
军事化学与烟火技术的相关文献在2005年到2019年内共计105篇,主要集中在武器工业、化学、化学工业 等领域,其中期刊论文105篇、专利文献256543篇;相关期刊8种,包括中国学术期刊文摘、兵工学报、含能材料等; 军事化学与烟火技术的相关文献由249位作者贡献,包括焦清介、潘功配、任慧等。



论文:105 占比:0.04%


论文:256543 占比:99.96%





  • 焦清介
  • 潘功配
  • 任慧
  • 董海平
  • 沈瑞琪
  • 蔡瑞娇
  • 朱顺官
  • 崔庆忠
  • 关华
  • 张琳
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • 摘要: 北京理工大学军事化学与烟火技术专业博士,副研究员。中国化学会公共安全化学专业委员会委员,《含能材料》青年编委。主要研究方向为炸药毒性(生物活性)的分子机制,冲击波与颅脑细胞相互作用的多尺度模拟。负责及参与国防预研、国家自然科学基金、中物院院长基金等项目。在PCCP、MRC、Polymer、JPC、《含能材料》等杂志发表论文40余篇。负责中物院化材所含能材料生物安全与颠覆性应用团队,团队主要开展炸药及相关物(典型弹药、新型炸药、纳米炸药、中间产物、爆轰产物。
    • 钱石川; 甘强; 任志伟; 程年寿; 冯长根
    • 摘要: 为了研究由桥箔、飞片和加速膛所组成的换能组件对爆炸箔起爆器(EFI)发火性能的影响,达到降低发火阈值的目的,利用ANSYS/AUTODYN软件,模拟了桥箔驱动飞片起爆六硝基芪(HNS-Ⅳ)的过程.研究了桥箔厚度对飞片速度的影响,探究了桥区宽度、飞片材料(有机玻璃、陶瓷和聚酰亚胺)、飞片厚度和加速膛长度对EFI发火阈值的影响.结果表明,减小桥区宽度有利于降低爆炸箔起爆器的发火阈值.在输入电压相同的条件下,2 μm厚度的桥箔驱动飞片速度最大;爆炸箔起爆器发火电压随着飞片厚度的增加先降低后增大,当厚度为10μm时发火电压最低;相比于0.225 mm、0.250 mm和0.275 mm加速膛,用0.125 mm加速膛时发火电压最低,说明减小加速膛长度有利于降低爆炸箔起爆器的发火阈值;在加速膛孔径确定的情况下,“无限型”加速膛发火电压低于“有限型”加速膛.聚酰亚胺力学性能好、发火电压低、撞击动能小,优于其它两种材料(有机玻璃和陶瓷).%To study the influence of the transducer component composed of bridge foil,flyer and accelerating chamber on the exploding foil initiator (EFI) ignition performance and achieve the goal of reducing the ignition threshold,ANSYS/AUTODYN software was used to simulate the process that bridge foil driven flyer to detonate HNS-Ⅳ.The influence of bridge foil thickness on flyer speed was studied,and the influences of bridge area width,flyer material(organic glass,ceramic and polyimide),flyer thickness and accelerating chamber length on EFI ignition threshold were investigated.Results show that reducing the width of bridge area is helpful to reduce the ignition threshold of exploding foil initiator.Under the same input voltage,the speed of flyer driven by bridge foil with thickness of 2 μm is maximum.The ignition voltage of exploding foil initiator decreases firstly and then increases with the increase of flyer thickness,and the ignition voltage is lowest when the thickness is 10 μm.Compared with 0.225 mm,0.250 mm and 0.275 mm accelerating chamber,ignition voltage of 0.125 mm one is lowest,so reducing the acceleration chamber length is beneficial for reducing ignition threshold of exploding foil initiator.Under the condition of determinig the accelerating bore aperture,"infinite" accelerating chamber is better than "finite" accelerating chamber for reducing firing voltage of EFI.Polyimide has better mechanical properties,lower ignition voltage and lower kinetic energy compared with other two materials (organic glass and ceramic).
    • 相恒升; 陈雄; 周长省; 赖华锦
    • 摘要: To study the effect of environment oxygen content (oxygen volume fraction) at different altitudes on the combustion characteristics of aluminum-magnesium fuel-rich propellant,the laser radiation ignition was used.The ignition and combustion process of the propellant was recorded by a high-speed camera,and the surface temperature and flame temperature of the propellant were measured by an infrared thermometer.The effect of environment oxygen content and pressure on the ignition process,flame temperature and burning rate of the propellant was investigated.The results show that gas phase reaction of propellant ignition occurs mainly in the diffusion zone of propellant thermal decomposition products and environment gas,and the first flame is away from the propellant surface when the environment oxygen content is higher than oxygen content in thermal decomposition products,but the distance between the diffusion zone and the propellant surface decreases as the pressure increases.The flame temperature is in linearly positive proportion with the environment oxygen content and pressure.The burning rate of aluminummagnesium fuel-rich propellant increases with the increase of pressure and environment oxygen content and the effect of them on burning rate is accord with B-number theory,the pressure is the main factor affecting the burning rate,however,as the pressure increases,the effect of pressure on the burning rate is relatively reduced.The burning rate sensitivity coefficient ratio of pressure and environment oxygen content is decreased from 200 to 40 when pressure is increased from 0,1 MPa to 1.5 MPa.%为研究不同海拔处大气氧含量(氧体积分数)变化对铝镁贫氧推进剂燃烧特性的影响,采用激光辐射点火,使用高速摄影仪记录推进剂的点火与燃烧过程,并利用红外测温仪测量推进剂的表面温度及火焰温度,研究了环境氧含量与压力对推进剂的点火过程、火焰温度和燃速的影响.结果表明,环境气体氧含量高于推进剂热解产物中氧含量时,点火气相化学反应主要发生在推进剂热解产物与环境气体的扩散区,初现焰远离推进剂表面,但随着压力增加,扩散区与推进剂表面之间距离减小;火焰温度与环境氧含量和压力线性正相关;压力与环境氧含量增加时,铝镁贫氧推进剂燃速增加,压力和环境氧含量对铝镁贫氧推进剂燃速的影响符合B数理论,压力是影响推进剂燃速的主要因素,但随着压力增加,压力对燃速的影响相对减小,压力从0.1 MPa增加到1.5 MPa时,压力和环境氧含量的燃速敏感系数比从200下降到40.
    • 何昌辉; 王琼林; 刘少武; 魏伦; 王锋; 韩冰
    • 摘要: Aiming at the request of eliminating or reducing the combustion residue in the barrel weapon firing,the research of gun propellant and charge combustion residue was summarized and reviewed.According to the existence position of combustion residue in the barrel weapon and shooting enviroment,the combustion residue can be divided into in-bore residue and out-bore residue.Characteristics,hazards,collection and analysis technology and suppression technique of the combustion residue were analyzed.Pointing out that the application of new materials in gun propellant and charge with low combustion residue,the evaluation method study of the combustion residue produced in the live firing process and the integrated optimization of suppression technique are the key direction of the further research in the combustion residue of gun propellant and charge,with 72 references.%针对身管武器射击中消除或减少燃烧残渣的要求,对发射药及装药燃烧残渣的研究进行了综述.根据燃烧残渣在身管武器及射击环境中的存在位置,将其分为膛内燃烧残渣和膛外燃烧残渣;分析了燃烧残渣的特性及危害、收集分析技术、抑制技术等;提出今后发射药及装药燃烧残渣研究的重点方向是新型材料在低燃烧残渣发射药及装药中的应用、实弹射击过程中燃烧残渣测试评价方法的研究以及抑制技术的集成优化等.附参考文献72篇.
    • Noe; KareLIF; Hs; Irene; 木林森; Janieee; 阿里Sunny; 李捷; Clarencely
    • 摘要: 南京理工大学专业推荐:武器系统与运用工程、兵器发射理论与技术、(火炮)自动武器与弹药工程、军事化学与烟火技术、光学工程、电磁场与微波技术学子说:南京理工大学是一所低调但绝不失活力,足够为学生负责,专业学科有特色的工科类型而非科研型高校。培养出来的学生没有自我与清高,更没有不着边际的放浪形骸,有的只是勤劳踏实、朴素全面、谦和好学的优秀品质。学生们虽然不是精英阶层中的主流人员,但绝对是千千万万工程技术人才中的中坚力量。
    • 徐兴; 张文超; 秦志春; 邓吉平; 王军; 徐振相; 周彬; 彭金华
    • 摘要: 针对半导体桥小型化带来的点火可靠性问题,制备了复合半导体桥,采用高速存贮示波器对其在22 μF电容不同充电电压下的电爆过程进行了研究,并与多晶硅半导体桥的电爆性能进行了对比.结果显示:在电爆过程爆发前,复合半导体桥和多晶硅半导体桥的电爆过程基本一致;爆发后特别是在高压时(50 V),与多晶硅半导体桥相比,复合半导体桥上电流下降缓慢,爆发所需时间稍偏长,作用于等离子体上的能量稍多;爆发后3 μS内,复合半导体桥作用于等离子体上的能量增加较多,因此复合半导体桥点火可靠性更高.复合半导体桥上金属薄膜的存在是造成上述结果差异的原因.
    • 谢中元; 周霖; 王浩; 李守殿
    • 摘要: 基于化学平衡原理,在最小自由能法求解的基础上,通过引入遗传算法,确定自变量的选取以及其变化范围,明确了适应函数,建立了燃烧产物平衡组分计算方法,并应用文献数据与实验结果对计算结果的准确性进行验证.结果表明:贫氧化合物(TNT,Tetryl,TNBA)燃烧产物组分含量与燃温的计算结果与文献值的误差分别在1%与1.5%以内,富氧化合物(RDX,PETN,Nitromethane)燃烧产物组分含量与燃温的计算结果与文献值的误差分别在7.7%与5%以内,不同CsNO3含量的丁羟等离子推进剂爆热计算结果与实验测试结果的最大误差为4.27%.该方法可为火炸药配方设计、性能预估以及燃烧产物组分种类的确定等提供重要手段.
    • 张建富; 胡延臣
    • 摘要: 基于粒度级配原理,制备了不同粒度的 Si粉和 CuO粉,混制了不同级配规格的 Si-CuO延期药,进行了各规格延期药延期精度试验。结果表明:氧化剂或可燃剂粒度分布一致性越好越有利于提高延期精度;氧化剂与可燃剂3级级配不利于提高延期药延期精度。接近最佳级配的2级粒度级配,延期药的延期精度较高。%Based on the fundamental principle of particle gradation,the Si and CuO powder with different particle sizes were prepared. The Si-CuO delay composition with different gradation specifications was prepared. The delay precision test of various delay compositions was carried out. Results show that better granularity distribution consistency for oxidant or combustible agent is favorable for enhancing delay precision of delay composition. Third-grade particle gradation of the oxidant and combustible agent is not favorable for enhancing dely precision of delay composition. The delay composition with second-grade particle gradation, which is closer to the optimum particle gradation.
    • 朱左明; 高鑫; 王煊军; 韩启龙
    • 摘要: 为兼顾固体火箭发动机水射流清理工艺的安全性、高效性、环保性,在水射流清理实验和废水收集实验的基础上,以清理作业中推进剂质量损失速率、废水产生速率为优化目标,以射流压力、靶距、喷嘴直径、单次清理时间为变量并加以约束条件,建立了固体火箭发动机水射流清理工艺的多目标优化方法。利用代理模型技术建立了推进剂质量损失速率的代理计算模型和废水产生速率的理论计算模型,使用非支配排序遗传算法( NSGA-Ⅱ)求得了 Pareto 优化解集。该优化解集可为不同情况下的水射流清理工艺设计中推进剂质量损失速率和废水产生速率的匹配提供多种方案。用推进剂质量损失速率和废水产生速率的最佳匹配,由HTPB 推进剂单位质量损失所造成的废水产生量仅为14.25 mL·g -1。%To achieve a balance among safety,efficiency and environment-friendliness of waterjet cleaning process of solid rocket motor,on the basis of waterjet cleaning experiments and wastewater collection experiments,a multi-objective optimization meth-od for waterjet cleaning process of solid rocket motor was established with propellant massloss rate and wastewater generation rate as the optimization objectives,and waterjet pressure,target distance,nozzle diameter and single cleaning time as the variables with constrained conditions. The calculation models of propellant massloss rate and wastewater generation rate were established with agent modeling technology,and Pareto optimal solution set was obtained by the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-Ⅱ). Results show that the optimal solution set can offer a variety of programs for the matching between propellant mass-loss rate and wastewater generation rate in waterjet cleaning process design under different conditions. With the best matching between them,the wastewater production caused by HTPB propellant′s unit massloss is only 14. 25 mL·g -1 .
    • 李勇; 李凯; 刘恩良; 周彬
    • 摘要: The radio frequency( RF)sensitivity of semiconductor bridge( SCB)initiator can be improved by negative temperature coefficient( NTC)thermistors and temperature is the key factor for the protection effect. In order to analyze the influence of NTC thermistors on SCB electro-explosive performances at different environment temperature,constant current(1A)was forced to flow through igniters for 300 s at room temperature(25 °C)and high temperature(70 °C). Results show that about 59% current of small size SCB( S-SCB)is shunted by NTC thermistor at 25 °C,and reaching the maximum(63%)at 70 °C. Furthermore,with capaci-tor discharge experiment,the electro-explosive performances of the SCB initiators in parallel with NTC thermistors were discussed at above temperatures. Results indicate that burst time and consumption energy of large-SCB( L-SCB)initiators have no significant change at two temperature. But,as for S-SCB,burst time grows from 5. 94 μs to 7. 18 μs,and consumption energy reduces from 0. 388 mJ to 0. 178 mJ when temperature ranges from 25 °C to 70 °C.%温度是影响火工品电磁防护其防护效果的主要因素,负温度系数( NTC)热敏电阻用于半导体桥( SCB)能有效提高其射频感度。采用恒流激励和电容放电两种实验,对不同环境温度下 NTC热敏电阻对 SCB性能的影响规律进行了研究。通过1 A 5 min恒流激励实验,分析了室温(25°C)和高温(70°C)时 NTC热敏电阻的并联分流情况;25°C时 NTC热敏电阻分走59%回路电流,70°C时,对小尺寸 SCB( S-SCB)的分流率最大达到63%。在电容放电激励下,探讨了并联 NTC 热敏电阻 SCB 在25°C和70°C时电爆性能的变化情况。结果表明,并联 NTC热敏电阻前后,典型尺寸( L-SCB)在25°C和70°C下的爆发时间和爆发消耗能量均无显著性变化。而 S-SCB并联NTC热敏电阻后,当温度从25°C升至70°C,爆发时间从5.94μs增长到7.18μs,爆发消耗积分能量从0.388 mJ降低到0.178 mJ。
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