首页> 中文期刊> 《数学教育学报》 >“四基”数学模块教学的构建——兼谈数学思想方法的教学




数学教育中的"四基"是指:基本数学知识、基本数学技能、基本数学思想方法、基本数学活动经验."四基"模块的类型主要有:概念型综合模块、定理证明型模块、问题解决型模块、突出"数学思想方法"的模块、突出数学基本数学活动经验的模块、突出基本技能演练的模型、定理证明中的综合运用型模块、实际情境创设中的四基模块、积累数学经验的模块、形成重大数学方法的模块.%The Four Basics in mathematics education refer to basic mathematics knowledge,basic mathematics skills,basic method in mathematics thinking;and basic experience in mathematics activities.The genre of modules in the Four Basics model includes: module in conceptual,module for theorem and proof,module for problem solving type module,module in method of mathematics thinking,module for basic experience in mathematics activities,module for skills practice,module for integrated usage in theorem and proof,module for creation of four basics in real situation,module for communication of mathematics experience,and module in formation of important mathematical methods.



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