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湿压缩的相关文献在1994年到2022年内共计89篇,主要集中在能源与动力工程、机械、仪表工业、一般工业技术 等领域,其中期刊论文61篇、会议论文6篇、专利文献216128篇;相关期刊35种,包括哈尔滨商业大学学报(自然科学版)、应用科技、哈尔滨工程大学学报等; 相关会议5种,包括2012年中国工程热物理学会热机气动热力学学术年会、中国航空学会第七届动力年会、中国航空学会轻型燃气轮机专业第四次学术交流会等;湿压缩的相关文献由172位作者贡献,包括孙聿峰、李淑英、陶乐仁等。



论文:61 占比:0.03%


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论文:216128 占比:99.97%





  • 孙聿峰
  • 李淑英
  • 陶乐仁
  • 林枫
  • 由雪琴
  • 董斌
  • 虞中旸
  • 于尔根·霍夫曼
  • 古斯塔夫·哈格斯特伦
  • 托尔斯滕·瓦斯穆特
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 霍东方; 张子健; 何娟; 邓清华; 李军; 丰镇平
    • 摘要: 湿压缩技术是提升现代高性能燃气轮机输出功率与效率的主要手段之一。综述了国内外燃气轮机湿压缩技术的研究进展与应用状况,阐述了湿压缩过程中液滴蒸发特性、运动规律、与固壁作用机制、与空气传热传质机理以及液滴参数对压气机总体性能和稳定运行范围的影响规律等,同时对燃气轮机湿压缩系统、雾化方法、喷嘴结构以及系统应用状况进行了相关论述与分析。基于当前研究热点和发展趋势,结合作者对燃气轮机领域各种技术的持续关注,提出了压气机整机湿压缩全三维数值模拟与实验测量、液滴迁移与蒸发规律、湿压缩各主要部件性能匹配方法、喷嘴雾化各影响因素间的关系四个应重点关注的研究方向。
    • 崔凯; 闫志男; 胡锡文; 夏国正; 邓庆锋
    • 摘要: 为进一步适应高超声速飞行器的动力需求,根据现有燃气轮机循环特性,通过降低涡轮发动机压气机中的气流温度,提升发动机总体性能以适应更高的飞行速度.本文基于两相流动模型,根据进气道总压恢复系数,计算经验公式,求得高马赫数下压气机进口条件,通过模化理论对高空条件下的喷水冷却湿压缩过程进行了数值分析,探索了两相流动对压气机的内部流场及其性能的影响.研究表明:对于同一燃气轮机,通过喷水冷却,可以有效控制压气机压缩过程的温度升高,在25km高空以3.5Mach飞行时温度下降最高可达100K.喷水会改变压气机内部流场.对比发现,喷水后压气机动叶内的激波后移,激波后动叶叶背分离加大,同时由于离心力作用水滴集中在叶尖处,这引起了更大径向分布不均匀性.模拟结果表明,越小的喷雾直径,其湿压缩效果更好.
    • 张苏韩; 黄理浩; 陶乐仁
    • 摘要: 针对空气源热泵吸气带液问题,通过调节电子膨胀阀开度改变压缩机吸气口制冷剂状态,研究了四种不同调控工况对系统性能和参数的影响,分析不同调控工况下系统性能的变化.实验结果表明:较大的电子膨胀阀开度可提高蒸发压力和制冷剂质量流量,从而改善系统性能,但这不是湿压缩所产生的影响,相反后期大量的吸气带液会导致系统性能降低;吸气带液可以有效降低压缩机排气温度,同时也会使单位制热量和比功降低;在实际运行过程中,应采取定过热度控制方法,且过热度应尽量小,但要避免压缩机吸气带液.
    • 李晓露; 甄仌; 李帅; 王雪婷; 樊博玮; 陈松松; 张健伟; 吴玉琴
    • 摘要: 在压缩式制冷系统中,湿压缩是一个较为常见的故障,操作人员对压缩机湿压缩严重时发生的液击故障非常惧怕,因此对于压缩机湿冲程特性的研究以及如何发展到液击的预警非常重要.借鉴中医的闻诊,通过对制冷系统在正常工作以及湿压缩工况下的压缩机噪声进行声音的采集,利用压缩机噪声特性的变化,诊断制冷系统的湿压缩故障.经实验测量分析故障前后噪声的声波明显发生变化,因此该方法可实现连续快速检测,且是一种很有前景的压缩机湿压缩故障检测方法.
    • 何俊; 陶乐仁; 虞中旸
    • 摘要: 针对R32制冷系统排气温度高的问题,课题组从系统性能、可行性等方面分析讨论了目前主流的4种方法(中间补气法、两级压缩法、喷液法以及湿压缩法)的优劣,建立了小型变流量冷水机组,采用湿压缩的方法来优化R32制冷系统压缩机排气温度过高的问题.研究结果表明:对于R32制冷系统,采用湿压缩的方法来降低排气温度为较好选择;滚动转子式压缩机的结构特性使得针对R32制冷系统的排气温度降低的问题有了很好的解决方案;标准空调工况下,湿压缩的方法可显著改善R32排气温度.实际工程中可通过控制压缩机吸气口干度值来降低R32的排气温度,获得最优系统性能系数.%For the problem of high exhaust temperature of R32 refrigeration system,the feasibility of the advantages and disadvantages of four methods of the current mainstream(second gas-injection,two-stage compression,liquid spray and wet compression) was analyzed and discussed from the aspects of system performance.A small variable flow chiller was set up,emphasizing the use of wet compression to optimize the exhaust temperature of the R32 refrigeration system.The results show that:the wet compression method is the best choice to reduce the exhaust temperature for R32 refrigeration system;the structural characteristics of the rolling rotor compressors make a good solution to the problem of the exhaust temperature of the R32 refrigeration system; under the condition of standard air conditioning, the wet compression method can significantly reduce the R32 exhaust temperature.In practical engineering,the exhaust temperature of R32 system can be reduced by controlling the suction dryness of the compressor, and the optimal system performance coefficient can be obtained.
    • 何俊; 陶乐仁; 虞中旸
    • 摘要: 针对R32制冷剂排气温度较高的问题,从多个角度探讨分析了改良压缩机排气温度的不同方法,并由此于理论上搭建了R32转子式制冷系统实验台,旨在证明探讨结论的有效性,实现工程中的助益性.结果表明:(1)高背压构造及自带气分的设计决定了转子式压缩机具有优秀的抗湿压缩能力,实验可通过控制压缩机吸气口干度在合理范围内来降低排气温度,且优化系统循环效率.(2)T-s图上钟形饱和线所对应的制冷剂其潜在的湿压缩能力及系统优化能力更大.(3)实验中通过改变电子膨胀阀开度来调节系统循环制冷剂流量,从而有效控制压缩机吸气口干度以达到降低排气温度的目的.%In view of the problem of high exhaust temperature of refrigerant R32,this paper discusses the method of improving the exhaust temperature of the compressor from different aspects. The purpose is to prove that the conclusion is effective and to help the actual project. The results showed that:(1) The design of rotary compressor with high backpressure,and the structure of the gas-liquid separator, these two designs determine its excellent resistance to wet compression. The experiment can reduce the exhaust temperature by controlling the suction dryness of the compressor in a reasonable range, and optimize the cycle efficiency of the system.(2) Refrigerants with Bell saturated lines on the T-s diagram have greater potential for wet compression and greater system optimization capability. (3) In the experiment, by adjusting the opening of the electronic expansion valve, the system can control the circulating refrigerant flow rate,thus effectively control the suction dryness of the compressor to achieve the purpose of reducing the exhaust temperature.
    • 何俊; 陶乐仁; 虞中旸
    • 摘要: 为了对压缩机热力性能进行优化,改善排气温度,提升VRF制冷系统循环稳定性,基于电子膨胀阀的调节特性,通过在变频工况下改变电子膨胀阀的开度进行了压缩机的不完全湿压缩循环试验研究.实验结果表明:较低频率下的电子膨胀阀可调范围较小,但压缩机少量吸气带液可对调节难度略有改善;此外,吸气带液阶段的压缩机电效率与容积效率仅下降约0.1%,而排气温度改善效果显著.
    • 步刚; 王学军
    • 摘要: 本文对制冷系统中节流阀的两种控制方法—压缩机吸气过热度控制和压缩机排气过热度控制进行了详细的对比和分析,提出了一种更精确、更有效的控制方法,它对提高整个制冷系统的COP、降低系统能耗有着重要意义.
    • 柴柏青; 徐国印; 郑群; 张海; 贾兴运; 田志涛
    • 摘要: 湿压缩过程中水滴的喷入对压气机性能具有显著影响.为了研究水滴在压气机内的运动情况,对单级轴流压气机的湿压缩过程进行了数值分析.结果表明,水滴在压气机内主要受气流拖拽力的作用,雷诺数与韦伯数整体较小,发生振荡破碎的可能性较大,并且集中于转子叶前缘附近;湿压缩过程中会有水滴撞击叶片,不仅对水滴的运动破碎产生影响,还会造成叶片的附加载荷;较小的水滴颗粒传热传质效果较好,湍流波动强度较弱,对气流造成的粘性损失较小.所以,湿压缩效果需要综合考虑水滴产生的蒸发冷却、阻力损失与撞击作用的影响,选取较小的水滴颗粒和适当的喷雾量.%Water injection exerts an obvious influence on the performance of compressors during wet compression.Wet compression was numerically simulated using a single-stage axial compressor to study the motion of water droplets in a compressor.Results showed that water droplets in a compressor are mainly controlled by drag forces and that the Reynolds and Weber numbers of these droplets are low.Water droplets are most likely to break up in a model of vibrational breakup,and the break-up phenomenon mainly occurs around the leading edge of rotor blades.Some water droplets impact the blade during wet compression.Impingement of water droplets on the blade not only influences the motion and breakup of water droplets but also increases the load on the blade.The mass and heat transfer effects generated by smaller water droplets are better than those produced by larger ones,and the intensity of turbulent fluctuation is weaker,leading to lower viscosity loss.Considering the evaporation cooling,resistance loss,and impact effects produced by water droplets,small droplets and the proper amount of water injection should be chosen to minimize negative effects during wet compression.
    • 冯海; 臧润清; 孙志利
    • 摘要: In order to solve the problem of the probable wet compression and temperature fluctuation of cold storage after liquid refrigerant defrosting operation,the method of fan delayed running is proposed.Taking the delayed time of fan running as a variable parameter,the experiment has conducted under the condition of-20 °C cold storage temperature and 3 kg weight of frost with the delayed time of fan running from 0 s to 180 s after the finish of defrost.The system parameters such as temperature fluctuation of cold storage after the finish of defrosts,defrosting time and the suction parameters of the compressor after system returning to work are analyzed and compared for different delay time of fan running.The result shows that running the fan without delay after defrosting,the cold storage temperature will sudden rise 5 °C and wet compression occurs for the first 4 min after refrigeration is resumed;the best delay time of fan running is 140 s to 180 s after defrosting and the rise of temperature in cold storage is 3 °C lower than that in the condition without fan delaying,and the temperature fluctuation of cold storage is within 5 °C.The defrosting time is about 12 min,and the probable wet compression is completely avoided after refrigeration system returns to work.%为解决制冷剂除霜系统融霜结束后可能发生的压缩机湿压缩和库温波动问题,本文在库温-20°C、结霜量3 kg工况下,以风机延时开启的时间为变量,对除霜结束后风机延时开启0 ~180 s进行单一变量的实验研究.从除霜结束后的库温波动、除霜时间、系统恢复制冷后压缩机吸气状态方面,比较分析风机延时不同时间开启对系统运行特性的影响.结果表明:除霜结束不延时开启风机,库温将突升5°C,并且恢复制冷的前4 min,压缩机存在湿压缩问题;除霜结束风机延时开启的最佳时间为140~ 180s,此时库温升高比风机不延时开启情况降低3°C,总库温波动在5 cc以内,除霜时间在12 min左右,且除霜结束恢复制冷时有效避免了压缩机可能出现的湿压缩问题.
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