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Loop的相关文献在1990年到2022年内共计265篇,主要集中在肿瘤学、自动化技术、计算机技术、数学 等领域,其中期刊论文195篇、专利文献70篇;相关期刊130种,包括中国包装、金属学报:英文版、中国稀土学报:英文版等; Loop的相关文献由684位作者贡献,包括周晓根、张贵军、李章维等。



论文:195 占比:73.58%


论文:70 占比:26.42%





  • 周晓根
  • 张贵军
  • 李章维
  • 刘俊
  • 彭春祥
  • 孙科
  • Hosei Nagano
  • 周振兴
  • 王坤
  • 王莉
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献






    • 金德升; 梁凯雯; 张薇; 毛玉龙; 商超皓; 胡友森
    • 摘要: 某压水堆核电厂在热停堆平台期间,现场发现汽轮机旁路排大气系统(GCT-a)阀门(GCT133VV)开关频繁动作,估计频率为10 s一次,现场可以明显听到主阀落座的声音,阀门出口消音器也可观察到明显的排汽变化,即GCT-a阀门出现了较频繁的振荡现象。本文对该现象进行了原因分析,并针对性的给出了解决方案。研究表明,GCT-a阀门采用比例积分微分(PID)控制系统进行动作控制,其中比例系数P参数的大小表征的是阀门开启的速率,该参数设置越大,阀门开启越快。由于该阀门的功能是限制瞬变过程中二回路超压,因此该参数需要保证II类瞬态中不发生二回路超压现象,即需要找到一组P参数既能满足安全要求,又能降低阀门振荡频率。通过P参数敏感性分析及二类瞬态超压最恶劣工况(丧失厂外电源LOOP)的安全评价,本文给出了不同P参数的分析结果,电厂通过优化P参数设置后,解决了现场阀门频繁动作的问题。本文研究结果可供电厂运行参考。
    • 孙明; 李唐; 赵小明; 阎圣刚; 尹恒
    • 摘要: 利用大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)表达系统,成功异源表达并纯化了来自Pseudomonas syringae的一种周质甘露糖醛酸C?5差向异构酶AlgG_PSEAM及其loop439?455截短体.通过对产物进行分析发现,截去loop439?455后,该甘露糖醛酸C?5差向异构酶的活性提高了14.7%.进一步分析,发现AlgG_PSEAM同时具有褐藻多糖裂解酶活性且通过测定其裂解酶活性发现,截去loop439?455后,裂解酶活性提高了23.3%.截去loop439?455,可同时提高AlgG_PSEAM的甘露糖醛酸C?5差向异构酶和褐藻多糖裂解酶活性.
    • 陈俊邦; 陈俊伟
    • 摘要: 目的 总结Loop技术在腔静脉滤器回收困难病例中的临床应用经验与技巧.方法 回顾性分析肇庆市第一人民医院及中山大学附属第三医院自2015年1月至2020年6月期间采用LOOP技术处理腔静脉滤器回收困难患者27例,滤器留置时长为7~120 d,平均45 d.结果 17例患者的滤器被整体取出,造影显示下腔静脉通畅,无对比剂外渗;成功率为63.0%,平均手术用时96 min.10例患者滤器未被成功取出,均未发生手术相关并发症,并终身抗凝.27例患者术后顺利出院,随访期间无患者出现症状性的肺动脉栓塞.结论 LOOP技术应用于腔静脉滤器回收困难病例中安全性高、操作简单、临床有效,值得临床推广.
    • 陈俊邦; 陈俊伟
    • 摘要: 目的总结Loop技术在腔静脉滤器回收困难病例中的临床应用经验与技巧。方法回顾性分析肇庆市第一人民医院及中山大学附属第三医院自2015年1月至2020年6月期间采用LOOP技术处理腔静脉滤器回收困难患者27例,滤器留置时长为7~120 d,平均45 d。结果17例患者的滤器被整体取出,造影显示下腔静脉通畅,无对比剂外渗;成功率为63.0%,平均手术用时96 min。10例患者滤器未被成功取出,均未发生手术相关并发症,并终身抗凝。27例患者术后顺利出院,随访期间无患者出现症状性的肺动脉栓塞。结论LOOP技术应用于腔静脉滤器回收困难病例中安全性高、操作简单、临床有效,值得临床推广。
    • Heather Caliendo1
    • 摘要: 像许多技术型初创企业一样,Loop Industries公司(以下简称“Loop公司”)起始于一个愿景,并在一个车库中建立起来。3年后,采用在车库中开发出的技术,该公司“将消费后的PET转化为纯料品质的材料”的愿景已经成为现实。其专有的“升级回收”流程能将废弃PET分解为化学结构单元,同时分离出杂质,如染料、添加剂和食物。
    • Ravinder Jerath; Connor Beveridge; Michael Jensen
    • 摘要: Consciousness is the unified, structured, subjective experience that we all share. The Default Space Theory has been proposed as a unified theory of consciousness that includes the brain and body in describing the infrastructure of consciousness. We have presented the theory in journals with a variety of academic specialties;however, the model is continually being developed. Due to the current state of science on the nature of conscious experience lacking hard data, the theory’s concepts must thoroughly explain and shoulder phenomenological observations including the phenomenology of deficits of consciousness. According to the theory, the thalamus serves as a central hub which networks the globally distributed, and continuous fast oscillations not only among the brain, but also the eyes, ears, skin, and other sensory organs. These oscillations form the virtual template of external space within the mind in which external sensory information is integrated into this pre-existing, dynamic space. In this article, we explore phenomenological support for our theory of conscious experience in which such experience resides entirely in such a virtual space, termed the default space. In order to provide such support, we discuss simple personal experiments and observations which anyone can partake along with phenomenal symptoms of clinical deficits. We encourage readers to perform the personal experiments we describe in order to gain an understanding of the various concepts of the theory. The neurological deficits we elucidate not only support the theory but clarify obscurities surrounding these conditions. We assert the support we give in our theory here will advance the uphill struggle many paramount theories face in gaining initial acceptance. Further research is needed in order to acquire empirical evidence for the veracity of our theory.
    • Carsten Wochnowski
    • 摘要: In this paper, a very simple novel model is presented concerning the unified field theory (“theory of everything”). In the scope of this novel theory, it is assumed that matter, space and time are quantized. It is assumed that the space is subdivided into cubic elementary cells (space quanta), and in each of its eight corners a Delta potential is positioned. That means the Delta potentials are equidistantly arranged, so that the Delta potentials are forming a lattice similar to a crystal lattice in solid state physics. The novel theory is analogue to the Kronig-Penney model well-known in solid state physics: a crystal lattice comprises Delta potentials arranged equidistantly to one another, so the lattice space can be considered as being quantized by an array of equally spaced Delta potentials or the lattice space is divided into cubic elementary cells (space quanta). But instead of electrons, material quanta are inserted into the cubic elementary cells or space quanta. So the material quanta are not freely vibrating (unbound state), but are vibrating in a bound state with discrete energy levels separated by an energy gap. This is due to the presence of the array of Delta potentials. In the frame of this novel theory the Schr?dinger Equation for the Kronig-Penney-Model is not solved by differentiation, but the Schr?dinger Equation is integrated yielding the formula , by whose discussion the existence of an energy gap is revealed. This energy gap is responsible if the material quantum occurs as light quantum (photon) or mass quantum.
    • Udo Ausserlechner
    • 摘要: Multiply-connected Hall plates show different phenomena than singly connected Hall plates. In part I (published in Journal of Applied Physics and Mathematics), we discussed topologies where a stream function can be defined, with special reference to Hall/Anti-Hall bar configurations. In part II, we focus on topologies where no conventional stream function can be defined, like Corbino disks. If current is injected and extracted at different boundaries of a multiply-connected conductive region, the current density shows spiral streamlines at strong magnetic field. Spiral streamlines also appear in simply-connected Hall plates when current contacts are located in their interior instead of their boundary, particularly if the contacts are very small. Spiral streamlines and circulating current are studied for two complementary planar device geometries: either all boundaries are conducting or all boundaries are insulating. The latter case means point current contacts and it can be treated similarly to singly connected Hall plates with peripheral contacts through the definition of a so-called loop stream function. This function also establishes a relation between Hall plates with complementary boundary conditions. The theory is explained by examples.
    • Babacar Biaye; Omar Gassama; Marie édouard Faye Dieme; Youssoupha Touré; Mor Cissé; Mouhamadou Wade; Daba Diop; Bakhoum Assane; Mamour Gueye; Abdoul Aziz Diouf; Jean Charles Moreau
    • 摘要: OBJECTIVES: 1) To draw up the epidemiological profile of patients who have benefited from cervical cancer screening by visual inspection after application of acetic acid (VIA) and then describe the results of the test, the colposcopy, histological and therapeutic aspects in case of dysplasia. 2) To evaluate the performance of IVA in cervical cancer screening and its feasibility in low-resource countries. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a prospective and descriptive study carried out from 06 June 2015 to 31 January 2016 (7 months) at the Maternity Center at Nabil Choucair health center in Dakar. The patients had been screened for cervical cancer by visual inspection, which consisted of applying 3% acetic acid after setting up a vaginal speculum. The test was considered positive if there were intense white areas in the cervix. Colposcopy was performed in case of a positive VIA result. This colposcopy included an unprepared examination, an examination after application of 3% acetic acid and an examination after application of Lugol solution. The colposcopic report is made according to the terminology of the French Society of Colposcopy and Cervico-Vaginal Pathology. Patients with major changes or unsatisfactory colposcopy had undergone diathermic loop resection. Surgical specimens were sent to pathologic anatomy and follow-up was performed according to the results of the histology. The studied parameters concerned the socio-demographic aspects, the results of the VIA test, the results of the colposcopy after a positive test, the therapeutic aspects in case atypical transformation zone grade 2 or of unsatisfactory colposcopy, the results of the histology after the conization and the followed. The collection of data was done thanks to a file and the statistical analysis thanks to the software Epi-info version 7. RESULTS: 899 patients were involved in the study. The epidemiologic profile of our patient was a multipara in a period of genital activity, aged 42.2 years with a mean gestational weight of 4.5, and a parity of 4. In our series, the patients had their first sexual intercourse with 20.8 years old. In our study, 84 patients (10.2%) had positive results after visual inspection after acetic acid applications. All patients with positive results after application of 3% acetic acid had colposcopy. In our study, 27 patients had major changes and/or unsatisfactory colposcopy and underwent diathermic loop resection for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Anatomo-pathological examination of the cone room revealed cervicitis in 22.2% of cases, flat condyloma in 7.4% of cases, CIN2 in 22.2% of cases, and CIN3 in 18.5% of cases. All the conizations were in sano. The postoperative course was simple. CONCLUSION: Cervical cancer is a real public health problem in developing countries. To do to human resources, developing countries like Senegal must put in place simple, inexpensive, effective strategies that must globally respond to “screen and treat”.
    • Xinliang Zhong; Xiao Luo; Jiaheng Zhao; Yutong Huang
    • 摘要: In this paper a semi-direct visual odometry and mapping system is proposed with a RGB-D camera,which combines the merits of both feature based and direct based methods.The presented system directly estimates the camera motion of two consecutive RGB-D frames by minimizing the photometric error.To permit outliers and noise,a robust sensor model built upon the t-distribution and an error function mixing depth and photometric errors are used to enhance the accuracy and robustness.Local graph optimization based on key frames is used to reduce the accumulative error and refine the local map.The loop closure detection method,which combines the appearance similarity method and spatial location constraints method,increases the speed of detection.Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves higher accuracy on the motion estimation and environment reconstruction compared to the other state-of-the-art methods. Moreover,the proposed approach works in real-time on a laptop without a GPU,which makes it attractive for robots equipped with limited computational resources.
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