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Red的相关文献在1989年到2023年内共计1192篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、肿瘤学、无线电电子学、电信技术 等领域,其中期刊论文1154篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献35篇;相关期刊582种,包括数字家庭、影视制作、通信世界等; 相关会议3种,包括广西计算机学会2010年年会、第十九届中国(天津)’2005IT、网络、信息技术、电子、仪器仪表创新学术会议、第四届全国信息获取与处理学术会议等;Red的相关文献由1528位作者贡献,包括谢慧华(文/图)、李靖宇、刘治等。



论文:1154 占比:96.81%


论文:3 占比:0.25%


论文:35 占比:2.94%





  • 谢慧华(文/图)
  • 李靖宇
  • 刘治
  • 张祖强(文/图)
  • 王执铨
  • 高强
  • 吴斌
  • 孙小科
  • 宋伟(文/图)
  • 庞有为
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • Audrey Valverde; Catherine Hamilton; Cécile Moro; Malvina Billeres; Pierre Magistretti; John Mitrofanis
    • 摘要: Sleep is a critical part of our daily routine.It impacts every organ and system of our body,from the brain to the heart and from cellular metabolism to immune function.A consistent daily schedule of quality of sleep makes a world of difference to our health and well-being.Despite its importance,so many individuals have trouble sleeping well.Poor quality sleep has such a detrimental impact on many aspects of our lives;it affects our thinking,learning,memory,and movements.Further,and most poignantly,poor quality sleep over time increases the risk of developing a serious medical condition,including neurodegenerative disease.In this review,we focus on a potentially new non-pharmacological treatment that improves the quality of sleep.This treatment,called photobiomodulation,involves the application of very specific wavelengths of light to body tissues.In animal models,these wavelengths,when applied at night,have been reported to stimulate the removal of fluid and toxic waste-products from the brain;that is,they improve the brain’s inbuilt house-keeping function.We suggest that transcranial nocturnal photobiomodulation,by improving brain function at night,will help improve the health and well-being of many individuals,by enhancing the quality of their sleep.
    • Napoleon Torres-Martinez; Stephan Chabardes; John Mitrofanis
    • 摘要: Epilepsy is synonymous with individuals suffering repeated“fits”or seizures.The seizures are triggered by bursts of abnormal neuronal activity,across either the cerebral cortex and/or the hippocampus.In addition,the seizure sites are characterized by considerable neuronal death.Although the factors that generate this abnormal activity and death are not entirely clear,recent evidence indicates that mitochondrial dysfunction plays a central role.Current treatment options include drug therapy,which aims to suppress the abnormal neuronal activity,or surgical intervention,which involves the removal of the brain region generating the seizure activity.However,~30%of patients are unresponsive to the drugs,while the surgery option is invasive and has a morbidity risk.Hence,there is a need for the development of an effective non-pharmacological and non-invasive treatment for this disorder,one that has few side effects.In this review,we consider the effectiveness of a potential new treatment for epilepsy,known as photobiomodulation,the use of red to near-infrared light on body tissues.Recent studies in animal models have shown that photobiomodulation reduces seizure-like activity and improves neuronal survival.Further,it has an excellent safety record,with little or no evidence of side effects,and it is non-invasive.Taken all together,this treatment appears to be an ideal treatment option for patients suffering from epilepsy,which is certainly worthy of further consideration.
    • 于昊
    • 摘要: 2022年3月17日,在Redmi的K50系列手机发布会上,Redmi正式发布了Redmi MAX 100"巨屏电视,售价低至19999元。据悉,Redmi MAX目标是持续激活超大屏市场,小米要为中国家庭开启电视机百英寸时代。
    • 摘要: 欧盟资讯欧盟CE标识将强制要求网络信息安全评估RED补充委托法规生效:欧盟无线设备指令RED 2014/53/EU的Article 3原本就包含网络信息安全相关的条款,但因对于如何进行相关的符合性评估存在不确定性,该条款一直没有正式实施。2021年10月29日,欧盟官方网站公布了作为RED 2014/53/EU的补充的委托法规Delegated Regulation,激活了RED指令中Article 3(3)(d),(e)和(f)条款。经过两个月的法规听证期,没有收到反对或延期执行的意见。这意味着委托法规被批准。也意味着,从2022年1月1日起,法规执行的30个月宽限期已经开始进入倒计时!
    • Matej Isak; 剑萍(编译)
    • 摘要: 著名音响媒体《Mono&Stereo》的评论员Matej Isak用很大篇幅深入测试了意大利Gold Note Tuscany Gold和Tuscany Red动圈唱头,文章深入、全面而不乏独特的视角,因此我特意将这篇测评翻译出来,以使大家能深刻、全面地了解这两款唱头与众不同之处以及Gold Note的发展历程。
    • 摘要: The Dream of the Red Chamber is encyclopedia of poetry,painting,medicine,utensils,food,tea,garde ns,among others.It is an epitome of traditional Chinese culture.
    • 宋伟(文/图)
    • 摘要: 笔记本电脑圈少有“鲶鱼”,进入笔记本圈还不算久的Redmi可能是最有活力的那条。2019年,Redmi首款笔记本电脑产品RedmiBook 14的面世,让我们看到手机品牌出产的高性能轻薄本也同样优秀。2021年,RedmiBook家族迎来首款“Pro”序列的产品,正如其名,RedmiBook Pro 14/15 2021款各方面都有升级,性能和体验都更好更强更“Pro”。时间来到现在,Redmi正式带来最新款的RedmiBook Pro 15 2022,更是拥有英特尔第12代酷睿H45标压处理器和RTX 2050光追独显!全面升级之后,它能带来怎样的表现呢?
    • 摘要: 2月份春节刚过,Redmi K50电竞版作为开年力作拉开了Redmi“K50宇宙”的序幕,Redmi K50电竞版也受到手游戏玩家们的竞相追捧。继而引发的连锁效应是各种关于Redmi K50系列新款手机的消息在各渠道疯狂转发,大家纷纷对搭载了联发科天玑最新款芯片的手机给予了超高的热情和关注度。作为一个用过Redmi K20 Pro、Redmi K30、Redmi K30至尊纪念版、Redmi K40 Pro、Redmi K40游戏增强版的老用户,我可以说是见证了Redmi K系列的成长过程,也实际体验到这个系列的手机在外形、性能和功能上的进步。
    • 摘要: 还是在Redmi K50新品发布会上,Redmi路由器AX5400正式发布。相比于此前发布的Redmi电竞路由器AX5400,这款新品为用户提供性价比更为极致的选择,是目前市场上AX5400规格路由器中价格竞争力最强的产品之一。同时,作为RedmiAX6的升级迭代产品,Redmi路由器AX5400不仅在规格速率上有所升级,也新增支持WiFi6增强版,并将游戏加速器免费会员时间延长至125天。它的外观继承了Redmi路由器一贯的白色简约造型,但在核心配置上进行了大幅升级,支持4×4160MHz超宽频、4K QAM高速传输技术,搭载具有独立NPU的高通专业级处理器、六路高性能独立信号放大器、512MB大内存,内置游戏加速器,支持小米手机专属加速、Mesh组网和小米畅快连功能。
    • 摘要: 3月17日,在Redmi K50发布会上,全新Redmi BookP r o 2 0 2 2系列正式发布。一年前,R e d m i发布首款“Pro”序列的笔记本电脑产品—Redmi Book Pro。结合3.2K 90Hz高分高刷全面屏、高端CNC一体精雕工艺和首次搭载的小爱同学及MIUI+,在同价位产品中具有高度竞争力,赢得众多用户和媒体的好评。时隔一年,Redmi Book Pro 2022再度归来,并对性能全方位大幅升级。首款机型Redmi Book Pro 15 2022,首批了搭载12代英特尔酷睿H45标压移动处理器,全新性能核/能效核混合架构,颠覆性CPU架构变革带来卓越性能提升。其中15寸机型最高配备RTX 2050光追独显,让轻薄本也能轻松创作和游戏;自研全新“飓风散热”系统,整机性能释放高达80W;依旧是3.2K 90Hz高刷高分屏幕,并升级400nits亮度;延续CNC一体精雕工艺;MIUI+、小爱同学和全新小米电脑助手,豪华配置一应俱全。
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