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耐低氧的相关文献在1995年到2022年内共计126篇,主要集中在水产、渔业、畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、体育 等领域,其中期刊论文83篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献67055篇;相关期刊48种,包括科技致富向导、医药导报、养殖技术顾问等; 相关会议1种,包括2003'青岛全国水产养殖研讨会等;耐低氧的相关文献由276位作者贡献,包括邹曙明、郑国栋、陈杰等。



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  • 邹曙明
  • 郑国栋
  • 陈杰
  • 吴成宾
  • 李福贵
  • 蒋霞云
  • 曹哲明
  • 万夕和
  • 乔毅
  • 冯东波
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 张家海; 黃雅贞; 曾庆祥; 丁丽华; 刘德亭
    • 摘要: 异育银鲫“中科5号”是中国科学院院士、中国科学院水生生物研究所研究员桂建芳及其团队选育而成的新品种。“中科5号”较其他鲫鱼品种具有饵料系数低、生长速度快、个体规格大、抗病力强、耐低氧、含肉率高、肉质细嫩、味道鲜美、营养丰富等优点,在市场上深受广大消费者青睐。
    • 章海鑫; 刘志放; 邓宏奎; 傅义龙; 张燕萍
    • 摘要: 为了弄清良种选育后黄尾鯝的生长性能,比较了未选育子代(对照组)、选育F2代和F4代的生长和耐低氧性能.经过120 d饲养,对照组、F2代和F4代体重分别增长了764.0±325.4%、845.3±235.6%和1534.4±289.7%,体长分别增长了113.51%、118.41%和161.54%,F4代相对对照组体重提高了28.88%,相对F2代提高了22.75%.在2 mg/L的低氧胁迫条件下,对照组、F2代和F4代半数指数时间(Lh50)分别为6.59 h、10 h和13.18 h.表明良种选育后的黄尾鯝子代能够显著的提高生长速度和耐低氧能力.
    • 祁梅; 吴嘉伟; 谭凤霞; 罗鸣钟; 程保琳; 张远松; 柴毅
    • 摘要: 研究通过克隆翘嘴鲌(Culter alburnus)血红蛋白基因,分析血红蛋白的分子特征及系统进化,探讨鱼类耐低氧的可能成因.研究克隆了翘嘴鲌血红蛋白家族中Hba 1/2和Hbb 1/2 cDNA序列,翻译后分别得到143、143、147和147个氨基酸.蛋白二级结构分析表明Hba1/2和Hbb 1/2蛋白分别包含7和8个螺旋域、14和13个α1β2结合残基、12和16个亚铁血红素结合残基,均有16个α1β1结合残基,只有Hba1/2蛋白具有6个Bohr效应残基.与两栖类和哺乳类相比,鱼类Hba和Hbb蛋白功能域上分别有10和5个氨基酸残基替换位点,这很可能是为了使其适应水中的低氧环境.而耐低氧与不耐低氧鱼类相比,其蛋白二级结构并未发现一致性的替换,这表明鱼类的耐低氧特征很可能是受到上游信号通路的调控.通过系统发育关系表明Hba1/2和Hbb1/2基因亚型的复制事件很可能发生在脊椎动物全基因组复制之后且硬骨鱼类全基因组复制事件之前.值得注意的是在系统进化树上,与其他鱼类相比翘嘴鲌和斑马鱼在Hba1/2和Hbb1基因上有更近的亲缘关系,这很可能是由于其同属鲤形目且均不耐低氧所致.研究首次克隆了翘嘴鲌血红蛋白家族基因,分析其分子特征及与其他物种的系统发育关系,并探讨了鱼类耐低氧的可能成因,为鱼类的耐低氧生物学研究提供了理论基础与潜在方向.
    • 程占军; 强京宁; 方建强; 马大君; 顾旭华; 朱程程
    • 摘要: 高原环境中的低氧因素对于栖居在高原上的人类和动物是最极端的生存挑战之一。高原反应本质是机体的低氧反应。未经适应的人或动物迅速进入高海拔地区,由于空气中的氧含量低下,导致吸入的空气氧风压降低,从而引发机体低血氧症,也就是人们常说的"高原反应"。受低氧环境的胁迫会加速产生血红蛋白以获得更多氧气,然而血红蛋白的过度生产却又会导致血液粘稠。
    • 王东东; 邹曙明; 郑国栋; 吴成宾; 苏晓磊; 崔文涛
    • 摘要: 为评估团头鲂耐低氧F4代的选育效果,在上海市浦东和青浦2个试验点采用剪鳍标记和同池比较法对团头鲂耐低氧F4代(选育组)和“浦江1号”(对照组)1、2龄阶段的体质量绝对增长率进行了比较.结果显示:浦东试验点选育组1、2龄阶段的体质量绝对增长率比对照组分别高24.7%和20.9%,青浦试验点选育组1、2龄阶段的体质量绝对增长率比对照组分别快24.4%和20.9%.结果表明,团头鲂耐低氧F4代(选育组)1、2龄鱼的生长速度优于“浦江1号”(对照组),团头鲂耐低氧F4代在经过系统选育后,其生长特性和养殖效果显著提高.试验结果对于团头鲂耐低氧新品系的选育及推广具有参考意义.
    • 李福贵; 郑国栋; 吴成宾; 陈杰; 蒋霞云; 邹曙明
    • 摘要: 为了构建团头鲂耐低氧新品种,实验从鄱阳湖引进和挑选野生优良亲本为奠基群体F0,2009年–2011年通过群体选育获得F1,2011年再通过群体选育实现了F1到F2的传代.2012年,以鄱阳湖选育F2亲本和团头鲂"浦江1号"F9亲本为基础,经夏、秋季2次低氧胁迫,筛选出536尾耐低氧能力强的F2亲本,构成团头鲂耐低氧F2.2013年,挑选个体大、体形好的F2亲本(雌鱼50尾、雄鱼48尾)建立了24个F3家系群体(2♀×2♂群体22个、3♀×2♂群体2个),共100个F3家系.对上述F3家系群体进行1龄阶段的低氧胁迫养殖,通过测定相应生长指标和耐低氧性状,共筛选出5个快速生长家系群体(A2、A3、A18、A19和A20)和6个生长较快的家系群体(A4、A6、A17、A25、A27、A28),微卫星分析其分别归属于20个和28个家系.结果显示,团头鲂的生长性能指标与耐低氧性状呈正相关.在1龄阶段长时间低氧胁迫养殖条件下,团头鲂耐低氧F3中耐低氧能力强的家系的体质量显著大于耐低氧能力弱的家系,选育出的团头鲂耐低氧F3家系在2龄阶段同样保持了快速生长特征.本研究旨在建立团头鲂耐低氧F3新品系,以供后续团头鲂耐低氧新品种的选育.%On the basis of wild good broodstocks introduced from Poyang Lake (F0 generation), the F1 generation was obtained through population breeding from 2009 to 2011, and the passage from F1 to F2 was realized in 2011 through population breeding. In order to construct hypoxia tolerance strains of M.amblycephala, the Poyang Lake F2 and "Pujiang No.1" F9 broodstocks endured twice hypoxia stress in the summer and autumn in 2012, and 536 survival individuals were constructed as hypoxia-tolerant F2 generation. In 2013, the F2 parents (female 50, male 48) with great body weight and good body-shape were used to establish 24 F3 family groups (22 groups of 2♀×2♂and 2 groups of 3♀×2♂), a total of 100 F3 families. The 100 F3 families were cultured under hypoxia for one year from the 20th day post-hatching. By measuring the corresponding traits between growth and hypoxia tolerance, five fastest growing family groups (A2, A3, A18, A19 and A20) were selected; microsatellite analysis identified these rapidly growing individuals belonging to 20 families. Additionally, six faster growing groups (A4, A6, A17, A25, A27 and A28) belonging to 28 family were identified. Our results show that the growth performance of M. amblycephala was positively correlated with hypoxia-tolerance. Under long-time hypoxia stress culture at the first-year stage of F3 families, the body weight of the families with strong hypoxia tolerance was significantly higher than that of the families with low hypoxia tolerance. The selected F3 families with hypoxia resistant characteristics still maintained rapid growth rates at 2-year-old stage. The purpose of this study is to establish the hypoxia-toler-ant F3 generation for subsequent selection of new good breed of M. amblycephala.
    • 杨文静; 崔淑芳
    • 摘要: 裸鼹鼠具有抗肿瘤、耐低氧、耐疼痛、寿命长等优势特性,引起了国内外广泛关注,其实验动物化及应用推广迫在眉睫.本团队围绕裸鼹鼠实验动物化及标准化开展了系统研究.通过对裸鼹鼠繁殖、遗传、微生物及营养学的研究,解决了了裸鼹鼠繁殖率低下,遗传背景不明确和携带病原微生物不明等问题,成功建立了普通级封闭群裸鼹鼠种群,现种群已繁殖至第6世代.同时对所建立种群生物学特性,如耐低氧、抗肿瘤、抗衰老等开展了系统研究,为相关疾病的研究和药物研发提供了新的动物模型材料和研究策略.
    • 于洋; 张春龙; 苏耀华; 张江丽; 高亮
    • 摘要: 水稻是重要的粮食作物,本文构建一种筛选直播水稻品种简便快速的方法,在5cm水深条件测定不同水稻品种生长11天根和胚芽鞘长度,从而筛选出高耐低氧能力的种质资源,可为直播水稻提供新的品种.
    • 刘雪丽; 王新华; 俞小牧; 庞美霞; 童金苟
    • 摘要: Hypoxia is one of the major stresses in aquaculture animals.Bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis) is one of the most important aquaculture fish in China,which is sensitive to hypoxia stress,and the related genetic research is rarely reported.In this study,six hypoxia-sensitive samples (S group) and six hoypoxia-tolerant samples (T group) from a hypoxia stress experiment of bighead carp were selected,and differentially expressed genes between the two groups were analyzed using cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP) technique.A total of 10 571 transcript-derived fragments (TDFs) were obtained from 256 primer combinations of the EcoR Ⅰ and Mse Ⅰ AFLP system,and the number of TDFs produced by a single primer combination ranged from 21 to 63,with an average of 41.Four types of differential straps were screened in the hypoxia stress experiment of bighead carp,including A (up-regulated band),B (down-regulated band),C (the fragment only expressed in one sample) and D (the fragment expressed in all samples),and bands of types A and B were chosen as target bands.Among those 221 differentially expressed TDFs between two groups,137 (62%) were up-regulated,and 84 (38%) were down-regulated.70 TDFs were successfully cloned and sequenced,and the length of fragments ranged from 96 to 402 bp.The results of sequence blast against public databases revealed that 29 TDFs (TDF42~TDF70) had no hits to any known homologous sequences,9 TDFs.(TDF33~TDF41) were unknown functional sequences,and 32 TDFs (TDF1~TDF32) showed homology to genes of known functions.Among the 32 differentially expressed TDFs,TDF29 and TDF32 sequences were different but both encoded the same protein (S-adenosylmethionine synthase).These functional genes participated in such physiological pathways as transcriptional regulation (16%),stress and signal transduction (9%),energy metabolism (7%),protein synthesis (4%),immune defense (4%) and cell proliferation (6%).Four TDFs with the genes of known functions (ANXA6,TRIM25,Tnp and RBAT) were randomly selected for verification by qRT-PCR analysis.For ANXA6,TRIM25 and Tnp,the expression patterns from qRT-PCR were consistent with those from AFLP analysis,while the expression pattern of RBAT was different in two methods.The results of this study would facilitate revealing molecular mechanism of genetic regulation responsible to hypoxia stress in bighead carp,and they would also provide useful information for potential gene (marker)-assisted selection towards hypoxia-tolerant variety in aquaculture of this species.%低氧是水产养殖动物面临的主要胁迫之一.鳙(Hypophthalmichth ys nobilis)是我国最重要的淡水养殖鱼类之一,其对低氧胁迫敏感,但相关的遗传基础研究报道很少.本研究利用cDNA-扩增片段长度多态性(cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism,cDNA-AFLP)技术对低氧敏感和低氧耐受两组鱼进行比较分析,鉴定鳙与低氧反应相关的信号通路中的差异表达基因.从EcoR Ⅰ和Mse Ⅰ AFLP体系的256个引物组合共获得10 571条转录衍生片段(transcript-derived fragments,TDFs).其中,低氧胁迫后差异表达的TDFs数目为221个,包括上调表达137个(62%),下调表达84个(38%).对70个差异TDFs成功地进行了切胶回收、PCR产物克隆和测序,序列比对分析后发现:29个TDFs在数据库中未检索到同源序列;9个TDFs比对到未知功能序列;32个TDFs比对到已知生物学功能的序列,其功能包括转录调控、应激和信号转导、能量代谢、蛋白质合成、免疫防御以及细胞生长与增殖.随机选取4个己知功能的TDFs(ANXA6、TRIM25、Tnp和RBAT)进行qRT-PCR验证,结果显示:ANXA6、TRIM25和Tnp在低氧胁迫后的表达模式与AFLP分析结果一致,RBAT与AFLP结果不一致.本研究结果有助于揭示鳙应对低氧逆境的生理和遗传调控机制,同时对鳙抗逆品种的分子标记辅助选育也有一定的参考价值.
    • 肖叶青; 章禄标; 罗世友; 胡兰香; 邬文昌; 陈明亮; 陈大洲
    • 摘要: 将“东野/栽培稻”杂交后代不同品系的种子直接播种在20 cm水深的量筒内,然后分别在15°C和30°C恒温条件下进行处理.结果筛选出在低氧条件下具有萌发整齐度高、受温度变化影响较小和芽鞘伸长能力较强等特点的品系“907676-1”,可供在直播水稻品种的遗传改良中应用.%The different strains seeds of hybrid offspring from " Dongxiang wild rice/cultivated rice" were directly sowed into 20 cm deep water at two different constant temperatures (15 °C and 30°C). Finally, we found that under low oxygen condition, "907676 - 1" had high germination uniformity, little influence by temperature changes, and strong bud - sheath elongation ability, therefore it could be used for the genetic improvement of direct - sowing rice.
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