首页> 外国专利> Physical Literacy is an assessment and developmental program that utilises 7 basic primal movement patterns to create physically literate children and adolescents.

Physical Literacy is an assessment and developmental program that utilises 7 basic primal movement patterns to create physically literate children and adolescents.



#$%^&*AU2013206674A120150226.pdf#####Abstract One of the first written definitions of Physical Literacy was provided by Morrison (as cited in Wall & Muarry, 1994,p. 5): "To be physically literate, one should be creative, imaginative, and clear in expressive movement, competent and efficient in utilitarian movement and inventive, versatile, and skillful in objective movement. The body is the means by which ideas and aims are carried out and, therefore, it must become both sensitive and deft." Hayden-Davies (2005) supports the above definition of physical literacy by suggesting that to become physically literate, "a child needs to be able to perform basic movement competencies (within their own physical capacity), apply these in a variety of situations and activities, understand how they can learn further, independently and have the internal motivation to do so." Hence, individuals who are physically literate have the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to lead healthy lifestyles for themselves, and also assist others in acquiring these skills as well. In an article printed on the 2 3rd June 2013 Dr McKean said many modern health problems were related to a lack of movement and could be treated by increased movement. "Global research has proven the link between children who can't move well and obesity," he said. "If a child doesn't enjoy physical activity or feel capable, they won't put themselves in that situation. "They stay sedentary and inactive into adulthood." He said the ability to move was once a standard part of any child's daily life and most children had a sound physical literacy that progressed into adulthood. "However, with increasing technology, safety issues and environmental restrictions, many children no longer grow up with a movement-based approach to fun and daily activity," he said. "In order to provide our children with these basic foundations we must first understand the movement competencies required to develop this physical literacy."
机译:#$%^&* AU2013206674A120150226.pdf #####抽象物理识字的最初书面定义之一是由莫里森提供的(如Wall所引&Muarry,1994年,第9页。 5):“要具有体育素养,就表现力而言,应该具有创造力,想象力和清晰感,在功利运动中胜任和高效,在目标上具有创造力,多功能和熟练运动。身体是实现思想和目标的手段,因此,它必须变得既敏感又灵巧。”Hayden-Davies(2005)通过提出以下建议来支持上述对体育素养的定义:具备读写能力,“孩子必须具备基本的运动能力(在自己的身体能力范围内),将其应用于各种情况和活动​​中,了解他们如何能够独立地进一步学习并具有内在动力。”因此,有识字能力的人具有领导的知识,技能和态度健康的生活方式,也可以帮助他人掌握这些技能。麦基恩博士在2013年6月2日至3日的一篇文章中表示,许多现代健康问题与缺乏运动有关,可以通过增加运动来治疗。他说:“全球研究证明,行动不便的儿童与肥胖之间存在联系。”“如果孩子不喜欢运动或感觉能力不足,他们将不会陷入这种状况。“他们久坐不动,成年后不活跃。”他说,行动能力曾经是任何孩子日常生活的标准组成部分,大多数孩子都有健全的文化素养,发展到成年。“但是,随着技术,安全问题和环境限制的增加,许多儿童不再以运动为基础的娱乐和日常活动方式长大。”“为了为我们的孩子提供这些基本基础,我们必须首先了解培养这种体育素养所需的运动能力。”



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