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模型显示的相关文献在1992年到2022年内共计168篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、天文学、大气科学(气象学) 等领域,其中期刊论文58篇、专利文献659558篇;相关期刊53种,包括管理观察、环球科学、重庆科技学院学报(自然科学版)等; 模型显示的相关文献由343位作者贡献,包括夏宇翔、李韬、赵刚等。



论文:58 占比:0.01%


论文:659558 占比:99.99%





  • 夏宇翔
  • 李韬
  • 赵刚
  • 雅纳·马蒂亚斯·孔特卡宁
  • 任子健
  • 俞蔚
  • 倪政齐
  • 倪炜
  • 冯红光
  • 刘世荣
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 香农•哈尔; 董子晨曦(翻译)
    • 摘要: 在金星的硫酸云之下,是一个末曰般的世界:表面温度足以将金属铅熔化,压力足以碾碎重型机械。但是,这可能并不是金星的原貌。美国航天航空局戈达德空间研究所(NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies)的迈克尔.韦(Michael Way)曾和同事在2016做过一项实验,他们首次利用三维气候模型模拟了早期的金星。模型显示,这里曾经的气候可能十分温和,甚至存在液态水构成的广阔海洋。众所周知,液态水是生命形成的关键条件。
    • 王园园
    • 摘要: This thesis first introduces the related foundational knowledge about Android and OpenGLES. OpenGLES graphical interface is imported in the Android framework,and 3D modeling application is developed. The optimiza-tion of how to analyze and upload the application is emphasized.%介绍Android和OpenGLES相关基础知识.在Android框架中引入OpenGLES图形接口开发三维模型应用,给出解析模型并加载应用的优化处理方式.
    • 摘要: 如今,气候变化对于某些动物而言,简直就是灭顶之灾,比如大竹狐猴。大竹狐猴长得有点像家猫,却和大熊猫一样,以竹子为食。它们喜欢吃鲜嫩的竹笋,但在干旱季节也会啃食竹竿。如今,大竹狐猴的生存范围已经大大缩小,但气候变化模型显示,大竹狐猴现在的栖息地的旱季可能越来越长,从而导致它们不得不在更长时间内食用竹竿,这有可能会给大竹狐猴的生存带来极大的挑战。
    • Mohammad Ali Ahmadi; Sohrab Zendehboudi; Lesley A. James
    • 摘要: In-depth understanding of interactions between crude oil and CO_2 provides insight into the CO_2-based enhanced oil recovery(EOR) process design and simulation. When CO_2 contacts crude oil, the dissolution process takes place. This phenomenon results in the oil swelling, which depends on the temperature, pressure, and composition of the oil. The residual oil saturation in a CO_2-based EOR process is inversely proportional to the oil swelling factor. Hence, it is important to estimate this influential parameter with high precision. The current study suggests the predictive model based on the least-squares support vector machine(LS-SVM) to calculate the CO_2–oil swelling factor. A genetic algorithm is used to optimize hyperparameters(у and б~2) of the LS-SVM model. This model showed a high coefficient of determination(R^2= 0.9953) and a low value for the mean-squared error(MSE = 0.0003) based on the available experimental data while estimating the CO_2–oil swelling factor. It was found that LS-SVM is a straightforward and accurate method to determine the CO_2–oil swelling factor with negligible uncertainty. This method can be incorporated in commercial reservoir simulators to include the effect of the CO_2–oil swelling factor when adequate experimental data are not available.
    • 范伟; 刘浩
    • 摘要: Fused deposition modeling (FDM) process construct a three-dimensional model by stacking solid materials.Therefore, it is necessary to obtain the data of the model for later digital processing , such as model block, repair, slice and intraplate path planning .At this stage, most data processing is based on STL file data for-mat, but STL file data there is data redundancy , low geometric accuracy , easy to produce errors and other short-comings, in some high precision requirements do not apply .In order to compensate for the above shortcomings , there has been a direct parametric 3D model for data processing technology .The technology based on IGES file da-ta, to achieve the model of data processing .And in order to achieve the IGES file processing , you must achieve the IGES file decoding work .Aiming at the above problems , a method based on VS 2008 platform was proposed was proposed to realize data analysis and storage of IGES files , and to unify the extracted entity information with NURBS curve surface.Finally, the reproduction function of the model based on OpenGL canbe realized , and a platform for later model data processing was provided .%熔融沉积(Fused Deposition Modeling,FDM)工艺通过逐层堆积实体材料构成三维模型,因此需要获得模型的数据对模型进行后期的数字化处理,如模型分块、修复、切片、层片内路径规划等.在现阶段,大多数数据处理采用的都是基于STL文件的数据格式,但STL文件数据存在数据冗余,几何精度低,容易产生错误等缺点,在一些对精度要求高的场合不适用.为了弥补以上不足,出现了直接对参数化的三维模型进行数据处理的技术.该技术基于IGES文件数据,实现对模型的数据处理.而要想实现对IGES文件的处理,必须实现对IGES文件的解码工作.针对以上问题,提出了基于VS2008平台,实现对IGES文件进行数据解析、存储,并将提取的实体信息用NURBS曲线曲面统一表示,最后基于OpenGL实现对模型的再现功能,为后面模型数据处理提供平台.
    • 扈欣朋
    • 摘要: IHS海事贸易船队运力预测的模型显示,在2015年至2025年间,全球集装箱船队运力预计会增长超过70%,而这其中新造的超巴拿马型集装箱船以及超大型集装箱占有很大一块比重。造成这种集装箱船运力需求不断增大的原因预计是全球人口增长带来的GDP的倍增,再加上产品制造的供应链复杂程度不断增加。
    • 张仟新; 李鹏飞
    • 摘要: 介绍了无人机编队队形保持的协调控制算法设计、3D模型地面处理、基于三维地图的3D模型绘制显示模块的设计,并进行了嵌入式下的仿真实验。基于智能体编队的一致性算法提出了队形保持的全状态反馈协调控制算法,可以实现在机动过程中的队形保持。采用三维建模软件3DMax构建3D模型原型,设计了3D模型读取绘制的流程,实现了3D模型显示。将3D模型绘制显示模块融合在三维地图软件中进行嵌入式测试,绘制效率、读取速度对三维地图软件影响很小。3D模型绘制显示模块丰富了三维地图软件的显示内容,增强了立体效果,提高了用户体验。%This paperpresents thedesign of a formations coordinated control algorithm in the UAV formation keepingand itintroduces the ground process of the model and module display based on 3D map, and takes the experiment in the embedded system. Based on the consensus of the theory, the paper proposes a full state feed back controller, which can keep formation in the process of UAVs formation keeping. In this paper, we use the 3D modeling software 3D Max to design prototype, design the process toread and draw 3D models, achieving the 3D model display. In this paper, the module is integrated in the 3D map software for embedded testing, less impacts in rendering efficiency and read speed. 3D model display module enrichesthe display range of the map software, enhancing the three-dimensional effect and improving the user experience.
    • 摘要: 人类种群由演化摇篮非洲向欧洲、亚洲和大洋洲扩张的时间和路线广受热议。一些模型显示,现今所有的非非洲人的祖先部可追溯至单一种群,而另一些模型则显示,走出非洲是分时间分阶段发生的。
    • 摘要: 据测算,2017年FAI增速大约为8%。制造业投资或许是明年的最大看点,而与此对应的建筑业总产值增速为8.5%。受益FAI结构变化,投资对行业拉动持续下滑的态势出现反转,测算模型显示2017年行业增速将高于投资增速,主要还是得益于基建在FAI中占比提升。
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