率从25%提高至78%。研究者们对匹兹堡医学中心的266位患者进行了跟踪研究。在经过肿瘤切除后,这266名患者中有近93%的人经常(至少一次)使用诸如阿司匹林之类的NSAID(非角体类消炎药)。
    • Aktham Adelshoukry; Amrsobhy Abddelkway
    • 摘要: Background: Women who had caesarean section (CS) with spinal anaesthesia had more chances to develop low back pain. Controlled studies evaluating the prevention of back pain after neuraxial anaesthesia involved mostly the use of an anti-inflammatory medication or steroid, given epidurally or as part of the intradermal injectate. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of topical Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) patch on decreasing the incidence of post-operative backache following spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section. Patients and methods: One hundred thirty parturients aged 19 - 40 years, American society of Anaesthesiology class I & II scheduled for elective caesarean section with spinal anaesthesia were divided randomly into two equal Groups (65 patients each): ketoprofen group (TDK) received 30 mg ketoprofen transdermal patch at site of puncture for 24 hours and control group (TDC) received a placebo transdermal patch at site of puncture for 24 hours. In the Postoperative period 24 hours after the spinal procedure, the transdermal patch was removed in both groups then symptoms of back pain have been determined by visual numerical scale (VNS). Results: regard incidence of occurrence and severity of back pain (VNS > 3) the results showed that the back pain was less in the TDK group than in the TDC group at 24 hours post spinal interval (4.6% vs 15.4%) respectively. On the other hand there was no statistical significant difference at 48 hours and 2 weeks post spinal interval. Conclusion: Prophylactic application of topical NSAIDS patch may reduce the incidence and the severity of short term backache after spinal anaesthesia in CS with negligible complications.
    • 李增烈
    • 摘要: 50多年前,笔者还是一个小年轻,刚成为住院医师时,就知道阿司匹林类药物可以引起上消化道出血,但当时孤陋寡闻,不知道NSAID这个标准的漂亮名称.那时候忙着“搞革命”,更不敢“崇洋媚外”,用的胃镜又粗又硬,也没几个医院能做,患者的痛苦就更不用说了,所以遇见呕血、黑便的消化道出血患者,根据服药史与化验,诊断就出来了.
    • 袁芳岑; 张振玉
    • 摘要: 非类固醇类抗炎药(NSAID)是目前临床应用广泛的解热镇痛药.随着NSAID的广泛应用和胶囊内镜的问世,有关NSAID胃肠道不良反应的报道日趋增多.目前NSAID对小肠损伤的机制尚未明确,并缺乏有效的防治措施.此文就NSAID引起小肠损伤的机制及其药物防治的研究进展作一综述.
    • 摘要: 据医学论坛网报道,现阶段很少有研究关注非甾体类抗炎药(NSAID)的慢性肾病风险性,而高血压患者亚群的这方面试验证据更为稀少。因此,研究者开展了一项倾向分值匹配队列研究来分析非甾体类抗炎药使用与慢性肾病的相关性,关注的正是高血压患者亚群。试验数据来自根据台湾民众健康保险数据库,共有31976例患者入组,其中10782例未服用NSAID,
    • 亓传旺; 刘亚芳; 公强
    • 摘要: 摘要 女,63岁,于2014-08-31上午呕吐咖啡样物4次,量约40-50ml/次,无血凝块,伴反酸、上腹部不适,随后开始解柏油样便数次,总量约1000g,感头晕乏力,无黑朦晕厥,无腹痛腹胀,2014-09-01至我院急诊科查血常规:WBC 8.2×109/L,N%86.6%, RBC 2.81×1012/L,HB 82g/L,PLT 171×109/L,电解质正常,近来未食用血制品,未服用 NSAID 类药物,无进行性消瘦。长期居于本地,否认血吸虫、疫水疫区接触史。
    • 李鹏; 杜福田; 郭连明
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨吲哚美辛栓对内镜逆行胆管造影( ERCP )术后急性胰腺炎的预防作用及其可能机制。方法收集2013年3月~2014年5月拟行ERCP的患者240例,随机分为两组:对照组120例,予以常规处理。预防组120例,在常规处理的基础上,ERCP术前0.5 h,术后1 h分别予以吲哚美辛栓肛门塞入。监测血淀粉酶水平,同时观察胰腺炎的发生情况。结果预防组术后6h,12h和24h血清淀粉酶水平均低于对照组( P<0.05)。对照组发生ERCP术后急性胰腺炎9例,其中轻症胰腺炎8例,给予常规抑酸抑酶抗感染等治疗后好转,重症胰腺炎1例,经积极抢救后好转。预防组无急性胰腺炎患者。两组急性胰腺炎发生率比较有统计学差异(P<0.05)。结论吲哚美辛栓对ERCP后高淀粉酶血症,急性胰腺炎有预防作用,且较安全。
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