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Literacy Teacher Educators Creating Space for Children’s Literature




This paper reports on a qualitative research study that examined how 10 literacy teacher educators (LTEs) utilized children’s literature to invite teacher trainees to critically engage with social issues, challenge their assumptions about literacy, and begin to develop the knowledge and dispositions to work alongside diverse learners (e.g., culturally, linguistically, socio-economically). The LTEs recognized that teacher trainees often entered their literacy courses with restricted conceptions of literacy and deficit assumptions about children from economically marginalized and/or culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Within their courses, the LTEs positioned literacy as a multifaceted social practice, wherein access to a variety of representational resources facilitates the active construction of knowledge and identities. The LTEs modeled instructional strategies and designed assignments that encouraged teacher trainees to use children’s literature as a means to connect with issues relevant to the lives of young learners within contemporary classrooms. This research will be of interest to LTEs who endeavor to use children’s literature as a springboard to support teacher trainees to develop a self-reflective stance and a critical cultural consciousness.
机译:本文报告了一个定性研究研究,审查了10名识字教师教育者(LTES)利用儿童文学如何邀请教师学员邀请教师学员批评社会问题,挑战他们对识字性的假设,并开始发展与多样化的知识和处置学习者(例如,文化,语言,社会经济,经济上)。 LTES认识到,教师学员经常与识字课程进入他们的识字课程,限制识字概念以及关于来自经济边缘化和/或文化和文化和语言不同背景的儿童的赤字假设。在他们的课程中,LTES将识字定位为多方面的社会实践,其中访问各种代表性资源促进了知识和身份的积极构建。 LTES建模的教学策略和设计的作业,鼓励教师学员用来使用儿童文学作为与当代教室内的年轻学习者的生活相关联系的手段。这项研究对LTES致力于使用儿童文学作为跳板的利益感兴趣,以支持教师学员,以发展自我反思的立场和批判性的文化意识。



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