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发病株率的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计114篇,主要集中在植物保护、园艺、农作物 等领域,其中期刊论文114篇、专利文献83195篇;相关期刊66种,包括农民致富之友、中国植保导刊、中国棉花等; 发病株率的相关文献由252位作者贡献,包括李翠英、李志敏、刘姝等。



论文:114 占比:0.14%


论文:83195 占比:99.86%





  • 李翠英
  • 李志敏
  • 刘姝
  • 刘淑红
  • 孙兆军
  • 孙志强
  • 宋朝玉
  • 崔令军
  • 张兆欣
  • 张星耀
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 李昕伟
    • 摘要: 上蔡县位于河南省东南部、黄淮海平原南侧的淮北平原上,是全国粮食生产百强县。总耕地面积11万hm^(2),常年麦播面积9.3万hm^(2)左右,小麦是主要粮食作物。自20世纪90年代以来,上蔡县小麦纹枯病的发生呈逐渐加重趋势,已成为上蔡县小麦常发、多发性病害之一。近年,该病危害严重,病田率已达100%,病田发病株率也在80%以上,大发生年份重病田块的枯白穗率在30%以上,是造成小麦后期倒伏和枯白穗的主要原因之一,已成为影响当地小麦产量与品质的主要病害。
    • 王永崇(整理)
    • 摘要: 灰叶斑病广泛分布于大蒜各主产区,常年发病株率在5%左右,流行年份病株率可达15%以上,造成叶片枯死,发生严重时可导致蒜株整株枯死,给大蒜生产带来严重损失。
    • 孙道旺; 王莉花; 何成兴; 尹桂芳; 卢文洁; 王艳青; 隆文杰; 张艳军; 胡选江; 刘佳
    • 摘要: [目的]开展西南地区荞麦根结线虫发生危害与前茬作物及苦荞产量的相关性研究,为该地区苦荞生产合理布局和根结线虫绿色防控提供理论依据.[方法]以苦荞为试验材料,采用大田调查和人工接种试验,分析苦荞根结线虫发生危害与前茬作物及苦荞产量的相关性.[结果]前茬作物为烤烟,荞麦根结线虫发生危害最为严重,发病株率为60.47%,病情指数为23.25;其次为甘蓝,发病株率为11.95%,病情指数为3.31;玉米、马铃薯、玉米和马铃薯套种、油菜及辣椒等前茬作物,荞麦根结线虫发生危害较轻,发病株率在均5%以下,病情指数在1.00以下;玛卡和休闲地,没有发现荞麦根结线虫危害.荞麦根结线虫病害级别和病情指数与苦荞产量的线性相关方程式分别为y=-0.4175x+3.086,R2=0.1473,y=-4.604x+ 600.35,R2=0.1652,2个方程式的a值分别为-0.4175和-4.604,R2值分别为0.1473和0.1652.[结论]荞麦根结线虫的发生与危害,与前茬作物密切相关,其中烟后种植苦荞,根结线虫发生危害最重,玛卡和休闲地没有根结线虫病发生;根结线虫病对苦荞产量的影响虽然呈负相关,但相关性较弱.
    • 王永崇(整理)
    • 摘要: 棉花立枯病俗称烂根、黑根病,是棉花苗期重要的土传真菌病害之一,可引起大量的烂种、烂芽、病苗和死苗。常年发病株率在20%左右,严重的达60%以上,直接影响了棉花密植匀株,甚至需毁田重播,进而影响棉花生产,造成棉田缺苗及生育延迟,间接诱发中后期病害及铃病的发生,严重影响棉花的产量和品质,造成实收面积减少。
    • 王中林(文/图)
    • 摘要: cqvip:锈病,又称羊胡子、赤星病、羊毛疔,近年来在苹果、梨、山楂等蔷薇科植物上发生较为普遍,常造成严重危害,已成为果树生产中最常见的重要病害之一。尤其是在降雨较多、毗邻桧柏、圆柏、龙柏等柏科植物的区域,发病率增高,发病株率占比达60%以上。锈病主要危害果树叶片、嫩梢,也危害果实。笔者在总结锈病发病症状、分析发病原因的基础上,提出了综合防治对策,供果农参考。一、发病症状1.叶片症状梨、苹果、山楂、木瓜等果树叶片发病。
    • 白亭亭; 杨明英; 杨佩文; 李向东; 杨子林; 林兴华; 毕云青; 裴卫华; 杨群辉; 彭荣珍
    • 摘要: [Objective] The purpose of the present study was to explore the control measures which could effectively prevent clubroot disease and control the incidence and epidemic of this disease.[Method] The control effect of 4 chemical fungicides,3 soil amendments and 4 crops rotation were investigated by testing the pathogen content in field with qPCR and surveying disease incidence of rape.[Result] The disease incidence of oilseed rape treated with Mingdi and Fushuaide was low,respectively 73.33 % and 77.42 %.The pathogen quantity in soil treated with Mingdi was 1.7 × 107 copy number/g,which was significantly lower than control.The disease incidences of oilseed rape treated with anti-continuous cropping agent,complex microbial community and organic silicon fertilizer were lower than control and the pathogen quantity of those 3 kinds of soil amendment was significantly lower than control.The pathogen quantity with 2.2 × 107copy number/g in the garlic rotation soil was the lowest and significantly different with that in the soil of control,barley,broad bean and potato rotation.[Conclusion] Mingdi,Fushuaide,complex microbial community and garlic rotation had a certain control effect on clubroot.According to the degree of disease in the production,it would achieve the goal of continuously controlling the disease to integrate'rotation + soil regulation + diseased root clean + chemical fungicide control'technologies.%[目的]研究有效控制十字花科作物根肿病的防控措施,控制十字花科作物根肿病的发生和流行.[方法]通过qPCR检测方法,测定土壤中根肿病菌含量,结合田间发病株率综合分析4种化学农药及组合、3种土壤改良剂和4种作物轮作对十字花科作物根肿病的控病效果.[结果]明迪和福帅得处理的油菜根肿病发病株率较低,分别为73.33%和77.42%,明迪处理的土壤中病原菌含量为1.7×107copy number/g,显著低于对照;抗重茬菌剂、复合微生物菌剂和有机硅肥3种土壤改良剂处理的油菜根肿病发病株率和土壤中根肿病菌含量均比对照低;轮作大蒜的土壤中病原菌含量最低,为2.2×107 copy number/g,与对照和轮作大麦、蚕豆、马铃薯的土壤中病原菌含量有显著差异.[结论]明迪、福帅得、微生物菌剂及轮作大蒜对根肿病有一定控病效果,在生产中根据病害发生程度,集成“轮作+土壤调理+清理病根+化学药剂防控”技术,达到持续控病的目的.
    • 刘淑红; 梁丽鹏; 李翠芳; 袁松波; 杨保新
    • 摘要: [目的]探索实现常规棉高产的适宜施钾水平.[方法]以转基因常规棉邯棉802为试验材料,设氯化钾施肥量0(不施肥,CK)、120、180、240、300 kg/hm2共5个处理,在最佳施肥方式(基施和花铃期追施各占50%)和最佳种植密度(52500株/hm2)条件下,研究不同施钾量对棉花黄萎病发病株率和产量的影响.[结果]邯棉802对钾肥需求十分敏感,施用钾肥能有效降低棉花黄萎病的发生程度,显著促进棉花总铃数和单铃重的增加,明显提高棉花产量,且效果均随施钾量的增加而逐渐提高.其中,施钾量≤240 kg/hm2时,不同施钾量处理的效果差异均达到了显著水平;施钾量>240 kg/hm2时,继续加大施肥水平,增效作用不再明显.[结论]该研究条件下,邯棉802的氯化钾经济施肥量为240 kg/hm2,该处理下,棉花黄萎病发病株率为15.0%,较CK降低64.29%;产量为4630.4 kg/hm2,较CK增产35.00%.%[Objective]To explore the suitable potassium level of high yield for conventional cotton.[Method]Taking the transgenic cotton Hanmian 802 as test material, different potassium fertilizer treatments(0,120,180,240 and 300 kg/hm2 ) were setted,the effects of potassium fertilizer on verticillium wilt diseased plants rate and yield of cotton were studied under the best fertilizer ( base fertilizer and topdressing during the blooming period each accounted for 50%) and the optimum planting density (52500 plants/hm2) conditions.[Result]Hanmian 802 was sensitive to demand for potassium fertilizer ,potassium fertilizer can effectively reduce the occurrence degree of cotton verticillium wilt ,significantly promote the total cotton boll number and boll weight,significantly increase the yield of cotton,and the effect increased with the amount of potassium increased.Among them,the amount of potassium was less than 240 kg/hm2 ,the different effects of different potassium treatments were significant . When potassium fertilizer >240 kg/hm2,continuously increase the fertilization level,the synergistic effect was not obvious.[Conclusion]Under the condition of this study,the economic fertilization amount of potassium chloride for Hanmian 802 was 240 kg/hm2 ,cotton verticillium wilt infection rate was 15.0%,64.29% lower than CK,the yield was 4630.4 kg/hm2,increased by 35.00% compared with CK under the treatment.
    • 王海明
    • 摘要: 核桃树枝枯病是由真菌侵染引起的,主要危害枝干。各地均有发生,一般发病株率20%~30%,严重的发病株率达到80%以上引起大量枝条枯死,直接影响树体生长和核桃的产量、品质。因而,要及时防治,控制病情,促进树体发育,提高产蟹和品质,增加效益。
    • 张清华; 班战军; 刘淑红; 杨保新; 梁丽鹏; 李翠芳; 肖磊; 李丽丽
    • 摘要: Application of potassium fertilizer can enhance the resistance of plants,to prevent cotton pre-mature senescence,increase the yield of cotton. In order to explore the conventional cotton high yield of appropriate levels of potassium and taking transgenic conventional cotton Hanmian 559 as experimental ma-terial, the potassium chloride fertilizer were 0 (no fertilizer, CK), 60, 120, 180, 240 kg/hm2, in the best fertilization mode (infrastructure and flowering stage after applying each accounted for 50%) and the optimum planting density (60 000 plants/hm2), the effects of different potassium fertilizer on diseased plant rate of cotton verticillium wilt and yield were studied. The results showed that Hanmian 559 of potash demand was very sensitive facilities,potassium fertilizer could effectively reduce the occurrence de-gree of cotton verticillium wilt,remarkably improve the total boll number and boll weight,significantly in-crease the yield of cotton and the effect increased with the increasing of the amount of potassium application gradually,the potassium was equal to or less than 180 kg/hm2,differential effects of different amount of potas-sium treatment have reached the significant level,when the amount of potassium fertilizer exceed 180 kg/hm2, continue to increase fertilizer level, synergistic effect was no longer obvious. Under the con ditions of this study, Hanmian 559 chloride potassium fertilizer application for 180 kg/hm2, under the treatment, cotton verticillium strains was 14.0%, compared with CK decreased 65.85%,the output was 4 563.2 kg/hm2 and increased by 35.47% compared with CK.%施用钾肥能增强植株的抗病性,防止棉花早衰,提高棉花产量。为了探索实现常规棉高产的适宜施钾水平,以转基因常规棉邯棉559为试材,设氯化钾施肥量0(不施肥,CK)、60、120、180、240 kg/hm2计5个处理,在最佳施肥方式(基施和花铃期追施各占50豫)和最佳种植密度(60000株/hm2)条件下,研究了不同施钾量对棉花黄萎病发病株率和霜前花产量的影响。结果表明:邯棉559对钾肥需求十分敏感,施用钾肥能有效降低棉花黄萎病的发生程度,显著促进棉花总铃数和单铃重的增加,明显提高棉花产量,且效果均随施钾量的增加而逐渐提高,其中,施钾量≤180 kg/hm2时,不同施钾量处理的效果差异均达到了显著水平;当施钾量跃180 kg/hm2时,继续加大施肥水平,增效作用不再明显。本研究条件下,邯棉559的氯化钾经济施肥量为180 kg/hm2时,该处理下,棉花黄萎病发病株率为14.0豫,较CK降低65.85豫;霜前花产量为4563.2 kg/hm2,较CK增产35.47豫。
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