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烟草烟污染的相关文献在1999年到2021年内共计92篇,主要集中在预防医学、卫生学、药学、内科学 等领域,其中期刊论文92篇、专利文献144496篇;相关期刊44种,包括中华健康管理学杂志、中华预防医学杂志、结核病与肺部健康杂志等; 烟草烟污染的相关文献由371位作者贡献,包括马太芳、李光耀、杨功焕等。



论文:92 占比:0.06%


论文:144496 占比:99.94%





  • 马太芳
  • 李光耀
  • 杨功焕
  • 郑频频
  • 马少俊
  • 刘婷
  • 华一明
  • 叶天民
  • 吴烨青
  • 周敏
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 苗佳宁; 丛艳飞; 李芳; 娄毅; 王莉莉
    • 摘要: 目的 探索P2RX7和组蛋白修饰变化在曲古抑菌素A(TSA)抑制NLRP3缓解烟草烟雾(CS)暴露所致的小鼠卵巢损伤过程中的作用.方法 通过CS暴露30 d方法制备小鼠卵巢损伤模型,给予TSA进行治疗;HE染色观察各组小鼠卵巢组织形态;Western blot技术检测各组小鼠卵巢组织组蛋白去乙酰化酶(HDAC)1、HDAC2、NLR家族Pyrin域蛋白3(NLRP3)、P2RX7、Zeste同源物增强子2(EZH2)表达以及H3K4me1、H3K4me2、H3K27me3和H3K9ac总的修饰水平变化.结果 与control组相比,CS组小鼠卵巢总体积减小,卵泡总数减少,卵巢皮质发生萎缩,TSA可有效抑制CS暴露引起的小鼠卵巢组织形态结构改变.CS组小鼠卵巢组织中HDAC1、HDAC2、NLRP3和P2RX7表达水平较control组明显升高,TSA有效抑制了CS暴露激活的小鼠卵巢组织HDAC1、HDAC2及焦亡相关蛋白NLRP3和P2RX7的表达(P<0.05).CS暴露后小鼠卵巢组织总H3K4me1、H3K4me2和H3K9ac表达水平明显升高,TSA有效抑制了CS暴露诱导的小鼠卵巢组织总H3K4me1、H3K4me2和H3K9ac的表达上调(P<0.05).结论 P2RX7和组蛋白修饰变化参与CS暴露所致的卵巢NLRP3炎性小体的激活以及TSA缓解卵巢损伤的过程.
    • 胡婕; 杨蓉; 李丹琳; 万宇辉; 徐慧琼; 汪珊珊; 张诗晨
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨健康素养和二手烟暴露对中学生心理病理症状的交互作用.方法 2015年11月至2016年1月采用多阶段整群方便抽样方法,在辽宁沈阳、安徽蚌埠、河南新乡、内蒙古乌兰察布、重庆和广东阳江等6个城市抽取22 628名中学生进行问卷调查,调查基本情况、健康素养、二手烟暴露及心理病理症状等.采用多因素logistic回归模型分析健康素养和二手烟暴露对中学生心理病理症状的交互作用.结果 调查对象年龄为(15.36±1.79)岁,其中男生10990名,占48.6%.调查对象心理病理症状检出率为29.1%(6 581/22 628).二手烟暴露者心理病理症状检出率为38.1%(2 401/6 304),高于无二手烟暴露者[25.6%(4 180/16 324)] (P<0.001).总体健康素养中、低水平,健康素养人际关系维度低水平与二手烟暴露的交互作用项的OR (95%CI)值分别为1.19(1.15~1.24)、2.00(1.92~2.10)和1.59(1.52~1.66).结论 总体健康素养中、低水平,健康素养人际关系维度低水平均与二手烟暴露对中学生心理病理症状发生存在正交互作用.
    • 鲁邦华; 蔡欣荣; 黄琼; 蔡德慧; 向阳
    • 摘要: 目的 研究被动吸烟对RA自身抗体的产生及疾病活动、远期预后的影响.方法 收集湖北民族大学附属民大医院住院部的RA患者233例,进行问卷调查,包括记录患者性别、年龄、病程、工作环境、居住环境、吸烟时间年限及既往吸烟时间年限、每天吸烟量、长期接触吸烟人数及共同生活及工作时间年限.并记录RA患者的关节肿胀数、关节压痛数、实验室指标(抗CCP抗体、RF、ESR、CRP).计算疾病活动评分[DAS28、简化的疾病活动指数(SDAI)、临床疾病活动指数(CDAI)]和改良的van der Heijde-Sharp评分(Sharp)评分.研究采用单因素方差分析、非参数秩和检验,Spearman相关分析进行统计学分析.结果 初治RA患者中,被动吸烟者的抗CCP抗体、RF、CDAI明显高于不吸烟者(80±75,t=1.965,P=0.047;102±72,t=3.025,P=0.008;31±15,t=2.129,P=0.037),吸烟者的抗CCP抗体、RF、ESR、CRP、DAS28、SDAI、CDAI均明显高于不吸烟者[90±81,t=2.223,P=0.030;134±85,t=3.885,P=0.000;79±39,t=2.215,P=0.037;52.40 (25.00,89.31),P=0.010;6.6±1.3,t=3.405,P=0.003;104±73,t=2.727,P=0.004;33±14,t=2.698,P=0.011].复治RA患者中,被动吸烟者的DAS28、CDAI评分高于不吸烟者(33±14,t=3.025,P=0.005;28±15,t=2.729,P=0.013),吸烟者的DAS28、SDAI、CDAI评分明显高于不吸烟者(6.3±1.7,t=3.602,P=0.000;92±70,t=1.968,P=0.045;33±17,t=3.565,P=0.001).吸烟、被动吸烟、不吸烟患者之间Sharp评分差异无统计学意义,Sharp评分与病程呈正相关(r=0.532,P=0.000).结论 暴露于被动吸烟同吸烟一样会影响抗体的产生和疾病活动,即使经过正规治疗后这种影响仍然存在.关节影像学毁损情况与病程密切相关.
    • 厉莎; 王赵伟; 吴承龙
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨大鼠哺乳期环境烟草烟雾(environmental tobacco smoking,ETS)暴露对实验性自身免疫性脑脊髓炎(experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis,EAE)发病的远期影响.方法 将36只SD乳鼠随机分成ETS-EAE(n=12)、ETS-假手术组(n=6)、空气-EAE组(n=12)和空气-假手术组(n=6).于SD乳鼠出生后第2~21天,ETS-EAE组和ETS-假手术组给予ETS暴露,空气-EAE组(n=12)和空气-假手术组给予空气暴露.于SD乳鼠出生第11周时,采用豚鼠脊髓匀浆与完全福氏佐剂(CFA)混合乳液免疫诱导制备EAE模型,假手术组给予无菌生理盐水与CFA混合乳剂.从造模当天开始每天对大鼠进行神经系统行为学评分;于造模后第10、15、20天进行血浆 γ 干扰素(IFN-γ)水平测定;第20天时处死大鼠,通过HE染色和LFB染色定性分析脊髓中枢病理学改变.结果 ETS-EAE组大鼠神经系统行为学最高评分(3.58±0.37)、累积评分(27.25±3.41)及中枢病理HE评分(2.67±0.41)均高于其余组(均P<0.05);中枢神经系统炎性反应细胞数及脱髓鞘程度经定性分析较其他组升高;ETS-EAE组第10、15、20天血浆IFN-γ 水平高于ETS-假手术组(均P<0.05);ETS-EAE组第15天血浆IFN-γ 水平高于空气-EAE组(P<0.05).结论 大鼠哺乳期ETS暴露可增加血浆IFN-γ水平,加重脊髓脱髓鞘程度及中枢炎性反应细胞浸润程度,加重成年后大鼠EAE发病.
    • 周晋萌; 刘虎; 韩婷姣; 马丽娟; 王锐英
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨不同饲养方式和烟草烟雾暴露所致肺气肿与动脉粥样硬化形成的关系及可能的机制.方法 将48只大鼠按烟草烟雾暴露与否和不同饲养方式数字抽签随机均分为普通饲料+烟草烟雾暴露组、高脂饲料+烟草烟雾暴露组、限制摄入+烟草烟雾暴露组、普通饲料组、高脂饲料组和限制摄入组(各8只).24周后测大鼠Lee's指数,酶联免疫吸附法测血清肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)和脂联素水平,显微镜下测肺组织平均内衬间隔(MLI)和平均肺泡数,观察主动脉粥样硬化病理学改变,免疫组化法测主动脉血管内皮生长因子(V EG F)和骨形态发生蛋白2(BM P-2)水平.结果 烟草烟雾暴露及高脂、限制饲养方式组大鼠肺气肿明显.镜下观察主动脉,非烟草烟雾暴露组无动脉粥样硬化,烟草烟雾暴露组可见早期动脉粥样硬化改变.烟草烟雾暴露和不同饲养方式对血清脂联素有交互作用(F=10.68,P<0.05),烟草烟雾暴露组主动脉VEGF和BMP-2水平均与MLI、血清TNF-α和IL-6水平呈正相关,与肺泡数呈负相关(r值分别为0.431、0.471、0.448、0.449、0.428、0.447、-0.411、-0.442;均P<0.05).结论 烟草烟雾暴露和不同饲养方式均可影响肺气肿形成,肺气肿严重程度与动脉粥样硬化程度呈正相关,系统性炎症反应可能参与其中.%Objective To explore the relationship and its mechanism of emphysema induced by different ways of rearing and tobacco smoke exposure with the atherosclerosis formation. Methods Forty-eight SD rats were randomly divided into 6 groups (n= 8 ,each):a normal diet + tobacco smoke exposure (TSE) group ,a fat-rich diet + TSE group ,a limit intake + TSE group ,a normal diet group ,a fat-rich diet group ,and a limit intake group for 24 weeks. Lee's index ,serum tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) ,interleukin-6 (IL-6 ) ,adiponectin (APN ) levels ,mean linear intercept (MLI) ,mean alveoli number (MAN) ,the aortic pathology change ,vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) of aorta ,and bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) level were collected. Results Tobacco smoke exposure ,fat-rich diet ,and limit intake increased the severity of emphysema. The microscopic features of aorta showed an early atherosclerosis in the tobacco smoke exposure groups , but no atherosclerosis in the non-smoking groups. Interactions between tobacco smoke exposure and different ways of rearing on serum APN level (F= 10.68 ,P< 0.05) were found.In the tobacco smoke exposure groups ,Pearson correlation analysis showed positive correlations of aortic VEGF and BMP-2 levels with MLI ,serum TNF-α and IL-6 levels (r= 0.431 ,0.471 ,0 ,448 ,0.449 ,0.428 , 0.447 ,all P<0.05) ,and an negative correlation with MAN (r= -0.411 ,-0.442 ,P<0.05). Conclusions Both tobacco smoke exposure and different ways of rearing can influence the formation of emphysema. There is a positive correlation between the severities of emphysema and atherosclerosis , and systemic inflammation may be involved.
    • 刘阳; 杨功焕; 万霞
    • 摘要: A substantial amount of data suggested that exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) could cause cardiovascular diseases and acute coronary events in nonsmoking adults. In order to protect the public from SHS, more and more countries and regions across the world have enacted and implemented smoke-free legislations. Developed countries, such as USA, Canada, the Great Britain, Ireland, Italy and Spain, have carried out many studies to analyze the effects of smoke-free legislations on the hospital admission, incidence and mortality of cardiovascular diseases with the purpose of confirming the health benefits of the smoking ban and promoting the conduct of the ban. We searched PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, Cochrane Library,China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI),WANFANG databaseto summarize the study designs, evaluating indicators, statistical methods and results of these studies to provide reference for evaluating smoke-free legislations in inland cities in China.%二手烟暴露可导致非吸烟者心血管病的发生和急性发作.为保护公众免于公共场所二手烟暴露,全球很多国家和地区颁布了无烟立法.美国、加拿大、英国、爱尔兰、意大利、西班牙等发达国家研究了无烟立法对心血管病的入院、发病以及死亡的影响,以证实无烟立法的健康效益,推动立法的有效执行.本文检索了PubMed、EMBASE、Web of Science、Cochrane Library、中国知网、万方数据库,对相关研究中的设计方法、评估指标、统计分析方法、研究结果等方面进行综述,为我国评估无烟立法健康效益提供参考.
    • 徐越; 徐水洋; 吴青青; 吕巧红; 郝刚
    • 摘要: Objective To understand the prevalence of tobacco use among college students in different populations by sex,age and major,and to provide evidence for smoking control and health decision.Methods A total of 4 638 college students selected in 21 colleges through stratified multi-stage cluster sampling from Zhejiang Province were surveyed by using questionnaire analysis.Indicators such as tried smoking,current smoking,and secondhand smoke exposure,etc.,were calculated by weight on age proportions from the numbers of college students in Zhejiang.Results The prevalence of tried smoking and currcut smoking among college students were 29.72% and 10.57%,respectively.The prevalence of tried smoking was 46.52% for men,18.25% for women;28.57% for undergraduate,31.53% for junior college;the prevalence of current smoking was 18.86% for men,3.86% for women;8.88% for undergraduate,13.23% for junior college students.The snoking rate in college students increased with age,the group of "≥21 Years" was the highest (37.87%,16.09%).The lowest level of smoking was medical student (21.76%,2.19%).The prevalence of secondhand smoke exposure in outdoor and indoor places,and dormitory among students were 65.49%,60.33%,and 23.66%,respectively.In the past 30 days,college students have seen tobacco advertisement (47.38%),smoking scenes (60.20%),and got tobacco related gifts (10.40%),free tobacco products (8.93%);college students have seen information about tobacco control (60.50%),cigarette pack warning labels (58.45%),and learned the tobacco knowledge in class in the past 12 months (14.03%).Conclusion Current prevalence of smoking in college students in Zhejiang province remained at a high level,the rate of secondhand smoke exposure is high and in college students there was lack of tobacco control education in class.The results indicated that the policy about tobacco control in school was not enough and the task of health promotion should be taken more arduously.%目的 描述浙江省大学生烟草使用的流行水平及其不同性别、年龄、专业分布特点,判断烟草流行变化趋势,为控制烟草使用提供科学依据.方法 采用多阶段整群抽样方法抽取浙江省21所学校共计4 638名在校大学生进行问卷调查,采用频数统计、复杂抽样的卡方检验分析大学生的尝试吸烟率、现在吸烟率、二手烟暴露等指标,这些数据被用来估算浙江省大学生人群的烟草流行现况.结果 浙江省大学生尝试和现在吸烟率分别为29.72%和10.57%;男生的尝试和现在吸烟率分别为46.52%和18.86%,均高于女生(18.25%,3.86%);本科生尝试和现在吸烟率分别为28.57%和8.88%,均低于大专生(31.53%,13.23%);大学生的现在吸烟率随着年龄的增加有上升的趋势,其中“≥21岁”年龄组大学生尝试和现在吸烟率最高(37.87%,l6.09%);医学生在各专业大学生中的尝试和现在吸烟率最低(21.76%,2.19%).浙江省大学生在3类场所看到有人吸烟的比例有所不同,由高到低依次为:室外公共场所(65.49%)、室内公共场所(60.33%)和寝室(23.66%).在过去30 d内,分别有47.38%、60.20%、10.40%、8.93%的大学生看到过烟草广告、在视频媒体上看到吸烟镜头、拥有印有烟草品牌标志的物品、拿到过免费烟草产品;分别有60.50%、58.45%、14.03%的大学生看到过控烟信息、烟包警语、在课堂上学过控烟知识.结论 浙江省大学生烟草使用流行趋势不容乐观,需要落实校园的室内外公共场所控烟制度,推进无烟环境的建设;开设大学生控烟相关知识和技能课程,加强烟草危害健康知识的传播力度和深度.
    • 胡鹏娟; 李婧涵; 刘朝; 李天庆; 肖丹
    • 摘要: Objective To understand the knowledge,attitude and behavior on health hazards of haze and secondhand smoke exposure among middle school students in Beijing,and provide us with guidance to carry out effective health education for middle school students.Methods A total of 1 294 students were selected randomly using stratified cluster sampling method;1 085 valid questionnaires were recovered.Among them,739 were junior high school students and 346 were senior high school students.The questionnaire included questions on middle school students' knowledge on haze and secondhand smoke exposure,their attitudes towards the judgement of severity of haze and secondhand smoke exposure and their utilization of protective measures when they are exposed to haze or secondhand smoke.Pearson's chi-squared test was performed to assess differences in knowledge,attitude and behavior between junior middle school students and senior high school students,boys and girls.Results Middle-school students' awareness rate on "the haze and exposure to secondhand smoke may cause respiratory disease" was the highest,which was 93.55% and 95.76% respectively.The awareness rate of the fact that haze,secondhand smoke exposure can cause cardiovascular disease was 38.99% and 55.85% respectively;while the rate of their awareness on the haze and exposure to secondhand smoke can lead to cancer was the lowest,which was 54.10% and 69.95% respectively.The differences was significant in the awareness rate of the fact that respiratory disease,cardio-cerebrovascular disease and cancer can be caused by the haze (x2=732.539,P<0.05),likewise the differences were significant in the awareness rate of the above three kinds of diseases can be caused by secondhand smoke exposure (x2=460.291,P<0.05).In the comparison between the severity of haze and smoking hazards,35.94% of students believe that haze hazards is heavier than tobacco;48.02% of the students think that the dangers of smoking is greater than haze;16.04% of the students cannot determine the extent of damage of the haze and smoke.The proportion of students who think smoking was more harmful than haze was higher in junior high school group than in senior high school group.The two groups had a significant difference in the understanding of the severity comparison between haze and smoking (x2=13.014,P<0.05).The differences between boys and girls in the view of the severity comparison between haze and smoking are also statistically significant,more boys believed smoking was more harmful than haze (x2=9.650,P<0.05).In the aspect of protection from haze and secondhand smoke exposure,86.36% of the students would like to protect themselves from haze,while 55.94% of the students would take measures to prevent the secondhand smoke exposure initiatively,the junior high school students performed better than the senior high school students in this two aspects(x2=17.125,P<0.05;x2=45.785,P<0.05).Conclusion While middle school students have a certain understanding of the impact of haze and secondhand smoke exposure on health hazards,their understanding is limited.They have not paid enough attention to the harm of secondhand smoke exposure and their awareness of active refusal to secondhand smoke exposure needs to be improved.Schools should strengthen the health education for students and educate them not only to stay away from haze but also should be far away from secondhand smoke exposure.%目的 了解北京市某中学学生对雾霾与二手烟暴露对健康造成危害的知识、态度、行为,进而为对该人群开展有效的健康教育提供指导依据.方法 采用分层整群抽样的方法,在北京市某中学随机抽取1 294名中学生进行问卷调查,最终收回有效问卷1 085份,其中初中学生739名,高中学生346名.问卷内容包括中学生对雾霾与二手烟暴露相关知识的知晓情况、对雾霾与吸烟危害程度对比所持的态度以及对雾霾与二手烟暴露的防护措施采取情况.利用Pearson卡方检验评估初、高中学生以及男生、女生之间的知识、态度与行为差异.结果 该校中学生对雾霾与二手烟暴露能够引发呼吸系统疾病的知晓率最高,分别为93.55%与95.76%;对雾霾、二手烟暴露可引发心脑血管疾病的知晓率分别为38.99%与55.85%;对二者能够引起肿瘤的知晓率最低,分别为54.1%与69.95%,对雾霾可引发呼吸系统疾病、心脑血管疾病与肿瘤这三类疾病的知晓率差异具有统计学意义(x2=732.539,P<0.05);对二手烟暴露可引发上述三类疾病的知晓率差异也具有统计学意义(x2=460.291,P<0.05).在雾霾与吸烟对健康危害严重程度对比上,35.94%的学生认为雾霾的危害比烟草危害重;48.02%的学生认为吸烟的危害比雾霾的危害大;16.04%的学生不确定两者的危害程度.初中组中认为吸烟比雾霾危害大的学生比例高于高中组,两组在雾霾与吸烟对健康危害严重程度对比的认识上差异有统计学意义(x2=13.014,P<0.05).男生与女生对雾霾与吸烟对健康危害严重程度对比的认识差异也有统计学意义,男生中认为吸烟比雾霾危害大的学生比例高于女生(x2=9.650,P<0.05).在雾霾与二手烟暴露防护方面,主动拒绝雾霾、二手烟暴露的中学生比例分别为86.36%、55.94%.与高中生相比,初中生在雾霾与二手烟暴露防护方面做的更好(x2=17.125,P<0.05;x2=45.785,P<0.05).结论中学生对雾霾与二手烟暴露对健康危害的影响有一定的了解,但是了解程度不全面与深入,对“二手烟暴露”的危害重视程度不足;主动拒绝二手烟暴露的意识有待提高,建议学校加强开展健康教育,教育中学生不仅要远离“雾霾”,也要远离“二手烟”.
    • 杨运运; 徐计秀; 王璟琦; 赵阳; 廖继强; 吴建军
    • 摘要: 目的 通过使大鼠被动吸烟,研究大鼠睾丸结构变化与血清抑制素B之间相互关系,从而为血清抑制素B在临床中的应用提供理论基础.方法 选择8周龄健康雄性SD大鼠30只,体重150~180 g,随机分为吸烟组、戒烟组、对照组,将各组动物分别置于自制熏箱中造模,造模成功后,使用酶联免疫吸附实验检测各组大鼠血清抑制素B水平,采用HE染色后光镜下观察睾丸结构,研究两者关系.结果 血清抑制素B:吸烟组与戒烟组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);吸烟组与8周对照组比较差异非常显著,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);戒烟组与12周对照组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).对照组睾丸组织中生精上皮基膜完整.戒烟组睾丸生精上皮基膜变薄,各级生精细胞减少,支持细胞问紧密连接减弱,间质细胞减少.吸烟组生精上皮层次变薄、基膜破裂溶解,支持细胞间紧密连接明显减弱,细胞间隙增大,间质水肿,间质细胞进一步减少.结论 被动吸烟会导致睾丸结构出现不同程度病理改变;被动吸烟使血清抑制素B水平下降;被动吸烟可以导致睾丸生精功能降低;血清抑制素B检测对临床评估睾丸生精功能具有重要意义.
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