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水盐平衡的相关文献在1985年到2022年内共计95篇,主要集中在农业工程、农业基础科学、水利工程 等领域,其中期刊论文84篇、会议论文6篇、专利文献319999篇;相关期刊67种,包括读写算(教育教学研究)、四川体育科学、生理科学进展等; 相关会议6种,包括2010年促进中部崛起专家论坛、中国农业工程学会2007年学术年会、中国水利学会水资源专业委员会2007年学术年会等;水盐平衡的相关文献由192位作者贡献,包括董新光、罗纨、贾忠华等。



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  • 董新光
  • 罗纨
  • 贾忠华
  • 钟瑞森
  • 刘建刚
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  • 杨劲松
  • 陈小兵
  • 周宏飞
  • 何茹
  • 期刊论文
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  • 专利文献




    • 陈旭; 詹泽荣; 弓耘; 郭聪聪; 张明亮
    • 摘要: 近年来辽河口出现了水体污染、湿地退化等生态环境问题,导致潮滩典型盐沼植被翅碱蓬退化。基于2017—2020年辽河口潮滩湿地盐度、滩涂沉积质盐度等数据,结合遥感影像数据,解析辽河口湿地翅碱蓬退化的主要原因。结果表明:与2017—2019年相比,2020年辽河口潮滩翅碱蓬面积显著增大;2017—2020年越靠近辽河口潮滩南部区域,翅碱蓬长势越差,直至退化为光滩;潮滩翅碱蓬面积与水体盐度变化趋势相反,辽河口水体盐度变化显著影响翅碱蓬的生长;辽河口潮滩湿地污染物具有同源性,主要来自于上游河流输送,潮滩湿地水体水质小范围内变化不会危害翅碱蓬生长;辽河口潮滩下游区域沉积质盐度显著高于上游区域的,沉积质盐度过高将抑制翅碱蓬生长,因此可通过调控沉积质盐度的方式促进翅碱蓬生长与定植。
    • 胡晓仲
    • 摘要: 水中毒典型病理变化是实质性器官色浅肿大、组织细胞水肿甚至破裂,导致机体死亡.该病在临床并不常见,一旦发生,也会给养殖业带来较大损失,不能忽视.尤其是到炎热夏季,更要谨防畜禽水中毒的发生.
    • 陈瑾; 罗纨; 贾忠华; 张裕; 贺园春
    • 摘要: 江苏沿海垦区具有淡水资源短缺而雨水资源丰富的特点,建设人工排水系统可促进天然降雨对农田土壤盐分的淋洗效果,达到不同的脱盐目标。根据江苏省东台市62年的逐日气象资料,在验证排水模型-DRAINMOD模拟结果的基础上,进一步构建盐分动态模型,分析了不同暗管排水条件下土壤盐分变化过程,建立了研究区盐渍土脱盐效果与排水强度之间的关系。结果表明:DRAINMOD模型较好地预测了地下水位动态变化,所建立的盐分模型对土壤盐分预测值与实测值基本一致;土壤脱盐年限(N/a)与暗管埋深(D/m)及间距(S/m)间的关系可表述为N=11.872-7.385D+0.237S;在排水较好(暗管间距为30 m,埋深为1.2 m)的条件下,土壤的脱盐(100 m),土壤含盐量经过10年仍在重度(4~6 g/kg)范围内。因此,针对不同的脱盐目标,合理设置暗管排水系统,可加速沿海垦区土壤的脱盐过程,为当地农业生产提供可靠的土地资源。
    • 悦薇
    • 摘要: 牙龈鲜红色:胃火旺盛胃中实热之邪炽盛,胃气失和,胃火上炎,则会导致牙龈出现鲜红色,严重者还会出现牙龈出血。同时,伴有牙周或牙龈胀痛、舌苔黄厚、口干、脾气急等。专家建议:首先,胃火旺盛的人应作息规律,拒绝熬夜;其次,在饮食方面,一定要以清淡为主,多吃一些有助于降火的蔬菜、水果;再次,为了保持体内水盐平衡,一定要及时补充体内缺失的水分;最后,在日常生活中一定要管理好自己的情绪,不要随意乱发脾气,以一个乐观的心态面对生活当中遇到的问题,保持心情愉快。
    • 张义强; 白巧燕; 王会永
    • 摘要: 【目的】分析探讨河套灌区当前地下水适宜埋深、节水阈值和水盐平衡状况。【方法】采用数理统计的方法,对河套灌区1998—2018年的引黄用水量、地下水埋深、水盐平衡等资料进行统计分析。【结果】2016—2018年,灌区由黄河水带来的盐分每年平均约254万t;排入乌梁素海的盐份年均约106万t,每年约有148万t盐分滞留在灌区内,灌区土壤仍然处于连续积盐状态。由于引入和排出大量的生态水,乌梁素海排入黄河的盐分年均188万t,属于脱盐状态,乌梁素海水质持续改善。河套灌区地下水适宜开采量约为3.2亿~3.6亿m3/a,灌区近年地下水实际开采量2016年为2.1亿m3,2017年为2.4亿m3,2018年为2.15亿m3,目前灌区还有约1.5亿m3的地下水开采潜力。【结论】河套灌区目前地下水年均适宜埋深为1.8~2.5 m,认为灌区农业引黄水量下限(节水阈值)约为40亿m3,每年还应该引入3亿~4亿m3的生态用水,用于维持乌梁素海和灌区湖泊湿地的的生态环境。
    • 田长彦; 买文选; 赵振勇
    • 摘要: 现阶段新疆干旱区高强度水土资源开发,致使传统灌排水盐平衡模式难于维继;高效节水灌溉技术应用改变农田土壤水盐运移规律,需要创新调控理论与技术体系;传统盐碱地农业开发利用模式资源效率低、维持成本高,需要以生物修复技术为核心构建盐碱地高效率资源化利用模式.针对上述问题,在国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0501400)的资助下,通过机理研究、关键技术研发、产品研制、县域集成示范实现:(1)建立新疆干旱区现代水盐平衡调控理论,(2)创新干旱区盐碱地生态治理模式,(3)建成盐碱地产业化集成示范区,形成全产业链的盐碱地生态治理技术服务体系,(4)稳定一支以新疆相关单位为主体,国内优势单位参与的根植新疆的盐碱地生态治理队伍.
    • GONG Yanping; WANG Xusheng; HU B Xiao; ZHOU Yangxiao; HAO Chunbo; WAN Li
    • 摘要: Groundwater-fed lakes are essential for the ecology in arid and semiarid regions.As a typical arid region,the Badain Jaran Desert (BJD) is famous in the world for the presence of a large number of groundwater-fed saline lakes among the mega dunes.Based on the up to date geological surveys and observations,this study analyzed the groundwater contributions in water-salt balances of the lakes in the desert.We found different types of springs,including the sublacustrine springs that indicate an upward flow of groundwater under the lakebed.A simplified water balance model was developed to analyze the seasonal variations of water level in the Sumu Barun Jaran Lake,which revealed an approximately steady groundwater discharge in the lake and explained why the amplitude of seasonal changes in lake level is less than 0.5 m.In addition,a salt balance model was developed to evaluate the salt accumulations in the groundwater-fed lakes.The relative salt accumulation time is 800–7,000 years in typical saline lakes,which were estimated from the concentration of Cl-,indicating a long history evolution for the lakes in the BJD.Further researches are recommended to provide comprehensive investigations on the interactions between the lakes and groundwater in the BJD.
    • 李山; 罗纨; 贾忠华; 潘延鑫; 武迪; 张登科
    • 摘要: Many downstream irrigation areas are constructed with drainage ditches to prevent the potential threat of soil salinization; but the irrigation water supply to these areas can rarely be guaranteed due to their disadvantage of being located far away from the water source. It is critical for local agricultural development and environmental protection to find practical water management practice for crop production in these downstream irrigation areas. In this paper, we present an analytical study on salt and water exchange between drainage ditches and the farmlands in a downstream irrigation area, where the drainage ditches were periodically filled with a large amount of inflow (irrigation return flow and drainage water) from the upstream irrigation area. Due to its low elevation and poor drainage outlet of the study area, the drainage ditches originally built for salinity control now capacitate water storage for crop fields in the growing season; the high water level in the drainage ditches produced sub-irrigation effect on crop fields to meet some crop water requirement. To investigate the effect of reduced drainage intensity on salt and water balance in the crop fields, we employed the field hydrology model – DRAINMOD to predict the field water table fluctuations under subirrigation condition based on observed data from summer 2009 to fall 2010. Salt and water exchange between crop fields and drainage ditches was then calculated based on the predicted water table variations. The results showed that the water table depth in the study area was generally below 2 m, while the water level in the drainage ditches was generally higher; the salinity level in drainage ditches was much lower than the groundwater in the crop fields. The water table depth predicted by the DRAINMOD model agreed with the field measurements reasonably well; the average deviation was 3.29 cm, the mean absolute error was 8.6 cm, and the correlation coefficient was 0.97. With DRAINMOD simulations of water table depths in the crop fields and the measured water level changes in the drainage ditches, we calculated salt and water exchange between drainage ditches and the subirrigatd fields; the results showed that in one planting year, the drainage ditches received a total inflow water volume of 9.3 m3 per unit length; while considering the outflow from the drainage ditches, the net ditch storage was 5.5 m3 per unit length per annum. The calculated subsurface drainage was only 2.3 mm while the cumulative subirrigation water depth was 49 mm during the study period; subsurface drainage occurred only occasionally during some heavy rain and irrigation time period, the drainage ditches provided subirrigation to crop fields during the rest of the time due to the periodic inflow from the upstream irrigation area. Comparing with the crop evapotranspiration, the subirrigation water amount was relatively small, but the heightened water level in the drainage ditches reduced drainage intensity, resulting in less subsurface drainage in the growing season. The high water level in drainage ditches had positive effect on recharging the water table of the farm fields. The calculated salt load moved into fields with the subirrigation water was about 20 times of that lost with the subsurface drainage discharge, but the actual salinity in the field was much lower than the salt tolerance level of cotton, no significant salinity buildup was observed in the soil profile. Currently, the inflow from the upstream irrigation area had no negative impact on salt and water balance in the study area; instead, it alleviates the draught stress in the downstream irrigation area. The long-term effect of maintaining high water level in the drainage ditches on salt balance in the crop fields, however, needs further investigation.%因干旱和半干旱下游灌区地势较低,排水出路不畅,排水系统往往成为承泄区外来水(上游灌溉退水和排水)的蓄水场所,使排水沟水位高于农田地下水位,反渗补给农田地下水,作物利用部分排水以后,如何维持农田良性的水盐平衡成为下游灌区一个迫切需要解决的科学问题。该文基于农田水盐平衡原理,以陕西一半干旱区下游灌区为例,在实测资料的基础上,首先利用田间水文模型DRAINMOD模拟了排水沟蓄水条件下,农田水位变化情况,然后计算分析了农田与排水沟的水盐交换关系。结果表明:在一个完整的种植年内单位长度排水沟上累计承接区外来水量为9.3 m3,减去流出水量,累计蓄积区外来水量为5.5 m3,农田单位面积上反渗累计补给田间地下水量为49.2 mm;累计农田排水量仅为2.3 mm。与作物蒸散发相比,现状条件下补给量虽然较小,但对维持和补给农田地下水起到了一定的作用。所产生的补给作用虽然增加了排水沟内盐分向田间地下水中的运动,但作物利用地下水过程中根区没有出现严重的盐分累积,对田间地下水盐分浓度影响也不大。所以,通过合理调控措施,充分利用区外来水,可以提高水资源利用效率。但排水系统长期运行条件下,高水位对农田水盐平衡的影响尚需进一步研究。
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