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mode的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计602篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、肿瘤学、无线电电子学、电信技术 等领域,其中期刊论文572篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献29篇;相关期刊292种,包括时尚北京、中国制衣、中国科学等; 相关会议1种,包括第三届国际信息技术与管理科学学术研讨会等;mode的相关文献由1165位作者贡献,包括Dinesh Prasad、Sajal K. Paul、Data Ram Bhaskar等。



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  • Dinesh Prasad
  • Sajal K. Paul
  • Data Ram Bhaskar
  • Jing Li
  • Jwo Ming Jou
  • 张钊
  • Abdel Badie Sharkawy
  • Azeddine Draou
  • Camila Sabatini
  • Donghong Zhao
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献






    • 沈晓燕; 申燕玲; 权晨; 杜华礼; 颜玉倩
    • 摘要: 基于多模式降水格点预报资料、青海省气象站实况资料及多源融合降水格点分析产品,针对青海省2020年7—8月强降水天气个例,采用TS(threat score)评分等传统检验方法和FSS(fraction skill score)评分及MODE(method of object-based diagnostic evaluation)空间检验方法,对比检验各模式在青海强降水中的预报性能。结果表明:(1)小雨及以上量级,欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)和美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)全球模式、中国气象局全球同化预报系统(CMA-GFS)及GRAPES区域中尺度数值预报系统(GRAPES-Meso)的传统TS评分均较高且预报能力相差不大,但不同检验方法下评分最高的模式略有不同;(2)中雨及以上量级,各模式预报较观测普遍偏西,且传统TS评分差异较为明显,但不同检验方法下模式评分优劣表现较为一致;(3)大雨及以上量级,各模式预报较观测普遍偏北,且预报能力较差,传统TS评分为0,FSS评分有效提高了模式差异性的评估能力,MODE方法则给出了预报和观测对象属性的具体表现,但对检验参数的选取较为敏感。
    • Declan Traill
    • 摘要: This paper formulates the light timing calculations for each interferometer arm;one that is parallel to the direction of motion of the interferometer through space and the other that is perpendicular. The calculations are done for a vacuum-mode interferometer and then for a gas-mode interferometer. The calculations show that no light timing difference is detectable in a vacuum-mode interferometer, but once an optical medium is present in the light path down the arms of the interferometer, this is no longer the case and a timing difference is detectable. Further to this, the timing equations obtained from the analysis are used to model the historical experiments of Michelson-Morley and Miller (Mt Wilson) and predictions are made by the model that accurately match the actual recorded results from those experiments. Thus, this timing analysis confirms that there is a light speed anisotropy in a reference frame that is moving through space, indicating the presence of a preferred Aether reference frame through which the Earth is moving.
    • 陈晓燕; 孔祥伟; 彭筱; 刘新伟; 吴晶; 任淑媛
    • 摘要: 2020年汛期6—8月甘肃降水日数多、持续时间长、范围广、强度大,对该时间段内3种全球模式(ECMWF、GRAPES_GFS和NCEP_GFS模式)和4种区域模式[GRAPES区域数值预报业务系统(GRAPES_3 km)、西北区域区域模式(GRAPES_LZ10 km)、西北区域快速更新循环预报系统(GRAPES_LZ3 km)和华东区域模式(SMS-WARMS)]24 h累计降水预报性能进行检验评估。结果表明:(1)全球模式中ECMWF模式的预报性能优于其余2个模式,而区域模式中GRAPES_3 km和SMS-WARMS模式预报性能相对较好,且SMS-WARMS模式预报性能更稳定。(2)区域模式晴雨准确率及小雨和中雨的TS评分、ETS评分、命中率低于全球模式,暴雨优于全球模式;大雨和暴雨的空报率和预报偏差均高于全球模式。(3)根据500 hPa环流形势可将甘肃汛期降水划分为副高边缘型和低槽型2种类型,针对2020年4次副高边缘型和3次低槽型降水进行分类检验评估。全球模式和区域模式均对前者的各个量级降水预报性能优于后者;ECMWF模式和区域模式对2种类型大雨和暴雨预报效果优于NCEP_GFS和GRAPES_GFS模式;全球模式中ECMWF模式、区域模式中SMS-WARMS模式对2种类型降水预报效果最好。(4)7种模式对2种类型中雨和大雨雨带走向预报较好,对副高边缘型降水过程降水落区的预报能力优于低槽型降水过程,但预报降水强度较观测偏强,尤其是降水中心区域。
    • 徐同; 杨玉华; 谭燕; 殷岳; 王琴
    • 摘要: 采用基于对象的诊断评估方法(MODE)评估上海区域中尺度模式(SMS-WARMS)、欧洲中期天气预报中心高分辨率预报系统(ECMWF)和全球预报系统(GFS)模式对2018年三个华东沿海登陆台风暴雨的空间预报性能,结果表明:(1)MODE空间检验方法相对传统检验方法评估台风降水更具优势,可通过质心距离、面积、轴角等多种空间检验指标给出更多反映模式预报误差的诊断信息,有利于预报员进行预报订正。(2)MODE检验结果显示,SMS-WARMS模式对三个登陆台风50 mm以上强降水的空间预报技巧总体优于ECMWF和GFS全球模式,100 mm以上强降水预报优势更为明显。(3)区域模式对台风降水的预报强度强于全球模式,体现出对台风极值降水预报的优势。(4)SMS-WARMS模式存在对台风强降水预报范围偏大的特征,ECMWF和GFS模式则相反,对强降水预报范围偏小。
    • 王东东; 孙丽; 杨磊; 沈历都; 王恕; 陈宇
    • 摘要: 以传统的检验方法和基于对象诊断评估方法(MODE),对首次以台风级别影响辽宁的“巴威”台风(2008)的台风暴雨过程不同性质降水的多模式(ECMWF、CMA_MESO 10KM、CMA_MESO 3km和睿图东北模式)预报结果进行了检验评估。结果表明:受“巴威”远距离和本体影响,辽宁省先后出现对流型降水和稳定型降水,传统检验和MODE检验结果均表明,多模式的对流型降水预报效果要优于稳定型降水,这很可能是多模式对于台风北上减弱产生稳定型降水的影响系统的预报强度偏差大导致,在今后预报中务必注意台风强度预报偏差对本体稳定型为主的降水的影响。传统检验结果中,CMA_MESO 3km和ECMWF模式的评分较高,并且对于对流型降水雨带的形状、范围和质心距离、交集面积预报效果最好,ECMWF模式对稳定型降水也有着较高的目标相似度评分。尽管睿图东北模式由于对10.0 mm以上量级降水较高的空报和漏报率,而导致TS评分偏低;但在MODE检验结果中,东北模式预报的强降水雨带的中心位置、降水强度和范围均接近实况,目标相似度更高,尤其在对流型降水阶段目标相似度达到了1.00,模式对于对流型降水预报有着较好的可参考性。
    • Chenghao JIN; Jing LI; Yang XI; Tong HAN; Shaobin LIU; Yinghua LUO; Rongan CAO; Guinan SHEN
    • 摘要: By grasping the characteristics and laws of the growth of excellent talents,this paper objectively analyzes the current situation of ideological and political education and the problems existing in the innovation process of ideological and political education.In accordance with the inherent requirements of the innovation of ideological and political education in colleges and universities,efforts should be made to build a specific path for the innovation of ideological and political education in colleges and universities,which is consistent with the training mode of excellent and innovative talents.
    • Weiwen Cao
    • 摘要: The mean,median and mode are statistical means often used in statistics to describe the concentrative trend of a group of data.However,the three kinds of data are not only different in definition,but also different in application.For the same group of data,there is no definite and strict standard for which one should be used.What''s more,different data may even lead to diametrically opposite conclusions.Even if we finally choose one,what extent the data can describe the concentrative trend of the group of data?Is there any statistical method that can describe the concentrative trend of a group of data more objectively and fairly?It is not only a very interesting issue,but also an issue including great research value.
    • 苏翔; 康志明; 庄潇然; 陈圣劼
    • 摘要: 针对ECMWF模式在2020年我国江淮流域超长梅雨期暴雨雨带预报中的不确定性,选取10个典型的狭长暴雨雨带,基于对象诊断方法(MODE)对雨带东西段的位置预报偏差、稳定性以及偏差的连续性等进行分析,并基于集合敏感性方法(ESA)分析揭示雨带典型偏差特征的关键天气系统.结果表明:雨带东段的预报不确定性总体高于西段,尤其是到了中期预报时效,预报不确定性进一步加强.短期时效内,雨带东西段均存在偏北的系统偏差,雨带西段的漏报率低于东段,稳定性和连续性均好于东段;中期时效内,雨带东段的预报误差增长较为明显,且纬度预报平均变幅也高于西段.集合敏感性分析结果揭示,500 hPa高空槽、副热带高压、850 hPa低空急流和切变线的预报偏差及它们与降水潜热之间存在的非自然正反馈共同作用造成雨带东段预报偏北,其中后半夜高空槽和低空急流的发展加强是出现梅雨锋暴雨雨带东段北偏的背景场特征之一.
    • 曹永梅
    • 摘要: At present,it is a trend that many English teachers in colleges and universities choose to use English learning websites or apps to assist their daily teaching,which shows a great development in higher education,especially in the aspect of improving students''autonomous learming.Convenient as it is,it also brings a lot of problems.This article thus analyzes the status quo and problems of college students’autonomous English learning and proposes methods to enhance both teaching and leamning efficiencies.
    • Koji Sugioka
    • 摘要: The GHz burst mode of femtosecond laser pulses can significantly improve ablation efficiency without deteriorating ablation quality.However,various parameters involved in GHz burst mode make it difficult to optimize the processing for practical implementation.In this Perspective,the author gives the history,current status,and future challenges and prospects of this new strategy to answer the question,'will GHz burst mode create a new path to femtosecond laser processing?'
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