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高品质棉的相关文献在2000年到2022年内共计84篇,主要集中在农作物、农业经济、贸易经济 等领域,其中期刊论文79篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献50385篇;相关期刊27种,包括江苏农村经济、江苏农村经济:品牌农资、中国学术期刊文摘等; 相关会议4种,包括中国棉花学会2012年年会暨第八次代表大会、中国棉花学会2006年年会暨第七次代表大会、中国棉花学会2004年年会等;高品质棉的相关文献由151位作者贡献,包括陈德华、张祥、徐立华等。



论文:79 占比:0.16%


论文:4 占比:0.01%


论文:50385 占比:99.84%





  • 陈德华
  • 张祥
  • 徐立华
  • 杨德银
  • 王永慧
  • 陈源
  • 杨伯祥
  • 杨长琴
  • 王治斌
  • 季春梅
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 张曦; 钱玉源; 刘祎; 王广恩; 崔淑芳; 王树林; 李俊兰
    • 摘要: 我国棉花产不足需,特别是高品质棉严重缺乏,对进口棉依赖程度较高。河北省是植棉大省和主要优质棉产区,同时也是传统纺织大省。从河北省高品质棉产需情况、河北省审定品种纤维品质情况、河北省新体制棉花公证检验数量和质量情况等方面对河北省高品质棉产业现状进行了分析,并对河北省高品质棉产业的可持续发展提出建议。
    • 摘要: 2019年1月16日,中国农业科学院2019年工作会在京举行,会上公布了中国农业科学院“2018年十大科技进展”评选结果。这十大进展分别是全面解析亚洲栽培稻基因组遗传多样性;发现稻瘟菌致病性和水稻抗病性新机制;家禽疫苗免疫成功阻断人感染H7N9病毒;多重组学研究揭示番茄育种历史;中畜草原白羽肉鸭新品种通过国家审定;一类抗球虫新兽药沙咪珠利研制与产业化生产;油菜毯状苗机械化高效移栽技术;水稻叠盘出苗育秧技术;“中641”与“宽早优”相结合的高品质棉生产技术模式;韭蛆防治技术标准化产业化应用。
    • 中国棉麻流通经济研究会1
    • 摘要: 2018年9月10日十九大报告指出,我国经济已由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段,必须坚持质量第一、效益优先,以供给侧结构性改革为主线,推动经济发展质量变革、效率变革、动力变革,不断增强我国经济创新力和竞争力。2017年9月5日中共中央.
    • 摘要: 适用范围:江苏省各产棉区。技术要点:(1)宽行稳密优群体。一般行距较常规棉花拓宽15%~20%,早熟套栽茬口和肥力水平较高的田块,适宜种植密度1600-1800株/亩,中晚熟茬口肥力中等偏低田块1800~2000株/亩。(2)合理肥料运筹。增总量。按亩产皮棉125~150公斤的高产水平,高品质棉施氮量一般是需氮量的1.8倍,每亩施纯氮约28公斤左右。
    • 摘要: 以高品质棉品系FZ-1为试验材料.研究了钾肥施用和缩节胺化控对棉花株型和产量的影响。结果表明,缩节胺化控对株高、果枝数、果枝长度、果枝节间长度起抑制作用.
    • 周桂生; 林岩; 童晨; 李军; 吴慧
    • 摘要: 以高品质棉品系FZ-1为试验材料,研究了钾肥施用和缩节胺化控对棉花株型和产量的影响.结果表明,缩节胺化控对株高、果枝数、果枝长度、果枝节间长度起抑制作用,而对果节粗度的增加起促进作用;施钾可以促进果枝长度、节枝比和果枝节间粗度的增加.在本试验条件下,缩节胺化控2次或3次并配合施用钾肥(K2O) 360 kg/hm2,棉花生长适宜,株型较适合高产,单株成铃数和单铃重较高,皮棉产量分别达到1 528.25 kg/hm2和1 525.08 kg/hm2.%The effects of potassium and mepiquat chloride on plant type and yield of high quality cotton line FZ-1 were studied. Application of mepiquat chloride decreased plant height, number and length of fruit branches and length of intern-odes, while increased the diameter of internodes. Application of potassium fertilizer increased the length of fruit branches, number ratio of fruit nodes to fruit branches, and the diameter of internodes. When 360 kg/hm2 potassium was applied and mepiquat chloride was applied twice at the stages of full-budding and initial flowering or three times at the stages of full-budding, initial flowering, and full flowering, the cotton plant was with suitable type, high boll number and single boll weight; and the lint cotton yield could reach 1528.25 and 1 525.08 kg/hm2 respectively.
    • 刘勤
    • 摘要: 近日,美国国际棉花协会组织了为期10天的"美棉考察之旅",来自14个国家和地区的纺织企业的28位成员在美国国际棉花协会职员的陪同下乘坐专机穿越美国棉花种植带,亲身体验与熟悉了美国棉花的生产、加工和销售流程。美国国际棉花协会总裁,来自田纳西州科尔多瓦的棉商Mr.John Mitchell说:"两年一次的美棉考察之旅活动将美国高品质棉花向全球的棉纺企业代表进行展示,促进了美国棉花与
    • 杨峰; 肖建; 栾娜; 张祥; 王永慧; 陈德华
    • 摘要: 研究了钾肥运筹对高品质棉杂交种科棉3号和常规种科棉4号不同部位棉铃对位叶养分分配的影响.结果表明,通过合理的钾肥运筹能有效地促进高品质棉株中、上部棉铃对位叶中养分的合理分配,从而促进棉株上部与中部棉铃铃重的增加和纤维的发育,有利于提高整株铃重和纤维品质.高品质棉杂交种科棉3号钾肥运筹以基肥和花铃肥的比例为5∶5、常规种科棉4号基肥和花铃肥的比例为7∶3时,更有利于棉株中上部的棉铃对位叶中养分的分配,从而增加铃重,缩小上部与中部的铃重差异.
    • 陈源; 王永慧; 杨朝华; 肖健; 栾娜; 张祥; 陈德华
    • 摘要: 为充分发挥高品质棉的产量与纤维品质潜力,以高品质棉杂交种科棉1号和常规种科棉4号为供试品种,于2003-2005年在扬州大学江苏省作物遗传生理重点实验室实验农场进行育苗移栽,设基肥、花铃肥、桃肥比例试验(科棉1号设20:60:20、10:60:30和25:65:10三个处理,科棉4号设20:60:20、15:70:15和10:75:15三个处理);基肥施用比例试验(科棉1号设10%、20%和30%三个处理,科棉4号设10%、15%和20%三个处理);促花肥施用比例试验(设0、20%、30%和40%四个处理);桃肥施用比例试验(科棉1号设10%、20%和25%三个处理,科棉4号设10%、15%和20%三个处理);花铃肥中保铃肥施用时间试验(设叶龄分别为17叶、19叶、21叶三个处理),调查氮肥运筹对铃重、铃体积和纤维品质的影响.结果表明,吸N量为208.5~243.0 kg hm~(-2),科棉1号和科棉4号基肥、花铃肥和桃肥的氮肥施用比例分别为20:60:20和15:70:15,且促花肥为30%时,有利于大铃的形成和纤维品质的优化,桃肥施用量为15%~20%时有利于秋桃的形成.保铃肥的施用时间在主茎叶龄19~20叶时最有利于棉铃发育、纤维品质改善和产量提高.相关分析表明,铃体积、铃重与产量及纤维品质呈正相关,尤其促花肥施用,有利于大铃形成,显著促进产量提高和纤维品质改善,因此对于高品质棉促进大铃形成是高产和纤维品质保优的关键.%The objective of this study was to investigate the extent of the yield increase and fiber quality improvement with nitrogen fertilizer application at different developing periods for high fiber quality cotton. Two cultivars of high quality cotton, hybrid Kemian 1, and conventional Kemian 4, were used to study the effect of nitrogen application on boll weight, boll volume and fiber quality. The five experiments were conducted on the farm of Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Crops Genetics and Physiology of Yangzhou University from 2003 to 2005, the first experiment was the ratio of nitrogen fertilizer at transplanting, flowering and boll setting, peak boll setting period of 20:60:20, 10:60:30, 25:65:10 for Kemian 1, and 20:60:20, 15:70:15, 10:75:15 for Kemian 4, the second was the basic nitrogen fertilizer at transplanting of 10%, 20%, 30% for Kemian 1, and 10%, 15%, 20% for Kemian 4, the third was 0, 20%, 30%, 40% of the nitrogen fertilizer at early flowering period for both cultivars, the fourth was the nitrogen fertilizer applied at 17, 19, 21 leaf age on main stem, and the fifth was the nitrogen fertilizer at peak boll setting period of 10%, 20%, 25% for Kemian 1, and 10%, 15%, 20% for Kemian 4. The results showed that bigger boll and better fiber quality were gotten under the application of 208.5 to 243.0 kg nitrogen per hectare, and the treatment of nitrogen fertilizer 20%, 60%, 20% for Kemian 1, and 15%, 70%, 15% for Kemian 4, respectively in the first experiment. 30% of nitrogen fertilizer applied at early flowering was optimal for the development of bigger boll and better fiber quality, 15-20% of nitrogen fertilizer applied at the peak boll setting period was best for development of the late boll in autumn. The nitrogen fertilizer application at peak flowering period was earlier at 17 leaf age, later at 21 leaf age, and optimal at 19 to 20 leaf age on the main stem. The correlation analysis indicated further that there were positive correlation between boll size, boll weight and yield, fiber quality. The nitrogen fertilizer application at the early flowering period was beneficial to develop bigger boll, higher yield and better fiber quality. These results suggest that the key of the high lint yield and good fiber quality is to develop big boll for the high fiber quality cotton.
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