首页> 中文期刊>教育学报 >民族认同和外来思想的碰撞--20世纪初至二战前德国对杜威教育思想的吸收




20世纪末以前,杜威教育思想在德国教育理论和实践中一直不被看重。虽然在德意志帝国时期古利特和凯兴斯泰纳等对杜威教育思想有所吸收,但主要是从民族主义立场对其著作进行翻译和阐释。魏玛共和国时期对自由民主的崇尚和许拉对《民主主义与教育》的译介,使这一时期德国教育学界对杜威教育思想的吸收有所扩大加深;一些教育学家将其民主思想转化在学校改革实践中。然而,这一时期杜威教育思想在德国教育实践中不仅没有产生可观影响,还遭到德国主流教育界的篡改、冷遇和贬损,导致后来杜威在德国长久被误解。为究其根源,以教育史学家特罗勒的“教育语言”概念为研究工具,发现当时德国的教育领域被精神科学教育学以及支撑此学派的“教化”语言所主导;它与德国人眼中的杜威民主教育思想发生强烈碰撞和冲突。%Dewey’s educational thought was not given due attentions in Germany until the end of the 20th century.In the period of German Empire,although Gurlitt and Kerschensteiner have used Dewey’s i-deas,they mainly translated and interpreted his thought from a nationalistic standpoint.During the period of Weimar Republic,the democratic spirits advocated by the new government and Hylla’s translation of Democracy and Education promoted German reception of Dewey’s thought.Some educators even trans-formed Dewey’s ideas into practice in their school reforms.However,Dewey’s educational ideas did not have a visible influence on German school practice,and were even misused,ignored and devalued during this period,leading to a long-term misunderstanding of Dewey in Germany.To explore its reason,the concept of “languages of education”put forward by educational historian Tröhler was used as a research in-strument.The finding shows that this phenomenon was mainly caused by the conflicts between Gei-steswissenchaft Pädagogik informed by the language of Bildung that dominated the Germany then and the German understanding of Dewey’s democratic thought.



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