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亲贝的相关文献在1964年到2022年内共计124篇,主要集中在水产、渔业、中国文学、海洋学 等领域,其中期刊论文76篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献17207篇;相关期刊33种,包括广东海洋大学学报、海洋科学、福建水产等; 相关会议1种,包括中国动物学会北方七省市动物学学术研讨会等;亲贝的相关文献由257位作者贡献,包括于瑞海、张国范、李莉等。



论文:76 占比:0.44%


论文:1 占比:0.01%


论文:17207 占比:99.55%





  • 于瑞海
  • 张国范
  • 李莉
  • 刘圣
  • 史瑞辉
  • 孟杰
  • 宋凯
  • 张哲
  • 李春燕
  • 李琪
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 尤颖哲
    • 摘要: The key to artificial large-scale breeding is to induce the maturation of parent clams in order to obtain high-quality oosperms. The parent Paphia undulata has low synchronous rates in sexual maturation and they are usually not concentrated in spawning time. In this study, the parent clams of Paphia undulata were temporary rearing for 5 days, 10 days, 15 days, 20 days in indoor cement pools and outdoor ponds sep-arately, then air-dried or stimulated by flowing water in order to induce spawning, their gonadal develop-ments and induced spawning effects in the different measures and durations were compared. The results showed that the situation of Paphia undulata 's gonadal developments was better and the death rate was lower when they were cultured in outdoor ponds than indoor cement pools, moreover, both the effects of gonadal de-velopment and induced spawning of the parent clams were best when cultured for 10 days in outdoor ponds.%在人工育苗的过程中,对亲贝进行促熟培育获得高质量受精卵是开展规模化育苗的关键。波纹巴非蛤( Paphia undulata)亲贝存在性成熟同步率低、产卵不集中的问题,研究对波纹巴非蛤亲贝分别进行室内水泥池和室外土池人工暂养促熟培育,经5、10、15、20 d的暂养促熟培育后,采用阴干、流水刺激的方法诱导产卵,比较不同的暂养促熟方法和促熟培育时间对亲贝的性腺发育及催产效果的影响。结果表明:用室外土池人工促熟法,波纹巴非蛤亲贝性腺发育的成熟情况比室内水泥池促熟法好、死亡率低;且经室外土池人工促熟培育10 d,亲贝的性腺发育情况及催产效果最佳。
    • 尤颖哲
    • 摘要: 在人工育苗的过程中,对亲贝进行促熟培育获得高质量受精卵是开展规模化育苗的关键。波纹巴非蛤(Paphiaundulata)亲贝存在性成熟同步率低、产卵不集中的问题,研究对波纹巴非蛤亲贝分别进行室内水泥池和室外土池人工暂养促熟培育,经5、10、15、20d的暂养促熟培育后,采用阴干、流水刺激的方法诱导产卵,比较不同的暂养促熟方法和促熟培育时间对亲贝的性腺发育及催产效果的影响。结果表明:用室外土池人工促熟法,波纹巴非蛤亲贝性腺发育的成熟情况比室内水泥池促熟法好、死亡率低;且经室外土池人工促熟培育10d。亲贝的性腺发育情况及催产效果最佳。
    • 汪倩秋; 肉肉香
    • 摘要: 贝贝的妈妈要离开香水村,去海水村看外婆了。可是,贝贝太黏妈妈了,不愿意妈妈离开。于是,妈妈给了贝贝满满一瓶妈妈味道的香水,只要喷上它,贝贝就不会想妈妈了。这也是贝贝第一次觉得香水这么有用呢.平时,她总是偷懒,不愿意跟妈妈学习制作香水的方法。但是,贝贝还是太想妈妈了,于是在妈妈离开家的第五天,贝贝告别了爷爷奶
    • 摘要: 正每位妈妈分娩后都急不及待与宝宝见面,但对盲人来说,这是一个奢侈的愿望。加拿大29岁失明母亲贝茨这次很幸运地达成自己的心愿,在分娩后数小时,她通过特制高科技眼镜亲眼看了初生宝宝一面。视频被上传到分享网站You Tube,立即红遍网络。贝茨患有遗传黄斑病变,自11岁诊断患上斯特格病后便丧失大部分视力,其视线中心是盲点,中心以外尚余部分视力,
    • 摘要: 亲爱的小星星,六月有一个节日是属于爸爸们的,你知道是什么节日吗?嘻嘻,让我来告诉你吧,就是父亲节!本期的"乐淘故事会",讲的就是爸爸和宝宝的故事。我们一起来看吧!小小的故事大大的爱小朋友,你在爸爸的眼中看见过一闪一闪的亮光吗?盯着爸爸的眼睛仔细看,是不是看到了一个小小的身影藏在爸爸的眼睛里?没错,那就是你!你就是爸爸眼中的星光!有了你,爸爸再也不怕黑了。每个孩子,都能让爸爸变得更勇敢、更坚强,因为,
    • 摘要: 2014年7月,以品牌名“爱亲”和吉祥物名称“贝贝”结合命名的爱亲母婴又一自主品牌——“爱亲贝贝”惊艳亮相,产品涵盖童鞋、服纺两大品类,并陆续在全国数干家母婴加盟店上架销售。
    • 周游; 朱琳
    • 摘要: 伊利亚·卡巴科夫(Ilya Kabakov)1933年出生于乌克兰第聂伯罗彼得罗夫斯克(Dnipropetrovsk),是一个犹太血统的观念艺术家。从20世纪50年代到80年代末这30年间,他一直在莫斯科工作,后来移居美国,2000年被《艺术新闻》(Art News)杂志誉为"全球十个最伟大的在世艺术家"之一。一、早期生活和教育伊利亚卡巴科夫的母亲贝莎索罗杜克希妮雅(Bertha Solodukhina)是犹太人,父亲约瑟夫卡巴科夫(Joseph Kabakov)患有虐待症。在二战期间,他和母亲被迫到撒马尔罕
    • 蒲利云; 陈傅晓; 曾关琼; 谭围; 隋曌
    • 摘要: In this study, parent oysters (Anadara antiquate)of different population density were cultured for 44 days in the outdoor concrete ponds. With obtain parent oyster of well-grown and sexual maturity, we can find the best result is 20 per cubic metre. One or more following ways: shady stimulation, algae solution, temperature, low salinity and opposite sex product were used to induce gametes releasing. The results showed which the best for the shady stimulation 2 h + algae solution stimulation 1 h + opposite sex product inducement.%利用室外水泥池进行古蚶(Anadara antiquata)亲贝不同密度的催熟培育,经过44 d的培育,均获得生长良好、性腺成熟的亲贝.通过比较发现,20个/m的培育密度效果最佳.且采用了阴干、藻液、温度、精液和流水刺激的方法诱导亲贝排放精卵,比较不同催产诱导方法,结果显示,采用阴干刺激2h+藻液刺激1h+精液刺激结合诱导的效果最佳.
    • 姜成嘉
    • 摘要: 在虾夷扇贝人工育苗中,积温是衡量亲贝成熟程度的重要标志。试验表明,当4°C以上的有效积温达到80.6~85.3°C时是人工采卵的最佳时机,可取得最佳的育苗效果%In the process of artificial breeding of Patinopecten yessoensi the accumulated temperature is an important index to judge the maturity of parent shellfish. The experiment indicated that the accumulated temperature of 80.6-85.3°C at water temperature of above 4°C is the best time for artificial collection of egg and can obtain good result of breeding.
    • 黄海立; 符韶; 邓陈茂; 刘志刚
    • 摘要: Parent oysters of different sources were cultured for 15 days in the shallow seawater or in the outdoor concrete ponds. One or more following ways: shady stimulation, algae solution, temperature, low salinity and opposite sex product were used to induce gametes releasing. Gonad developments of parent pearl oyster of both sources and culture methods were examined. And the releasing time, releasing rate, fertilization rate and larvae abnormality of parent pearl oyster in different groups were compared. The results showed that, parent oyster gonad developed better in concrete ponds than in shallow seawater; Gonad developments of parent oyster from Bei Bu Bay was faster than from Hainan, but a high mortality rate; with shady stimula-tion 3 h+algae solution stimulation 1 h+opposite sex product inducement, parent oyster released gametes when its gonad reached Ⅳ stage with a high maturity ratio, high fertilization and low larval abnormality.%对不同来源珠母贝(Pinctada margaritifera)亲贝分别进行海上浅吊疏养促熟和室外水泥池人工催熟培育,且采用阴干、藻液、温度、低盐度刺激和异性产物诱导亲贝排放精卵,比较不同方法、不同来源亲贝性腺发育及亲贝开始排放时间、排放率、受精率和幼虫畸形率情况.结果表明,室外水泥池人工催熟法亲贝性腺成熟度比浅吊疏养促熟法好、死亡率低;相同培育方法,北部湾亲贝比海南亲贝性腺成熟快,但死亡率高;阴干刺激3 h+藻液刺激1 h+异性产物诱导,性腺达到第四期(排放期)的亲贝才排放,且排放的性细胞成熟度好,受精率高,幼虫畸形率低.
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